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  • Why Trademark Registration is Essential for Your Business

by Mike Vestil 

Why Trademark Registration is Essential for Your Business

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In this comprehensive guide to trademark registration, readers will gain valuable insights into the definition and importance of a trademark, the key differences between trademark, copyright, and patent, as well as the eligibility criteria for registering a trademark.

The article delves deep into the registration process, including various steps such as conducting a trademark search, filing the application, and navigating the opposition process. Additionally, the guide explores the maintenance of a registered trademark, international registration through the Madrid System, associated fees and costs, and common challenges and pitfalls to avoid. Finally, the article outlines the legal remedies available in case of trademark infringement, including injunctions, monetary damages, and criminal penalties.

Understanding Trademark Registration

To effectively safeguard your intellectual property and distinctly establish your brand and its worth, it’s essential to understand the process of trademark registration. A trademark serves as a recognizable symbol representing your brand or product, thus ensuring that customers can easily identify it amidst competition. In this article, we will discuss the definition of a trademark, its importance, and the differences between trademarks, copyrights, and patents.

Definition of a Trademark

A trademark is a symbol, logo, word, phrase, design, or a combination of these elements that distinguishes and identifies the source of the goods or services of one party from those of others in the market. Trademarks are legally registered and protected intellectual property assets that grant exclusive rights to their owners, allowing them to use and license the trademark, as well as to prevent others from using similar marks that could confuse consumers.

Trademarks can be incredibly valuable for businesses, as they represent the brand equity and reputation that has been built over time through marketing and delivering quality goods or services to customers. Examples of well-known trademarks include the McDonald’s golden arches, the Nike swoosh, and the Apple logo.

Importance of Trademark Registration

Trademark registration is a critical step in the process of building and protecting your brand. Here are some of the key reasons why trademark registration is essential for businesses:

  1. Exclusive Rights: Registering your trademark grants you exclusive rights to use the mark for the goods or services that you offer. This means that no other parties can use a similar mark in the same industry, which prevents confusion in the market and helps maintain the distinct identity of your brand.

  2. Legal Protection: A registered trademark serves as prima facie evidence of ownership in legal disputes. Should someone else attempt to use a mark similar to yours, you will have a stronger legal footing to take action against the potential infringer.

  3. Brand Building: A registered trademark adds credibility and professionalism to your brand, indicating to customers that you are committed to protecting your brand’s integrity.

  4. Licensing and Franchising Opportunities: Owning a registered trademark enables you to license and franchise your brand to other businesses, opening up avenues for additional revenue streams.

  5. Global Protection: Registering your trademark in your country can be the first step toward protecting your brand internationally. Many countries recognize trademarks registered in other nations, making it easier to pursue legal actions against infringers.

Difference Between Trademark, Copyright, and Patent

While trademarks, copyrights, and patents all fall under the umbrella of intellectual property protection, they serve different purposes and protect different types of assets:

  1. Trademarks: As previously discussed, trademarks protect symbols, designs, logos, or phrases that identify the source of goods or services. Trademarks help differentiate your brand in the market and safeguard its reputation.

  2. Copyrights: Copyrights protect original works of authorship such as books, music, films, and software. Copyright grants the creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, or create derivative works based on the original work. Unlike trademarks, copyrights do not need to be registered to be granted, although registration can offer additional benefits in legal disputes.

  3. Patents: Patents protect inventions and innovative processes, granting inventors the exclusive right to produce, sell, or use their invention for a specified period. Patents can cover a wide range of inventions, from devices and machines to chemical compounds and methods of manufacturing.

In summary, understanding and securing an appropriate form of intellectual property protection can be invaluable for businesses that seek to maintain a competitive edge in the market. Trademark registration, in particular, offers an essential tool for safeguarding your brand’s identity, allowing you to build and maintain a strong reputation among customers.

Eligibility for Trademark Registration

Trademark registration is a crucial component of brand protection and the success of a business. It is essential to understand the criteria for eligibility before initiating the registration process. This article will outline the types of registers available, the eligibility criteria for trademark registration, and the types of entities that can register a trademark.

Types of Registrable Trademarks

Trademarks are used by businesses to distinguish their goods and services from those of their competitors. They provide a way for consumers to identify and associate a certain level of quality, origin, or other characteristics with a particular brand. In general, registrable trademarks include the following:

  1. Word marks: These are the most common types of trademarks and consist of a combination of letters, numbers, or words. For example, “Nike” and “Coca-Cola” are word marks.

  2. Figurative marks: Also known as logo marks or design marks, these trademarks consist of a unique design, pattern, or image associated with a business or product. Examples include the McDonald’s ‘Golden Arches’ and the Apple logo.

  3. Composite marks: These trademarks combine elements of word and figurative marks into a single identifier. An example of a composite mark is the combination of the Starbucks wordmark with its stylized mermaid logo.

  4. 3D marks: Registrable trademarks can also include three-dimensional shapes of products or packaging that distinguish a product’s origin or brand. For example, the unique shape of the Coca-Cola bottle is a 3D mark.

  5. Sound marks: These are non-visual trademarks that consist of a distinctive sound or tune, such as the Intel chime or the NBC network’s three-note jingle.

  6. Color marks: Single colors or combinations of colors can be registered as trademarks if they have a strong association with a specific brand or product, like the “Tiffany Blue” color used by Tiffany & Co.

  7. Scent marks: In some countries, it is possible to register the distinct smell of a product as a trademark, provided it is unique and helps distinguish the product from its competitors.

Types of Non-registrable Trademarks

Not all trademarks are eligible for registration. Some marks may be considered non-registrable due to legal restrictions or because they do not meet specific criteria:

  1. Generic terms: Words or phrases that describe a class or category of goods or services, such as “computer,” “coffee,” or “restaurant,” cannot be registered as trademarks.

  2. Descriptive marks: Marks that directly describe the product or service, its characteristics, or its intended purpose are generally not registrable. For example, “Cold and Creamy” for ice cream would likely be considered descriptive and therefore not eligible for registration.

  3. Deceptive marks: Trademarks that may mislead or deceive consumers about the nature, origin, or characteristics of the goods or services are prohibited from registration.

  4. Marks that conflict with public morality or public order: Trademarks that are offensive, scandalous, or otherwise against social norms and values may be rejected for registration.

  5. National symbols or flags: Trademarks that use national emblems, symbols, flags, or government seals without permission are not registrable.

  6. Marks identical or similar to existing registered trademarks: If a proposed trademark is too similar to an existing registered trademark in the same category of goods or services, the new trademark may be rejected.

Eligible Entities for Trademark Registration

Various entities can apply for trademark registration, including:

  1. Individuals: Sole proprietors or entrepreneurs can register a trademark in their name.

  2. Companies: Incorporated businesses, partnerships, or limited liability companies can register trademarks.

  3. Non-profit organizations: Charities, trade associations, and other non-profit organizations can apply for trademark registration to protect their respective brands.

  4. Foreign entities: Companies or individuals from other countries can register a trademark in another jurisdiction, subject to meeting the requirements of the country where the application is filed.

In summary, various types of trademarks can be registered, provided they meet specific criteria and are not part of the non-registrable trademarks list. Moreover, different entities, from individuals to foreign businesses and non-profit organizations, can apply for trademark registration to protect their brands and establish a strong market presence.

Trademark Registration Process

Trademark Search

The first step in the trademark registration process is conducting a trademark search. This search will help you determine whether your desired mark is already in use or has been registered by another individual or business. In order to perform a comprehensive search, it’s essential to utilize various tools and databases. This includes national and international trademark databases, company directories, domain name registrars, and social media platforms.

A thorough trademark search should examine all variations of your desired mark, including phonetic equivalents, alternative spellings, and translations. Analyzing these variations will increase the likelihood of uncovering any potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the registration process. Once you have verified that the mark you wish to protect is unique and unregistered, you can proceed to the next step in the trademark registration process.

Filing The Application

After completing a trademark search, the next step is to file a trademark application with the appropriate government agency, usually a country’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO). The application process varies by jurisdiction and can be done online or through a manual/paper application.

<h4>Online Application</h4>
The majority of countries offer an online application system, streamlining the process and expediting approval. Payment of the application fee, submission of the required forms, and upload of any additional documents are all done electronically. Registering a trademark online typically results in a faster response time and greater accessibility, as applicants can check the status of their application through the online platform.

<h4>Manual/Paper Application</h4>
Although digital applications are often preferred, some jurisdictions still require manual or paper submissions which involve completing a physical application form and mailing it to the relevant intellectual property office along with the necessary documentation and fees. This method generally takes longer to process and requires the applicant to monitor the progress manually, contacting the trademark office themselves for updates.

Review by Trademark Office

Once the application has been filed, it will be reviewed by the trademark office. This review process, also known as the examination, involves ensuring that the application meets all requirements and adheres to the guidelines set forth by the jurisdiction’s trademark regulations. During this stage, the trademark office may request additional information or modifications to the application. If the review process uncovers no issues or discrepancies, the application will be approved for publication in the trademark journal.

Publication in Trademark Journal

Upon approval of the application, the trademark office will publish the mark in the official trademark journal – a periodical that lists all newly approved and registered trademarks. This stage serves as notice to the public and an opportunity for third parties to oppose the registration if they believe it infringes on their own mark.

Opposition Process

During the opposition period, typically lasting 30 to 90 days from the publication date, any party that believes their rights will be affected by the registration of the mark can file an opposition. If an opposition is submitted, both the applicant and the party filing the opposition must present their cases before a governing body or an appointed adjudicator. The outcome of this process can result in either the approval or refusal of the trademark registration.

Registration Certificate Issuance

If no opposition is filed or if the applicant successfully overcomes any opposition, the trademark office will issue a registration certificate, granting the applicant exclusive rights to use the mark for a specified duration, typically 10 years. Upon expiration, the owner can apply for renewal, extending the protection of their mark.

Maintaining a Trademark

Trademark Renewal

To maintain ownership and exclusive rights over a trademark, it is essential to renew its registration before the expiration date. Generally, trademark registrations last for 10 years, after which they can be renewed for additional 10-year increments. The renewal process entails filing a renewal application with the appropriate fees and, in some jurisdictions, providing evidence of continued use.

Trademark Usage and Enforcement

Maintaining a trademark involves ensuring that it is actively used in the course of business and consistently portrayed in accordance with the registered mark’s design, appearance, and intended use. Additionally, trademark owners should monitor their mark for any unauthorized uses or infringements and take legal action if necessary to protect their intellectual property rights.

Monitoring and Policing Trademark Infringement

To preserve the value and exclusivity of a trademark, it is crucial to remain vigilant against potential infringements. This task involves periodically monitoring various sources – online, print, and physical – for unauthorized uses of the mark or marks bearing close resemblance. If an infringement is detected, the trademark owner can take legal action to enforce their rights and protect their mark from dilution or loss of distinctiveness. By consistently enforcing and maintaining their trademark, owners ensure the long-lasting protection of their intellectual property investment.

International Trademark Registration

Trademarks are vital intellectual property assets for businesses, as they facilitate the identification of products and services by consumers. Registering a trademark in a particular jurisdiction grants the owner exclusive rights to use it in that territory. However, as businesses expand to international markets, they need to ensure similar protection in multiple countries. International trademark registration thus plays a crucial role in providing legal protection to a brand’s identity and preventing unauthorized use by others.

Understanding the Madrid System

The Madrid System, administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), is an international treaty that enables businesses to register their trademarks in multiple countries through a single application. This system simplifies the registration process and reduces procedural costs for businesses seeking trademark protection in various jurisdictions.

There are presently 124 countries that are members of the Madrid System, and a single application can cover multiple member nations. Membership to the Madrid System is open to all members of the Paris Union or the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO). By choosing to register a trademark through the Madrid System, businesses can streamline the registration process and avoid the need to file individual applications in each country.

Procedure for Registering an International Trademark

The procedure for registering an international trademark through the Madrid System is as follows:

  1. National Application: Before beginning the international registration process, the trademark owner must apply for or possess a trademark registration (or pending application) in their home country. This is referred to as the “basic application” or “basic registration.”

  2. International Application: The trademark owner files an international application through their home nation’s Intellectual Property (IP) Office, furnishing details about the trademark, goods and services covered, and countries where protection is sought. The application fees are calculated based on the number of countries selected, the number of classes of goods and services, and the type of mark (colored or black and white).

  3. Review and Certification by IP Office: The home IP Office reviews the application to ensure that it corresponds to the basic application or registration. Upon verification, the IP Office certifies the application and forwards it to WIPO for further examination.

  4. Examination by WIPO: WIPO conducts a formal examination to verify compliance with the Madrid Agreement and Protocol’s requirements. If the application meets the criteria, WIPO records the mark in the International Register, publishes it in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks, and issues a certificate to the applicant.

  5. National Examination: WIPO subsequently notifies the IP Offices of the member countries elected in the international application. Each IP Office then examines the application according to their domestic laws and has up to 12 or 18 months to issue a refusal or grant protection to the trademark.

  6. International Registration Maintenance: The international registration is valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely every ten years upon payment of the renewal fee.

Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trademark Registration

International trademark registration through the Madrid System comes with several advantages, such as:
– Cost-effective: A single application in one language and one set of fees, simplifies the registration process and reduces costs.
– Centralized management: Any changes such as amendment, renewal, or assignment can be done centrally through a single request with WIPO.
– Flexibility: Businesses can expand their protection to new member countries at any time during their trademark’s validity.

However, there are some disadvantages to consider:
– Central attack: If the basic application or registration is invalidated within the first five years, the entire international registration can be jeopardized. This weakness exists since the international registration is dependent on the basic application or registration during this period.
– Limited geographic scope: The Madrid System does not cover every country; hence, separate applications might be required in non-member nations.

In conclusion, businesses expanding to international markets should carefully assess the advantages and disadvantages of international trademark registration and select the most suitable strategy for protecting their intellectual property assets.

Trademark Registration Fees and Costs

The process of trademark registration involves various fees and costs that need to be taken into account. Understanding these expenses assists businesses in planning their budgets and ensuring that trademarks are correctly registered, protected, and maintained. This article discusses the main components of trademark registration fees and costs, including government fees, attorney fees, and additional costs and expenses.

Government Fees

Government fees constitute a significant portion of the costs related to trademark registration. These fees are charged by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or the respective intellectual property office in each country. These fees might differ based on the type of trademark and the country of registration. Some examples of government fees include:

  1. Application fees: These are the fees charged for filing a trademark application with the USPTO or the respective intellectual property office in a different country. In the United States, application fees can range from $250 to $350 per class of goods or services, depending on the filing method used.

  2. Examination fees: Once a trademark application is submitted, it must be reviewed by an examiner to determine if the trademark can be registered. The examiner’s fees are included in the application fees mentioned above.

  3. Registration fees: If a trademark is allowed by the examiner, the applicant must pay additional registration fees. In the United States, these fees are included in the initial application fees. However, in some countries, there might be separate registration fees.

  4. Renewal fees: To keep a trademark registration active, renewal fees must be paid periodically. In the United States, renewal fees are due every ten years after the registration date, and the amount varies depending on the goods or services covered by the trademark.

  5. International registration fees: Businesses looking to register a trademark in multiple countries may choose to use the Madrid Protocol, an international treaty that simplifies the trademark registration process for its member countries. The fees for international registration depend on the number of countries selected and the nature of the goods or services covered by the trademark.

Attorney Fees

In addition to government fees, businesses also need to consider attorney fees when registering a trademark. Attorney fees can vary based on their level of experience, geographic location, and the complexity of the trademark registration process. Some common examples of attorney fees include:

  1. Trademark search and clearance: Before filing a trademark application, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive trademark search to identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks. Attorneys may charge a flat fee or an hourly rate for this service.

  2. Trademark application preparation and filing: Attorneys often charge a flat fee for preparing and filing a trademark application. This fee typically ranges from $800 to $2,000, depending on the complexity of the application and the experience of the attorney.

  3. Responding to USPTO or foreign office actions: During the examination process, the trademark examiner may issue an office action requiring additional information or clarification from the applicant. Attorneys usually charge an hourly rate for responding to these office actions, typically ranging from $150 to $400 per hour.

Additional Costs and Expenses

Apart from the government fees and attorney fees, there might be other costs and expenses associated with trademark registration. Some of these additional costs include:

  1. Professional search services: Businesses may choose to use specialized search services to perform a comprehensive trademark search, particularly if entering foreign markets. These services can cost several hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the scope of the search.

  2. Translation services: If a business is seeking trademark registration in a foreign country with a different language, translation services may be required. The fees for these services vary depending on the language and the complexity of the translation.

  3. Amendments and modifications: After the initial filing, a trademark application may require modifications or amendments. These changes may incur additional attorney fees or government fees, depending on the nature of the required changes.

Overall, the costs associated with trademark registration can vary greatly depending on various factors, such as the country of registration, the number of classes of goods or services, attorney fees, and additional costs. Proper planning and budgeting for these expenses help businesses protect their intellectual property rights effectively.

Common Challenges and Pitfalls in Trademark Registration

Trademark registration is a vital step for businesses to protect their brand, but the process can be intimidating and complex. There are several challenges and pitfalls that businesses may encounter when attempting to register a trademark. This article aims to provide an overview of the most common challenges and pitfalls businesses face during the trademark registration process, including selecting an appropriate and strong trademark, application mistakes, and trademark infringement issues.

Selecting an Appropriate and Strong Trademark

One of the most critical steps in trademark registration is choosing a strong and distinctive trademark. A trademark should be unique, easy to remember, and associated with the goods or services provided by the business. If a chosen mark is too similar to another registered trademark or lacks distinctiveness, the application might be refused by the trademark office, resulting in a wasted time and resources for the applicant.

Weak trademarks, such as generic or descriptive terms, may also be challenging to enforce and can lead to disputes, which may cost a company more than merely choosing a stronger trademark. Therefore, businesses should conduct thorough research to ensure their trademark is strong and unique before investing time and money in trademark registration.

Another challenge when selecting a trademark is avoiding marks that may be considered offensive or misleading. These marks are likely to be refused by the trademark office or face opposition from other parties during the registration process. Consulting with a trademark attorney can help businesses avoid potential issues surrounding offensive or misleading marks.

Application Mistakes

A common pitfall during the trademark registration process is making errors in the application. These mistakes can lead to delays, additional expenses, and even outright refusal of the application. Common trademark application errors include:

  1. Filing under the wrong legal entity: This mistake can have severe legal consequences, as the registered owner of the trademark will not be the correct party, creating potential enforcement issues or conflicts with third parties.

  2. Insufficient description or incorrect classification of goods/services: Incorrectly classifying goods or services may lead to an incomplete or narrow level of protection. In some cases, it may result in the refusal of the application.

  3. Inaccurate or ambiguous trademark representation: The trademark must be represented clearly and accurately so that the trademark office and third parties can understand precisely what is being protected.

  4. Lack of priority claim: If an applicant wishes to claim priority from an earlier application in another country, the claim must be made correctly and within the stipulated time frame.

To avoid these application mistakes, it is highly recommended that businesses seeking trademark registration consult with an experienced trademark attorney or agent who can guide them through the process and ensure that their application is accurate and complete.

Trademark Infringement Issues

Once a trademark is registered, the owner has the exclusive right to its use; however, enforcing these rights can be time-consuming and costly. One of the most significant challenges for businesses is monitoring and enforcing their trademarks against unauthorized use or infringement.

Infringement disputes can arise when a third party uses a mark that is confusingly similar to a registered trademark to offer similar goods or services. These disputes can result in monetary damages or even require a business to rebrand if the court finds the infringement to be valid. Preventative measures, such as monitoring the marketplace for potential infringements or using a trademark watching service, can help businesses avoid costly legal battles.

Another challenge arises when a business expands into international markets. Different countries have different trademark laws and registration processes, making it critical for companies to navigate these complex legal systems when protecting their trademarks internationally. In some cases, a trademark owner may need to take legal action against an infringing party outside of their home country, potentially leading to complex cross-border litigation.

In conclusion, trademark registration presents several common challenges and pitfalls for businesses, including selecting an appropriate and strong trademark, avoiding application mistakes, and dealing with trademark infringement issues. By being aware of these challenges and working with experienced professionals, businesses can successfully navigate the registration process and protect their valuable brand assets.

Legal Remedies for Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement occurs when another party uses a mark that is similar or identical to an existing trademark without the owner’s authorization, causing confusion or deception among consumers. When this happens, the trademark owner can take legal action and pursue various remedies to protect their rights, stop the unauthorized use of their mark, and recover damages resulting from the infringement. These remedies can be divided into three main categories: injunctions, monetary damages, and criminal penalties.


Injunctions are a common and effective remedy for trademark infringement. An injunction is a court order that prohibits the infringing party from continuing to use the offending mark. Injunctions can be either preliminary or permanent.

A preliminary injunction is a temporary order initially issued by the court to restrain the infringing party from using the trademark until the final resolution of the case. Preliminary injunctions are often sought by trademark owners to stop any ongoing harm caused by the infringement while the litigation is pending. To obtain a preliminary injunction, the plaintiff must establish that:

  1. There is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their case,
  2. They are likely to suffer irreparable harm without the injunction,
  3. The balance of equities favors granting the injunction, and
  4. The public interest would not be harmed by the issuance of the injunction.

A permanent injunction, on the other hand, is issued after the final resolution of the litigation in favor of the trademark owner. The court will order the infringer to permanently cease using the infringing mark. In some cases, the court may also order the infringer to destroy any offending products or marketing materials bearing the infringing mark. This is done to prevent any future infringements and maintain consumer goodwill associated with the protected trademark.

Monetary Damages

Trademark owners who successfully prove infringement may also be entitled to monetary relief. This can take several forms:

  1. Actual Damages: These damages are intended to compensate the trademark owner for any actual losses attributable to the infringing activities. Actual damages can include lost sales, decreased profits, and injury to the reputation of the brand. In many jurisdictions, actual damages can be difficult to establish, especially if the connection between the infringement and the losses is not straightforward.

  2. Profits: The trademark owner may also be entitled to recover the profits that the infringer made as a result of the unauthorized use of the mark. This category of damages is particularly appropriate when the infringer has unfairly profited from their infringing activities.

  3. Statutory Damages: In some jurisdictions, the law allows the court to award a predetermined amount of damages, known as statutory damages, in lieu of actual damages and profits. This can be advantageous for the trademark owner, especially in cases where it is difficult to establish the extent of monetary losses.

  4. Punitive Damages: In some cases, the court may award punitive damages to the injured party as a punishment for particularly malicious or egregious acts of infringement. These damages also serve as a deterrent for others who may engage in similar activities.

Criminal Penalties

In certain jurisdictions, trademark infringement may also give rise to criminal penalties under specific conditions. Criminal sanctions for trademark infringement can include fines, imprisonment, or both. Criminal liability is typically reserved for situations involving deliberate and willful infringement on a commercial scale, counterfeit goods, or fraud. The purpose of criminal penalties is to deter future violations and protect the public interest.

In summary, there are various legal remedies available to a trademark owner whose rights have been infringed upon. Injunctions, monetary damages, and criminal penalties all play a role in providing relief to the injured party and deterring future infringement by others. As a result, it is important for trademark owners to diligently monitor and protect their intellectual property to ensure the continued success of their brand.

Trademark Registration — FAQ

What does the term “trademark” encompass?

A trademark refers to any unique sign, symbol, or phrase used to differentiate a particular product or service from others in the market. Trademarks protect brand identity, ensuring that businesses can maintain their reputation and recognition (United States Patent and Trademark Office, n.d.).

How long does trademark registration take?

The trademark registration process can vary in duration depending on the application’s complexity and any oppositions faced. In general, it may take anywhere between 12 and 36 months to complete the procedure (United States Patent and Trademark Office, n.d).

What is the difference between the “®” and “™” symbols?

The “®” symbol signifies a trademark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or another official agency. In contrast, the “™” symbol indicates an unregistered trademark claimed by a brand for its products or services (United States Patent and Trademark Office, n.d).

Is registration necessary to obtain trademark protection?

No, registration is not necessary for obtaining common law trademark protection. However, registering a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office offers additional benefits, including nationwide recognition, legal remedies, and the ability to use the “®” symbol (United States Patent and Trademark Office, n.d).

How can I check if a trademark is already registered?

To verify if a trademark is already registered, one can conduct a search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). This database provides information on existing and pending trademark applications (United States Patent and Trademark Office, n.d).

When should I renew my trademark registration?

A trademark registration must be renewed between the ninth and tenth year after its registration, every ten years thereafter. Failure to renew within the specified time frame may result in the cancellation of the registered trademark (United States Patent and Trademark Office, n.d).

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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