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  • The Fundamentals Of Angel Investor Qualifications

by Mike Vestil 

The Fundamentals Of Angel Investor Qualifications

Angel investors are individuals who provide financial support to emerging businesses in exchange for a share of equity in the company. These investors typically fund startup companies that are in their early stages of growth and have the potential for high returns.

However, not everyone can become an angel investor. There are certain qualifications that must be met in order to successfully enter this field of investment.

In this article, we’ll discuss the qualifications that an individual must have before becoming an angel investor.

Introduction To Angel Investor Qualifications

What Are Angel Investor Qualifications?

An angel investor is an individual who invests their personal funds into startup companies or small businesses, often in exchange for equity.

These investors provide funding to entrepreneurs who may have difficulty obtaining funding from traditional lenders, such as banks, due to the perceived risk associated with a new venture.

Angel investors are typically high net worth individuals, although this is not always the case, and they must meet certain qualifications in order to invest.

In general, angel investors must be willing to take on a high degree of risk and have the financial resources to absorb potential losses. They must also have expertise and experience in the industry or market segment in which they are investing, as well as an understanding of the startup ecosystem.

Angel investors are often sought after for their financial backing, as well as their knowledge and connections in the industry. Overall, the role of an angel investor is essential in the growth and success of new ventures, providing vital funds and guidance needed to turn innovative concepts into profitable businesses.

Importance Of Angel Investor Qualifications

Angel investors play a critical role in the startup industry by providing much-needed capital to businesses in their early stages. The importance of angel investors cannot be overstated, as they are often the first source of funding for startup companies that lack the resources needed to launch their businesses.

Angel investors not only provide financing but also offer valuable advice and mentorship to entrepreneurs. This guidance helps ensure that startups have the necessary resources to succeed and bring their products or services to market.

Additionally, angel investors are often willing to take on more risk than traditional investors, which makes them more likely to invest in high-growth ventures with the potential for significant returns.

This willingness to take calculated risks is a crucial factor in the success of early-stage businesses. Without angel investors, many promising startups might never have the opportunity to get off the ground.

Personal Qualifications

Experience Factor

Experience is a vital factor that angel investors consider when deciding to invest in a particular startup. Angel investors with experience in a specific industry or business sector can bring value-added benefits to the startup.

Experienced angel investors can provide guidance, mentorship, and valuable networking opportunities to the startup. An experienced angel investor can help a startup avoid common pitfalls, steer the company in the right direction, and provide alternative perspectives on how to address business challenges.

Angel investors with experience can provide valuable feedback on the startup’s business plan and investment strategy.

Experience can help ensure that the investment is sound and that the startup has a realistic chance of success. Experienced investors can also help startups optimize their operations, find the right talent, and navigate regulatory issues that may arise.

When evaluating potential angel investors, startups must consider their experience in the industry, as well as their track record of successful investments.

The more experience an angel investor has, the more likely they are to invest in the right startups, and the more likely they are to provide valuable support and guidance to the startup.

Startups should consider angel investors with experience in their industry or business sector to increase their chances of success and achieve their goals.

Expertise: A Critical Aspect

Expertise is a critical aspect that angel investors must possess to make successful investments in startups.

Angel investors must have deep knowledge and experience in their sector of interest. Understanding the industry landscape, market trends, and customer needs are essential to identify the most promising startups.

Furthermore, angel investors must have prior experience in managing and growing successful businesses to identify the key drivers of a startup’s success. They must also understand the potential risks associated with investing in startups, such as market saturation, competition, and changing consumer preferences.

Angel investors should have a diverse range of skills that can help them add value to startups. They should have strong analytical skills, which enable them to evaluate a startup’s potential by analyzing its business plan, financial statements, and market data.

Additionally, angel investors should have excellent communication skills to build a relationship with startup founders and provide constructive feedback that helps the startups grow. They must also have a global perspective to understand the potential of a startup in various markets worldwide.

Angel investors with technical expertise in their sector of interest can make more informed investment decisions. They can evaluate a startup’s technology stack and provide guidance on technical issues.

Furthermore, they can advise startups on the latest technologies and trends in their industry, which can give them a competitive edge. Angel investors with experience in marketing and sales can also add value to startups by providing guidance on branding, customer acquisition, and sales strategies.

Overall, expertise is a critical qualification for angel investors. It helps them identify the most promising startups, understand the potential risks and returns of an investment, and add value to startups through their skills and knowledge.

Angel investors with a diverse set of skills and experience can make informed decisions and help startups grow, leading to successful outcomes for both parties.

Network: The Most Vital Components

One of the most critical components of being an angel investor is having access to a strong network. A well-connected investor can bring significant value to a startup by opening doors to other investors, potential customers, industry experts, and other valuable resources.

Building a comprehensive network takes time and effort, but it is an invaluable asset to have as an angel investor. One source of networking opportunities is joining angel investor groups or syndicates, which can offer access to deal flow and shared due diligence resources.

Another way to expand one’s network is through attending industry events and conferences, where one can meet entrepreneurs, other investors, and thought leaders in relevant industries.

Networking can also be achieved through personal introductions and referrals, which can come from colleagues, peers, lawyers, and other industry professionals.

In addition to a wide network, angel investors should also strive to build deep and meaningful relationships with their contacts to maximize their potential value.

Having a strong network can also help angel investors stay informed about trends and changes in the startup ecosystem, which can inform their investment decisions.

Financial Stability Factor

Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who have accumulated enough capital to invest in startup companies. They play a vital role in the entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing funding and mentorship to young companies that may not have access to traditional funding sources.

One of the qualifications of an angel investor is financial stability. This means that they have a high level of financial security and stability. The ability to provide funds when necessary is a crucial aspect of investing in startups because time is of the essence in the early stages of development.

A lack of financial stability may lead to a diminished ability to support their portfolio companies in crucial times. Therefore, an angel investor must have enough funds to cover their initial investment, as well as the capital required to support the startup in subsequent funding rounds.

Another aspect of financial stability that angel investors must possess is the ability to manage their finances wisely. This means that they should have a track record of making sound financial decisions and have a good understanding of risk management.

It is possible for anyone to accumulate wealth, but not everyone has the discipline or knowledge to manage it effectively. Angel investors must be able to evaluate their investment opportunities critically and make informed decisions based on sound financial principles.

This requires an understanding of private equity industry practices, valuation methodology, and deal sourcing strategies. Proper planning, diversification, and risk management are essential components of successful investing, and angel investors should be proficient in these areas.

Lastly, angel investors must have a strong financial background to understand the intricacies of the investments they make. It is essential to have a good grasp of financial statements, balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

Angel investors should be able to analyze a company’s financial statements and identify warning signs, such as low cash balances, negative cash flows, and high debt levels. They need to have a good sense of what is realistic in terms of growth projections and exit strategies.

Failure to understand the financials of a startup can lead to mistakes, such as investing in an unsustainable business model, overpaying for equity, or entering into unfavorable terms with founders.

Overall, financial stability is an indispensable qualification for an angel investor. It enables them to provide the necessary capital to their portfolio companies and makes them more effective mentors by giving them the time and resources to impart their expertise.

Investing in startups is risky, and even the best-laid plans can go awry. Financial stability is a safety net that can help investors weather unexpected challenges and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

Professional Qualifications

Industry Knowledge

A crucial aspect of being an angel investor is having a sound knowledge of the industries in which one intends to invest. Investors must fully understand market trends, technological advancements, and the regulatory environment governing those industries.

Industry knowledge helps investors to identify the most promising startups and evaluate their potentials accurately. Investors who lack industry knowledge risk making suboptimal investment decisions, resulting in losses.

Therefore, angel investors must gather and maintain up-to-date industry knowledge through different channels, such as attending conferences, reading industry publications, consulting with experts, and participating in industry networks.

Additionally, investors must stay abreast of the latest developments and innovations in their industry of focus. By doing this, they can identify startup opportunities that are in line with their investment goals and have a carefully strategized investment plan.

Investment Strategy

The investment strategy of an angel investor is critical to the success of their portfolio. Successful angel investors have a comprehensive and thoughtful investment strategy that helps them identify the most promising investment opportunities.

Developing an investment strategy requires extensive knowledge of the industry, as well as the ability to conduct thorough due diligence on potential investment opportunities. Angel investors must have a clear understanding of the market trends and emerging technologies in the industries they invest in.

One critical aspect of the investment strategy is the ability to identify companies with a high potential for growth. Angel investors must identify companies that have a well-defined business plan and a solid team that can execute their plans.

They must also ensure that their investment aligns with the company’s vision and goals. The investment strategy should also assess the investment risk through due diligence, including a thorough analysis of the company’s financial health, the competitive landscape, and market trends.

Another crucial element of the investment strategy is the ability to diversify the portfolio. Angel investors should aim to have a diverse group of investments across multiple industries, stages of development, and geographic locations. This strategy can provide an excellent hedge against market volatility and minimize the risk of a singular, substantial loss.

Finally, the investment strategy must outline an exit strategy. This strategy should consider various factors, including the company’s growth potential, the current market demand, and whether the company is a good fit for an IPO or an acquisition.

The exit strategy is necessary to ensure that the investment yield a return for the investor. It is essential to have a clear exit strategy before making an investment to avoid any future complications.

Overall, the investment strategy of an angel investor is critical to the success of their portfolio. Successful angel investors have a clear and comprehensive investment strategy that outlines the investing criteria and objectives, the due diligence process, and the exit strategy.

By having a well-defined investment strategy, angel investors can successfully identify companies with high-growth potential, diversify their portfolio, and yield a good return on their investments.

Due Diligence Of Angel Investing

Due diligence is an essential aspect of angel investing. It involves the process of thoroughly researching a potential investment before making a financial commitment.

Conducting due diligence allows investors to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s operations, financial health, management team, and other factors that could affect its future success.

This information plays a critical role in determining whether an investment has the potential to yield a high return or not. Thus, angel investors who lack the knowledge and skills to conduct due diligence properly may be putting their money at risk.

Several types of due diligence can be performed, including financial, legal, operational, and commercial due diligence. Financial due diligence involves analyzing a company’s financial statements, including revenue, profitability, assets, and liabilities, among others.

Legal due diligence involves reviewing the company’s legal structure, intellectual property, lawsuit history, contracts, and other legal factors. Operational due diligence involves studying the company’s processes, including production, supply chain management, marketing, and distribution, among others.

Lastly, commercial due diligence involves conducting market analysis, competition analysis, and customer validation.

Angel investors should have a thorough understanding of the due diligence process, the types of due diligence, and the specific questions to ask during each type.

They should also be able to analyze financial statements, contracts, and legal documents, and have access to relevant databases, such as market research reports, industry analysis, and financial data, to support their research.

It is also important for angel investors to have a broad network of industry experts and advisors who can provide valuable insights and guidance. By conducting thorough due diligence, angel investors can mitigate risks and make informed investment decisions that can yield substantial returns.

Portfolio Management For Angel Investors

The ability to manage a portfolio effectively is an essential skill for angel investors. Portfolio management involves selecting and managing a group of investments that are diverse enough to reduce risk while at the same time focusing enough to realize a return on investment.

Managing an angel investor portfolio is different from managing a traditional investment portfolio because it typically involves investing in early-stage businesses that can be high-risk but offer substantial rewards.

An angel investor with a well-managed portfolio can achieve a substantial return on investment over time. Proper portfolio management involves developing an investment strategy that aligns with the investor’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment philosophy.

A well-managed portfolio usually consists of diverse companies from different sectors and industries.

Angel investors should establish clear criteria for selecting companies to invest in and regularly assess their portfolio’s performance based on key performance indicators (KPIs).

Investors should also actively engage with the companies in their portfolio, providing guidance, and leveraging their network to help these startups achieve success. They should also be prepared to follow-on invest and support portfolio companies as needed.

Effective portfolio management also requires the investor to have a strong understanding of the market and industries in which their portfolio companies operate. Angel investors need to stay informed of the latest trends and challenges facing these sectors, understanding the risks and opportunities that these trends present to their portfolio.

In summary, portfolio management is one of the critical skills angel investors need to master for success. It involves selecting a diverse range of companies, establishing clear criteria for investing and assessing portfolio performance regularly.

A well-managed portfolio can generate significant returns over time and requires an understanding of the markets and industries that the portfolio companies operate in.

Exit Strategy Of Angel Investing

One important aspect of angel investing is having a solid Exit Strategy. This means having a well-defined plan for how investors will eventually sell their investment and realize their profit. A good Exit Strategy is critical to the success of a startup and an angel investor, and it’s something that every investor should carefully consider before committing any funds.

There are several options for Exit Strategies, including selling the company to another business, going public through an IPO, or buying out the other investors. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important for investors to carefully consider each one in light of their own investment goals and risk tolerance.

Another key element of a successful Exit Strategy is timing. The right time to exit an investment depends on several factors, including the company’s financial performance, market conditions, and competition. Investors need to closely monitor these factors and adjust their Exit Strategy accordingly.

It’s important to have a plan in place for when to exit, but it’s equally important to be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. A successful Exit Strategy means being able to maximize the return on investment while minimizing risk.

Finally, having a strong network of contacts and resources is also important for a successful Exit Strategy. This means having the right connections to potential buyers or investors as well as access to industry experts and advisors who can provide guidance and support throughout the Exit Strategy process. A strong network can help investors identify the best Exit Strategy options and negotiate the best deal for their investment.

In conclusion, having a well-defined Exit Strategy is an essential part of angel investing. It requires careful consideration of the different options available, as well as close monitoring of market conditions and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

A successful Exit Strategy also requires a strong network of contacts and resources to help investors make the most of their investment and maximize their return.

Behavioral Qualifications

Risk Tolerance Factor

When it comes to angel investing, having a strong risk tolerance is one of the most important qualifications an investor can possess. Angel investing by nature is high-risk, high-reward, meaning that while the potential for a significant return on investment exists, so too does the possibility of losing everything.

Investors who are able to tolerate this level of risk without becoming overly anxious or stressed are better positioned to make sound investment decisions. However, it is important to note that having a high tolerance for risk does not mean an investor should blindly invest in any and every opportunity that comes their way.

Rather, a successful angel investor must be able to balance risk with reward, carefully evaluating each investment opportunity to determine whether it meets their personal risk threshold.

Angel investors must also have the patience to see their investments through to fruition. Angel investing typically involves investing in early-stage companies that may not see a return on investment for several years, and may require ongoing financial support to achieve their goals.

Patience in waiting for these investments to mature is key, as is the ability to remain calm and rational during market downturns or other periods of instability.

In addition to a strong risk tolerance and patience, angel investors also benefit from mentorship. Successful angel investors often have extensive networks of contacts and mentors who can provide valuable guidance and advice when it comes to evaluating potential investment opportunities.

This mentorship can take many forms, such as engaging with other angel investors, attending networking events, or seeking advice from industry experts.

Collaboration is also an important component of successful angel investing. While angel investors often operate independently, they must be able to collaborate with other investors, as well as with the companies in which they invest.

This requires strong communication skills, as well as the ability to work effectively with others towards shared goals.

Finally, integrity is critical for any successful angel investor. Being transparent and honest in all dealings is key to building trust with both investees and other investors, and ensuring ethical practices.

Angel investors who operate with integrity are more likely to attract quality investment opportunities, and are more likely to succeed in their investments over the long term.

Patience Of An Angel Investor

Patience is a crucial quality that any angel investor must have in order to navigate the ups and downs of the investment process. Investing in startups is a long game, and it can take years before an investor sees any return on their investment.

It requires a great deal of patience to weather the storms that come with startup investing, including delayed profits, potential loss of investment, unexpected challenges, and unforeseen hurdles.

Patience also plays a key role in building a strong relationship between entrepreneurs and investors. As startups grow, they encounter numerous challenges and setbacks, and it takes patience to provide the necessary guidance and support that will help them reach their potential.

Additionally, angel investors must have patience in allowing entrepreneurs to make mistakes and learn from them, which is essential for growth and success.

Impatience can lead to counterproductive behaviors such as rushing into hasty decisions without proper evaluation, which could result in the loss of significant sums of money.

In conclusion, patience is a necessary attribute for angel investors. Investors with an aptitude for patience are more likely to make rational and strategic choices, provide adequate mentorship, and work collaboratively with their founders to ensure long term success.

Mentorship In Angel Investor Qualifications

Mentorship is a critical factor in Angel Investor Qualifications. A successful angel investor should possess an impressive track record in supporting, guiding and advising startups. A mentor-worthy candidate is an experienced professional with a vast pool of connections.

The angel investor should also have an excellent understanding of the startup ecosystem, which allows them to substitute target market knowledge and trends. Mentorship is what differentiates angel investors from venture capitalists as an angel investor invests not only capital but also time and expertise in a start-up.

Since most startups are exceedingly untested, it falls upon the angel investor to traverse a startup’s journey. By doing so, they craft a healthy growth path for the start-up through shared experience and guidance in the industry.

Furthermore, one essential attribute of an angel investor is their ability to accept feedback from founders and other business mentors. In most cases, a startup’s success rate is enhanced by individual investors who have shared their knowledge and expertise with multiple start-ups.

The willingness to provide support and knowledge to their investees enables an angel investor to establish deep relationships that are beneficial to both parties.

Collaboration Factor

Collaboration is a critical factor in the success of angel investors. Angels invest their money and time in promising startups in exchange for equity, but they also expect a high level of collaboration from the startup founders, who must be willing to work with the investors to develop and implement a business strategy.

Collaboration helps to minimize the risk of failure, as investors and founders work together to develop a sustainable business model. Investors provide their business experience, networks, and resources to help the startups grow, while the founders provide fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and passion for the business.

The collaboration between investors and founders goes beyond investments to the establishment of business relationships that benefit both parties.

The best angel investors understand the importance of collaboration and are committed to working with the teams they invest in. They listen to the startup founders as they share their vision, goals, and challenges, and then provide feedback and insights of their own.

They help identify areas of strength and weakness in the startup and work with the founders to address these areas. Angel investors are also willing to make introductions to their networks, including potential clients, investors, and partners, to help the startup grow.

Collaboration helps investors to build trust and strong relationships with the founders, which can lead to better outcomes for both parties.

Collaboration requires open and honest communication between the investor and founder. Effective communication can help identify potential issues early, which can be essential in avoiding major problems.

Investors need to be transparent about their expectations, as well as the risks involved with the investment, while founders should be honest about the progress and challenges faced by their startups. This open communication can also lead to innovative ideas that can help grow the business.

Finally, the best angel investors are those who can work collaboratively with a team. This means that they understand the importance of teamwork and the value of diverse perspectives.

A collaborative investor will be willing to work with a team to identify the best path forward, even if it means making some difficult decisions. In summary, collaboration is an important quality for angel investors, and those who display this quality tend to be more successful in their investments.

Integrity Factor

The most successful angel investors have one distinct quality in common: integrity. Integrity refers to the adherence to moral and ethical principles. Angel investors who have high levels of integrity will have trust and credibility among their peers, the entrepreneurial community, and other investors.

This quality is important because it builds integrity and trust within the entrepreneurial community. It’s important for angel investors to have a strong reputation because their investments rely on their ability to network and attract high-quality entrepreneurs to invest with them.

Integrity allows angel investors to take calculated risks without undermining their reputation. Most investors are familiar with the idea that investments involve risk, and angel investors are no exception.

However, investors can also mitigate risk by conducting thorough due diligence to evaluate potential investments. Investors with integrity will work diligently to evaluate their investments and recommend them only when they believe they can make a positive impact on the market.

This is important because these investors will have a reputation for investing only in companies with a high potential for growth and success.

Furthermore, angel investors with integrity will also make timely and honest decisions. This means that they will always provide accurate and timely information to entrepreneurs on the status of their investments.

This quality is essential because entrepreneurs rely on angel investors for guidance and support. In addition, angel investors may be required to provide follow-up support in the form of additional investment or connections to potential investors or customers.

Finally, investors with integrity will have the good judgment to know when to ask for help or advice. They recognize the importance of having a solid network of peers and mentors who can help them make informed decisions.

Collaborating with peers in the entrepreneurial and investment community helps to mitigate potential risks and provide valuable insights. Investors who are willing to seek advice or mentorship demonstrate a willingness to learn and improve their investment strategies.

In conclusion, integrity is a crucial attribute for angel investors. It builds reputation, trust, and credibility within the entrepreneurial community.

Angel investors with integrity have the capacity to take calculated risks and provide valuable support to entrepreneurs. It’s essential that investors prioritize integrity in their investment strategy and collaborate with their peers to achieve success in the competitive investment market.


Summary Of Angel Investor Qualifications

The qualifications of an angel investor are an essential aspect of the startup ecosystem. To summarize, an angel investor is an individual who invests their own money in a new or small business in exchange for ownership equity.

Angel investors have become increasingly popular among entrepreneurs due to their flexibility and expertise, which can help bridge the funding gap between startup and scale-up phases.

Qualifications of an angel investor include having a net worth of at least $1 million, earning an annual income of over $200,000 or having a joint income of $300,000, and being accredited by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Additionally, angel investors need to be able to evaluate the potential of a business, have good communication skills to work with the entrepreneurs, and be aware of the risks associated with investing in startups.

Furthermore, a strong network of contacts and experience in a particular industry can be valuable qualifications for angel investors. They are often successful entrepreneurs, executives, or professionals in a specific field or industry.

Angel investors also offer more than just financial assistance but provide mentorship and guidance to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Finally, an angel investor requires a long-term mindset to stay invested in the project for several years, if not longer, as startups require time to grow and succeed.

In conclusion, the qualifications of an angel investor go far beyond just financial capacity. Successful angel investors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, as well as the ability to identify promising opportunities and guide entrepreneurs towards success.

As such, angel investors play a vital role in the startup ecosystem and have become an increasingly popular funding option for entrepreneurs around the world.

Future Outlook For Angel Investors

The future outlook for angel investors is promising. As the innovation and technology industries continue to expand, there will be an increasing demand for funding.

Furthermore, government policies, such as the JOBS Act, are making it easier for startup companies to access capital. This will lead to more opportunities for angel investors to invest in promising ventures.

However, it is important to note that the angel investor landscape is highly competitive. As more individuals seek to become angel investors, the competition for the best investment opportunities will become even fiercer.

Therefore, it will be important for angel investors to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and emerging industries.

Moreover, the rise of impact investing is likely to have a significant impact on the future of angel investing. Impact investing focuses on supporting companies that aim to have a positive social or environmental impact while generating financial returns.

As millennials and Gen Z become more interested in investing with a conscience, this trend is expected to grow. Angel investors who are willing to consider impact investing may find themselves with a unique competitive advantage in attracting the best investment opportunities.

In conclusion, the future looks bright for angel investors. With the increasing demand for funding and favorable government policies, there will be more opportunities than ever to invest in promising startups.

However, it is important for angel investors to stay on top of emerging trends and to consider impact investing as a potential avenue for success.

Angel Investor Qualifications: FAQs

What Are The Primary Qualifications For Being An Angel Investor?

To be an angel investor, you need to be an accredited investor with a high net worth and income. You should also have a strong understanding of the investment market and a minimum of ten years of business experience.

What Personal Characteristics Should An Angel Investor Have?

An angel investor should have a high level of confidence, strong decision-making skills, and the ability to assess risk. Being able to network, source deals and add value to a start-up are also essential qualities for an angel investor.

Can Non-Accredited Investors Participate In Angel Investing?

Non-accredited investors can participate in angel investing but may face restrictions on the amount they can invest. They should have a full understanding of the risks and carry out their own research before investing.

What Level Of Involvement Should An Angel Investor Have With The Start-Up?

Angel investors should be prepared to be actively involved with the start-up. This includes providing mentorship, advice, and resources to help the business grow. However, the level of involvement can vary depending on the investor’s availability and preference.

What Industries Do Angel Investors Typically Invest In?

Angel investors generally invest in high-growth industries that have the potential for large returns, such as technology and healthcare. However, angel investors can also invest in other sectors based on their interests and experience.

What Role Does Due Diligence Play In Angel Investing?

Due diligence is a vital part of angel investing since it helps investors to assess the risk and potential of a start-up. The process typically includes evaluating the team, market size, financials, intellectual property, and competition. Failure to conduct due diligence can lead to unexpected losses.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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