
by Mike Vestil 

credit score

A credit score is a numerical expression based on a level analysis of a person’s credit files, to represent the creditworthiness of that person. A credit score is primarily based on credit report information typically sourced from credit bureaus. Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential risk posed by lending money to consumers and to mitigate losses due to bad debt. Lenders use credit scores to determine who qualifies for a loan, at what interest rate, and what credit limits. Lenders also use credit scores to determine which customers are likely to bring in the most revenue. The use of credit or identity scoring prior to authorizing access or granting credit is an implementation of a trusted system. Credit scoring is not limited to banks. Other organizations, such as mobile phone companies, insurance companies, landlords, and government departments employ the same techniques. Credit scoring also has much overlap with data mining, which uses many similar techniques. These techniques combine thousands of factors but are similar or identical.


The term ‘credit score’ is a phrase that was first coined in the mid-1960s and is a numerical representation of an individual’s creditworthiness. It is used by financial institutions, lenders and other organizations to assess whether to offer someone credit or not. Credit scores are based on information contained within an individual’s credit report, such as payment history, outstanding debts and length of credit history.

The origins of the concept of using a numerical rating system to determine an individual’s creditworthiness can be traced back hundreds of years. The concept first appeared in the 15th century in Italy, when merchants would assign symbolic letters to customers depending on their reliability in fulfilling their obligations. This system evolved over the centuries with advances in technology and changes in society.

In 1854, the first two credit ratings were created: one for businesses called Commercial Risk Score (CRS) and another for individuals known as Personal Risk Score (PRS). These two ratings allowed financiers to quickly calculate if they should grant an individual or business a loan based on their ability to make timely repayment of previous loans.

In 1956, Fair Isaac & Co. developed the FICO model which provided users with a more comprehensive view of an individual’s overall financial health by using complex algorithms to analyze data from several sources simultaneously. This model was improved over time and eventually evolved into what we now know as modern day credit scores.

Since the introduction of the FICO model, numerous other models have been developed that provide greater insight into an individual’s financial standing. For example, some models take into account factors such as employment status, income levels or even location when calculating a person’s risk profile – all helping organizations make more informed decisions about granting people access to financial products or services.

Credit scoring remains one of the most valuable tools used today by lenders and other organizations alike when deciding whether or not someone is eligible for certain products or services. It has become invaluable for assessing whether someone is likely able to repay debt promptly; something that is essential given today’s increasingly volatile economic climate.


Beliefs about credit scores are an important aspect of understanding how the scoring system works and why it is important for individuals to maintain good financial health. A credit score is a numerical calculation that represents an individual’s creditworthiness, or how likely they are to be able to pay their debt obligations when due.

The most widely used scoring model, the FICO Score, was created by Fair Isaac Corporation and is a three-digit number ranging from 300 to 850. This score helps lenders determine whether to approve a loan or extend credit and what interest rate should be charged. Most lenders use a range of 680 to 780 as the acceptable range; anything below this threshold typically won’t qualify for prime interest rates.

Many people have false beliefs regarding the factors that influence their credit score. While payment history plays the most influential role in your score (accounting for 35%), other factors like length of credit history and types of accounts also play parts in your overall score (15% and 10%, respectively). In reality, there are many factors that go into calculating your FICO Score; things such as employment history, recent inquiries, balances on revolving accounts—all can factor into your final score.

It’s also commonly believed that closing accounts and/or lowering limits will raise one’s credit score; however, this isn’t always the case. In fact, if you close an account with a long payment history attached it can lower your overall average age of accounts which could lead to a lower score. Furthermore, reducing your total available limit could signal that you’re using too much credit and thus give creditors pause before approving additional loan applications.

Finally, another common misconception is that carrying no balance will boost your score; when in reality having some level of activity or balance on revolving accounts is beneficial since it shows you’re actively utilizing the line of credit extended to you while still paying back any borrowed amounts on time. Basically, having no activity in any area of your finances won’t help build healthy financial habits or increase your overall wellbeing – so don’t forget to make at least minimum payments each month!

Overall, maintaining good financial health requires steady monitoring and management over time; understanding how different factors influence one’s credit score can be tricky but will ultimately help individuals better manage their spending habits and remain financially responsible into adulthood and beyond.


Credit scores are numerical values used by lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, to assess the likelihood of an individual paying back a loan or line of credit. Credit scores are based on a range of factors, including debt-to-income ratio, payment history, total lines of credit and other financial behaviors. Higher credit scores often result in lower interest rates and better terms for borrows.

Practices that can improve a person’s credit score include paying bills on time, reducing total debt levels, limiting the number of new credit inquiries (applications for loans or lines of credit), and using the same accounts for long periods of time.

Paying bills on time is one of the most important factors when improving a person’s credit score. Late payments can significantly lower a person’s score and will stay on their record for seven years. Making timely payments helps demonstrate a borrower’s ability to make regular payments.

Reducing total debt levels can also lead to an improved credit score. Credit cards are unsecured revolving lines of credit which means they do not have a fixed limit or term length. A high level of available revolving debt often indicates instability to creditors and is seen as more risky than having stable loans with fixed repayment terms such as mortgages or auto loans. Paying off existing debt should be done with caution – while it is important to reduce total debt levels it is also important to maintain minimum balances on any open accounts so as not to close them out entirely, as this could damage a person’s score further due to shortening their average account age – one of the components that goes into calculating a FICO® Score – which represents the length of their history with accounts that report to the three major U.S. consumer reporting agencies: Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion® .

Limiting new applications for loans or lines of credit is another practice that can help improve one’s score over time by keeping hard inquiries down, which occur when someone applies for new credit and then reports that inquiry to potential lenders from whom they are seeking financing in order to determine whether they qualify for some type of loan product or other form of financing such as mortgage refinancing , home equity lines or car loans etc.. Hard inquiries remain on an individual’s file for two years but only count towards their FICO® Score up until one year after they occurred.

Finally, staying loyal to certain accounts over time can also provide benefit when attempting to improve one’s score in addition to all other practices mentioned previously; having longer standing relationships with lenders suggests trustworthiness, reliability and financial stability – all things potential creditors look favorably upon when issuing loan products or extending lines of credit . This does not mean individuals should keep their oldest accounts open permanently; if said accounts no longer serve any purpose it may be prudent at times to close them out in order consolidate overall available funds owed per lender/account/line in order help manage cash flow more effectively but it is important not close out too many older existing accounts at once either as doing so could affect an individual’s average account age negatively due again in part because shorter histories can suggest financial instability even if debts owed have been reduced successfully through responsible management practices .


Books are an important tool for building and maintaining credit. People with good credit often use books to help establish a positive credit history, while those with bad credit may use books to repair their score and build better financial habits.

No matter what your current credit score is, reading books on the topic can help you understand how it works and how to improve it. Learning about credit score basics can help you make decisions that will benefit you both now and in the future.

A good place to start learning more about credit score and books is by understanding the different types of scores available. Scores range from 300-850, and each one represents an individual’s financial history as reported by lenders and creditors. The higher a person’s score, the more likely they are to be approved for loans or have access to other forms of financial services.

When using books to improve or maintain a good credit score, it’s important to read the latest information on personal finance topics such as budgeting, debt management and responsible borrowing practices. Doing so can help individuals avoid making costly mistakes when applying for loans or opening lines of credit. Additionally, many books will provide tips on how consumers can take advantage of tools such as balance transfers or promotional interest rates in order to save money on interest payments over time.

Other useful resources include books that focus specifically on ways to improve a person’s credit score over time, such as increasing their income or eliminating unnecessary spending habits. These types of texts can give readers an in-depth look at strategies they can use in order to raise their scores more effectively.

Finally, some texts will offer advice on how best to negotiate with creditors in order to lower interest rates or consolidate debt into one payment plan that is easier for borrowers manage every month. Knowing these techniques can enable individuals to get more favorable terms from lenders which could translate into a significant impact on their overall financial well-being over time.

By reading up on relevant topics related to personal finance and understanding what steps need to be taken in order for them achieve a higher credit rating, people are able take control of their finances and learn how handle their money responsibly regardless of their current economic situation. Books are an invaluable resource for anyone looking for ways build or maintain good credit throughout their lifetime


A credit score is a numerical expression based on a person’s credit files, which lenders use to assess the risk of lending money or providing other forms of credit to them. Credit scores are calculated by various organizations, such as Experian and Equifax, and range from 300 to 850, with higher scores being more desirable and representing lower risk.

Demographics play an important role in determining one’s credit score. Factors like age, gender, income level, location, and education level can all have an impact on a person’s ability to obtain and maintain a good credit score.

Age is an important factor when it comes to one’s credit score. Generally speaking, younger borrowers tend to receive lower credit scores than those with more experience in managing their finances. This is due to the fact that younger borrowers lack the financial knowledge and discipline necessary for maintaining high or even fair levels of creditworthiness over time. Additionally, younger people tend to have much smaller incomes than their older counterparts—which also affects their overall ability to pay back debts in a timely fashion.

Gender also plays a role in determining one’s credit score; studies have found that women have higher average scores than men across all age groups. This could be attributed to several factors including the fact that women tend to pay off debt more quickly than men—and may avoid taking on unnecessary debt altogether—as well as having better access to higher-paying jobs due to improvements in gender equality in recent decades.

Income level is another important factor when it comes to obtaining or maintaining a good credit score. Those with higher incomes tend to qualify for larger loans and generally have greater access to lines of credit than those with lower incomes. However, it should be noted that having a steady income does not guarantee a good score; how someone manages their finances will ultimately determine this outcome regardless of how much money they make per month or year.

Location also has some influence on one’s ability to obtain or maintain a good credit rating; those living in areas with fewer employment opportunities may find it difficult to build up their credits, since they may be less likely to qualify for loans due their limited earning potential—not because they lack the financial knowledge needed for proper debt management but simply because they don’t have enough disposable income available after paying off essential living expenses (such as rent).

Education level can also affect one’s ability to obtain or maintain good levels of dependability when it comes keeping up with loan payments; individuals who are more educated about financial matters may be better equipped at making responsible decisions regarding borrowing money—assuming they understand the consequences associated with not doing so—than those who are less knowledgeable about such matters.

Overall, demographics often play an important role when it comes determining one’s eligibility for new lines of credit and whether or not they can maintain good levels of dependability when it comes making payments towards existing ones—although there are other factors involved too (such as past payment history). To ensure optimal results when applying for new lines ofcredit or seeking approval for certain types of loans (such as mortgages), individuals should take extra care when managing their finances throughout different stages of life while considering demographic-related details that may impact the outcome accordingly.

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

A credit score is a numerical evaluation of an individual’s creditworthiness. It is based on the individual’s payment history, financial history such as total amount of debt, and other factors such as how often the individual opens new lines of credit. A credit score is used by lenders to determine whether or not to approve loan applications, including mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards.

Credit scores are calculated using a variety of different models and formulas. These models generally take into account factors such as payment history — whether payments have been made on time or late — total amount of debt owed by the applicant, length of their credit history, number of accounts opened recently, and more. Score ranges vary from model to model; for example, FICO scores range from 300-850 while Vantage Scores range from 501-990.

Businesses / Structures / Denominations: Businesses use credit scores for a variety of reasons, including assessing consumer risk when extending loans and evaluating consumers’ financial health overall. Credit scores are also used when setting insurance rates for businesses with multiple employees; higher scores indicate lower risk and thus lower premiums for companies. Individuals may also be subject to higher rates based on their own personal score; this can include anything from car insurance premiums to interest rates on personal loans.

Financial institutions may rely heavily on credit scoring systems when qualifying potential customers for services such as banking or investment accounts; in many cases they will rely solely on a customer’s score rather than conducting further investigations into their current financial situation. This means that individuals with good or excellent scores stand a greater chance at being eligible for certain types of accounts than those with lower scores.

Credit scoring systems can also be used by business owners to evaluate potential suppliers or vendors before entering into an agreement with them. By studying the vendor’s payment performance over time (as well as their overall debt levels) business owners can determine if it would be advisable to do business with them based on their track record with creditors in the past.

In addition, businesses may use credit scoring techniques when looking to assess the risk associated with particular transactions or investments; this type of measure allows them to weigh up potential returns versus projected losses more accurately before making any decisions about getting involved in an arrangement financially.

Overall then, understanding one’s own individual credit score is important when attempting to access various services from banks or other lenders – but it can also benefit businesses which use these same techniques when assessing their own risk management systems and calculations associated with possible investments or deals they might want to enter into in order to make profits or save money over time.

Cultural Inflience

The concept of credit scores has become increasingly important in the global economy, and the way different cultures regard them has had a significant impact on how they are used. Credit scores have been used for centuries to judge a person’s financial worthiness, and this information is often used by banks and other lenders when approving loan applications. Cultural attitudes toward debt and spending can affect credit scores in various ways.

In some countries, such as China, Japan, India, and South Korea, there is an emphasis on saving money rather than borrowing it or taking on debt. This leads to higher levels of savings in these countries compared to places like the United States or Europe where borrowing is more common. As a result, people in these countries tend to maintain high credit scores due to their restricted spending habits. This helps them secure loans with lower interest rates if needed.

On the other hand, some cultures have a very relaxed attitude towards debt and spending beyond one’s means. For example, in Latin American cultures there is often less stigma associated with going into debt or using credit cards freely without necessarily having the funds to pay them off right away. This can lead to lower average credit scores among citizens of these countries due to their higher levels of consumer debt relative to income levels.

In addition to cultural differences between regions, family values can also play an important role in shaping attitudes towards credit scores. In traditional family structures, parents often provide guidance and advice regarding finances which may include topics such as budgeting techniques or responsible use of credit cards. These values are passed down from generation to generation and can have an effect on how individuals manage their finances and thus ultimately their credit score.

Finally, educational systems around the world play an important role in helping individuals learn about the importance of financial literacy which includes understanding how credit works and how it affects one’s future prospects for obtaining loans or mortgages from traditional lenders like banks and other institutions that rely upon good credit histories for approval decisions. Educating students early about managing personal finances can help ensure that they make sound financial decisions throughout adulthood which will ultimately protect their long-term financial security including their own individual credit score.

Overall, culture shapes our attitudes towards many things including our attitude towards money and finances which ultimately affects our view on credit scores as well as our willingness to take on risk when it comes time obtain loans or mortgages from traditional lenders who rely heavily upon good credit histories for approval decisions. It is essential that we understand both our own cultural norms around money and finance as well as those of others so that we are able make informed decisions when it comes time evaluate risks related obtaining large sums of money through loans or other similar means of financing.

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

The credit score is a numerical representation of an individual’s financial history which is used by many creditors, lenders and other organizations to make decisions about whether or not to offer a person services such as loans, mortgages or credit cards. A credit score is broadly calculated by taking into account an individual’s payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, types of accounts and new credit inquiries. Credit scoring methodology has become increasingly important in the last two decades, with some estimates suggesting that it affects more than two-thirds of all lending decisions.

Despite its prevalence in the lending industry, the use of credit scores has been criticized for numerous reasons. The first line of criticism points out potential inaccuracies inherent in the methodology used to calculate a person’s score. This includes factors such as erroneous accounts showing up on reports and incorrect data being used to calculate scores. Another point of criticism focuses on how various segments of society are treated differently when it comes to their scores; namely that minority groups tend to have lower scores due to institutional bias in areas such as education and employment. Finally, concerns have been raised about the lack of transparency regarding how exactly a person’s score is calculated, making it difficult for individuals to improve their own situation if they feel their score is too low.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is apologetics for the use of credit scoring models. Proponents cite research which shows that those with higher credit scores tend to be less likely to default on loans and more likely to pay off debts over time—a benefit both for lenders and borrowers alike. Additionally, supporters argue that instead of relying on subjective opinions when granting loans or other forms of financing, using an objective system based on data helps level the playing field so everyone can compete fairly regardless of their circumstances or backgrounds.

At its core, there are pros and cons associated with any form of assessment used by lenders; however one thing remains clear: With more than two-thirds of all lending decisions being affected by credit scoring models, understanding how these systems work can help people make better financial decisions when applying for loans or other forms of financing.


A credit score is a numerical expression that reflects an individual’s creditworthiness. It is primarily based on the person’s credit history, which includes payments made on loans and other lines of credit. Credit scores range from 300 to 850, with most individuals scoring between 650 and 750. A higher score indicates that an individual is more likely to make their payments on time and meet their financial obligations.

When a person applies for a loan, lenders use their credit score as one of the primary factors in determining whether or not to approve the loan. Those with higher scores are generally offered more favorable terms than those with lower scores.

Types of Credit Scores

There are several types of credit scores available in the market today, each of which take into account different aspects of a borrower’s financial life.

FICO Score: The FICO score is the most widely used type of credit score and was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). It takes into account information such as payment history, current debt load, length of credit history, types of accounts held and new inquiries made when evaluating an applicant’s risk profile.

VantageScore: Developed by the three major consumer credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion), VantageScore evaluates an individual’s credit report using similar criteria as FICO but also includes additional data points such as rent payments and utility bills. This type of scoring model typically produces different results than what FICO does with the same data set.

Educational Score: Educational scores focus on educating consumers about their overall financial health rather than providing a numerical value for lenders to use when making decisions about granting loans or lines of credit. This type of score helps people understand what factors affect their overall financial standing and offers advice on how to improve it over time.

Insurance Score: An insurance score takes into account an individual’s credit history plus other factors such as age and marital status to determine how likely someone is to file an insurance claim in the future. Insurance companies use this type of scoring system when evaluating policy applications so they can adjust premiums accordingly based on risks associated with each customer profile.

In addition to these four main types, there are also alternative scoring models being used by lenders and other organizations that evaluate potential borrowers differently than traditional methods do. For example, some lenders may look at employment stability or even social media activity when making decisions about granting loans or lines of credits – something that doesn’t show up on traditional models like FICO or VantageScores.


Credit scores are numerical summaries of an individual’s overall financial health. It is used by lenders to determine if a person is suitable for credit, as well as inform decisions related to the terms and conditions of any given loan or line of credit. The higher the credit score, the better the terms a borrower can typically expect.

Different countries have established their own scoring systems, which vary in complexity and criteria used to calculate scores. In most cases, however, credit scores are based on things such as payment history, length of credit history, utilization ratio (amount of available credit an individual has accessed), types of accounts opened and closed over time, inquiries into one’s credit report, outstanding debt balances and more. Scores range from 0-999 in many countries around the world.

In the United States, there are three main scoring systems: FICO Score 8 (the most widely used system), VantageScore 3.0 (used by some lenders) and Experian’s PLUS Score (a free score). Each one has its own method of calculation that considers different characteristics; however, they all use similar criteria such as payment history and length of credit history. The FICO Score 8 is based on five categories: Payment History (35%), Utilization Ratio (30%), Length of Credit History (15%), Types of Accounts Opened/Closed Over Time (10%) and Inquiries Into One’s Credit Report (10%). VantageScore 3.0 also evaluates payment history and utilization ratio but adds additional factors such as exposure to ‘risky’ debt products like payday loans or subprime mortgages; recent activity like opening new accounts; trends in total balances owed; mix of both newly opened/closed accounts; collections activity; etc.

The language used in discussing credit scores varies depending on region and country. In the United States it’s common to hear terms such as ‘FICO score’ or ‘credit rating’, whereas in other parts of the world phrases like ‘creditworthiness’ or ‘credit profile’ may be more commonly used when referring to one’s financial standing according to lenders’ standards. Such language reflects prevailing cultural understandings about money management within different societies – what is deemed acceptable versus unacceptable behavior when it comes to managing one’s finances – which can ultimately impact a person’s ability to obtain access to resources for themselves or their families over time.

It is important for consumers all over the world to familiarize themselves with their respective local terminology associated with their financial profile so that they can better advocate for themselves during conversations with lenders or other financial professionals when seeking access to services such as borrowing money or establishing lines of credit. Understanding how one’s financial standing is evaluated by banks can also help individuals set up self-management strategies over time while taking into consideration typical scoring parameters associated with acquiring goods and services through loans or lines of credit. Being mindful about how words are used when discussing these matters can make a difference at every stage along an individual’s journey towards building healthy personal finance habits that lead towards long-term economic stability

Regions and security no matter where they live in the world today!

Credit score, also known as a FICO score, is the numerical representation of an individual’s creditworthiness. On a scale of 300-850, it represents how responsible an individual has been in paying his/her debts; the higher the score, the better. Credit scores are used by banks and other financial institutions to determine whether or not they should lend money to an individual or business.

While credit scores are important in all regions, there are some differences in what is considered a “good” or “bad” score depending on where you live. For example, a score of 700 or higher is generally seen as excellent in the US and Europe, while it may not be viewed as favorably elsewhere. In some Asian countries like China and South Korea, for instance, a score of 750 or higher is often required for loan approval.

It is also important to note that different countries have different scoring methods when it comes to calculating credit scores. The most widely used system globally is known as FICO’s three-digit scoring system which was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). This scoring system assigns points based on information contained in an individual’s credit report such as payment history and total outstanding debt. Other countries have their own systems such as VantageScore (used in the United States) and Numerus (used in India).

In addition to differences in credit scoring systems, there are also differences between regions when it comes to how lenders view certain aspects of your credit history. A missed payment due date may be more harshly judged in one region than another; likewise, bankruptcy laws can vary from one country to another which can affect how lenders view your ability to payback debts.

Finally, it is important to note that security measures can differ between regions when it comes to protecting one’s personal financial information from fraud and identity theft. Some countries may have stricter measures than others when it comes to encryption methods used for storing sensitive information online or manual verification methods for authorizing transactions at brick-and-mortar stores.

Overall, understanding regional differences when it comes to credit scores can help individuals make better decisions about their finances no matter where they live in the world today. By being aware of local regulations regarding debt repayment and data security measures taken by financial institutions within their region, individuals can ensure greater safety and security of their finances while maintaining good standing with lenders wherever they go!


Credit scores are numerical summaries of a person’s creditworthiness and financial history. Credit scoring is used by lenders to assess the risk of extending credit to potential borrowers and to determine the interest rate that should be charged for granting credit. The concept of credit scoring was first introduced in the 1950s by Bill Fair and Earl Isaac, who founded the pioneering company Fair, Isaac & Company (FICO).

Since its inception, FICO has developed a comprehensive suite of proprietary analytics tools designed to gauge a borrower’s risk level. The use of credit scoring is now ubiquitous among lenders in the United States and other developed countries; it has become an indispensable tool for financial institutions as they strive to identify qualified borrowers and manage their portfolios.

When considering a loan application, lenders typically look at five main factors: payment history, amount owed, length of credit history, types of credit used and recent activity. Of these factors, payment history plays the biggest role in determining one’s score – 35% of the total score. A person’s payment history includes whether or not they have made payments on time or if they have defaulted on loans or other obligations in the past.

The second most important factor is amount owed; this comprises 30% of one’s total score. Amount owed looks at how much debt an individual currently has outstanding and compares it to their available credit limit. This helps lenders decide if an applicant can handle additional debt without becoming overextended financially.

Length of credit history makes up 15% of one’s total score; this accounts for how long a person has had open accounts with revolving balances (e.g., credit cards) or installment payments (e.g., mortgages). Generally speaking, the longer your track record with various creditors is, the more favorably your rating will be viewed because it shows you can manage your debt responsibly over an extended period of time.

Types of credit used make up 10% of one’s overall score as it reflects how many different kinds of loans or lines-of-credit you have open presently as well as which ones you have applied for previously (e.g., car loan versus mortgage). This helps lenders measure your ability to handle different types of debt responsibly at once while also demonstrating diversification when it comes to personal finance management practices. Lastly, new activity comprises 10%of one’s total score; this factor looks both at hard inquiries made when applying for new forms of debt as well as any new accounts opened within six months prior to reviewal by lenders for loan approval consideration purposes.

In conclusion, understanding what goes into calculating one’s FICO score is essential in achieving personal finance success – having established knowledge about what goes into determining your rating gives

History / Origin

Write a well-written and well structured article for a wikipedia style page on ‘credit score’ + ‘History / Origin’ you insight into what steps must be taken in order to maintain good standing with potential creditors going forward. By using Fair Isaac & Co.’s methodologies for evaluating an individual’s borrowing qualifications, financial institutions can quickly identify qualified applicants worthy of receiving a loan – making them more efficient than ever before while also giving consumers unprecedented access to capital when needed most!

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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