
Learn About the Most Effective Online Businesses Of 2024

Hey my name is Mike Vestil. I was able to pay off $40,000 of debt in 10 months, retire my mom, and live in over 25+ different countries by the time I was 29 years old. I've tried everything Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, Social Media Marketing. I made the most money consistently with the Remote Sales Business, generating sales for small businesses by reading simple scripts and working closely with awesome mentors. Click below to find out more.


how to live your best life making passive income online

For those that are new to this masterpiece of a blog let me humbly introduce myself.

My name is Mike Vestil and I am kind of like a mad scientist when it comes to making passive income online. Every single day I am always testing, researching, and concocting more and more ways on how to generate multiple passive income streams so that I can survive the next recession, zombie apocalypse, or illuminati take over..

All while living my life like a crazy action-adventure-romantic-comedy movie (shameless plug to my Instagram)...

Content creator

I teach budding entrepreneurs how to start businesses on my YouTube channel.  You can find my free content below.


I would rather swim with whale sharks or jump off of waterfalls than buy a lambo (I know I’m weird)


I have helped thousands of ordinary people live extraordinary lives by teaching them how to create passive income online

The Best Online Business Idea Of 2024

Want to make your first commission online? Discover my $10k/month shortcut that allowed me to pay off $40,000 of debt, retire my mom, and live in over 25+ different countries by the time I was 29 years old! Click below to find out more.


The Lazy Man’s Guide To Living The Good Life by Mike Vestil

Written by YouTuber Mike Vestil (me lol), catch a glimpse of his origin story and how he became the person he is today and how you too can get the body you want, the income you want, the relationships you want, and ultimately, the happiness that eludes us all.

The Lazy Man’s Guide To Living The Good Life by Mike Vestil
The Lazy Man’s Guide To Living The Good Life by Mike Vestil