
by Mike Vestil 


Arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), is a technique for the resolution of disputes outside the courts. The parties to a dispute refer it to arbitration by one or more persons (the “arbitrators”, “arbiters” or “arbitral tribunal”), and agree to be bound by the arbitration decision (the “award”). A third party reviews the evidence in the case and imposes a decision that is legally binding on both sides and enforceable in the courts. Other forms of ADR include mediation (a form of settlement negotiation facilitated by a neutral third party) and non-binding resolution by experts. Arbitration is often used for the resolution of commercial disputes, particularly in the context of international commercial transactions. In certain countries such as the United States, arbitration is also frequently employed in consumer and employment matters, where arbitration may be mandated by the terms of employment or commercial contracts. Arbitration can be either voluntary or mandatory (although mandatory arbitration can only come from a statute or from a contract that is voluntarily entered into, where the parties agree to hold all existing or future disputes to arbitration, without necessarily knowing, specifically, what disputes will ever occur) and can be either binding or non-binding. Non-binding arbitration is similar to mediation in that a decision can not be imposed on the parties. However, the principal distinction is that whereas a mediator will try to help the parties find a middle ground on which to compromise, the (non-binding) arbitrator remains totally removed from the settlement process and will only give a determination of liability and, if appropriate, an indication of the quantum of damages payable. By one definition arbitration is binding and so non-binding arbitration is technically not arbitration. Arbitration is a proceeding in which a dispute is resolved by an impartial adjudicator whose decision the parties to the dispute have agreed, or legislation has decreed, will be final and binding. There are limited rights of review and appeal of arbitration awards. Arbitration is not the same as: judicial proceedings, although in some jurisdictions, court proceedings are sometimes referred as arbitrations alternative dispute resolution (ADR) expert determination mediation.


Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution that can be used to settle disputes between two or more parties without having to resort to litigation. The parties involved in the dispute agree to voluntarily submit their disagreement to an impartial third party for binding decision-making. This third party, also known as an arbitrator, acts as a judge and renders a binding judgment based on the facts of the case.

The etymology of the word “arbitration” is derived from the Latin term “arbitrari”, which means “to judge”. It was first used in Roman law and described as a process where two people agreed upon an independent third party who would listen to both sides of a legal dispute and make a decision based on their findings. This practice eventually spread throughout Europe and beyond, becoming established in international commerce as a way of settling disputes between buyers and sellers with minimal disruption or cost.

In modern times, arbitration has become increasingly popular due to its cost efficiency and time-saving benefits over traditional courtroom proceedings. Its popularity has grown even further since it was enshrined in national law by several countries around the world. In the United States, for example, the Federal Arbitration Act of 1925 established arbitration agreements as valid and enforceable contracts under federal law.

Today, arbitration is widely recognized as a viable form of alternative dispute resolution that allows for efficient resolution of disputes without having to resort to lengthy court proceedings or costly litigation expenses. The process is often done through private organizations or self-governed arbitration firms that specialize in various types of dispute resolution services such as commercial contract issues, labor issues, financial matters, family matters and employment disputes among others. Moreover, arbitrators are usually highly trained professionals who understand how to handle complex legal situations while ensuring that all parties involved receive fair treatment during their hearing session.


Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in which two or more parties, usually with the assistance of an impartial third party, agree to settle their disagreements and disputes outside of court. The main goal of arbitration is to provide an efficient, private, and cost-effective means for resolving disagreements without the need for lengthy court proceedings.

In arbitration, the parties involved agree to submit their dispute to a person or persons chosen by them, who will then make a binding decision on the matter. This decision is legally binding and can be enforced in court if necessary. While arbitration is not as formal as litigation, it is still a legal process that requires both parties to adhere to the rules and procedures that bind them.

Arbitration has been used in many different contexts throughout history. It was widely employed in ancient civilizations such as Babylonian and Egyptian societies as well as more modern societies such as those found in Europe and North America during colonial times. Today it remains a popular choice for resolving conflicts between businesses, individuals, nations, organizations and other entities.

Beliefs about arbitration stem largely from its reputation as a cost-effective alternative to litigation. Many people believe that arbitration results in quicker resolutions than would result from protracted court proceedings; however, there are some critics who believe that decisions made by arbitrators are often biased against one or both of the parties involved. Additionally, critics argue that arbitrators lack the qualifications needed to make balanced decisions regarding complex issues involving law or science.

Despite these criticisms, many remain confident in the ability of well-trained arbitrators to mediate disputes fairly and efficiently. In addition to saving time and money compared with traditional courtroom litigation – particularly when disputes involve multiple parties – supporters of arbitration also point out that it allows disputing parties greater control over their settlements due to its voluntary nature; they can choose an arbitrator they feel comfortable with who understands their case better than a judge might. And unlike other forms of ADR such as mediation or conciliation where both sides must come together on an agreement voluntarily before any settlement can be reached; arbitration allows each side’s position to be heard separately before reaching a final decision on the matter at hand.

Overall, although there are some detractors who question its effectiveness due its perceived lack of neutrality; many continue to find value in this form of dispute resolution thanks largely due its efficiency compared with more traditional routes such as courtroom trials while delivering fair outcomes based on evidence presented by both sides during proceedings


Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution that involves two or more parties using an impartial third-party to resolve their differences. It is often used in business and labor disputes, although it can be employed in any situation involving two or more conflicting parties. It is typically less costly and time consuming than going to court, which makes it an attractive option for many people.

The arbitration process begins with the agreement of both parties to submit their dispute to arbitration. This agreement includes the selection of an arbitrator, who will be responsible for conducting the proceedings and making a binding decision on the outcome. The arbitrator must remain neutral throughout the proceedings and should not take sides or favor one party over another. Once chosen, the arbitrator will review all evidence submitted by both sides and make a ruling based on that evidence.

In order to ensure fairness, there are certain practices associated with the arbitration process that must be followed by both parties. These include ensuring that each side has adequate time to prepare its case; providing sufficient notification to all involved parties; allowing enough time for witnesses and experts to present testimonies; making sure all relevant documents are exchanged between both sides; allowing each side an equal opportunity to present its case; ensuring that proceedings remain confidential; abiding by all rules of procedure set forth by the arbitrator; and ensuring any award rendered is reasonable, fair, and equitable based on the facts presented at trial.

During arbitration hearings, each side may make opening statements outlining their positions as well as presenting evidence such as legal documents, witness testimony, expert opinions, etc., in order to support their arguments. After these presentations have been made, closing arguments are then offered before a decision is made either orally or in writing. Oftentimes these decisions are binding unless it is determined that they were incompletely researched or otherwise faulty in nature.

Throughout this entire process it’s important for both parties involved in arbitration to remember that although they are arguing against one another they should try to stay respectful and professional at all times since this will likely contribute towards producing a better outcome in terms of settlement negotiations or rendering a fairer judgement from the arbitrator if necessary. Furthermore seeking legal advice prior to entering into arbitration may also prove beneficial given its advantages over traditional methods of dispute resolution such as litigation – saving time and money while still obtaining justice when necessary.


Arbitration is a process of dispute resolution that takes place outside the court system. It is a voluntary form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in which parties agree to be bound by the decision of an arbitrator who has been chosen by both parties. The arbitration process is usually quicker and more cost-effective than traditional litigation, and it also allows for greater privacy, as all proceedings take place behind closed doors.

Books on arbitration provide an in-depth look into the legal aspects of resolving disputes through arbitration. In particular, they may discuss the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration compared to other forms of ADR, or offer practical advice on how to navigate the process successfully. An arbitration book may provide case studies that demonstrate how different kinds of disputes have been settled through arbitration in past cases. Books on arbitration will also explain how to select an appropriate arbitrator or mediator, draft and enforce binding arbitration agreements, manage evidentiary issues related to discovery and witnesses and much more.

In addition, many books contain sample clauses for various types of contracts that require input from both parties in order to be legally binding. This helps ensure that disputes are resolved fairly and according to agreed-upon rules before they even arise. As such, these books can serve as a helpful resource for those wishing to avoid lengthy litigation processes down the road when drafting contracts or entering into agreements with others.

By providing readers with valuable information about the science and practice behind successful dispute resolution through arbitration, books on this topic can be invaluable resources for anyone looking to learn more about this specialized area of law—particularly if they are considering using it as part of their own dispute resolution strategy.


Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that has been used to settle disputes for centuries. The process involves a neutral third-party known as an arbitrator who renders a binding decision after reviewing all of the evidence presented by both parties. Arbitration can be used in many types of disputes, including employment, contract, family, and consumer complaints.

Demographics play an important role in arbitration because the same set of rules applies to everyone regardless of age, gender, race or other factors. Understanding the demographics associated with arbitration can help both parties prepare for the process and lead to more successful outcomes.

In the United States, studies have shown that men are most likely to use arbitration compared to women. This could be due in part to traditional gender roles that view women as less assertive than men when it comes to settling disputes. However, recent research suggests that this pattern is beginning to change as more women seek out ADR services such as mediation and arbitration.

When it comes to age, younger adults tend to be more familiar and comfortable with using arbitration services than older adults. Older generations may be more inclined towards traditional methods of dispute resolution such as litigation or legal action in court. Studies have also found that people with higher levels of education and income are more likely to pursue alternative dispute resolution options rather than opting for litigation.

Race can also influence the perceived effectiveness of arbitration by both sides involved in a dispute. African Americans are typically viewed more favorably when it comes to ADR services like arbitration, which could explain why they often use them at higher rates than white Americans do. On average, African American participants are reported as being more satisfied with the results of their arbitrations compared to white participants’ satisfaction rates.

Overall, demographics can play an important role in determining how successful an arbitration will be and what type of outcome each side will receive from it. Research suggests that understanding these patterns can help inform decisions about whether or not to pursue alternatives like mediation or arbitration over traditional forms of dispute resolution like litigation or legal action in court.

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution used to resolve disputes between two or more parties. It involves an impartial third party in order to find a mutually acceptable solution for all involved. This process is generally quicker and less expensive than litigation and is often used by businesses, individuals, and governmental entities as a means of resolving disagreements without the need for court intervention.

The term arbitration is derived from the Latin word arbitratio, which means “investigation” or “examination”. Arbitration can take many forms but typically involves a neutral third-party arbitrator who will listen to both sides of the dispute and then make a decision that will be binding upon all parties. The outcome of an arbitration proceeding may have the same legal effect as if the dispute had gone to court, although there are some differences between them depending on the type of case being heard.

Businesses use arbitration to resolve disputes that arise between themselves or with other businesses or organizations. This includes contract disputes relating to agreements such as employment contracts, lease agreements, purchase orders, etc., as well as intellectual property disputes related to patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. Disputes may also involve issues such as product defects/liability claims, unfair competition violations and other business matters.

Structures such as homeowners associations (HOA) occasionally use arbitration when members have disputes over rules and regulations governing their living environment. This can include complaints about noise levels or parking restrictions, among other things. While HOAs are typically governed by state law rather than federal law, they can often rely on arbitration clauses within their governing documents in order to avoid costly litigation procedures.

Various denominations also utilize arbitration when internal disagreements arise or when there are problems between different branches or churches within their organization. For example, Methodist congregations have been known to settle disagreements through church courts that operate under distinct guidelines established by each conference (branch). Similarly, religious orders like Franciscans use tribunals (church courts) for adjudicating conflicts within their order and for dealing with appeals from lower level judicatories within their hierarchy.

Arbitration can provide a quicker means of resolving disputes than traditional court proceedings while still providing parties with an opportunity for a fair hearing before an unbiased decision maker(s). It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its cost-effectiveness and ability to maintain privacy since most hearings occur outside of public courtrooms which helps protect parties from unwanted publicity surrounding their dispute. Additionally it allows flexibility in terms of determining how evidence should be presented while still ensuring procedural fairness throughout the process leading up to any final rulings made by the arbitrator(s).

Cultural Inflience

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution, which involves the use of an independent third party to mediate between two or more parties. It is a process in which the parties present evidence and arguments for their case, and a neutral third party makes a ruling that is both legally binding and enforceable in court. The goal of arbitration is to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently, without the need for costly legal proceedings.

In addition to its legal implications, arbitration has also been found to be effective in addressing cultural issues that can arise during conflicts. This is often because arbitration relies on the use of cultural norms, values, and principles during the decision-making process. This allows those involved in the dispute to better understand each other’s perspectives and ultimately reach an agreement that meets everyone’s interests.

The influence of culture can be seen in various aspects of arbitration. First, it affects how parties approach disputes—their goals, strategies used to resolve them, and even how they express themselves in front of others during negotiations. In certain cultures such as Japan or South Korea where respect for authority figures is highly valued, parties may have difficulty expressing their opinions freely when facing someone seen as an authority figure. As such, arbitrators must be mindful of cultural differences in order to ensure all sides are given equal opportunity for input.

Second, culture affects the types of decisions made by arbitrators. For example, some cultures may prefer decisions that maintain social harmony while others may favor ones based solely on law or fairness regardless of potential disruptions they might cause among people involved in the dispute. Additionally, cultural beliefs can shape assumptions about whether something should be included in an agreement or not; certain items may have special meaning or symbolize important values within certain cultures that must be taken into consideration when drafting settlements.

Thirdly, culture plays a large role in how disputes are managed post-arbitration. In some countries like China where mediation is often favored over litigation due to its high cost and lengthy nature, it is expected that parties remain cordial after an award has been issued so as not to disrupt communal relationships between members who were involved in the dispute settlement process together (e.g., clients from different families). It’s important for arbitrators to take this factor into account when determining how best to move forward with finalizing any agreements made following arbitration sessions since this could influence success rates down the line if not handled effectively by all sides involved before signing off on anything final.

Overall, arbitration remains an important tool for resolving disputes across many different cultures around the world due to its ability to incorporate cultural influences while still providing legally binding results at the same time. By taking into consideration various aspects including language barriers (verbal/nonverbal) as well as differing values associated with decision making processes within particular societies — not only can parties achieve successful outcomes more efficiently but they can also do so without compromising personal beliefs or disrupting communal relationships amongst family/friends who may have been involved throughout negotiations at some point as well (if applicable).

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that provides an alternative to taking a case to court and allows parties to settle disputes outside of the judicial system. It is often seen as a more efficient, cost-effective and confidential way of resolving disagreements and disputes.

Criticism of Arbitration

Critics point out that arbitration is not always a fair and impartial system, as it relies heavily on the power dynamics between the two parties involved. Furthermore, arbitration awards are binding, meaning that dissatisfied parties cannot appeal the decision or seek further legal action if unsatisfied with the outcome. Additionally, arbitrators may be biased or lack expertise in certain areas which can lead to unfair decisions.

Persecution of Arbitration

In some cases, arbitration has been used as a tool for persecuting those who have experienced discrimination or injustice – such as women in divorce cases or persons from minority backgrounds who have experienced workplace discrimination . In these cases, arbitration has been used by oppressors to limit an individual’s ability to seek justice through a court system.

Apologetics for Arbitration

Proponents argue that while it’s important to consider potential drawbacks of arbitration, it can also provide important benefits. For one thing, going through mediation rather than having a lengthy trial can be much quicker and less expensive for all parties involved. Furthermore, there is often less animosity between disputing parties after their case has gone through arbitration rather than litigation due to the cooperative nature of mediation . Finally , in some cases it might be necessary for two parties to resolve their differences using confidentiality , particularly when there’s sensitive information at stake. In this sense, arbitration presents an opportunity for both individuals and companies to protect their interests while settling disagreements quickly and amicably .


Arbitration is a process of dispute resolution used in lieu of litigation. In this process, an impartial third-party arbitrator hears and evaluates the evidence presented by both parties and renders a decision that is legally binding on all parties. Arbitration has many advantages over traditional court proceedings, including greater privacy, reduced costs, and speedier resolution of disputes.

The types of arbitration can be divided into three main categories: voluntary, mandatory, and judicial. Voluntary arbitration is the most common type of arbitration and occurs when both parties agree to submit their dispute to the arbitrator for resolution. This form of arbitration typically involves a contract or agreement between the parties that outlines the rules governing the dispute settlement process and specifies which party will bear responsibility for covering the fees associated with it. The contractual nature of voluntary arbitration allows each party to select their own arbitrator as well as negotiate other terms such as fees and deadlines for submission of evidence.

Mandatory arbitration is less common than voluntary arbitration but may be required by law in certain circumstances. In these cases, one or both of the parties are compelled to use arbitration rather than litigate in court because either a statute or specific contract requires it. Mandatory arbitration hearings are often less formal than voluntary ones but still involve some degree of due process such as notice requirements or limits on the time allowed for submitting evidence.

Judicial arbitration is used when one or both parties have already initiated court proceedings but have agreed to settle their case through arbitration instead. This type is more complex than other forms as there are more procedural steps involved such as filing motions for summary judgment or engaging in discovery procedures prior to an actual hearing taking place. Judicial arbitration is often appealing to disputing parties because it provides an alternate way to resolve their dispute without having their case tried in front of a judge or jury.

Arbitration can be an effective way for those involved in disputes to obtain swift resolution without expending significant resources on litigation expenses like attorney’s fees and court costs. It also offers benefits like privacy since all discussions during hearings are conducted behind closed doors, making it ideal for matters where public disclosure could be detrimental to business interest or individual reputations. Regardless of what type of dispute needs resolution, understanding how different types of arbitrations operate can help ensure that any negotiated settlement meets everyone’s expectations.


Arbitration is a process of dispute resolution that is often used in lieu of litigation as an alternative means of resolving disputes. Arbitration provides a forum for parties to present their case before a neutral third party, typically an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators, whose decision the parties agree to be bound by. In many cases, arbitration may be the preferred method for resolving disputes due to its swiftness, finality and cost-effectiveness.

Due to the potential benefits associated with arbitration, language has become an increasingly important piece of the arbitration puzzle. The language chosen for use in arbitration can have significant impacts on both procedural and substantive issues during the course of a proceeding. Depending on the type of dispute at hand, selecting the appropriate language for use in an arbitration may make or break a successful outcome.

When choosing a language for arbitration purposes, there are several considerations that should be taken into account. First and foremost is determining which languages are acceptable to all parties involved in the dispute. It is essential that all parties understand and can communicate effectively in any language selected for use in arbitration proceedings. Additionally, issues such as availability of interpreters and translators should also be taken into account when selecting a suitable language for use in arbitration proceedings.

The most popular languages used in international commercial arbitrations are English and French as well as two others from among Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian and Chinese Mandarin; however, other languages may also be chosen depending on the nature of the dispute or agreement at issue. For example, if one party hails from Germany while another comes from France then German could be selected as an appropriate language given this particular set of circumstances.

In addition to selecting a suitable language for use during proceedings, it is important to ensure that any documents or evidence presented during hearings are available in all languages chosen by each party involved in an arbitration case. This ensures that parties have access to all information necessary to making fully informed decisions throughout an arbitration process while eliminating potential communication barriers between sides which could lead to further delays or complication during proceedings.

Overall, recognizing how important language choice is within the context of international commercial arbitration proceedings carries strong implications for parties involved who must take into account not only which language(s) will be used but also how different documents and evidence will be presented based accordingly depending on the agreement at hand as well as other factors involved such as availability of interpreters/translators among other things.. Proper consideration should therefore be given when selecting which languages will best serve all interests in any given situation thereby allowing disputes to quickly reach successful resolutions without additional complications through these efforts alone


Arbitration is a process by which two or more parties can settle disputes outside of court. It is an alternative dispute resolution system which focuses on avoiding costly litigation and helping the parties reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. Arbitration typically involves an impartial third-party, the arbitrator, who listens to both sides of the dispute and renders a decision based on evidence presented by both parties. This decision is binding and enforceable in a court of law.

Regional arbitration is arbitration that occurs in a particular region or area. Regional arbitration organizations exist to provide a forum for resolving conflict within their geographic areas, usually through mediation or other forms of ADR (alternative dispute resolution). These organizations are typically formed by governments, courts, businesses, or other groups with similar interests in the area. Regional arbitration may involve local laws or customs that have an impact on the outcome of the proceedings.

The advantages of regional arbitration include familiarity with local customs and laws as well as reduced costs associated with travel for participants located in different geographical regions. Additionally, regional arbitration may provide greater access to legal resources such as experienced arbitrators and local attorneys who are familiar with applicable regional laws and regulations. Disadvantages of regional arbitration include limited access to specialized knowledge due to lack of resources available within the region, inability to enforce decisions if one party does not live in the same region, and difficulty in obtaining documents from outside sources due to language barriers or distance between regions.

In order for regional arbitration to be successful it must be tailored according to local culture and laws. Each region needs its own rules regarding procedures for filing claims, qualifications for arbitrators, timelines for hearings, limitations on awards issued by arbitrators, appeals processes, etc. It is also important that these rules be enforced consistently across all instances of dispute resolution within the region so that all parties involved know what to expect when participating in arbitration proceedings. Additionally, countries should ensure that there are sufficient protection mechanisms for those facing potential violations within each dispute resolution process.

Overall, regional arbitration provides an effective system for settling disputes without resorting to costly litigation processes while still providing protections against violations under applicable international standards and court rulings where necessary. Through tailored procedural rules adapted according to each region’s legal framework and cultural norms as well as proper enforcement mechanisms, regional arbitration can help foster trust between participating parties while providing meaningful solutions that satisfy both sides of the dispute quickly and efficiently


Arbitration is a process of dispute resolution that involves the use of a third party, known as an arbitrator, to settle disagreements between two or more parties. It is a method used to resolve conflicts when traditional methods, such as litigation, are not possible or desirable. Arbitration can be voluntary or involuntary, depending on the circumstances surrounding the dispute.

The founder of arbitration is not clear but many attribute it to ancient times. The earliest known record of arbitration dates back to 13th century BC in Egypt, where documents record dynastic disputes being decided by arbitration committees. Forms of arbitration were also present in Ancient Greece and Rome; they were often used in maritime disputes due to the international nature of maritime trade. In traditional Chinese culture and society, arbitration was commonly used to settle civil disputes with independent third-party judges who would act as mediators between the disputants.

In modern times, arbitration has been increasingly accepted as an alternative to traditional court proceedings because it allows for faster resolution with lower costs than litigation in courtrooms. In addition, arbitrators may have specialized knowledge about certain issues—such as industry practices or laws—allowing them to provide more informed decisions than a judge or jury would produce in a courtroom setting.

Today’s arbitrations are governed by specific laws and regulations that help ensure fairness and impartiality in the decision-making process. In countries that recognize the concept of international commercial arbitration (ICA), governments have signed agreements allowing international commercial disputes to be resolved through ICA instead of domestic courts. International commercial arbitral tribunals now exist around the world and most major cities have dedicated facilities for handling arbitration cases.

Due to its widespread acceptance and wide range of applications, arbitration has become an important part of today’s legal landscape and continues to play an important role in resolving disputes outside court systems.

History / Origin

Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution that has been used since ancient times to settle disputes out of court. It is a voluntary, consensual process in which an impartial third party, known as an arbitrator or mediator, hears arguments from both sides and then renders a decision on the matter. The arbitration process is often seen as a faster and less expensive way to resolve disagreements than going through the court system.

The earliest known record of arbitration dates back to 1700 BCE in Babylon; a clay tablet was inscribed with instructions for resolving conflicts between merchants. This type of arbitration was also used by the Greeks and Romans and became increasingly popular during the Middle Ages when it was used to resolve matters in trade and commerce. In England during the 18th century, arbitration tribunals were established for resolving disputes related to maritime law.

In modern times, arbitration is widely recognized as an effective way of settling disputes without having to resort to litigation. It is especially useful in cases involving commercial contracts or international transactions where it can be difficult or even impossible for parties involved to litigate their differences using traditional methods such as suing in court.

The main benefit of using arbitration instead of litigation is that it provides an opportunity for parties involved to come together and agree upon a mutually acceptable outcome without having their fate decided by a judge or jury. This can be especially helpful when dealing with complex issues such as contract interpretation or technical details that are not easily understood by those unfamiliar with the case at hand. As well, while courts often have rigid procedural rules which must be followed by all parties, arbitration proceedings can be tailored according to specific needs and interests. Additionally, many times agreements reached through arbitration are more likely to be honored than those resulting from other forms of dispute resolution such as mediation or negotiation because they are legally binding agreements that must be enforced under applicable laws.

It’s important for anyone considering using the arbitration process to understand how it works before entering into any agreement related thereto so that they can make informed decisions about their rights and obligations under the law. Furthermore, depending on the jurisdiction, there may be certain requirements which must be met before an arbitrator’s decision can become legally binding on all parties involved in the dispute resolution process.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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