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by Mike Vestil 

Revolving credit

Revolving credit is a type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments, in contrast to installment credit. Credit cards are an example of revolving credit used by consumers. Corporate revolving credit facilities are typically used to provide liquidity for a company’s day-to-day operations. They were first introduced by the Strawbridge and Clothier Department Store. It is basically an arrangement which allows for the loan amount to be withdrawn, repaid, and redrawn again in any manner and any number of times, until the arrangement expires. Credit card loans and overdrafts are revolving loans. Also called evergreen loan.


Revolving credit, also known as a line of credit or a revolving loan, is an agreement between a lender and borrower in which the borrower is given access to a certain amount of funds that can be used over an extended period of time. The borrower can use the funds as needed and pay back the amount borrowed plus interest when it is convenient for them.

The term revolving credit dates back to the early 1800s, when it was used to refer to a type of debt agreement where borrowers were allowed to borrow money from a lender in exchange for regular payments over time. Initially, revolving credit agreements were commonly used by merchants and traders who needed money for business expenses but couldn’t afford to purchase goods outright.

In modern times, revolving credit has become popular with consumers due to its flexibility and convenience. Credit cards are the most common form of revolving credit today and often include features such as cash back rewards, low introductory rates on purchases, and travel points. Some lenders offer personal loans that allow customers to take out an agreed-upon amount of money up front which they can then pay back at their own pace.

Revolving credit can be helpful for people who don’t have enough cash on hand or access to other forms of financing such as bank loans but need short-term financial assistance. It can also help individuals build good credit scores if they make timely payments on their debts. However, like all forms of borrowing, using too much revolving credit can lead to financial problems if not managed properly—making it essential for borrowers to understand the risks associated with taking out too much debt before committing themselves.


Beliefs play a major role in how people interact with and understand revolving credit. Revolving credit is an agreement between a lender, such as a bank or other financial institution, and a borrower. The lender agrees to provide the borrower with an amount of money up to an agreed upon limit on a regular basis. The borrower then can use the money to make payments and purchases, with any balance due being carried from month to month until it is paid in full.

Revolving credit has become increasingly popular over the years for many reasons. It allows more flexibility than traditional loans that require repayment at once or in installments over time. It also often carries lower interest rates, allowing borrowers to build their credit rating while avoiding high interest payments on large bills or purchases. However, it can also be dangerous if not managed properly and borrowers can quickly accumulate heavy debts if they are not careful with their spending habits.

Many cultures have a variety of beliefs surrounding revolving credit and how it should be used responsibly. One belief is that it should only be used when absolutely necessary, usually as an alternative to paying cash for large purchases or bills that cannot be paid upfront. Another belief is that only those who have good financial management skills should take on revolving credit agreements; this prevents people from taking on too much debt and better ensures repayment of the loan amount in full before more interest accrues. For some communities, there may even be religious beliefs related to usury (charging excessive interest on loans) which result in stricter limitations around what kind of terms lenders can offer borrowers.

Regardless of where someone stands on their personal beliefs about revolving credit, it is important for all borrowers to approach these agreements with caution and care; reading all terms carefully, making sure they understand exactly what they are agreeing to and always attempting to pay off balances ahead of schedule whenever possible are all key steps towards responsible usage of revolving credit throughout life.


Revolving credit, also known as revolving line of credit or simply a line of credit, is a type of loan that allows borrowers to access funds up to an approved limit for an undefined period of time. Borrowers can draw down on the amount available and make payments in small increments over a period of time. As payments are made, the balance outstanding reduces and more funds become available for borrowing again.

Common examples of revolving credit include credit cards, home equity lines of credit, and overdraft facilities provided by banks. In contrast to installment loans such as mortgages where repayment amounts are fixed over a set period of time, revolving loans allow borrowers flexibility to make repayments in varying amounts according to their cash flow situation.


When using revolving loans, it is important to understand the terms associated with borrowing and repayment. Typically there will be an interest rate applied which will vary depending on the type of loan being used (e.g.: a fixed rate or variable rate). Additionally there may also be additional fees (e.g.: annual fees) that are payable on the loan. It is important for borrowers to read through all terms and conditions before entering into a loan agreement so that there are no surprises later on when it comes time to pay back what was borrowed.

It is also important for borrowers to ensure they only borrow what they need and can afford to pay back in order to avoid getting into debt problems later on down the track. Borrowers should consider their income and expenditure carefully before taking out any form of loan including those with revolving credit facilities; this helps them manage their budget effectively and protect themselves from facing financial hardship if unexpected circumstances arise over the course of repayment period.

Finally, it is beneficial for borrowers who use revolving credit facilities regularly to stay informed about changes in market conditions (for example if interest rates rise or fall) so they can adjust their payment plans accordingly or look at other options if necessary. Doing so could help them save money in the long run by minimizing interests costs associated with borrowing funds from the lender.


Revolving Credit and Books

Revolving credit is a type of borrowing where an individual can borrow up to a certain amount of money. This money can be used for any purpose, including buying books. Revolving credit allows borrowers to make purchases and then repay the loan in regular, small payments over time.

A borrower’s interest rate and repayment terms are determined by their credit score, which is used to measure their ability to pay off debt on time. Generally speaking, those with higher credit scores get better terms with lower interest rates.

Books are popular items for revolving credit purchases because they are often expensive but have lasting value. They can provide hours of entertainment, teach new skills and help form relationships —all without breaking the bank. It is important for buyers to remember that even when using revolving credit, it’s important to stay within budget and not end up paying more than what the items are worth.

When making book purchases with revolving credit, research beforehand will help shoppers find the best deal on titles they want or need. Discounts such as free shipping on larger orders or savings through loyalty programs can also be taken advantage of when shopping online or in person. Additionally, some bookstores may offer flexible payment options like layaway plans or store-specific financing deals that could be beneficial when shopping with a limited budget.

Although revolving credit has advantages such as convenience and flexibility, it should only be used responsibly and cautiously so as not to incur too much debt at one time or struggle with repayment terms down the road. Those who use revolving credit wisely will not only save money but also build their credit score in the process if payments are made on time and in full every month as agreed upon in their contract with the lender.


Revolving Credit and Demographics

The concept of revolving credit is an important tool used by consumers and businesses to finance purchases, receive cash advances and borrow money. The efficacy of this form of financing is greatly impacted by the demographics of the user. The characteristics that define a consumer or business’s ability to access revolving credit are determined both by the lender’s policy requirements and the borrower’s unique financial profile.

General Characteristics

When it comes to revolving credit, there are several general characteristics that can be used to categorize a consumer or business. These include age, income level, occupation, location and credit score. All of these traits are taken into consideration when lenders make decisions about who is eligible for access to revolving credit. Generally, consumers in their late twenties or older with steady employment and higher incomes tend to have better access to revolving credit than those who do not meet these criteria. Additionally, those living in urban areas with higher median incomes tend to have more access than consumers living in rural areas with lower incomes. Lastly, those with higher credit scores also tend to have greater access to revolving credit.

Age Profile

A consumer’s age can play an important role in qualifying for access to revolving credit. Generally speaking, lenders prefer applicants over 20 years old who are already established in their careers and earning a steady income. For younger applicants under 20 years old or those just starting out their career path may find it more difficult to qualify for this type of financing as lenders generally want applicants who demonstrate greater financial stability before taking on additional debt obligations such as a loan or line of credit. This being said, some lenders may make exceptions for younger applicants depending on their particular financial situation so long as they meet other lending criteria such as income level and having no major blemishes on their existing account history.

Income Level

Income level also plays an important role in determining eligibility for accessing revolving credit options such as lines of credits or personal loans. At a minimum most lenders require borrowers have an income that covers all financial obligations and leaves room for additional expenses such as lifestyle costs associated with entertainment, travel etc.. For larger lines of credits or loan amounts lenders typically require applicants have an annual income ranging from $25K USD (or local equivalent) up depending on the desired amount borrowed and other factors such as current debt obligations etc… With higher incomes some lenders may offer larger borrowing limits based on their individual assessment process but this will depend largely on each applicant’s overall risk profile which takes into account historic payment behavior along with other metrics mentioned above.

Occupation & Location

Occupation also plays an important role when it comes to qualifying for access to revolving credit options since some occupations carry greater risk then others from a lending perspective i.e.. a recent college graduate working part-time at Starbucks may be viewed as having less earning potential compared against say someone working full-time at Microsoft Corporation making significantly more money per year thereby increasing his/her chances at gaining approval due solely occupational criteria alone even if they share similar age profiles etc… In terms of location certain geographical areas may be deemed more desirable then others when it comes time for accessing large sums based upon perceived investment return potential associated with certain regions around the world so again this should be taken into consideration when applying for large amounts over say $50K USD (or local equivalent).

Credit Score

Lastly, one’s existing Credit Score is often times one of the biggest determining factors when it comes time requesting financing via Revolving Credit options from traditional banking institutions since most adhere strictly to strict guidelines set forth by default rating agencies such Experian ,Equifax etc.. In order gain approval from most lenders a score must typically fall within the range of 650 – 800+ depending solely upon institution policies along with amount desired therefore any applicant whose score falls below this range may find themselves ineligible unless special considerations can be made under specific circumstances at lender

Businesses / Structures / Denominations discretion only .

Revolving credit is a form of financing which allows businesses, structures and denominations to access funds on an ongoing basis. It offers flexibility and convenience as it allows borrowers to make purchases up to a pre-approved limit, with the option of carrying any unused balance forward.

In the business world, revolving credit arrangements are often used in order to maintain sufficient cash flow for day-to-day operations. Businesses can use this type of financing to build their inventory or purchase raw materials and supplies needed to produce goods and services. Structures such as churches, schools, hospitals etc., may also take advantage of this type of financing in order to cover construction costs or unexpected expenses. Denominations such as religious organizations may use revolving credit for marketing campaigns or other promotional activities.

Although revolving credit typically comes with higher interest rates than other forms of debt, it does provide certain advantages over traditional loans. For example, there are no set repayment schedules or due dates so borrowers can make payments at their own convenience. Furthermore, since the amount borrowed doesn’t need to be paid back all at once, businesses and organizations have greater financial flexibility when using revolving credit compared to other debt instruments such as term loans or lines of credits. Additionally, since the balance is not due until it is actually used by the borrower, there is less risk associated with this type of financing compared with more traditional borrowing methods.

It is important however that borrowers understand how much they are allowed to borrow under their agreement and keep track of their spending habits in order to avoid going over their limit and potentially incurring extra fees or penalties. Revolving credit should also be used responsibly in order to ensure that the loan can be repaid over time without creating excessive debt burdens on businesses and organizations.

Cultural Inflience

Revolving credit, also known as a “line of credit” or “open-ended loan,” is a type of loan arrangement where the borrower can withdraw funds up to a specified limit. Unlike traditional installment loans that require set payments at predetermined intervals, revolving credit allows consumers to borrow and repay money as needed without having to reapply for future loans. Revolving credit has become an increasingly popular way for consumers to finance their expenses due to its convenience and flexibility. However, it can be difficult for some borrowers to manage a revolving credit line responsibly since its availability makes it easier to fall into debt.

Cultural influences can have both positive and negative effects on how people use revolving credit. In cultures which emphasize delayed gratification and responsible finances, such as in East Asian societies like Japan, Korea, and China, revolving credit tends to be used more responsibly in comparison with other cultures. These cultures tend to place higher value on saving money rather than spending it on unnecessary items or services, which helps promote financial discipline. Additionally, many East Asian cultures tend to view debt as something shameful rather than the norm; this stigma against debt encourages cautiousness when using revolving credit lines.

In contrast, certain cultures with different values can lead to irresponsible usage of revolving credit for short-term gains or impulse purchases with no regard for long-term consequences. This behavior is often seen in Western countries such as America where there is less emphasis placed on thriftiness and more value placed on instant gratification or enjoying immediate benefits regardless of cost. People from these societies may take out too much loan money without considering interest rates or future expenses they will need to pay back once their balance becomes due. This lack of forethought can lead them into serious debt problems quickly depending on the size of the loan taken out and its associated fees or interest charges.

Overall, cultural influences play an important role in how people utilize revolving credits since each culture has different values and beliefs related to finances that shape their behaviors related to borrowing money. Therefore it’s important for borrowers from any culture to always practice financial responsibility when using any form of loan so they don’t end up overspending beyond their means or taking out an amount that they won’t be able pay back in full come payment time.Criticism / Persecution / ApologeticsCriticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Revolving credit, also known as a “line of credit” or an “open-ended loan,” is a type of loan arrangement where the borrower can withdraw funds up to a specified limit. Unlike traditional installment loans that require set payments at predetermined intervals, revolving credit allows consumers to borrow and repay money as needed without having to reapply for future loans. Revolving credit has become a popular way for consumers to finance their expenses due to its convenience and flexibility, but it can be difficult for some borrowers to manage this form of borrowing responsibly. Cultural influences can have both positive and negative effects on how people use revolving credit, as different societies place different values on saving versus spending and view debt differently. In addition, there is also criticism and persecution surrounding the use of revolving credit in certain cultures, as well as attempts by some groups to promote responsible borrowing through various educational initiatives.

Cultural Influences

The cultural values and beliefs related to finances held by different societies have significant effects on how people use revolving credits responsibly or irresponsibly. For example, in East Asian societies such as Japan, Korea, and China, where delayed gratification and responsible finances are more highly valued than instant gratification or enjoyment of immediate benefits regardless of cost – like in Western countries – the use of revolving credits tends to be more responsible. Additionally, in many East Asian cultures debt carries a sense of shame rather than being seen as normal or accepted; this stigma against debt serves to encourage borrowers from these societies to exercise caution when taking out any kind of loan.

In contrast with East Asian countries mentioned above, certain other cultures with different values may lead to irresponsible usage of revolving credit lines for short-term gains or impulse purchases with no regard for long-term consequences; This behavior is often seen in many developed nations such as America where there is greater emphasis placed on enjoying immediate benefits regardless of cost rather than investing money in the future. This lack of forethought can lead borrowers into serious debt problems quickly depending on the size of the loan taken out and its associated fees or interest charges.

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Due to the ease with which one can incur large amounts of debt though revolving credit lines – sometimes without fully understanding all terms associated with the loan – there has been much criticism from religious leaders and governing bodiescalling for better education about financial responsibility when using this typeof lending service. Further persecution has been levied against banks granting access toyouths who may not understand the potential risks associated with taking out such loansor those who cannot afford them due to income restraints.

Various organizations have attemptedto combat these issues by launching educational initiatives aimed at helping people better understand their financial situations prior topartaking in any form of lending services such as open-ended loansto ensure they do not overextend themselves financially. These programs workwith individuals one-on-one or in small groups so they are able tounderstand all aspects associated with borrowing money prior totaking out any kindof line of credit or other typeof loan product available throughbanks today.


Revolving credit is a type of loan which allows borrowers to borrow up to a pre-approved amount, repay it, and then borrow again without going through the re-application process. It is also known as a line of credit or flex loan. This form of financing is often used by businesses, but can also be available to individuals in the form of credit cards. The key feature of revolving credit is that it can be accessed multiple times for short-term borrowing needs, and does not require full repayment each month before borrowing again.

Types of Revolving Credit

  1. Credit Cards: One of the most common types of revolving credit are credit cards. These generally allow individuals to borrow up to a certain limit and make minimum payments each month while carrying a balance from month to month. Cards may also offer bonuses and rewards for purchases made with them, such as cash back or travel miles.
  2. Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs): Home equity lines of credit provide homeowners with a source of funds they can access multiple times without having to reapply each time they need money. Typically these loans must be secured by the borrower’s house and are subject to fluctuating interest rates depending on market conditions.
  3. Store Credit Cards: Many retailers offer store-specific charge cards that give customers access to exclusive deals and discounts when they shop at their stores. These usually have limited spending limits that may not be suitable for large purchases, but can still help consumers save money when shopping at particular stores regularly.
  4. Business Lines Of Credit: Businesses may qualify for lines of credit from banks or other financial institutions that allow them access to funds multiple times in order to fund daily operations or pay for equipment and inventory purchases as needed without having to reapply each time they need capital infusion . This type of funding may come with higher interest rates than traditional loans due its more flexible nature, but can be invaluable in helping businesses manage their cash flow on an ongoing basis.

Overall, revolving credit is an important form of financing for individuals, businesses, and retailers alike; allowing them access to funds quickly and efficiently when cash flow becomes tight or projects become too expensive to complete using only existing resources available on hand at any given moment in time . Understanding the different types available and how they work will help ensure you are able to find the right solution for your needs so you can get back on track in no time!


Revolving credit is a type of credit that does not require consumers to be approved for a set loan amount. Instead, it allows the borrower to continuously access funds up to an approved limit as long as the balance due remains within that limit. The main difference between revolving credit and a traditional loan is that the borrower has no obligation to use the maximum amount granted by their lender and can draw on their funds whenever they need them. This makes revolving credit an especially attractive option for those with unpredictable income or budget fluctuations.

When it comes to languages, revolving credit options are available in most major world languages, including English, Spanish, German, French and many others. Most lenders offer revolving credit products in multiple languages so borrowers can more easily understand the terms of their agreement. This is especially important when it comes to international transactions since language barriers could lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication between both parties involved.

In addition to making sure customers understand their agreement with lenders in their native language, many lenders also provide customer support in multiple languages which helps improve customer service and satisfaction overall. Finally, some lending institutions also provide online access to account information in multiple languages so members can manage their accounts from anywhere with internet access regardless of language spoken or region.

Overall, revolving credit provides an easy way for borrowers to access funds without having set amounts predetermined by lenders. This type of financing is available in many different languages around the world which helps both parties better understand the terms of their agreements and ensures customers receive quality customer service regardless of language abilities or location.


Regions are areas of land within countries or other geopolitical divisions that have distinct characteristics that make them unique and different from the surrounding areas. Examples of regions include the Midwest, New England, Appalachia, the Great Plains, and the Southwest in the United States; provinces and territories in Canada; states in Mexico; cantons in Switzerland; counties in Ireland; shires in England; prefectures in Japan; länder in Germany; as well as any other divisions within countries around the world.

Revolving credit is a type of loan that allows borrowers to access an amount of money up to their approved credit limit without having to reapply for additional loans each time they need more money. It’s also known as “revolving debt” or “revolving line of credit”. The most common type of revolving credit is a credit card, which allows people to make purchases up to their approved limit with no need for additional paperwork or loan applications. Revolving lines of credit can also be opened at banks or other financial institutions and are sometimes used for small business financing.

The availability and terms of revolving credit can vary significantly from region to region, depending on local economic conditions and lending practices. For example, some parts of the country may have stricter regulations regarding interest rates and late payment penalties associated with revolving lines of credit than others. Additionally, different regions may have access to different types of revolving loans such as payday loans or home equity lines of credit (HELOC). A borrower should always research lenders in their area before applying for any type of revolving loan so they can compare options and find one that works best for them.

Additionally, borrowers should consider if they qualify for any special offers that are available based on where they live. Many companies offer promotional deals like 0% APR balance transfer offers exclusively to customers living within certain regions. The availability of these promotions can change from time-to-time but staying informed about what’s available can help borrowers save money over time.

Overall, understanding how revolving credit works and the various options available by region is important for consumers who want to use this form of borrowing responsibly without sacrificing too much money or putting themselves into a difficult financial situation. Resources like financial literacy classes offered by local governments or non-profits can help provide valuable information about using revolving loan products effectively and safely so consumers can make informed decisions about their finances.


Revolving credit is a form of consumer credit that allows borrowers to access a line of credit with a set limit and make purchases up to that limit. Borrowers are then allowed to repay the balance over time, usually at regular intervals such as monthly or quarterly payments. The concept of revolving credit has been around since the mid-20th century and was popularized by major banks and financial institutions.

The founder of revolving credit is John C. Biggins Jr., an American banker who was born in 1920 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Biggins attended the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania where he developed his innovative banking skills. During World War II, he joined the United States Navy and served with distinction, earning numerous awards including the Bronze Star Medal for his service aboard a destroyer escort in the Pacific Theater.

Biggins’ career in banking began after his return from active duty when he joined what was then First Pennsylvania Bank. In 1951, he assumed leadership of Continental Finance Corporation (CFC), which had been established two years earlier to provide consumer installment loans throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. It was during his tenure at CFC that Biggins developed one of the first examples of what we now know as revolving credit—a loan product featuring an open-ended line of credit with no fixed repayment terms or payment schedule.

Through his groundbreaking work at CFC, Biggins brought an end to traditional installment lending practices and opened up new opportunities for spending power within U.S. households by allowing customers to use their lines of credit repeatedly without having to apply for new loans each time they needed additional funds. By 1976, Biggins’ idea had caught on so much that millions of Americans were using revolving credit cards—and it was estimated that more than $1 billion worth of transactions were taking place annually through this new type of consumer financing vehicle!

Today, John C. Biggins Jr.’s pioneering work continues to shape how consumers borrow money and access goods and services through revolving credit accounts like charge cards, store cards, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) and other similar products offered by major banks and financial institutions worldwide. His revolutionary ideas have also spawned many variations on today’s modern version of revolving credit accounts—including debit cards which allow users to draw directly from their checking or savings account instead of having a separate line of credit associated with them—and have made it easier for people everywhere to make everyday purchases without having to carry cash or checks with them at all times!

History / Origin

Revolving credit is a type of loan, usually issued by a financial institution such as a bank or credit union, that allows the borrower to access money up to a certain predetermined limit. This type of loan is also commonly known as revolving debt or an open-ended line of credit. Unlike traditional installment loans, which require the borrower to repay a fixed amount each month for a set period of time, revolving credit provides borrowers with greater flexibility in managing their finances.

The concept of revolving credit has its roots in medieval Italy where the first form of banking was established by Italian bankers in the 15th century. Back then, merchants would borrow money from these bankers and pay back the loans over time with interest. Merchants became increasingly adept at using this system of financing to rotate their capital efficiently between investments and debts.

In modern times, revolving credit has become an increasingly popular source of consumer finance for both individuals and businesses alike. Banks began offering revolving lines of credit as early as 1916 but it wasn’t until after World War II that they became more widespread when banks began offering them to consumers as an alternative to installment loans like auto loans and mortgages. Today, many forms of revolving debt are available including home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), business lines of credit and personal lines of credit.

The benefits offered by revolving debt have made it one of the most popular sources for consumer finance worldwide. Revolving debt allows borrowers to access funds quickly and easily while also providing them with greater flexibility than traditional installment loans because they can pay off their balance whenever they choose without penalty or additional fees. This makes it ideal for borrowers who have irregular income flows or who need access to capital on short notice due to unexpected expenses or opportunities. Additionally, interest rates on revolving debt are generally lower than those associated with other types of consumer borrowing such as payday loans and cash advances .

Overall, revolving debt has proven itself to be an invaluable source for consumer finance – providing borrowers with much needed access to capital at terms that allow them the freedom and flexibility necessary for managing their finances responsibly and proactively.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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