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by Mike Vestil 

bank accounts

A bank account is a financial account between a bank customer and a financial institution. A bank account can be a deposit account, a credit card, or any other type of account offered by a financial institution. The financial transactions which have occurred within a given period of time on a bank account are reported to the customer on a bank statement and the balance of the account at any point in time is the financial position of the customer with the institution. a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals.


Bank accounts are financial instruments that enable individuals and businesses to store, save, and manage their money. They provide holders with access to a range of services, including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and investments.

Etymology of bank account can be traced back to the Latin word “banca” which referred to a bench or counter at which merchants could exchange goods and currency. This term was later adopted by bankers in the 15th century as a means of describing an individual’s account at their bank or banking house. Over time, the term evolved into its modern use of referring to any type of financial institution where individuals or companies can store their funds and conduct transactions.

The first formal banking system is believed to have emerged during ancient times in Mesopotamia as a way for people to deposit their surplus grain and other commodities on deposit with temples. These granaries were used not only as storage centers but also to issue loans and issue payment orders. The banking system eventually spread throughout Europe until it reached England in the 12th century when merchants created partnerships to handle business dealings and loan money for fees.

As banks grew in size and scope during the industrial revolution, new forms of accounts were created that enabled customers to open individual savings accounts, checking accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and other types of accounts designed for specific purposes such as mortgage payments or retirement savings.

In today’s digital era, many banks now offer online banking services that allow customers to transfer money between different types of accounts, pay bills online through their online portals, access statements electronically through email or mobile apps, set up direct deposits for paychecks or other income sources such as Social Security benefits. In addition, banks offer innovative products such as debit cards that allow customers to make purchases without using cash.

With advances in technology making it easier than ever before for people around the world to access secure banking services from virtually any location with internet access, bank accounts remain a popular choice among consumers looking for convenient ways to manage their finances and build wealth over time.


Bank accounts are one of the most important financial tools for individuals and businesses alike. They provide a convenient way to store and manage money, make payments, and access credit. Beyond the practical benefits, bank accounts also represent something more intangible: beliefs about our economic system, financial behavior, and the role of money in our lives.

Beliefs about banking and finances have been around since ancient times – the world’s oldest discovered document is an account ledger from over 5,000 years ago detailing a Mesopotamian record-keeper’s transactions. Over time, these beliefs evolved alongside economic systems to emphasize convenience or security as financial needs changed. Today’s banking landscape is home to a wide variety of accounts, each tailored to different customer needs.

In industrialized countries like the United States, checking accounts are among the most popular bank offerings. Checking accounts are designed for everyday use – customers can deposit money into their account from a variety of sources (including direct deposit from employers), write checks against the balance, pay bills online or via debit cards, and withdraw cash from ATMs or banks when needed. Most financial experts agree that everyone should have at least one checking account to manage day-to-day finances in an efficient manner.

Savings accounts are another type of bank offering that come with different features than checking accounts. Essentially a form of long-term investment in oneself rather than an institution or company, savings accounts offer interest on deposited funds as an incentive for customers to save and maintain larger balances over time; they also provide liquidity if needed in an emergency situation. The belief behind this system is that individuals will be able to grow their wealth by regularly stashing away money into savings over time rather than spending it immediately on smaller items.

Beyond traditional bank products like checking and savings accounts there are specialized options such as CDs (certificates of deposit) that offer even higher interest rates but require customers to commit their funds for longer periods of time without withdrawing them; joint or trust accounts which allow multiple people to share ownership; business checking accounts that allow companies and sole proprietorships to keep business transactions separate from personal transactions; and international banking services designed for those who regularly move between countries and need overseas banking services available across multiple currencies while abroad. All these specialized products illustrate how beliefs about what makes good personal finance sense have changed over time in order to meet customer needs better.

At its core, having a bank account is all about managing money responsibly in order to ensure financial stability now and into the future. Whether you opt for traditional banking products like checking or savings accounts or go down more complex routes like joint trusts or international banking services depends entirely on your personal set of beliefs about money management and investing – but regardless of which option you choose it’s important that you take ownership over your own finances so you can enjoy greater peace of mind knowing your hard-earned money is safe no matter what happens tomorrow.


Bank accounts are financial accounts held at a financial institution such as a bank or credit union, where customers can store their money and use it to make payments or other transactions. They also provide a convenient way of keeping track of one’s finances and saving for long-term goals, such as retirement. Bank accounts offer access to various services including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, loans, and more.

A variety of different types of bank accounts exist in order to meet the needs of consumers. Common types of bank accounts include savings accounts, checking accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and more. Each type has its own set of features and benefits that customers may want to consider before deciding which is best for them.

When opening a bank account, most financial institutions require customers to provide some form of identification along with other necessary documents. The exact requirements vary by institution but typically include proof of address and age verification. It’s important to remember that each financial institution will have its own unique set of terms and conditions regarding fees and charges associated with opening an account. Customers should read the fine print carefully before signing up for any type of account.

Once an individual has established a bank account, it’s important to practice good banking habits in order to ensure the security and soundness of their finances. It’s recommended that individuals check their account balance regularly; this helps them keep track of spending habits and avoid overdraft fees or bounced checks due to insufficient funds. Regularly reviewing statements for accuracy is also beneficial for spotting any suspicious activity in the account. Finally, individuals should always keep their passwords secure and refrain from sharing them with anyone else; no one else should be able to access an individual’s bank account without permission from them specifically!

In addition to practicing good banking habits on an individual level, there are several common practices employed by banking institutions themselves in order to protect customer assets as well as guard against fraud or illegal activities within the system. Banks are required by law to verify the identities of their customers in order to deter potential criminals from making illegal transactions with stolen or false information; this process is known as “Know Your Customer” or KYC verification. Additionally, banks employ sophisticated fraud prevention tactics such as monitoring customer activity for unusual trends or patterns; if something out of the ordinary is detected then further investigation can be conducted into possible fraudulent activities taking place within the individual’s account(s).

Ultimately, having a basic understanding about how banking works – from opening an initial account all the way through proper security measures – can help customers better manage their finances over time while protecting themselves from potential cybersecurity threats or fraudulent activities down the line!


Books are essential for building knowledge and understanding of the world around us. From ancient texts to modern day literature, books can provide insight into different cultures, beliefs, and ideas. They can also help people connect with their own perspective on life, giving them an opportunity to grow and learn more about themselves.

A book is defined as a set of printed or blank sheets bound together along one edge within a protective cover. Books have been an important source of information since ancient times. Ancient Sumerian clay tablets that date back over 5,000 years have been found containing accounting records and various other forms of information that were written in cuneiform script. The first book as we know it today was probably created by the Chinese during the Han dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). It was made out of bamboo strips tied together with silk threads.

Books became popular in Europe during the Renaissance period, when movable type printing allowed for mass production of books and enabled them to be distributed to a wider audience than ever before. During this time many authors wrote works that were influential in shaping cultural developments such as Thomas More’s Utopia, Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, and William Shakespeare’s plays.

Today books play an important role in many aspects of life including education, entertainment, business, and personal development. In much of the developed world, books are available from public libraries which are often organized according to specific subjects such as history or science. Books can also be purchased from book stores or ordered online from various retailers who specialize in different genres or types of books including religious texts and fiction novels.

In terms of bank accounts, many banks offer customers access to electronic versions of books via their online banking services. Customers can download copies of books directly onto their computers or mobile devices making them widely accessible wherever they go. In addition some banks offer customers loyalty rewards when they purchase certain titles through their services which provides yet another incentive to purchase a good read through your bank account rather than at a bookstore or library!


Bank accounts are financial services that provide customers with the ability to store and manage their money. Accounts can be opened with a variety of financial institutions, such as banks, credit unions, and online-only services. The type of account chosen will depend on an individual’s needs and preferences.

When it comes to demographics, bank accounts have been used by individuals of all ages around the world since they were first introduced. The widespread availability of banking services has resulted in steady growth in the number of people who have at least one bank account. According to a 2017 survey by The World Bank, 69 percent of adults worldwide have an account at a formal financial institution.

However, there is still significant variation between countries in terms of banking access. In some parts of the world, particularly poorer countries, banking services are limited or nonexistent. For example, nearly 70 percent of adults in developed countries had a bank account in 2017 but only 25 percent in developing countries had an account at a financial institution.

Demographics also play a role when it comes to how people use their bank accounts. Younger generations tend to prefer digital banking methods such as mobile apps or websites rather than using traditional methods like visiting a physical branch or calling customer service for help. This is especially true for millennials and Generation Z who grew up surrounded by technology, making them more likely to embrace digital banking than older generations who may still prefer more traditional methods of interacting with their financial institutions.

Additionally, different demographic groups may also opt for different types of accounts depending on their needs. For instance, savings accounts are more popular among young people who want to save for long-term goals like buying a car or house while checking accounts are more popular with working age adults who need to manage payroll deposits and pay bills regularly from their account balance.

Overall, bank accounts remain an integral part of personal finance for all demographic groups worldwide due to their convenience and potential benefits such as earning interest on deposits or making transactions easily with debit cards linked directly to the account balance.

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

A bank account is a financial account held by an individual or organization with an institution that offers banking services. Bank accounts can be used to store funds, make payments, receive income and manage finances. They are widely used by businesses and families alike to access money from their own and other people’s accounts.

Businesses use bank accounts for various purposes including keeping track of funds, managing expenses, and making payments. Businesses come in many different varieties including sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations. Each of these business structures have their own unique set of rules regarding the type of business activities they may pursue and how they must report their financial information.

Denominations refer to the currency used in a particular country or region. Different countries may have multiple denominations depending on economic needs, political stability, or other factors. A variety of exchange rates apply when transferring funds between countries using different currencies or denominations.

When opening a bank account, it is important for businesses to understand the different types of accounts being offered by banks as well as the differences between them in order to select the right account for their company’s needs. For example, checking accounts provide immediate access to funds while savings accounts offer higher interest rates but require customers to maintain a minimum balance at all times. Additionally, some banks may offer online banking services that allow customers more flexibility in terms of managing their finances remotely.

Businesses should also consider any additional fees associated with certain bank accounts such as monthly service charges or overdraft fees when making their decision on which type of account best fits their company’s needs. Additionally, if a business deals frequently with foreign currencies then it should research what types of foreign exchange services a particular bank offers as well as any associated costs for those services prior to selecting an appropriate banking institution for their business activities.

Overall, understanding the various types of bank accounts available along with any additional fees associated can help businesses make informed decisions when selecting a banking institution for their company’s needs so that they can take full advantage of its features and capabilities without overspending or incurring unnecessary costs down the line.

Cultural Inflience

Bank accounts are an important financial tool used around the world to store and manage money. Every country has its own unique banking system, as well as its own rules and regulations on how bank accounts can be used. Additionally, different cultures have also had an influence on how bank accounts are used. This article will provide a brief overview of how cultural influences have shaped and impacted the use of bank accounts.

In many parts of the world, the concept of “saving” is considered to be a cornerstone of personal finance. Savings accounts offer a secure way for individuals to store money in order to make sure that it is available when they need it most. In many cultures, saving is seen as a sign of discipline and responsibility – something that should be encouraged and rewarded. This attitude towards savings means that bank accounts are often seen in a positive light, rather than simply being viewed as tools for spending money irresponsibly.

Cultural attitudes towards borrowing have also influenced the development of banking systems around the world. In some countries, such as Japan, borrowing from banks is viewed with suspicion and even disdain due to fears about creating personal debt or being unable to repay loans if things don’t go according to plan. As a result, people in these countries may avoid taking out loans or opening credit cards in order to preserve their financial security – which can lead to fewer opportunities for banks to earn revenue through interest payments or other fees associated with traditional loan products.

In other countries, however, borrowing from banks may be seen more favorably. For example, in India there is an ancient proverb which states: “A debt not repaid is like an unending life” – implying that paying off debt can bring greater freedom and prosperity down the line. As a result, many people in India view borrowing from banks more positively than those from other countries who may fear running into debt-related issues if they take out loans without carefully considering their options first.

Finally, cultural attitudes towards risk can also affect how individuals choose to use bank accounts – particularly when it comes to investing money through stocks or bonds. In some cultures where there is a strong emphasis on minimizing risk (such as Japan), people tend to avoid taking major risks with their finances by keeping large amounts of cash stored away in savings accounts rather than investing it elsewhere. Meanwhile, in other regions such as Europe where there is often more acceptance of risk-taking behaviors (particularly among younger generations), individuals may be more likely to invest larger portions of their income into stocks or bonds with the potential for higher returns – rather than just relying on small returns provided by traditional savings vehicles like CDs or money market funds.

Overall, cultural influences have had an enormous impact on how individuals around the world use bank accounts – influencing everything from attitudes towards saving and borrowing money to decisions about when and where investments should be made in order maximize returns while minimizing risk at the same time . By understanding these cultural forces at work we can better understand why different societies have adopted different approaches towards using banking services – allowing us all to make more informed decisions about our own financial future moving forward.

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Bank accounts are one of the most commonly used financial tools around the world, allowing individuals and businesses to easily store and manage their money. However, bank accounts have not been without their share of criticism, persecution, and apologetics.

Criticism of bank accounts generally revolves around two primary issues: fees and competition. Many critics point out that banking fees are often exorbitant and are seen as a way for banks to increase profits without offering any additional services or benefits. Additionally, some argue that the banking industry lacks true competition, with many banks operating as oligopolies in their respective markets.

An additional form of criticism leveled against bank accounts is in relation to privacy and security concerns. With increased awareness about cyber-attacks and data breaches, more people have become aware of the potential risks posed by storing sensitive data on a bank account. There have also been reports of fraudsters accessing personal information from unsuspecting users through unauthorized access to bank servers. As such, some people choose to keep their money in cash rather than putting it into a bank account for fear of having it stolen or misused.

In terms of persecution, there have been cases where governments have sought to limit individuals’ ability to use certain types of bank accounts or restrict access to them altogether. For example, some countries require business owners to register with the government before they can open a business account in order to keep track of transactions made using it. Other countries may impose sanctions on banks located within them which prevents customers from accessing services offered by these banks outside of the country’s borders.

Finally, there are those who defend the use of bank accounts despite criticisms related to fees and security concerns. Supporters argue that having a well-regulated banking system is beneficial for economic growth as well as providing important protection for consumers’ savings and investments from fraudsters or other illegal activities. Additionally, they point out that technological advances mean more robust security measures can be put in place which make it difficult for criminals to breach secure systems and access personal data stored on bank accounts.

In conclusion, while there are legitimate criticisms that can be leveled against bank accounts – such as fees or security concerns – there is still an argument that having properly regulated banking systems offers many benefits both economically and socially that outweigh any potential downsides associated with them. Ultimately it is up to individuals whether or not they want to make use of a particular type of banking service but being aware of all the pros and cons can help inform decision making processes when considering which option is best suited for their needs.


A bank account is a financial account held by an individual or organization at a financial institution, such as a bank or credit union. It provides the account holder with access to their funds and can be used for various transactions, including deposits and withdrawals. Bank accounts are typically used for either saving money or making payments.

There are several different types of bank accounts available, each offering different levels of access, interest rates, fees, and services. Understanding the purpose of each type is essential in selecting the right one for your needs.

The most common types of bank accounts include checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and money market accounts (MMAs).

Checking Accounts: Checking accounts are designed for day-to-day banking activities like depositing paychecks and writing checks for purchases. Most banks offer low minimum balance requirements to open a checking account and provide easy access to funds through ATM cards or debit cards. Checking accounts also come with other benefits such as online banking options, mobile banking apps or overdraft protection plans that are helpful when you accidentally withdraw more than you have in your account.

Savings Accounts: Savings accounts provide you with a safe place to keep your money while earning interest at the same time. Unlike checking accounts which charge fees for overdrawing from the account, savings accounts generally require a minimum balance – usually higher than that required for a checking account – so that you can earn maximum interest on your deposits. Additionally, these types of bank accounts usually limit the number of transactions you can make within a given period without incurring penalty fees.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs): CDs allow you to invest your hard-earned money into an FDIC-insured savings vehicle that offers higher dividends than regular savings accounts but requires more commitment from the investor. CDs typically require larger initial deposits than other types of bank accounts but offer more favorable returns if held until maturity date. A CD’s rate lock also helps ensure that your return remains consistent throughout its term length regardless of any fluctuations in market rates over time.

Money Market Accounts (MMAs): MMAs are similar to savings accounts but offer even higher rates on deposits and often require higher minimum balances as well. Just like CDs, MMAs have rate locks that protect savers from any changes in market conditions while they’re holding their investments over time. Some MMAs even feature check writing privileges along with ATM access so you can easily transfer funds between your checking and MMA without having to worry about incurring additional fees or penalties for transferring funds too frequently between different types of bank accounts..


Languages can play a significant role in dealing with bank accounts, as individuals may be required to interact with banks using the language of their local area. Banking systems around the world are increasingly becoming more connected and globalized, meaning that access to bank accounts and related financial products is often multilingual. This means that many banks must provide customer service in multiple languages, depending on the country they are serving.

The most common language used in banking transactions across Europe is English, which is spoken by over 400 million people. Despite this widespread usage of English, many European countries still prefer to conduct their banking operations in their native tongue. For instance, Spanish is the official language of Spain and Portuguese is the official language of Portugal. As such, customers in these countries will typically receive customer service and other banking services that are exclusively offered in those languages.

In some parts of the world, banks may also offer services in multiple languages due to the presence of large immigrant populations or a high number of foreign travelers who visit the country regularly. For example, in Canada and the United States there are numerous immigrants from different parts of the world who may speak different languages than English or French – two official languages within Canada. As a result, many banks have bilingual staff members who can assist customers who do not speak either one of these two languages. Similarly, some banks in India offer services such as ATMs and credit cards based on regional languages like Hindi or Marathi for customers who may not understand English well enough to use them properly.

In addition to providing customer service in multiple languages for customers’ convenience, some banks also offer online banking platforms that allow users to carry out certain transactions without having to physically go into a branch location first. This type of online banking platform usually requires users to select a preferred language before being able to access all features available on it; for instance, customers might need to choose between French or English if both languages are available on an online banking platform used by Canadian banks.

Overall, offering support for multiple languages is essential when it comes to providing high-quality customer service within today’s globalized banking environment – especially since many customers now expect instant access to their accounts at any time and from anywhere around the world through mobile devices or computers connected via internet. Banks that recognize this need and take steps towards accommodating multilingual customers will ultimately create stronger relationships with their current customers as well as attract new ones from all walks of life looking for a reliable source of financial services no matter where they live or what language they speak.


Bank accounts provide access to financial services and let people manage their money in a secure and convenient way. They are offered by banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. Regions is one of the largest bank holding companies in the United States, with more than 2,000 retail branches spread across 16 states in the southern and midwestern regions of the country.

Regions offers all types of banking services, including checking, savings, certificates of deposit (CDs), money market accounts (MMAs), debit cards, ATM cards, online banking, mobile banking and more. Customers can open a personal checking account at Regions for as little as $50 or a savings account for $50 as well. There’s no monthly maintenance fee on either type of account.

Regions also offers specialized accounts such as student banking accounts and business banking accounts that cater to different needs and requirements. The bank also has a number of special features like overdraft protection plans that help customers avoid unexpected fees when they exceed their account balance.

When it comes to investing options, Regions provides customers access to mutual funds through its Wealth Management division. It also manages retirement investments such as 401Ks and IRAs through its Retirement Services program. Additionally, Regions offers financial advisory services such as portfolio reviews and retirement planning advice.

For those looking for extra perks when opening an account with Regions Bank may want to consider signing up for its “Extra Checking” package which includes various benefits like free personalized checks and a rewards program that allows customers to earn points on qualifying purchases from retailers such as Macy’s or Lowe’s Home Improvement.

The bank provides 24-hour customer service via phone or email and has physical locations throughout 16 states in the US: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida Georgia , Illinois Indiana Kentucky , Louisiana Mississippi Missouri North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Wisconsin . Additionally customers can use ATMs located within any branch location free of charge if they have an ATM/debit card with them.

Overall, Regions Bank is an excellent choice for those who live in the Southeastern or Midwestern parts of the United States due to its extensive network locations and easy access to financial services ranging from basic checking accounts to investment guidance. With no minimum balance requirements on most accounts plus plenty of added bonuses available through Extra Checking packages this makes it a great option for those looking for more convenience when managing their finances.


Bank accounts are financial instruments that allow individuals to store, save, and manage their money. They are offered by banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. Banks offer a variety of accounts with different features, such as savings accounts, checking accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), money market accounts, and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Accounts at banks can be used to make payments, track expenses, receive deposits from employers or government agencies and earn interest.

The history of bank accounts dates back centuries. The first deposit account was created in Florence in 1472 by the Italian banker Lorenzo de Medici, who established the Medici Bank. His idea was to offer customers a safe place for keeping their valuables and making transfers between branches across the country.

In England in 1650 during the reign of Charles II, goldsmiths began accepting deposits from wealthy clients who wanted to store their money safely rather than keeping it at home. They would issue paper receipts that could then be redeemed for gold or silver when needed. This practice eventually led to what we now know as checks and banking services evolved over time into a more formal system offering various types of accounts with different features.

In 1781 the first modern bank account was opened in Philadelphia by Alexander Hamilton who founded The Bank of North America which allowed customers to open individual checking and savings accounts. In 1816 an even more innovative type of account was introduced – the “shareholding” system which allowed customers to own part of the bank they were depositing their money into – thus creating a mutual relationship between customer and institution that exists today.

Today’s banking systems continue to evolve with technological advances allowing users to access funds 24/7 via online banking platforms or debit cards; get real-time updates on transactions; apply for credit; transfer funds internationally; pay bills electronically; set up direct deposit for payroll or other income sources; receive e-statements; use ATMs around the world; collect rewards points from purchases made with debit cards linked to certain accounts types; and much more.

No matter how sophisticated these services become it is important to remember that all of them owe their existence to one man’s simple idea hundreds of years ago – Founder Lorenzo de Medici who created Bank Accounts as we know them today. A visionary leader whose innovative ideas have forever changed our lives in ways we still benefit from today both personally and economically worldwide!

History / Origin

Bank accounts are an integral part of daily life in most countries, providing people with a convenient and secure way to manage, store and access their money. But the modern bank account is a relatively new invention, only coming into widespread use in the last couple of centuries. The origin of the bank account dates back much further however, to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt, although these accounts were used in a very different context than today.

Mesopotamian civilization is believed to have been the first to introduce banking practices in 3000 BC with clay tablets that recorded debts and payments. These tablets were used by merchants who lent out grain or silver as credit—often at interest—a practice which formed the basis for early banking institutions.

In Ancient Greece, banks first began offering loans to citizens around 500-400 BC. Citizens could deposit coins at temples, which acted as early versions of savings accounts. Records were kept on papyrus paper or stone tablets, and transactions were made using tokens representing a certain amount of money—a system still used by banks today when customers receive their cash card PINs.

The modern bank account was born during the Roman Empire’s dominance over Europe during 1st century AD when private banking became more prominent. Local bankers provided financial services such as checking accounts, currency exchange, loan services and deposits for citizens across the empire’s many provinces. To manage large sums of money without transporting it physically over long distances banks relied on bills of exchange—documents issued by one party promising payment from another party at a later date—a system that forms the basis for modern day cheques.

Following this period banking continued to develop over time with branches spreading across Europe during Medieval times creating a more regulated environment controlled by laws imposed by rulers like Charlemagne and other medieval kings. Early forms of trust began to appear allowing individuals to transfer money without having possession of it themselves while new types of currency such as goldsmith certificates allowed people to safely store their wealth without having it physically present all the time.

By the 19th century banks had become well established throughout Europe but beyond this continent they took much longer to be accepted due largely to strict religious beliefs about usury (lending money) or mistrust in foreign financial institutions amongst other reasons including lack of regulation in some countries leading to fraudsters taking advantage of naive customers. Nonetheless in most countries today banking is considered an essential service meaning anyone can open up an account regardless of religion or background; a practice that has been formalized into law through regulations such as The Basel Accords issued by The Bank for International Settlements since 1988 thus ensuring consumer protection when using bank accounts worldwide.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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