
by Mike Vestil 


Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning. Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); it can be more or less formal or systematic. In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology; the philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as “justified true belief”, though “well-justified true belief” is more complete as it accounts for the Gettier problems. However, several definitions of knowledge and theories to explain it exist. Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, communication, and reasoning; while knowledge is also said to be related to the capacity of acknowledgment in human beings.


Knowledge is understanding of facts, truths, or information based on experience, study, or instruction. Throughout recorded history humans have been interested in acquiring and organizing knowledge; however, the term “knowledge” can be difficult to define due to its abstract nature and varying interpretations.

The concept of knowledge has been studied since classical antiquity and has been explored throughout various disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. In the modern era, many theories have been proposed in order to explain how knowledge is acquired and organized.


The English word ‘knowledge’ has its roots in Old English (cognate with Germanic *kennen), which was derived from Proto-Germanic *kunnjōn (to know). Ultimately, this root can be traced back to Indo-European *ǵneh₃-, meaning ‘to know’. Variants of this root word exist in many other languages including Latin (noscere) and Sanskrit (jñāna).

In philosophy, knowledge is traditionally divided into two categories: “a priori” (knowledge that is known independent of experience) and “a posteriori” (knowledge that requires experience). A priori knowledge includes fundamental truths such as logical deductions or mathematics; a posteriori knowledge includes empirical observations about the world.

In psychology, cognition is the process by which people acquire knowledge about the world around them. Cognitive psychologists focus on how people learn through observation, memory formation, problem solving, decision making, language acquisition, among other processes. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on understanding thinking through neuroscience, computer science and linguistics.

In linguistics, there are several theories regarding how language influences thought and shapes our conceptions of reality including Whorfianism which proposes that language determines thought; Linguistic Relativity which suggests language influences thought; and Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis which examines how language affects cognition.

Knowledge has long been a source of fascination for humanity; therefore it is no surprise that it continues to captivate philosophers, psychologists and linguists throughout time. From its humble origins in Old English all the way up to modern cognitive science—it continues to provide an endlessly fascinating area of inquiry for humans across all fields of study.


Beliefs are an important element of knowledge and understanding. Beliefs can be defined as a mental acceptance or conviction regarding a certain subject or fact, without the need for absolute proof or certainty. Beliefs can be formed on the basis of experience, reason, ideology, faith, culture, and education.

Beliefs shape the way we think and act in both private and public life. They inform our decision-making and analysis of situations. Our beliefs provide the framework for our values and ethics which guide our behavior and determine what is seen as right or wrong. Beliefs can also influence how we communicate with others in terms of language choices, body language, gestures, and tone of voice.

In philosophical terms, beliefs are considered to be cognitive attitudes that involve an individual’s thoughts about a particular subject or situation. These attitudes are often based on subjective judgments rather than objective facts. Philosophers believe that beliefs should be evaluated objectively to ensure that they are true, logical, consistent with other accepted truths about the world, justified by reliable evidence and not self-contradictory in any way.

Beliefs can also form part of a system of religious belief; in this case they are often based on faith rather than scientific evidence. Many religions teach that certain moral values should be followed according to divine authority or scriptural teachings; these teachings may include doctrines such as prayer being necessary to achieve salvation or sin being punishable by eternal damnation.

The power of beliefs lies in their ability to inspire people to take action; they shape how individuals react in various situations based on their perception that something is true or false. People tend to act more confidently when they have strong beliefs about their own capabilities and those around them; conversely negative beliefs can lead to decreased confidence levels which can impede progress towards achieving one’s goals.

Ultimately it is important for individuals to question their own beliefs regularly in order to ensure that their actions remain well informed and appropriate for each situation encountered throughout life’s journey.


Knowledge Practices are methods and techniques used to develop and maintain an organizational understanding of the environment, in order to make better decisions. Knowledge Practice is distinct from knowledge management, which involves the use of tools and technologies to store, manage, or distribute knowledge. Knowledge Practices instead focuses on techniques for acquiring and using knowledge in a structured way.

Organizations can use Knowledge Practices to identify trends, anticipate opportunities, and assess risks. They may also use it to gain a competitive advantage over their competition. By gathering insights from industry experts, industry news sources, market research reports, customer feedback surveys, and more; organizations can gain a better understanding of their current market landscape. This information can then be used to inform business decisions and strategic investments.

Knowledge Practices involve the collection of data from multiple sources into a central repository. Data collection includes direct observation as well as interviews with industry stakeholders such as customers and partners; surveys; learning activities; reading reports; attending seminars or conferences; analyzing public sources such as news sites; visiting customer sites; benchmarking other firms’ practices; conducting targeted analysis on relevant topics; taking part in professional collaborations with colleagues at other organizations or institutions; or monitoring external trends and developments that could have an impact on your organization’s operations or objectives.

Once collected, data must be analyzed with appropriate research designs in order to draw meaningful insights about the marketplace. This analysis may include using descriptive statistics to summarize large amounts of data quickly or making inferences based on quantitative measurements or qualitative observations. Analysis results should be summarized concisely in reports so that others can understand them easily. Reports may include recommendations for changes that should be made based on the results of the analysis.

In tandem with collecting data and performing analysis activities, Knowledge Practices involve building relationships with external parties who may have insights into how market conditions are changing or how consumer preferences are evolving over time. Organizations need to ensure they have access to accurate information from reliable contacts so they can make informed decisions about potential investments or strategies for their business operations. They should also recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to Knowledge Practices since different industries have different needs when it comes to gaining insight into their markets.

Many organizations struggle with implementing Knowledge Practices due to limited resources available for research activities or lack of personnel dedicated solely towards managing these activities effectively within their organization’s structure. To help overcome these challenges, many organizations have implemented specialized software designed specifically for managing Knowledge Practices efficiently across departments within their organization such as market intelligence tools or decision support systems that facilitate collaboration among staff members engaging in research activities related to monitoring external markets for changes in consumer preferences or competitor activity levels so they can quickly adjust strategies accordingly if needed..


Books are a medium by which knowledge is transferred and stored. Through the ages, books have been an important factor in the advancement of knowledge and culture, providing an opportunity for people to learn and grow intellectually.

Throughout history, books have provided a means of communication between individuals, with many of the earliest known texts being religious in nature. Ancient texts such as the Bible, Torah, Quran and various other scriptures played a key role in spreading knowledge about ethinic beliefs and values. As time progressed, literature began to take on forms such as poetry, dramas, philosophy and biographies. Over time these writings became more detailed and soon developed into compilations of facts that would become textbooks for education.

In modern society books are used not only for educational purposes but also as sources of entertainment. Novels allow readers to escape into a world of make believe or explore stories based on true-life events. Similarly autobiographical works give insight into another person’s life experiences thus allowing readers to gain understanding into another’s point of view or culture. Non-fiction books can also offer information on virtually any topic imaginable from how to cook a meal to how to build an empire.

Books provide readers with access to knowledge that otherwise may be beyond their reach due to geographical isolation or economic limitations. Libraries around the world offer readers access to such materials free of charge thus providing even more opportunities for learning and growth. Books are also unique in that they can be passed down through generations thus creating a legacy that goes beyond one individual’s lifetime. Reading books has been shown to improve cognitive skills such as comprehension while simultaneously increasing exposure to new ideas and concepts that can aid in social understanding and emotional intelligence.

It is clear that books play a vital role in advancing society through knowledge acquisition, communication, creativity and entertainment . They provide individuals with an opportunity for intellectual growth regardless of one’s financial status or location on the globe– making them arguably one of the most powerful tools available today for personal advancement


Demographics is the study of population characteristics such as age, gender, race, education level, income, and marital status. Demographers collect data on these characteristics to study population changes over time and in different geographical areas. Studying demographics can help provide insight into how a population’s characteristics may impact its economic health and cultural norms.

The term ‘demographics’ was first used in the early 19th century by British statistician William Farr who defined it as the “numbers and descriptions of people living in a region”. Since then, the use of demographic data has become widespread across many different fields including economics, urban planning, public health, marketing, and political science. By understanding how populations differ across geographic regions or by age group or other factors, researchers gain insight into how individual communities are likely to respond to new policies or products.

Demographic data can be collected through surveys or through administrative records such as census forms or voter registrations. Governments often use census data for targeted programs that are intended to support particular groups within a population such as seniors or low-income individuals. Businesses often use demographic information to target their advertising campaigns towards specific customer segments that are likely to be interested in their products or services.

In addition to providing valuable insights about a population’s characteristics, demography can also be used to look at important factors like fertility rates (the number of children born per woman) and mortality rates (the number of deaths per year). Demographers can also analyze migration patterns between countries and within states or provinces in order to better understand the dynamics of population growth and decline over time.

By studying demographics we gain an understanding about how populations work together which helps inform decisions about public policy and business practices. Knowing more about the composition of a given population can help researchers identify trends that might otherwise go unnoticed and provide valuable insight into potential gaps in services or perceptions among different segments of society.

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

Knowledge can be broadly defined as the capacity or skill to comprehend, and is typically divided between two distinct types: tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is a kind of understanding that is difficult to express in words, while explicit knowledge is more easily articulated and shared. Businesses, structures and denominations are all areas which rely upon knowledge in order to function effectively.

Businesses utilize knowledge in order to make decisions about pricing, production and marketing. Knowledge of market trends, consumer preferences and industry regulations facilitate better decision making processes within the business environment. Knowledge of accounting principles also allows businesses to accurately track their performance over time, while knowledge of financial markets helps them secure capital for growth.

Structures are large, complex systems composed of many small components; knowledge of these components is necessary for constructing effective structures or machines. Engineers must know the properties of various materials and how they interact with one another when building bridges or dams. Architects must understand how different construction materials behave under various conditions in order to design safe buildings for human habitation. Even mundane tasks such as mowing lawns require a certain level of knowledge in order to be completed efficiently and safely.

Denominations are social units based on ideologies or beliefs that are shared among members of the unit; denominations thus rely upon the acquisition and dissemination of collective knowledge in order to thrive and grow. Religious denominations often have established rituals and practices that members must adhere to; understanding these rituals requires an ongoing effort on behalf of denomination leadership to educate members on proper doctrine and traditions. Political parties similarly rely upon a shared set of beliefs that serve as guiding principles for their members; again this requires ongoing education efforts within the party structure in order for those principles to remain relevant over time.

In conclusion, businesses, structures, and denominations all require a certain degree of knowledge in order to accomplish their goals effectively. This can range from understanding mundane tasks such as mowing lawns, to more complex activities like engineering bridges or political campaigning strategies; regardless however each area relies heavily upon collective wisdom gained from experience in order for its members or participants succeed at their respective endeavors.

Cultural Inflience

Cultural Influence is a term used to describe the effects that a particular culture has on other cultures, particularly with regards to the way they think and behave. It is the result of shared beliefs or values within a population and how those beliefs or values determine how people interact with each other and their environment. Cultural Influence can be seen in language, art, music, politics, technology, food preferences, and more.

At its most basic level, cultural influence is defined as the process by which one culture adopts certain aspects of another culture. This can be done through direct contact between two cultures—through travel or trade for example—or simply through learning about a foreign culture from books or television programs. As different societies are exposed to new ideas through these forms of cultural exchange, they may adopt aspects of the new culture to some extent.

This type of cultural exchange can manifest itself in many different ways—from widespread trends such as fashion or cuisine to more subtle influences such as language use or etiquette norms. For instance, when a group moves from one country to another they will often bring with them certain aspects of their native culture that will influence the dominant language and customs in their new home. Similarly, when an artist creates something inspired by elements from another culture it demonstrates that person’s affinity for that particular style or aesthetic.

The impact of cultural influence on knowledge has been studied extensively over time as academics have sought to understand why certain ideas become popularized while others remain obscure. In terms of scientific research specifically, it has been observed that cultural influence plays an important role in determining what topics are researched and which solutions are ultimately accepted as viable solutions within a given field. Therefore understanding how different cultures interact with knowledge is essential for understanding how innovations emerge within specific domains.

In conclusion then it is clear that cultural influence plays an important role in shaping society’s values and norms which eventually shape our knowledge systems and structures. As global exchanges growing ever-more frequent it is important to recognize the potential impact this could have on our collective understanding of what constitutes “knowledge” going forward into the future.

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Knowledge has traditionally been viewed as a positive force, but it can also be subject to criticism, persecution, and apologetics. Throughout history, different forms of knowledge have been subjected to varying levels of scrutiny and have become the source of heated debates between individuals and groups.

Criticism of knowledge occurs in many ways. It can range from questioning the very foundations and validity of a particular type of knowledge to specifically critiquing certain aspects or theories belonging to that area. Skepticism towards knowledge is often based on the lack of empirical evidence for certain claims or on philosophical grounds such as challenging the ideas implicit in the structure and interpretation of data. This type of criticism often leads to further investigation and development within that specific field.

The persecution of knowledge is often seen in relation to organized religion or political systems trying to suppress its spread or influence. In some cases, this persecution can take extreme forms such as burning books containing scientific or religious information which goes against their beliefs or laws. The Inquisition is one example where religious texts were burned due to their deviation from what was sanctioned by Church authorities.

Apologetics is another aspect related to knowledge which involves defending certain ideas or beliefs using rationale, evidence, and arguments. Apologists use various methods such as rational argumentation, appealing to personal experience, quoting authoritative figures, presenting historical evidence, etc., in order to make their point more convincing and persuasive. Apologists may also seek out counter-arguments in order to strengthen their own point-of-view. Apologetics can be used both defensively and offensively when debating with opponents regarding certain topics related to knowledge such as religion, philosophy, science and politics.

All three aspects – criticism, persecution and apologetics – play an important role in understanding how we view knowledge today. Both criticism and apologetics challenge our assumptions about what is true while persecution acts as a reminder that even our most basic freedoms are not absolute when placed within certain contexts. We must remain vigilant if we want our independent thinking processes surrounding knowledge remain open ended without fear or ill will being imposed upon it from external forces seeking control over its dissemination for their own gain.


Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, ideas, and skills obtained through experience or education. It is used to identify and solve problems, make decisions, and form opinions. Knowledge can come from many sources including books, scientific research, personal experience, and cultural heritage.

Types of knowledge can be divided into three main categories: factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and declarative knowledge. Factual knowledge encompasses facts about a particular topic such as dates or places. Procedural knowledge entails the ability to carry out a certain task or process correctly without any further instructions. Declarative knowledge involves understanding concepts or principles in order to apply them in different scenarios.

Factual Knowledge: This type of knowledge includes memorizing facts like dates and numbers as well as specific details about an individual or event. It relies on recalling information accurately and quickly which helps individuals draw conclusions from the data provided. Therefore it is important for students to be able to remember factual information in order to do well in exams.

Procedural Knowledge: This type of knowledge involves knowing how to perform tasks that require certain steps such as programming a computer program or performing a surgical procedure. It requires understanding how different components work together so that it can be applied in various situations with success. Therefore professionals need this type of knowledge if they want to perform their job efficiently and effectively.

Declarative Knowledge: This type of knowledge involves having a good understanding of concepts or theories in order to apply them in various scenarios such as business decision making or developing new products and services. It requires forming connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information and analyzing complicated data sets in order to understand why something is happening the way it is happening . Therefore experts often employ this type of knowledge when making complex decisions that involve several factors at once.

In conclusion, there are three main types of Knowledge: factual Knowledge which focuses on memorizing facts; procedural Knowledge which focuses on performing tasks; declarative Knowledge which focuses on analyzing data sets and forming connections between pieces of information. Each one has its own unique purpose but all are beneficial when trying to improve problem solving skills or decision making abilities in both professional and academic environments .


Languages are systems of communication that humans use to exchange information and ideas. They can be spoken, written, or signed. People all over the world communicate in different languages, which can help bring people together and foster understanding between cultures.

Humans have been using language for thousands of years, evolving and changing as time passes. It is thought that modern languages evolved from a common ancestor language called Proto-Indo-European (PIE), which was spoken around 5000 BC. Many aspects of PIE can still be seen today in a variety of languages worldwide. Languages evolve along with their speakers, adapting to new environments, technologies, and social needs over time.

The study of language is referred to as linguistics. Linguists study the structure and development of language as well as how it is used to convey meaning. They look at the origins and history of different languages and their relationship to culture. Linguists also examine how language has changed over time, often studying different dialects of the same language to better understand its evolution.

In addition to linguists, there are many other professionals who work with language in some capacity including teachers, translators, writers, editors, interpreters and more. It takes dedicated practice and skill to master a new language or dialect; there are even some individuals who possess what is known as “hyperpolyglotism” – the ability to fluently speak multiple languages!

Language plays an essential role in our everyday lives; without it we would not be able to share knowledge or express ourselves clearly. Every day we learn new words or phrases that allow us to communicate more accurately about our ideas or feelings; exploring new ways of expressing ourselves with one another helps us become better communicators overall. Therefore it is important for everyone involved in any form of communication whether verbal or written to constantly build upon their linguistic skillset so they can effectively communicate in any situation they may find themselves in!


Regions are large geographical areas that may encompass multiple countries, states, provinces, cities, towns, political boundaries, or other regions. Regions can be defined by physical characteristics such as climate, topography and natural resources. They can also be defined based on cultural or political factors such as language, ethnicity or religion. A region can even be created of just a few cities and their surrounding towns.

There are many types of regions in the world. These include national regions such as the United States’ Midwest Region or India’s Southern Region; regional organizations such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); political entities like the European Union; and continent-based divisions like Africa’s Sub-Saharan Africa. Each type of region has its own unique set of characteristics that distinguish it from other regions.

The concept of regionalism is important in understanding how different parts of the world interact with each other and how these relationships shape global politics and economics. Regionalism includes both formal agreements between nations (such as trade agreements) as well as informal patterns of cooperation among countries within a region (such as cultural exchange). It is also used to describe social processes that define people within a particular geographic area (for example, identifying someone from the Midwest vs someone from New England).

Regionalism is often used to further economic development initiatives by encouraging cross-border investment and trade facilitation. It also helps to promote peace and security within a region by reducing conflicts over resources or borders. In addition to economic benefits, regionalism can promote environmental protection by encouraging sustainable development practices across a wider area than would otherwise be possible with localized efforts alone.

Regional knowledge is an essential part of understanding how different parts of the world interact and how these interactions shape our lives. For example, studying regional history offers insight into why certain economic policies are adopted or why certain human rights abuses occur in certain countries but not others. Understanding language differences between countries helps bridge cultural gaps and fosters greater cohesion among people living in different regions. By learning about various cultures within one region we gain insight into why various lifestyles exist there and what makes each unique from another culture within the same region. Ultimately, this knowledge provides us with an opportunity to create better solutions for global challenges by taking into account varying opinions from different corners of the globe while learning more about our neighbors at home too!


The founder of knowledge is an individual or group credited with the development, discovery, or creation of a new concept, practice, or field of study. They are often seen as the innovators and creative thinkers who have made significant contributions to a particular area of research. The importance of founders in knowledge is recognized by many different fields, such as philosophy, literature, history, science and technology.

One renowned example of a knowledge founder is Socrates (469–399 BC), the ancient Greek philosopher. He was one of the first individuals to introduce systematic philosophical inquiries into fundamental questions regarding morality and justice. Socrates developed his own method of inquiry known as elenchus or dialectic – a form which he used to challenge traditional beliefs in order to uncover point out contradictions in people’s unspoken assumptions and reasoning. This method has since been utilized by philosophers across generations and cultures.

Socrates’ most famous student was Plato (427–347 BC). He continued his teacher’s legacy by writing extensively on subjects such as metaphysics, ethics and political theory. Plato established the Academy in Athens – one of Europe’s first academic institutions which remained open for about nine centuries until it closed due to Emperor Justinian’s edict in 529 CE.

The works of both Socrates and Plato had a great influence on the civilization that followed them – including major figures such as Aristotle (384–322 BC), Epicurus (341–270 BC) and Zeno (335–263 BC). Those early Greek philosophers were among the pioneers who developed systems that would make up much of our modern understanding of knowledge today.

In addition to these well-known figures from antiquity, there are numerous modern founders whose work has had significant impact on our current understanding of knowledge: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) contributed greatly to mathematical logic; Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) wrote prolifically on topics such as epistemology; Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) proposed ideas about scientific inquiry; Alan Turing (1912–1954) developed theories related to computing; Karl Popper (1902-1994) introduced key concepts into philosophy; Thomas Kuhn’s structure for scientific revolutions was influential for many years after its publication in 1962; and Noam Chomsky (born 1928) revolutionized linguistics with his groundbreaking theories on language acquisition and generative grammarism.

These founders have been responsible for shaping our modern understanding not only through their own writings but also through those who followed them throughout history – demonstrating how important knowledge founders can be in helping humanity progress towards greater understanding and enlightenment.

History / Origin

Knowledge is a concept that has long been accepted as a fundamental aspect of human life and culture. It is the accumulation of facts and information, as well as the application of that knowledge to create or solve problems. The history of knowledge is expansive and reaches back to ancient civilizations, with evidence found in early written records from cultures such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Romans.

The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphic writing to record their knowledge about everything from mathematics and astronomy to architecture, medicine, religion, and literature. These records have provided modern scholars with an invaluable resource for understanding the history of knowledge and its applications during this time period.

In Greece, philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle developed complex systems of thought based on logic and reason which still serve as the basis for much philosophical inquiry today. In China, Confucius wrote extensively about philosophy and ethics while simultaneously developing a system for recording astronomical events over centuries. The Chinese approach to knowledge was centered on practical applications rather than theoretical musings.

The development of writing and reading helped spread knowledge around the world during antiquity as well as throughout much of the Middle Ages. Monasteries served as sites where monks copied classical texts by hand while also adding various annotations or commentaries of their own. Scientific breakthroughs proliferated during this period thanks to advances made in mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, botany, medicine (and more). Many of these discoveries were documented in books that were widely circulated among scholars in Europe by way of trade networks connected to Asia through monastic orders in Europe’s major cities such as Venice or Paris.

During the Renaissance period—a time often referred to as Europe’s “rebirth”—new forms of knowledge began to emerge from famous thinkers such as Copernicus who developed theories on heliocentrism; Galileo who further advanced our understanding of astronomy; Leonardo da Vinci whose studies included anatomy; and Francis Bacon whose contributions focused on sociology and politics. This period also saw a boom in education with institutions such as Oxford University being founded during this time (among other universities). Alongside established universities new schools emerged offering courses focused on teaching scientific methods which allowed students to conduct experiments leading to advancements both small-scale (such as improving daily life) but also larger-scale (such as establishing new laws or theories).

The Age of Enlightenment followed shortly thereafter allowing for even further development in science due largely to advances made in technology (e.g., microscopes) that enabled scientists to look closer into matter than ever before allowing them not only observe but understand what they were seeing better than they ever had before—helping shape our current understanding of science today even if many principles remain unchanged since then. As we entered into modernity new areas like economics became increasingly important with thinkers such Adam Smith introducing his ideas about free markets which underpinned not just economic thought but also political structures around the world moving forward until present day times when globalization has shifted our focus away from limited nation-states towards an interconnected globalized economy wherein countries are more interdependent than ever before—with respect both politically speak but also economically speaking thanks largely in part due advancements made earlier within this chronology which we described above namely during periods like antiquity when trading networks between disparate distant nations first started being established alongside concepts like money which we now take for granted today but had yet be conceptualized far back then when barter systems were commonplace instead across cultures worldwide.

To sum up: Knowledge has always been present throughout human civilization; however it has been constantly evolving since its inception reaching us here at present day where we continue building upon past epochs’ achievements while simultaneously forging new insights which will help shape our future modes thinking just like previous generations’ did before us taking us one step closer each day towards ever greater heights both collectively—as humanity—as well individually depending on how you look at it since ultimately it’s all intertwined together after all intrinsically bound by a single common denominator: Knowledge itself!

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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