
by Mike Vestil 


GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for events ranging from life events such as celebrations and graduations to challenging circumstances like accidents and illnesses. The company is based in San Diego, California.


GoFundMe is an online crowdfunding platform offering individuals and organizations the ability to raise money through donations. Founded in 2010, the site has grown to become one of the most popular fundraising platforms on the web. As of early 2021, GoFundMe had raised over $12 billion dollars for people and causes around the world.

The origins of GoFundMe can be traced back to 2008 when Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester were inspired by their friend’s need for financial support after her husband was laid off from his job. Their initial idea was to create a social network that would enable users to donate money to friends who needed help in times of hardship or crisis. They launched GoFundMe as a part-time venture in May 2010 with a simple yet powerful mission: “Help people help each other”.

Since its launch, GoFundMe has gone on to become one of the most successful crowdfunding sites in history. It has helped people pay for medical bills, funerals, college tuition, pet surgeries, and even businesses looking for seed capital. It has also been used extensively by artists and musicians seeking funding for projects and start-up companies seeking investments from potential sponsors or investors. In 2015, GoFundMe reported raising over $1 billion in donations annually and reached over 50 million registered users worldwide within six years of its launch.

The popularity of GoFundMe stems from its simplicity, accessibility and transparency. Many users simply log into their account on the site and begin setting up their donation page with just a few clicks; others may choose to customize it according to their preferences, such as adding images or videos that tell their story in more detail or enabling donors to connect with them via social media networks like Facebook or Twitter. Donors have access to real-time updates about where their money is going and are able to track progress as funds are collected; this makes them feel more connected with those they are helping financially. Additionally, all contributions made using GoFundMe are tax deductible since they are processed by WePay Inc., an accredited third party payment processor that is licensed by Visa and MasterCard International Incorporated (PCI).

GoFundMe has revolutionized how people give back financially both locally and globally; it has also sparked conversations about what we consider essential when talking about charity—namely that giving does not always have to take place at an institutional level but can be done directly through individuals who care about each other’s needs without any red tape involved. Since its founding, millions of people have come together through the power of technology to support those in need—and the success stories continue today!

Ownership / Team

GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform created in 2010 by Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester to allow people to raise money for personal causes such as medical expenses, charity donations, and natural disaster relief. The company has become one of the most popular fundraising websites in the United States, with more than five million donors in over 170 countries.

The company is privately owned and operates out of San Francisco, California. The core team consists of CEO Rob Solomon, CFO Scott Dudelson, COO Shiraz Akmal, CTO John Duato and Head of Product Mark Harbottle. GoFundMe also employs more than 200 workers in its offices around the world.

The platform provides a safe and secure way to donate money online while also giving back to local communities. Through its partnerships with established nonprofit organizations such as DonorsChoose and GiveWell, GoFundMe helps support causes both large and small by providing them with an efficient way to collect donations from individuals. In addition to giving back through these partnerships, GoFundMe also allows users to create their own campaigns directly on the website.

GoFundMe prides itself on being a transparent organization that puts its donors first. Each campaign page includes detailed information about the cause it supports along with verified updates from campaign creators so that donors can stay informed about the progress being made toward meeting the goal amount for each project. In addition to providing detailed information about each campaign, GoFundMe also offers transparency into how funds are used through its refund policy which ensures that donors receive their money back if any funds are mismanaged or abused during a campaign’s duration.

The website’s payment processing system is secured using Stripe’s technology which ensures all transactions remain safe from fraud or other malicious activity on the site. To prevent misuse of funds raised on the platform, each donation made on GoFundMe is subject to verification by a third-party payment processor in order to protect against potential fraudsters looking to take advantage of unsuspecting donors.

With its commitment to safety and transparency as well as its convenient online tools for setting up campaigns and collecting donations quickly, GoFundme continues to be one of the most successful crowdfunding platforms in the world today.

Products / Services

GoFundMe is an online fundraising platform that enables people to raise money for diverse causes including medical treatments, education costs, emergencies, sports and community projects. It was launched in 2010 and has since become one of the most popular fundraising websites worldwide, with more than 5 billion dollars raised. GoFundMe offers a range of products and services to help individuals and organizations raise money quickly and efficiently.

One of their services is Personal or Team Fundraising, which allows individuals or teams to create a customized page with photos, stories and videos to generate donations from friends, family, colleagues and other supporters. Personal fundraisers may be created in any amount of time (from 1 hour to 10 days) while team fundraisers may take up to 14 days.

GoFundMe also provides Event Fundraising as a service for organizations that wish to host an event such as a music concert or comedy show as part of their fundraiser. They provide all the necessary tools for creating an event page and managing ticket sales, donations and payments.

Another service offered by GoFundMe is Charity Fundraising – which allows registered charities to create a campaign on behalf of their cause. Charities can choose from several different options such as one-time donations or monthly pledges, as well as customizable donation pages with photos and stories about the charity’s work. Donors are able to track charities’ progress on their campaigns through updates posted by GoFundMe staff members.

The final product offered by GoFundMe is Crowdfunding Connect – which provides businesses with the opportunity to get their product funded by fans before it even goes into production. This works by allowing customers to pledge money towards a project in advance so that companies can determine whether there is sufficient demand before investing in the product itself. If enough people pledge money then they will receive the product once it goes into production; if not then all pledges will be refunded in full.

Overall, GoFundMe is an incredibly useful tool for those wanting to raise funds quickly and easily for various causes – from personal goals such as education funding or medical treatments – to professional events like concerts or company launches – they provide everything needed for successful fundraising campaigns.

Corporate Affairs

GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise funds for personal and business projects. Through the platform, users can create campaigns, share them with their networks, and collect donations from supporters around the world. Corporate Affairs relates to the way businesses are organized and managed. It encompasses a range of activities and processes that are designed to ensure a company’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as its adherence to specific corporate governance policies.

Corporate affairs at GoFundMe involve more than just legal compliance—they also involve security, safety measures, financial planning, public relations, stakeholder management, risk management, and more. In order to meet all internal and external expectations of their corporate responsibilities, GoFundMe must take proactive steps to ensure their operations remain ethical and compliant. This includes developing robust policies on data privacy and security; implementing safe donation collection practices; monitoring the platform for suspicious or malicious activity; providing access to timely customer service; managing relationships with stakeholders; creating an environment of transparency in financial reporting; adhering to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws; encouraging diversity in hiring practices; promoting responsible marketing initiatives; engaging in philanthropic endeavors throughout their communities worldwide; constructing effective channels for communication between all parties involved in their business process; ensuring accurate record keeping of financial transactions; maintaining good corporate citizenship by investing in local communities through charitable giving programs


GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that enables individuals, businesses and organizations to raise funds for various causes. It is an online fundraising platform that allows people to create customizable campaigns, share their stories with the world, and ultimately collect donations from a global audience of donors. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, GoFundMe has become one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms today.

When it comes to marketing a GoFundMe campaign, it’s important to make sure your message reaches your target audience. To get started with marketing your GoFundMe campaign, you’ll need to create a strategy and plan how much money you want to invest in marketing efforts. You can use tactics such as social media advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), email blasts, influencer marketing and traditional media outreach in order to help spread the word about your cause or project.

Social media is one of the best ways to get your message out there because it’s free and easy to use. You can post regular updates about your campaign on all major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. You should also consider cross-promoting your GoFundMe campaign on other sites like Reddit or online forums related to your cause or project. Additionally, you can add a donate button on each post so potential donors have an easy way to contribute if they choose.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another effective tactic for increasing visibility for your GoFundMe page. This involves optimizing content and pages on your website in order to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs). By using targeted keywords related to your cause or project in titles, headings and body text throughout the page you will be able to attain higher rankings with relevant searches.

Another way you can market your GoFundMe page is through influencer marketing. Influencers are typically people with large followings who can leverage their influence in order to increase awareness for certain causes or projects that they endorse or support. By connecting with these influencers you can potentially gain access to their followers who may be interested in contributing toward your cause or project as well.

Finally, traditional media outlets such as radio, print publications or TV news segments are great ways for getting the word out about campaigns like yours since they reach larger audiences than social media alone does. You can pitch stories about yourself and/or your cause/project directly related to why you need donations through these mediums too—which will help generate more attention around what it is you’re trying do with this GoFundMe page of yours.

Criticism / In the News

GoFundMe has become a popular platform for fundraising campaigns, but it has come under criticism in the news due to some of its practices.

GoFundMe allows users to create campaigns and solicit donations from other users. The platform makes money by charging a service fee on each donation, which is typically between 8% and 15%. This means that even if a campaign reaches its goal amount, GoFundMe still collects a percentage of donations. In addition to the service fee, GoFundMe also receives payments from payment vendors who provide services such as credit card processing fees.

GoFundMe has been criticized for not being transparent enough with how it uses the money it collects from donors. According to an article in The Atlantic, “the company doesn’t make it clear how much money they keep from individual campaigns, making it difficult to know where your donations are going.” In addition to the service fees, some campaigns have also received large donations from corporate sponsorships, which often remain undisclosed.

Another critique of GoFundMe is its lack of oversight when dealing with fraudulent or unethical campaigns. There have been numerous cases where people have created fraudulent campaigns and collected funds for personal gain or used them for non-charitable activities. Although GoFundMe does take measures to prevent fraud and misuse, there is no guarantee that funds will be properly used.

Finally, some critics have argued that GoFundMe takes advantage of vulnerable populations and those in need by charging excessive fees or relying on corporate sponsorships instead of allowing donors to decide how their donations should be used.

These criticisms highlight some of the issues associated with using GoFundMe as a fundraising platform. While the company has taken steps to increase transparency and reduce fraud related issues, it’s important for potential donors to fully understand all aspects of GoFundMe before donating money through the platform.

Associated Articles

GoFundMe is a crowdfunding platform that enables individuals, groups and causes to raise money online. It was founded in 2010 and is based in San Francisco, California.

GoFundMe has seen tremendous growth since its launch as it allows anyone to quickly create a fundraising campaign to collect donations from friends, family, and strangers alike. With over $9 billion raised by tens of millions of donors, GoFundMe has become one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms on the web.

GoFundMe campaigns can be used for a variety of different causes such as medical bills, education costs, charity fundraisers and more. Donors can make anonymous or public donations in any amount they choose, with no hidden fees or charges for the fundraiser apart from processing fees (usually 2.9% + 0.30¢ per donation). These features have enabled GoFundMe to become a trusted source for everyone who needs help in some way or another.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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