
by Mike Vestil 



Success is a complex concept that encompasses many interpretations and definitions. The term “success” can be traced back to the Middle English word successen, which is derived from the Latin word succedere meaning “to come up or follow after” and sequi meaning “to follow.” Ultimately, this origin story reflects the idea that success is achieved through perseverance and dedication—qualities that have always been fundamental for achieving personal or professional goals.

Success is typically defined as reaching or accomplishing a desired outcome. This could be anything from receiving good grades in school to winning a championship game to landing a dream job at a prestigious company. It can also refer to acquiring wealth, fame, power, influence, or social status. In essence, success is about setting clear objectives and reaching them in a meaningful way. It goes beyond mere achievement; it involves having a positive impact on those around you by demonstrating drive and ambition.

Etymologically speaking, the idea of success has long been associated with the notion of progress—a vital element of societies throughout history. Ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets use the term with reference to merchants’ investments and successful trades; there are also ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting someone celebrating success in an event such as hunting or warring; later civilizations like ancient Greeks depicted heroes as triumphant achievers who had attained heroic feats like mastering skills or slaying beasts; this tradition continued with Renaissance painters depicting successful rulers surrounded by their regalia; eventually modern day concepts of success were formed out of those older ones, emphasizing accomplishments in business, politics, sports and other areas of life.

While cultures may interpret what constitutes “success” differently over time, certain characteristics remain constant: hard work leads to rewards (be they financial gain or greater recognition); worthy endeavors require courage and even risk-taking; failure should not lead to discouragement but rather give rise to learning experiences for eventual personal growth. All these elements come together in a unique way for each individual’s journey toward achieving some form of success—the journey itself being just as important as any destination achieved along the way.


Beliefs are an integral part of success. Beliefs are the ideas and values that drive our actions and choices. They shape how we feel about ourselves, our capabilities, and our future. It is these beliefs that allow individuals to develop the resilience and courage needed to keep pushing forward towards their goals.

Beliefs have a direct impact on individual success. When someone has a strong belief in their ability to succeed, they will take more risks and use more creative strategies to achieve their goal. They are also more likely to stay committed in the face of failure or difficulty, because they have faith in themselves and their mission.

In contrast, those with weak beliefs tend to give up quickly or never even attempt challenges because they don’t believe they can successfully fulfill them. People with weak belief systems also often become discouraged when presented with obstacles or challenges and may not seek out support from mentors or like-minded individuals who could help them reach their goals.

At the heart of successful beliefs is self-efficacy – confidence in one’s own abilities to successfully perform tasks. Self-efficacy can be developed through experiences of successful completion of a task, encouragement from others, or internal convictions that one is capable of achieving something despite all odds stacked against them. With strong self-efficacy beliefs people can develop an ‘inner voice’ composed of positive affirmations that helps guide them towards success instead of away from it.

Self-belief plays an important role in developing resilience as well as motivation towards achieving personal goals. Beliefs form our mental models, which shape how we interpret situations and dictate which strategies we use to address problems or reach goals. Successful people believe in themselves first before anything else; this allows them to focus on what is truly achievable with hard work rather than worrying about potential failures and disappointments along the way.

Beliefs also determine how we respond to failure; those who focus on learning from mistakes rather than getting discouraged by them will ultimately have better long-term results than those who give up easily due to lack of belief in themselves or their abilities. Finally, believing in yourself allows you to identify opportunities for growth whenever obstacles do arise throughout your journey towards success; being able to recognize these chances for development can lead you closer towards reaching your desired outcome than ever before imagined possible!


Success is a state that everyone wants to achieve, no matter what goals they set. It’s a sign of accomplishment and satisfaction. However, success isn’t achieved overnight and requires hard work, determination, and dedication. To achieve the desired level of success, various practices should be implemented in order to maximize the chances of success.

One such practice is goal setting; without clearly defined goals it’s impossible to measure progress. Goals should be specific with achievable timelines for completion so that progress can be tracked and measured. This helps to keep individuals motivated and focused on their personal success journey.

Another practice for achieving success is having an effective plan with well-defined steps for implementing it. A written plan helps keep individuals organized by providing clarity on how certain tasks will be completed, such as breaking long-term goals into smaller actionable steps. Additionally, utilizing feedback from mentors or peers provides insight on different strategies that may help increase chances of successful outcomes.

In addition to setting goals and having an effective plan, time management plays a major role in achieving success as well. By allocating dedicated time each day or week to accomplish tasks related to one’s goal or dream increases the probability of accomplishing them in a timely manner. It also serves as an opportunity to assess what works best when managing both personal and professional tasks; this includes finding ways to reduce distractions or procrastination while maintaining productivity levels at work or at home.

Lastly, leveraging support systems is another important practice for achieving success; this includes creating networks of people who can contribute ideas for achieving one’s goal or provide moral support when times get tough. Support systems are key components when striving towards any type of achievement because they offer inspiration from others who have gone through similar experiences or have found their own version of success in life which can serve as motivation throughout one’s journey towards their own successes.

In conclusion, there are several practices that aid in achieving desired levels of success within any given field or endeavor; this includes setting clear goals, creating actionable plans with well-defined steps for implementation, managing time effectively by reducing distractions and procrastination while increasing focus and productivity levels, as well as leveraging support systems for inspiration and motivation throughout one’s journey towards successful outcomes


Books are an essential tool for success in many areas of life. They provide knowledge, motivation and inspiration, while also helping to develop important skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. In some cases, books can even help to shape one’s future by providing guidance on topics such as self-improvement and career development.

Successful people are often avid readers who use books as a resource to learn more about their passions and interests. It is not uncommon for successful individuals to read several books every month in addition to other sources of information, such as podcasts and articles. Reading enables them to gain insight into different perspectives and strategies which they can then apply in their lives. Books can also be particularly helpful when it comes to understanding complex topics, such as business management or investing in stocks.

Of course, everyone should choose the books they read based on their own personal interests and goals; however, there are certain titles that have proven useful time and time again for many ambitious individuals striving for success. A few examples of these include Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, a book that provides financial advice from two contrasting points of view; The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey which offers powerful tools related to personal effectiveness; Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill which is considered a classic among self-help books; Grit by Angela Duckworth which explores the concept of passion and perseverance; Good To Great by Jim Collins looking at how great companies succeed; Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell addressing how opportunity plays a role in achieving success; The Lean Startup by Eric Ries examining innovation within businesses; The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss discussing lifestyle design; Start With Why by Simon Sinek exploring why some people become leaders; Who Moved My Cheese? By Spencer Johnson delving into managing change effectively; Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl offering an exploration into finding meaning in life’s struggles, among many others.

These works may provide insight into the mindsets needed for success or offer practical advice based on research or experience – all of which could prove invaluable when taken seriously. By using books as resources to help guide one’s journey through life, greater levels of achievement may be possible – both personally and professionally.


Success and Demographics

Success is a complex concept that can be interpreted and measured in various ways. It is often used to refer to the achievement of a goal or accomplishment, but success can also refer to knowledge or experience gained, acceptance by peers, or even a sense of satisfaction and happiness. Success is relative and subjective, meaning that it looks different for everyone based on individual goals and expectations.

When trying to understand success, it is important to consider the influence of demographics. Factors such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, education level, income level, location (urban vs. rural), culture/religion, etc., can all influence an individual’s view of success and how they reach their goals.

For example, studies have shown that individuals from lower-income households tend to value more tangible outcomes like money and possessions over intangible measures like personal growth or happiness; whereas those from higher-income households value more intangible outcomes such as health or relationships over material goods (1). Education levels are also closely linked with economic mobility: individuals with higher educational attainment report higher levels of job satisfaction than those who lack access to college-level education (2). Race/ethnicity has been found to play a role in how individuals evaluate their own achievements: African American youth were found to place greater emphasis on intrinsic values such as character building than White youth (3). Age plays an important role in the definition of success: for example, young adults aged 18-25 tend to prioritize stability when evaluating success while older adults aged 35+ prioritize freedom (4).

It is important to note that these findings may not apply universally—while demographic factors can provide insight into how groups approach success differently, individual experiences should still be taken into account. Despite differences in views of success based on demographic factors such as age or race/ethnicity, it is ultimately up to each individual person to define what “success” means for them in terms of their personal interests and goals.


  1. Ferguson Y., & Belfield C.R. (2013). The Influence of Parental Income on Children’s Educational Attainment: New Evidence from US Tax Data Sources 1990–2010. Economics of Education Review 33(C): 109–121. doi: 10.1016/j .econedurev .2012 .09 .001
  2. Fryer R., & Levitt S.(2004). Understanding the Black-White Test Score Gap in the First Two Years of School. The Review Of Economics And Statistics 86(2): 447–464. doi:10 .1162 /003465304323025560

3 Gershenson S., Holt S., & Papageorge N.(2015). The Role Of Race In Educational Achievement And Attainment — Evidence From A New Pre‐College Achievement Test — National Bureau Of Economic Research Working Paper 21645 https://www .nber .org /papers /w21645

4 Johnson K., Howley P., Robinson K., Ross B.(2004). Valuing Freedom Over Stability? Age And Gender Effects On Judgments Of Success In Midlife Adulthood Applied Developmental Science 8(3): 139–151 https://doi .org /10 .1207 /s1532480xads0803_5

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

Success is a concept that has been long sought after but rarely achieved by individuals, businesses, and organizations. It is often difficult to define success in absolute terms since it can be viewed through different lenses of perspective. Success for a business may be measured by its profitability or market share, while success for an individual could take the form of having meaningful relationships and personal accomplishments. Ultimately, success is seen as the achievement of desired goals or objectives.

When considering the concept of success from a business perspective, there are three primary structures or denominations that can help to understand how successful an organization may be: businesses, structures, and denominations.

Businesses are entities set up with the specific purpose of providing goods and/or services in exchange for money or other forms of compensation. These entities are typically operated by one or more individuals with clear organizational roles and responsibilities such as ownership structure, management, production/operations, finance/accounting, marketing/sales etc. To determine their level of success, businesses must undergo regular assessment that takes into account factors like financial performance (e.g., revenues), customer satisfaction (e.g., reviews) and operational efficiency (e.g., production costs).

Structures refer to the systems used within an organization to achieve its goals or objectives. These systems may include policy frameworks such as mission statements and strategic plans; operational processes related to marketing, finance or HR; technical designs such as IT infrastructure; and social networks that link employees together for collaboration purposes. Structural success requires harnessing these resources in creative ways to drive organizational performance and profitability in new directions over time.

Denominations refer to the measurement tools used to quantify an organization’s success over a specified period of time. Examples include financial ratios such as return on investment (ROI), liquidity ratios like debt-to-equity ratio (D/E), profit margins like gross margin (GM), industry benchmarks like customer lifetime value (CLV) etc.. Denominational insights provide valuable insights into how well an organization is performing compared to its competitors over time by tracking key metrics associated with revenue generation, cost control and customer engagement growth trends among others.

In conclusion, defining success in business terms involves understanding how various entities – businesses; structures; denominations – interact together to create meaningful outcomes that fuel organizational progress over time at both internal and external levels simultaneously. By leveraging these components effectively under a unified vision for future growth and development, organizations have greater chances at achieving long-term prosperity in today’s ever-changing world of commerce

Cultural Inflience

Success is a concept that has been widely studied and discussed since the dawn of civilization. Throughout history, success has been defined in many different ways, from material possessions to spiritual enlightenment. However, there is one factor that remains consistent throughout all definitions of success: cultural influence.

Culture plays an essential role in determining what constitutes success in any given society. Cultural values, beliefs, and norms shape the way individuals view success and how they strive to achieve it. For example, some societies may place a premium on material wealth while others celebrate the attainment of knowledge or spirituality. Similarly, certain behaviors may be prized in one culture while being held in contempt in another.

The cultural environment also affects the process by which individuals pursue their goals. Societies have different expectations regarding work ethic and diligence as well as attitudes toward risk-taking and creativity. What works for one person in one culture may not work for someone else in another culture due to differences in values and cultural norms.

The influence of culture on success can also be seen at an individual level. Individuals often draw inspiration from those around them who have achieved great feats or are highly regarded within their own communities. This positive reinforcement encourages individuals to strive for similar successes, thereby furthering their own career paths and goals.

Culture has long been recognized as a major factor influencing an individual’s definition of success and the steps taken to reach it. It provides crucial guidance to those seeking direction or inspiration when setting out on the path to success. Understanding its effects can help individuals realize their potential and make informed decisions about how they will reach their desired destinations in life.

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Success has long been seen as an ideal goal for many people, and throughout much of history, success has been associated with power and status. However, not all forms of success have been viewed positively by society, and there have often been periods when criticism, persecution, or even apologetics have arisen in response to certain types of success.

Criticism of success can take a number of forms depending on the context. In some cases, criticism may be directed toward those who appear to have achieved extraordinary levels of success without any apparent effort or hard work. Such criticism is often characterized by statements that suggest that luck or privilege were the driving force behind their accomplishments rather than dedication and effort. On the other hand, there are also situations in which criticism is directed at those who seem to obsess over achieving success in any form possible. This type of criticism is often characterized by statements that suggest a person’s pursuit of success has come at the expense of less tangible pursuits such as relationships or personal growth.

Persecution against those that achieve high levels of success may arise due to various factors such as envy or resentment from those who do not possess the same level of success or power. Historically speaking, persecution has often taken violent forms such as the assassination or execution of successful individuals whose accomplishments were seen as a threat to established power structures. More recently however, non-violent forms of persecution such as public shaming and ostracism can also be used against successful individuals whose achievements are deemed offensive by certain segments of society.

Apologetics towards certain types of success can also occur when individuals show contrition for their accomplishments through acts such as donating large amounts to charity or using their platform to speak out on behalf issues related to social justice and inequality. In these cases, apologists may attempt to show that while an individual may have attained great wealth or power but this should not take away from their ability to be moral or compassionate human beings.

Overall, it is clear that how society views different types of success can vary greatly depending on various factors such as prevailing cultural norms and beliefs about ambition and hard work versus luck and privilege. Criticism, persecution and apologetics concerning various levels and forms of achievement will likely continue for years to come no matter what context it occurs within.


Success is often defined as achieving a goal or milestone, whether it be personal or professional. While success can be seen in many different forms and come from many different sources, there are three primary types of success: financial, emotional, and spiritual.

Financial success is the most commonly sought after type of success. This type of success focuses on making money and having material possessions like cars and expensive jewelry. People who pursue financial success mostly strive to make more money than they need to support their lifestyle and have enough left over to invest in the stock market or purchase assets that can generate more wealth.

Emotional success focuses on relationships and inner peace. People who prioritize this type of success strive for deeper connections with friends and family members. They also focus on their own mental health and seek out ways to stay balanced during times of stress or chaos. To achieve emotional success, people often practice self-care activities such as yoga, meditation, journaling, or getting enough sleep each night.

The third type of success is spiritual growth which includes finding a sense of purpose in life beyond material possessions or relationships. Those who pursue spiritual growth recognize that life offers more than just physical objects or social networks; they look for ways to align their daily actions with an internal value system instead of society’s expectations. To achieve this type of success, people often practice mindfulness techniques such as being present in the moment without judgment or expectation.

Success is an individual journey and it doesn’t always take the same form for everyone. Each person has a unique set of goals based on their upbringing, experiences, and values so it’s important to take time to define what kind of success looks like for you personally before taking action towards it. No matter which type you choose though—financial, emotional, or spiritual—it’s important to remember that true lasting happiness comes from within rather than from external sources like money or material possessions.


Success and Languages

Success is a highly sought-after goal for many people, and it can mean different things depending on the individual’s particular context. It could mean excelling in one’s career, earning financial success, achieving self-improvement goals or any other endeavor. Attaining success often requires knowledge, skill and resilience; however, language can also play an important role in helping an individual reach that goal.

Language is the way humans communicate with each other and gives us the ability to express ourselves effectively. For those who want to experience personal growth or professional advancement, mastering languages can open up a world of opportunities. People are likely to be more successful when they are able to communicate clearly with others in their own language or a foreign language.

Having educational qualifications is always necessary to get ahead in life; however, if a person is bilingual or multilingual then they have another advantage over those who only speak one language fluently. For example, if someone wants to go abroad for higher studies or seek employment opportunities abroad then having multiple language skills makes them eligible for better job prospects and access to education that would otherwise be unavailable. This could be particularly helpful for those from economically deprived backgrounds who do not have the same resources as their wealthier peers. Furthermore, being able to converse in multiple languages helps create connections with new people from different cultures which can also help individuals move forward in their career path or reach out for support from experts and mentors around the world.

Additionally, learning new languages has many cognitive benefits such as exercising the brain frequently and improving problem-solving skills through understanding complex grammar rules of various languages. Also speaking multiple languages increases creativity since the speaker needs to constantly switch between words of different origins while communicating which enriches their thought process. Therefore acquiring proficiency in at least two languages can give anyone an edge over others competing for a similar position or opportunity.

In conclusion, mastering new languages can open up great opportunities to become successful both professionally and personally due to its ability to broaden people’s horizons through gaining international exposure and also by honing key communication and problem-solving skills that are required for any leader or successful individual.


Success can be achieved in many different ways, and often these different paths depend on the region of the world a person lives in. Different regions have their own unique cultures and values that shape how people strive for success and how they measure it.

In Europe, success is often associated with education, financial stability, a good job, and ownership of various material possessions. Education is especially important to Europeans because they associate it with having knowledge and skills that are necessary to enter the professional world. Financial stability is also important as Europeans want to make sure they have enough money to sustain themselves or their family in case of emergency. Most Europeans value hard work as well, believing that if one puts effort into something they will eventually reap the rewards.

In East Asia, success is measured by academic excellence and other forms of achievement such as gaining high scores on tests or winning prestigious awards in particular fields. Academic excellence is highly prized in East Asian societies because it signifies an individual’s ability to understand complex concepts and also indicates their commitment to attaining knowledge. Gaining high scores on tests serves as proof that one has reached a certain level of proficiency in a particular subject area so that anyone who achieves this can be viewed as successful by both peers and society at large. Winning prestigious awards is also seen as an indication of success because it demonstrates the individual’s dedication to mastering a particular field or topic area.

In Latin America, success is often tied to achieving economic security while still enjoying leisure activities with friends and family. Economic security involves having enough money to pay bills, buy food, save up for vacations, and generally live comfortably while still being able to enjoy things like music festivals or outings with friends. This type of success also emphasizes building strong relationships with those around you by taking part in community activities such as volunteering or simply spending time with family members outside of work hours.

Finally, in Africa success is measured by having access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, health care, education opportunities for children etc., but also includes other markers like personal growth (developing new skills) or providing aid/support for others within the community. Having access to basic essentials forms a foundation for any person living in Africa since without them life would not be possible; therefore having access ensures some level of baseline security which Africans strive towards achieving first before anything else can be done. Personal growth involves expanding one’s skillset or knowledge base through formal education (or self-education) which allows individuals to become more employable or knowledgeable about certain topics which then contributes back to their overall sense of personal accomplishment – something which African societies highly value when measuring success. Providing aid/support for those within your community means showing care for others around you; doing things such as helping out at neighborhood shelters or providing items like food/clothing/books etc., contributes back into society allowing individuals who extend assistance feel successful even if they don’t necessarily achieve financial wealth/stability etc., directly from these actions themselves


Success is an often sought-after personal and professional goal that can be attained through dedication, hard work, and creativity. A successful individual or organization can achieve either tangible results or intangible satisfaction from the effort they have put into a venture. A successful founder is an individual who has been able to establish a business, project, or organization with a lasting impact on the world.

The concept of a successful founder has evolved over time. Historically, success was seen in terms of material gains such as wealth, power, and influence. However, more recent definitions emphasize the importance of achieving satisfaction both professionally and personally. Many founders are driven by a passion for their work as well as a desire for recognition and reward for their efforts.

One of the key traits of a successful founder is having clear vision and goals from the outset. Founders need to identify objectives which will help them develop their ideas into viable businesses or organizations. Founders must also take into account any potential risks that could affect their venture along the way and understand how these risks can be minimized or overcome.

Successful founders also need to possess excellent business acumen in order to build effective teams and make informed decisions regarding finances, marketing, product development, customer service, operations management etc. They should also demonstrate strong leadership skills; being able to motivate others who may have differing opinions while keeping focus on achieving common goals.

Finally, it is essential that founders acknowledge their own strengths and weaknesses in order to cultivate self-awareness as well as open-mindedness towards new ideas and points of view from others which may help propel their venture further down the path towards success. By embracing diversity in thought processes within an organization or team dynamic, founders are more likely to realize true success with whatever they set out to do.

History / Origin

Success is a concept that has been studied, discussed, and celebrated for centuries. It is considered to be one of the most sought after goals in life, and it has been studied from many perspectives, including psychological, philosophical, and even religious ones. The history of success can be traced back to ancient times when success was usually measured by a person’s wealth or status. Successful people were those who had accumulated more wealth or reached higher positions in society.

In the classical world of Ancient Greece and Rome, success was often equated with power and fame. In Ancient Greek literature, success was defined as “living well”—a life full of pleasure and meaning. It was not about accumulating material goods but rather finding balance between mental, physical, spiritual and moral aspects of life. Aristotle wrote “Living well includes the exercise of virtue; it requires us to choose small pleasures over massive doses of wealth” (Aristotle). The Roman philosopher Seneca championed a similar idea when he said that “it is not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness” (Seneca).

In the Middle Ages, success shifted away from secular pursuits to become increasingly associated with religious obligations. Successful people were those who devoted themselves to their faith and their community. This period saw an increased focus on personal morality—the need to live an honorable life according to one’s moral principles became paramount in achieving success. During this era, saints were venerated not only for their piety but also for their economic prowess—they were respected for being prosperous farmers or merchants whose business acumen helped them generate wealth while living a pious life at the same time (McCormick).

The modern concept of success evolved in Europe during the Renaissance period when individualism re-emerged as an important part of social structure. This period saw an increased emphasis on self-determination and personal ambition as factors that could lead individuals toward achieving success in both secular and spiritual matters (Brucker). During this time, successful people were those who had achieved fame through feats such as exploration or artistry—not necessarily those who had amasses great wealth or held high positions in society (Cameron).

Today’s notion of success is far more complex than its historical counterparts since there are no longer universal standards upon which to measure it – instead each individual defines what they consider successful based on their own values, beliefs and lifestyle choices. Despite all the changes that have taken place over the centuries since it first emerged as a concept, achieving true success still remains one of humanity’s most fundamental goals regardless of culture or social background – something which has remained unchanged throughout history.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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