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by Mike Vestil 


Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning “to share”) is the phenomenon of conveying information and meaning through non-verbal, verbal, or written media. Communication requires a sender, a message, a medium and a recipient. However, the receiver does not have to be present or aware of the sender’s intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver understands the sender’s message. Among humans, communication is more prevalent among extroverts than introverts. Discursive communication has three primary steps: Thought: First, information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a concept, idea, information, or feeling. Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols. Decoding: Finally, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or information that can understand. There are a range of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. These include body language, eye contact, sign language, haptic communication, and chronemics. Other examples are media content such as pictures, graphics, sound, and writing. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also defines the communication to include the display of text, Braille, tactile communication, large print, accessible multimedia, as well as written and plain language, human-reader, augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of communication, including accessible information and communication technology. Feedback is a critical component of effective communication.


Communication is the act of conveying information, thoughts, or ideas from one entity to another. It can involve various forms such as verbal, non-verbal, written, or visual communication. Throughout history, people have used various methods of communication as a means of connecting with each other and exchanging information.

One of the earliest forms of communication was cave paintings. Some of these are believed to date back 40,000 years ago and can be found in various places around the world. Cave paintings were likely used by prehistoric humans as a way to convey stories and messages about their lives, history, and culture.

The ancient Egyptians developed hieroglyphics as a form of written communication that was used for religious texts and legal documents. They also made use of papyrus paper for writing letters and sending messages between one another. Hieroglyphics were also used by several other civilizations including the Phoenicians and Minoans who developed sophisticated writing systems to communicate with each other.

The development of language was an important step in human communication history. This allowed people to express complex ideas verbally rather than relying solely on pictorial representation through cave paintings or written symbols like hieroglyphs. Language enabled them to communicate simpler concepts such as numbers and directions as well as more abstract thoughts like feelings and emotions which could never have been conveyed in this manner before.

As technology advanced so did the ways in which people communicated with each other across vast distances without having to physically meet them in person or send physical objects back and forth over long distances. The invention of postal services enabled letters to be sent quickly over great distances which improved business relations tremendously during that period in time. Later on came the telephone which allowed for two-way audio conversations in real time over vast distances making it incredibly easy for distant relatives to keep in contact with one another despite living far away from each other.. With the advent of internet technologies such as email, instant messaging, social media sites etc., people have become much more connected than ever before allowing them to share news updates instantly across vast geographical regions without ever having met face-to-face before making it easier than ever before for people around the world to stay up-to-date on current affairs near and far without having any prior knowledge beforehand regarding what they are reading or hearing about online.

Overall communication has come a long way since its inception thousands of years ago leading up until present day technology where it is now easier than ever before for individuals across great distances to connect with one another with just a few clicks of a button!


Communication equipment is any type of hardware or software used to enable communication between two or more people. This includes both wired and wireless devices, as well as computer technology and other forms of telecommunication. Communication equipment can be used in a variety of ways, from individual conversations to large-scale communication networks that span the globe. It is essential for business operations and daily life, as it provides a means for people to stay connected regardless of their location.

Wired communication equipment includes traditional telephone lines, fiber optics, and coaxial cables. These are physical connections that carry electrical signals between two locations. In addition to these physical connections, some communication equipment also uses radio waves to transmit data over long distances. Wireless equipment such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, satellite dishes, and other devices are used by consumers and businesses alike.

Computer technology has transformed the way people communicate around the world. Computers can connect individuals through email, instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing applications, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, VoIP (voice over internet protocol) phone systems, virtual private networks (VPNs), remote access servers (RAS), web hosting services, online gaming networks such as Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, web forums such as Reddit or 4chan, IRC chatrooms and other forms of digital communication.

The invention of cellular phones revolutionized the telecommunications industry by allowing users to make calls without relying on landlines or needing direct physical contact with another user’s device. Cell phones use radio waves to send and receive data from mobile phone towers placed throughout an area; data is then routed through a central network where it can be sent to its destination. Cell phones also offer features such as text messaging, multimedia messages (MMS), and internet access via 3G/4G LTE speeds depending on the device being used.

Smartphones have taken mobile communications even further by combining the features of traditional computers with those found in cell phones into one device capable of performing both tasks simultaneously. Smartphones allow users to browse the internet while they talk on their phone at the same time; they can also access popular social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat while sending emails or performing research online — all within one powerful device.

Finally there is satellite technology which uses a network of orbiting satellites that send signals down towards Earth in order to link two distant points together in order for them to communicate effectively with each other no matter how far apart they are located geographically speaking – all without having any need for terrestrial wires or cables connecting them together directly.. This has allowed for better global communication with many organizations using this technology due it’s ability to provide coverage pretty much anywhere across planet Earth – be it out at sea on ships or flying high up in airplanes; satellite technology ensures that those who need it still remain connected regardless of their current location while still being able to maintain real-time contact with their base stations if needed so – thus making this particular form of communication extremely valuable overall irrespective of sector or industry application – including personal ones too!


Communication is a vital part of life and, as with any other activity, it can have both positive and negative sides. The dangers associated with communication involve the misuse of technology and the power dynamics between people who are communicating.

Technology has made it easier than ever to communicate with others, but this has come at the cost of privacy. For instance, text messages can be easily intercepted or data such as emails can be stolen through phishing scams. Similarly, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be misused for cyberbullying or for spreading false information about people or companies. In addition, communicating over the Internet may lead to identity theft if personal information is shared carelessly. To protect against these dangers, users should take steps such as avoiding giving out personal information online, using strong passwords for accounts, making sure security settings are up-to-date on devices used for communication, and being aware of potential cyberbullying threats when using social media.

In addition to technological risks from communication, there can also be power imbalances between people which create dangerous situations. For example, in cases where power dynamics are unequal due to gender or race differences between those involved in a conversation, one party may feel pressured into going along with what the other person wants even if it’s not in their best interest. Gender bias in conversations can also occur when one party speaks more assertively than the other or when one group dominates a discussion while preventing another group from having an equal say in matters. It’s important to recognize these issues so they can be avoided or addressed appropriately as necessary.

Miscommunications that occur during conversations can also cause danger depending on the context of the situation. For instance, if instructions regarding safety protocols were miscommunicated in a hazardous workplace environment then serious harm could result from misunderstandings amongst employees. Miscommunications can also lead to conflicts if parties involved did not understand each other’s perspectives accurately which could then escalate into physical altercations or worse if unchecked by those present in the conversation.

Overall, communication is an incredibly valuable tool that should be used in a responsible manner to prevent dangers related to technology misuse and power imbalances as well as accurate understanding between parties involved in conversations. By following safety protocols and being aware of potential pitfalls when engaging in communication activities we can ensure that our interactions remain safe and productive despite any risks associated with them


Safety is an important factor to consider when it comes to communication. Like any other activity, communication can carry risks, and should be conducted in ways that minimize or prevent any potential hazards. Communication safety involves creating a safe environment in which free and open dialogue can take place without fear of negative consequences for the speaker or other participants.

Communication safety requires respect for all involved parties, as well as honest and non-judgmental conversations between them. Respectful communication means that everyone can voice their opinions without fear of criticism. This is especially true if topics are controversial or emotionally charged, as these types of conversations often lead to heightened emotions and heated debates. It is important to remember that everyone has the right to express their opinion without fear of reprisal from others.

In addition to respectful dialogue, communication safety also requires an understanding of one’s own personal boundaries and limits. All individuals have the right to set their own boundaries when it comes to discussing sensitive topics, such as politics or religion. If someone feels like a topic is too personal or uncomfortable, they should be allowed to opt out of the conversation so that they do not feel threatened or overwhelmed by the discussion.

Creating a secure communication environment also involves recognizing power dynamics within groups and taking steps to ensure that all voices are heard equally. For example, in large group settings it is important for facilitators or moderators to identify points where certain members may feel left out due to gender, race, class, etc., and then create opportunities for those members’ perspectives and ideas to be shared with the larger group. Doing this helps create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable speaking up without fear of ridicule or marginalization due to their identity markers.

Finally, another key element for creating a secure communication environment is reducing distractions and focusing on active listening during conversations. Taking breaks throughout meetings can help reduce fatigue from long discussions and allow more time for processing what has been said before jumping into new topics quickly; refraining from multitasking on digital devices; maintaining eye contact; repeating back what has been said; showing genuine interest in what others have to say; avoiding interruptions—all these strategies allow people room for self-expression while also promoting effective listening habits that make it easier for all involved parties to share their thoughts freely without feeling judged or unheard in any way.

Overall, ensuring communication safety requires thoughtful consideration and effort from all involved parties in order create an atmosphere where people feel safe expressing themselves openly without fear of negative repercussions or judgment from others. Respectful dialogue combined with an understanding of personal boundaries along with recognition of existing power dynamics will help create a secure environment where open communication takes place free from harm in any form—physical or emotional—for all those participating either directly or indirectly in the conversation at hand.


Communication contests are competitions designed to engage participants in the development and use of communication skills. These events offer a platform for contestants to hone their public speaking, writing, argumentation, debate, and media literacy skills. They also provide an opportunity for people from different backgrounds and cultures to come together and share their experiences and perspectives.

Competitions typically involve individual or team-based presentations that are judged by a panel of experts in the field of communication. Prizes can range from cash awards up to scholarships. Depending on the event, competitors may be required to prepare speeches, participate in interviews or debates, write essays or articles, produce multimedia pieces such as videos or podcasts, or any combination thereof.

Competitive speech and debate events have been held since ancient times; however, it wasn’t until the 20th century that these contests became more formalized as part of a larger academic pursuit. Communication contests today often involve participants from secondary school through post-graduate studies – including college students – where they compete in various topics related to verbal and non-verbal forms of communication.

Many universities host annual communication contests at both the high school and collegiate levels. High school tournaments allow young people to practice their persuasive techniques and better articulate their arguments while competing against peers from other schools. Collegiate tournaments provide students with real-world experience as they not only have to overcome opponents but also face time constraints under pressure during performance rounds which simulate actual working conditions for professional communicators.

The quality of entrants is often evaluated using a points system based on criteria such as writing style, content accuracy, delivery fluency and eloquence, originality/uniqueness of ideas presented, building of rapport with the audience/judges etc. Entrants can also be judged on how well they address questions posed by judges either directly after performances or during follow-up interviews which take place usually at the end of tournaments.

In recent years technology has enabled communication contests to become even more accessible by allowing contestants from all corners of the globe participate virtually via live streaming platforms such as Zoom or Google Hangouts Meetings. This development has enabled plenty of traditional physical events – particularly those involving multiple countries – to go online so that all involved parties can still stay connected despite being physically distant due to travel restrictions caused by global pandemics like COVID-19.

Many organizations have recognized the potential impact that communication contests have on society at large; this includes nonprofit foundations like Toastmasters International whose mission is “to build confidence among adults so that they become better leaders in their communities” as well as education initiatives like The Speech Lab which seeks “to empower learners all over the world with effective communication skills” so they can “become influential members in their communities” through public speaking competitions amongst others activities designed around developing interpersonal abilities in children & youth alike regardless socio-economic background or home country location boundaries..


Communication is a vital part of how society functions. It is defined as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Communication plays a major role in establishing and maintaining relationships between people, as well as developing understanding between them.

There are various types of communication, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Verbal communication involves spoken words and can be further divided into face-to-face conversations, telephone conversations, radio conversations and television conversations. Verbal communication has the advantage of being a direct way to communicate with another person but can be limiting when attempting to convey complex ideas or concepts. Nonverbal communication involves body language such as gestures, facial expressions and posture. This type of communication has the benefit of being able to supplement verbal messages and help further elaborate on the meaning behind them. Written communication includes letters, emails, instant messaging and text messages. This type of communication is useful for recording information that can be referred to at a later date but can be difficult when trying to convey emotion with written words.

Technology has also enabled new modes of communication such as video chats which allow people to connect with each other despite distance barriers. The internet provides access to websites where individuals can connect with likeminded people from around the world through forums and chatrooms. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram provide users with an ever-growing platform for expressing themselves through pictures, videos and written posts making it easier than ever before for individuals to stay connected no matter where they are in the world.

Regardless of the mode used for communicating ideas or feelings it is important that all parties involved understand their responsibilities towards maintaining a healthy dialogue between them when engaging in any form of conversation or correspondence whether it is face-to-face or virtual. Misunderstandings can occur if proper care isn’t taken during conversation so it’s important that everyone involved takes time to listen carefully before responding in order to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page in terms of what was said or implied. Additionally it’s important that everyone involved respects each other’s opinions even if they don’t necessarily agree on all aspects – this allows for more meaningful engagement between parties rather than simply arguing over who’s right or wrong without giving consideration towards alternative viewpoints on the matter at hand.

By promoting healthy dialogue through active listening skills combined with respect for one another no matter how different someone’s opinion might be from our own we create an environment conducive towards achieving mutual understanding between individuals and groups alike which is integral towards forming successful relationships built on trust and equality regardless of age, gender or social status amongst others


Communication is an essential part of human existence. It enables us to connect and coordinate with other people, share information, and collaborate on projects. There are a variety of communication techniques that can be used in order to effectively convey messages and ideas.

One important technique is active listening. Active listening involves focusing on what the speaker is saying, rather than just hearing it. It requires actively engaging in the conversation, asking questions and providing verbal feedback to ensure that both parties have a full understanding of what has been said. Active listening helps create an atmosphere where both parties feel heard and understood; it also encourages open dialogue and encourages collaboration.

Another important communication technique is nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture, tone of voice, etc. Nonverbal communication can add meaning to verbal messages and provide additional support for the message being sent. By using nonverbal techniques such as eye contact or facial expressions, one can show attention or empathy towards the speaker as well as demonstrate comprehension of the message being conveyed.

A third technique for effective communication is constructive criticism. Constructive criticism involves offering suggestions for improvement without being overly critical or judgmental of the person or their work. Constructive criticism provides feedback without attacking the speaker’s character or ability; instead it focuses on helping them improve their work by offering helpful comments and advice that will help them understand how their work could be improved upon further down the line.

Finally, empathy is another important communication technique to consider when engaging in dialogue with someone else. Empathy involves putting yourself into someone else’s shoes in order to understand their feelings and experiences better; this helps build trust between two people which allows conversation to flow more naturally and productively.

By utilizing these various communication techniques – active listening, nonverbal cues, constructive criticism, etc – one can effectively communicate with others in any situation while fostering positive relationships based on mutual understanding and respect


Events are an important part of communication, both in terms of how messages are conveyed and how relationships between people are formed. Events can range from large-scale public gatherings, such as festivals and conferences, to intimate social events, such as dinner parties and small gatherings. Events allow for the formation and strengthening of relationships between people by allowing them to interact with each other in a more meaningful way than through traditional means such as email or phone calls.

At the most basic level, events are a form of communication because they provide an opportunity for individuals to express themselves and gain insights into others. These insights can be gained through conversations that occur during the event, or even simply through observing others’ behaviour or interactions with one another. Through these observations, individuals learn about each other’s values, beliefs and opinions on various topics; leading to a greater understanding of each other and their respective points of view.

Apart from providing an opportunity for individuals to communicate with each other, events also allow individuals to build trust within their relationships. This is done by creating opportunities for people to engage in activities together or participate in discussions that may not have been possible outside of the event. For example, attending a conference with colleagues allows them to discuss issues related to work while simultaneously forming a stronger bond since they are all working towards the same goal: furthering their knowledge in their respective fields.

In addition to allowing people to build better relationships with each other, events also offer an avenue for networking among like-minded individuals who share similar interests or goals. Networking at events can often lead to potential business deals and collaborations that would not have been possible without having had contact with each other beforehand. It is therefore essential for one’s success that they attend relevant events where they may meet potential partners or clients who could help them achieve their goals more easily than if they were relying solely on traditional methods of marketing themselves or finding individuals who could aid them in their endeavours.

Events are therefore a vital form of communication as they provide the opportunity for people to create long-lasting relationships with others while simultaneously gaining new insights into different viewpoints that may have previously been unfamiliar or inaccessible before attending the event. Events can also foster strong connections between like-minded individuals which leads to new business opportunities and collaborations which can then help everyone involved reach their respective goals more quickly than if these connections had not existed before the event took place.

Health Benefits

Communication is an essential part of everyday life, and its health benefits are often overlooked. From connecting with friends and family to staying in touch with loved ones, communication can help promote physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Physical Health Benefits

Communication can improve physical health in several ways: by giving people a space to share their feelings and experiences, talking about their problems and providing support for one another. This can lead to improved self-esteem and better coping strategies for dealing with difficult situations. It can also strengthen relationships between people, as it allows them to connect on a deeper level. Additionally, communication can reduce stress levels, as it gives people the opportunity to express themselves without fear of being judged or criticized.

Mental Health Benefits

Communicating with others can also yield numerous mental health benefits. People who engage in frequent conversations tend to have more positive outlooks on life and higher levels of self-confidence. Research has also found that those who communicate regularly have better memory retention abilities than those who don’t. Furthermore, talking about one’s feelings and experiences has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms in some individuals.

Emotional Health Benefits

In addition to its physical and mental benefits, communication can also be beneficial for emotional health. Talking with loved ones or even strangers can give an individual perspective that they may not have had before and helps them gain insight into various situations that they may be struggling with. Communication encourages connection between individuals which helps build trust, understanding and meaningful relationships which ultimately leads to greater emotional satisfaction.

Finally, communication offers emotional support when people are going through tough times by allowing them the chance to share their concerns or worries with someone else who understands what they are going through – this helps build resilience in difficult times as well as provide comfort during periods of distress or stress.

In conclusion, communication plays a vital role in promoting overall wellbeing – both physically, mentally and emotionally – by encouraging connection between individuals, increasing self-confidence levels, reducing stress/anxiety/depression symptoms while also providing much needed emotional support during times of need.


Injuries can have a serious impact on communication, both in terms of the physical effects and the psychological ones. Physical injuries can limit a person’s ability to communicate effectively by impacting their mobility, speech and vision. For example, if someone is seriously injured and left with limited mobility, they may be unable to move around freely which could lead to difficulty in speaking or writing. Similarly, an injury which results in impaired vision could greatly limit how effectively someone can read or write.

Psychological injuries are just as damaging when it comes to communication. Trauma from an injury, particularly one that has caused permanent physical damage or disability, can lead to depression and anxiety which significantly hinder a person’s ability to interact with others. The fear of being judged or misunderstood due to one’s disabilities can also be a barrier for effective communication.

In order to make sure injured individuals are able to communicate as effectively as possible, it is important for them to be surrounded by people who understand their situation and take the necessary steps to make sure they feel safe and secure while communicating their thoughts and feelings. This might involve making accommodations such as providing accessible technology or alternative methods of communication (e.g., sign language). It is also important that people do not judge those who may have difficulty communicating; instead they should be patient with them and use positive reinforcement whenever possible.

Finally, it is important that those who have been injured receive support from family members and friends in order to help them cope with their trauma and adjust to any new challenges they may face in terms of communication. There are various resources available that provide support for those with injuries; these include counseling services, support groups for individuals with disabilities, online communities for sharing stories about overcoming adversity related to injuries, legal assistance programs for victims of traumatic events, etc. Taking advantage of these resources can help individuals manage their mental health more effectively so they can better communicate with others despite any physical impairments or emotional scars that come along with an injury.


Communication is an essential part of every day life, whether it’s in our personal interactions with family and friends or in the professional realm. It involves the exchange of information, ideas, feelings, and intentions between two or more people. The purpose of communication is to effectively convey a message from one person to another.

Communication occurs through various channels including verbal (spoken), nonverbal (body language), written, and electronic. Verbal communication consists of both spoken words and tone of voice, while nonverbal communication includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, eye contact, and other visual cues. Written communication may include emails, memos, letters and text messages. Electronic communication such as Skype calls and video conferencing can be used for remote or virtual meetings.

The purpose of effective communication is to ensure that others understand what you are trying to communicate by clearly expressing yourself in an organized manner. When communicating with others it is important to consider their background knowledge and cultural norms so that the message can be better understood by all involved parties. When communicating with someone from a different culture it is important to be aware of any potential language barriers as well as differences in customs and values.

It is also important to remember that communication should not only be focused on conveying a message but also listening carefully so that you can provide feedback if necessary or respond appropriately based on what has been said by others. Effective listening skills are essential for successful communication because it allows for meaningful exchanges that lead to mutual understanding between individuals or groups of people engaged in dialogue.

In addition to conveying a message from one person to another, the purpose of communication can also involve persuading someone else into taking action or making a decision based on the facts presented. This could include convincing someone to support a certain point-of-view on an issue or trying to get them to buy into a new product or service offered by your company. By using persuasive strategies such as providing evidence or citing examples when making arguments this helps increase the chances that your audience will agree with you on any given topic.

Overall, effective communication involves both sending and receiving messages clearly between two parties in order for meaningful dialogue to take place and mutual understanding to occur. It involves being mindful of cultural norms when speaking with someone from a different background while also attempting persuade them into taking action through persuasive tactics in order for positive results from conversations take place between parties involved in an exchange dialogue


Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between two or more persons. It can be verbal (such as speaking or sign language) or non-verbal (such as body language or facial expressions). Throughout history, communication has been studied in depth by many theorists.

One of the earliest communication theorists was ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. He believed that all forms of communication should have three components: a sender, a message and a receiver. He also proposed that communication should be purposeful and involve a feedback loop from the receiver back to the sender.

Another important theorist was French philosopher Claude Shannon who developed one of the first mathematical theories of communication in 1948 called information theory. This theory states that any form of communication involves sending an intelligible signal over a channel which is then received by a receiver where it can be successfully decoded. Shannon’s work paved the way for modern digital communications such as email and texting.

The field of linguistics also had an impact on how we think about communication. Ferdinand de Saussure, founder of structural linguistics, proposed that language is made up of two elements: langue (the “system” of language) and parole (the actual words used). The idea behind this dualistic structure is that each word has meaning only within its context within the system as a whole — something which modern day speech researchers still use in their work today.

American psychologist Albert Mehrabian also conducted groundbreaking research into non-verbal behaviour which showed that facial expressions are often more important than words when it comes to conveying emotion. His research has come to represent an important part of our understanding about how people interpret each other’s messages even when there is no verbal exchange between them.

The evolution continues with today’s theorists who are researching topics such as media studies, semiotics and cybernetics and creating new understandings about how people interact through various forms of electronic communications such as social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Thus while much has changed since Aristotle’s time, it is clear that communication remains an ever evolving field with theorists making new contributions to our understanding every day.

Historical Moments

Communication is the exchanging of information between individuals or groups. Throughout the course of history, communication methods have evolved and become increasingly sophisticated. This article examines some of the most important historical moments in the development of communication technology.

One of the earliest forms of communication was spoken language, which dates back to at least 500,000 BC. This form of communication enabled individuals to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and pass knowledge down through generations. Written language emerged around 3000 BC in Sumer and Egypt as a way for people to record information for posterity. Written language allowed for complex ideas and stories to be shared with greater accuracy than oral storytelling alone could provide.

In the 1700s, technological advancements allowed for another major leap forward in communication: postal services. With the introduction of post offices, newspapers began to spread across Europe quickly, allowing people from all walks of life to access news from far away lands without ever having stepped foot outside their own towns. Postal services also allowed for a rapid exchange of letters between individuals who were separated by distance; a process that had only been possible before through expensive messengers or slow horseback rides.

The industrial revolution saw numerous advances in communication technologies that are still used today. In 1837, British inventor Charles Wheatstone developed an early forerunner to modern-day telegraph systems; a device that sent electric signals along wires that corresponded with various letters and numbers so they could be decoded at the other end into words or phrases. This invention acted as a precursor to Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone (1876), which enabled two-way conversations over longer distances than previously possible.

Throughout the 20th century, radio broadcasts began to reach wider audiences than ever before while television allowed millions of viewers around the world to watch news events as they unfolded in real time. In 1965 Gordon Moore famously predicted that computing power would double every two years – what we now call Moore’s Law – leading to computers becoming increasingly powerful over time and eventually paving the way for public access to computer networks such as ARPANET (1969) and eventually the World Wide Web (1991). Thanks largely due these developments – not only has our ability to communicate with one another been revolutionized but also our ability store data digitally has increased exponentially too.

Today we live in an era where digital technology allows us nearly instantaneous access to information from any corner of the world through smartphones, tablets and laptop computers connected through wireless networks like 3G/4G & Wi-Fi; an incredible accomplishment considering how far communications technology has come since its early days hundreds of thousands of years ago!

Professionals / Noteable People

Communication is a fundamental part of human interaction. It is an exchange of information and ideas between two or more parties, and can be verbal, non-verbal, written, visual or a combination of these modes. Communication helps us to connect with other people, build relationships, learn new things and express our thoughts and feelings.

When it comes to professional communication, proper etiquette is essential for success in the workplace. Professionals must be able to effectively communicate in order to ensure successful outcomes for projects and tasks. Professional communication involves the use of appropriate language in conversations as well as written forms such as emails and reports. Having strong public speaking skills also allows professionals to share their ideas with colleagues or at conferences with ease.

One of the most important aspects of professional communication is understanding different cultures and adapting one’s approach accordingly. As globalisation progresses around the world, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to have a good understanding of cultural norms and practices when communicating internationally.

Professionals / Notable People in Communication

There are many notable people who have made major contributions to communication over the years:

Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) was a Canadian philosopher best known for his theories on media ecology and global village culture. He was one of the first thinkers to fully recognise the power that media had on shaping public opinion. His work has been highly influential not only in terms of communication but also in how we think about technology today.

John Fiske (1939-2004) was an American communications scholar whose work focused on audience reception studies, television studies as well as popular culture theory. His insights into media effects on society are still widely relevant today – particularly his concept that audiences actively construct meaning through their own interpretations and experiences with media content rather than passively absorbing messages from advertisers or producers.

Walter Ong (1912-2003) was an American priest who wrote extensively about oral cultures and their relationship with writing systems throughout history. Most notably he argued that the shift from oral to written cultures profoundly changed our approach to knowledge transmission – particularly in terms of what could be remembered over time vs forgotten due to lack of repetition. His work has been very influential in shaping our current understanding of cultural memory preservation techniques used today such as archiving methods used by museums or libraries around the world.

These individuals have helped shape our understanding not only about communications but also how we engage in dialogue with each other across various mediums – both online and offline – setting us up for further advancements into the future of global connectivity & collaboration that characterise modern life today!


Women represent half of the world’s population, yet they are still underrepresented in many aspects. From a communication standpoint, women are outperforming their male counterparts in terms of verbal fluency, multitasking and listening skills. In addition, women have been found to be more successful than men in managing conversations and resolving conflicts.

Studies have shown that women tend to utilize verbal and nonverbal communication more effectively than men do. Nonverbally, women use more eye contact and facial expressions to convey their feelings or messages. Verbal communication is also used differently: Women tend to ask more questions, give more detailed responses, use descriptive words more often, and use softer tones when speaking.

In addition to being better communicators than men in general, women specifically excel at collaborative communication. They take initiative to establish trust within a conversation by being open-minded and using empathetic statements. Women also demonstrate greater self-awareness when it comes to how their words will be received or interpreted by others. Furthermore, research has revealed that women can be better at understanding the needs of others and adjusting the conversation accordingly.

Despite these advantages in communication skills, there is still a gender gap when it comes to public speaking, decision making and leadership roles in many sectors of society. This gender imbalance is pervasive worldwide but even more pronounced in certain countries where traditional values prevent women from entering the workforce or occupy positions of power.

It is important for both genders to recognize the unique strengths that women bring to the table when it comes to effective communication; this could lead to better collaboration among different stakeholders involved in any project or organization as well as improved performance across multiple sectors of society worldwide.


Communication is an essential component to the way we interact with each other. It provides a platform for dialogue and understanding between individuals, groups, and organizations. The success of communication in any given situation is dependent on the ability of each party involved to understand the information being shared. Minorities are those groups who are disproportionately underrepresented in society due to systemic forms of oppression, marginalization, and discrimination. This means that their voices often go unheard when it comes to communication between parties within the majority’s power structure. In order for effective communication to occur between minority groups and those with greater power, it is essential for individuals to be aware of how their language, behavior, and actions can affect how these messages are received.

The unequal power dynamics present in many societies make it difficult for minority voices to be heard or taken seriously. This is evidenced by the ways in which people from different cultures communicate differently than one another: words that would not be considered offensive by one group may have completely different meanings amongst minorities due to cultural differences or histories of oppression surrounding them. It is also important to note that certain language used by those in positions of power can have a silencing effect on minorities if they feel intimidated or fearful when speaking up about their needs or concerns. Furthermore, different forms of communication such as nonverbal cues (e.g., gestures), body language (e.g., posture), and even the tone used when addressing someone can all affect how well they are able to effectively express themselves amongst majority groups or those with more privilege than them.

It is critical for those with privilege to be aware of how their behavior might impact marginalized communities when engaging in dialogue about important topics affecting these communities — whether it’s in a workplace setting or a larger societal context — as this can lead to better outcomes where everyone feels respected and heard despite differences in background or culture.. Additionally, through education about cultural competency and understanding different dialects among minority groups we can ensure that communication remains inclusive and respectful no matter what language is spoken or situation encountered.

Overall, having strong communication skills can help bridge gaps between diverse populations while minimizing potential misunderstandings stemming from cultural differences or perceived biases. By recognizing our own privilege as well as working towards creating an equitable space free from systemic prejudice it becomes easier for everyone involved to engage honestly without fear of repercussions or censorship — ultimately making communication more productive while still respecting individual boundaries and personal preference within conversations involving minorities

Properties / Materials

Communication is the exchange of information from one or more sources to one or more receivers through a medium. It can be verbal, such as conversation between two people, or nonverbal, like body language or facial expressions. The properties and materials associated with communication depend on the type of communication being conducted.

Verbal communication includes spoken words, written letters, emails, text messages, and other forms of digital communication. The properties associated with verbal communication are clarity and comprehension. Clarity is important in order for a message to be effectively communicated; it is necessary that the source’s words are understood by the receiver. Comprehension is also necessary because it allows the receiver to understand and process the message.

Nonverbal communication uses symbols like body language, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, touch and tone of voice to convey meaning without using words. These symbols have many physical properties that can contribute to effective nonverbal communication. For example, eye contact conveys interest in a conversation and can show respect towards another person; whereas avoiding eye contact may indicate lack of understanding or lack of engagement in a conversation. Body language conveys meaning through posture and movement; standing up straight while speaking shows confidence while leaning forwards while listening shows attention and interest in what someone is saying. Facial expressions are also important; they can convey joy, sadness, surprise and other emotions depending on how they are used.

Digital communication utilizes technology such as mobile phones and computers to send messages over long distances in short amounts of time. Digital properties associated with digital communication include speed (messages sent almost instantly), accuracy (messages received accurately), security (data protected from unauthorized access) and storage capacity (the ability to store large amounts of data). Various materials are used for digital communications including wires for Internet connections, copper cables for phone lines, routers for Wi-Fi signals and satellites for global telecommunication systems.

Overall there are many materials and properties associated with different types of communications which make them unique in their own ways but all serve the same purpose-to inform or entertain between two or more parties efficiently.

Commercial Applications / Uses / Examples

Communication is one of the most important aspects of human interaction. It includes verbal, non-verbal and written messages. Communication plays an essential role in the exchange of ideas and information, enabling individuals to build relationships, express feelings, make sense of the world, and understand each other. With advances in technology, communication has become increasingly easier and more accessible to people around the world.

Commercial applications of communication can be seen in almost all industries. The traditional mode of communication for business purposes has been through telephones or letters which are still widely used by companies for customer support or sales activities. However, with technological advancements such as the internet and smartphones, businesses now have access to multiple tools that facilitate efficient communication both internally within organizations as well as externally with customers, partners and suppliers. These tools include email, instant messaging (IM), video conferencing systems, social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter and many others.

One of the main reasons businesses use these tools is because they offer increased speed and efficiency when compared to traditional forms of communication such as phone calls or postal mail. For example, instead of having a lengthy conversation on the phone with a customer who may be located in another country or time zone it may be more practical to use email or IM which allows them to quickly get their message across without having to wait for a response from the other side. Furthermore, video conferencing systems provide a face-to-face experience without having to leave your desk thus saving time and money on travel expenses.

Social media platforms have also become essential for businesses in recent years thanks to their ability to reach a wide audience very quickly at minimal cost. Companies use these networks not only for marketing purposes but also for customer service activities such as responding quickly to complaints or gathering feedback from customers about their products/services. Social media also allows companies to build relationships with potential customers by engaging them in conversations about topics that are relevant to their industry or product range thus boosting brand loyalty amongst users who are likely to share positive experiences they had with the company’s products/services with their friends on social networks thereby increasing visibility and creating new opportunities for growth.

In conclusion, commercial applications of communication are varied depending on how businesses choose to utilize different tools available at their disposal today. By leveraging technologies such as emailing systems, IMs and video conferencing services it is possible for companies reduce operational costs while providing better quality customer service experiences that help boost sales figures significantly over time due to increased trust between companies and customers alike resulting from improved relationships built through effective communication practices. Moreover, social media platforms provide businesses with an excellent opportunity reach potential customers at a fraction of what it would cost using traditional marketing channels such as TV ads or billboards thus making it possible for even small businesses compete against larger competitors successfully in today’s market place where effective use of technology often makes all the difference between success and failure

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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