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  • Understanding the Basics of Grants for Startups

by Mike Vestil 

Understanding the Basics of Grants for Startups

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In this article, you will learn about grants for startups, including their definitions, types, eligibility criteria, benefits, and limitations. We will explore government grants at federal, state, and local levels, as well as private grants from foundations, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. The article also discusses industry-specific and demographic-specific grants catered to technology, education, healthcare, arts, environment, sustainability, women-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, young entrepreneurs, and disabled entrepreneurs.

Finally, you will discover valuable tips and best practices for applying for startup grants, such as understanding grant requirements, writing comprehensive grant proposals, preparing solid business plans, utilizing online grant databases, and seeking professional assistance if needed.

Understanding Grants for Startups

Starting a new business can be a challenging endeavor, and securing funding is often the largest hurdle that entrepreneurs face. Grants are a valuable source of funding that many startups might not be aware of or fully understand. This article aims to provide an overview of grants for startups, including the definition of a grant, types of grants available, eligibility criteria, and the benefits and limitations of grant funding.

Definition of a Grant

A grant is a non-repayable financial award provided to individuals, businesses, or organizations for the specific purpose of carrying out a particular project or mission. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be repaid, and they are typically given by governments, foundations, and other public or private entities. These grants are used to support innovation, development, research, education, and other areas that contribute to the betterment of society.

For startups, grants are particularly helpful because they provide a financial boost to help cover the costs associated with starting and growing a business. Additionally, grants can help to validate a startup’s idea, generate visibility, and increase credibility among potential investors.

Types of Grants

There are several types of grants available for startups, and they can differ in the amount offered, eligibility criteria, and application procedures. Below are some common types:

  1. Government Grants: National, regional, and local governments offer various grants to support the growth of small businesses and startups. These may be aimed at specific industries (such as technology or renewable energy), social demographics (e.g. women or minority-owned businesses), or regions requiring economic development.

  2. Business Competitions and Challenges: Some grants are offered through competitions and challenges that invite startups to present their business ideas to a panel of expert judges. The winning businesses are awarded grant funding to help advance their project or grow their company.

  3. Research and Development Grants: Startups focused on scientific, technological, or medical research may be eligible for research and development grants. These grants are specifically designed to support innovative projects or businesses developing novel products, processes or services.

  4. Foundation Grants: Many foundations, both corporate and private, offer grant programs to support entrepreneurial endeavors in various industries or to address specific social issues.

Eligibility Criteria for Grants

Each grant has its own specific eligibility criteria, but some common requirements include:

  1. Size and Scope of the Business: Many grants are designed to support small businesses and startups; therefore, a company must be in the early stages of development or be considered a small business to be eligible for these grants.

  2. Industry or Market Focus: Some grants are aimed at specific industries or markets, such as healthcare, technology, or renewable energy.

  3. Legal Status: Most grants require that the startup is a registered business entity, and some may require the business to be registered as a specific entity type, such as a non-profit organization or for-profit corporation.

  4. Geography: Grants may be limited to businesses operating in a certain geographic region, such as a designated urban or rural area.

  5. Owner Demographics: Certain grants may focus on supporting businesses owned by particular demographics, such as women, minorities, or veterans.

  6. Project or Product Purpose: Grants may require that the startup’s project or product align with specific goals or objectives, such as social impact or environmental sustainability.

Benefits and Limitations of Grants

There are several benefits of grants for startups, including:

  1. Non-repayable Funding: Unlike loans, grants do not have to be repaid, which minimizes the startup’s financial burden and potential debt.

  2. Validation and Visibility: Receiving a grant can validate a startup’s business idea and contribute to increased visibility in the industry.

  3. Networking Opportunities: Startup grant programs often facilitate connections with industry experts, researchers, and potential investors.

However, there are also limitations to grant funding:

  1. Competitive Application Process: Grant funding is often highly competitive, and startups may be required to invest significant time and resources into the application process.

  2. Degree of Freedom: Some grants come with strict conditions on how the funding can be used, which may constrain the startup’s ability to make decisions or pivot its business model.

  3. Limited Funding Amounts: Grant funding is typically offered in limited amounts, and startups may need to explore additional funding sources to support the full scope of their projects or operations.

Overall, a grant can be a valuable source of funding for startups. By understanding the types of grants available, their eligibility criteria, and the benefits and limitations, entrepreneurs can better strategize and leverage this form of funding to support the growth and development of their businesses.

Government Grants for Startups

Starting a business requires substantial capital, and many entrepreneurs seek financial assistance to help fund their endeavors. One way to obtain funding is through government grants, which essentially offer free money to eligible businesses—though it’s often contingent on project benchmarks or other conditions. In this article, we will explore various government grants designed explicitly for startups and discuss how to find, apply, and secure funding for your enterprise.

Federal Grant Programs

At the federal level, various grant programs target a range of industries, from biotechnology to renewable energy. Some prominent federal grant programs for startups include:

  1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: A highly competitive program that encourages small businesses to engage in federal research and development projects with commercial potential. The SBIR program is divided into three phases: feasibility, development, and commercialization.

  2. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program: Similar to the SBIR program, the STTR program requires small businesses to collaborate with nonprofit research institutions. It aims to bridge the gap between basic science and the commercialization of innovative technologies.

  3. Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E): The Department of Energy funds this program, which supports high-risk, high-reward research in energy technologies that could create transformative change in the industry.

  4. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants: NSF offers numerous grant opportunities for startups, with a focus on research and development projects in science and engineering.

State Grant Programs

Many states have their grant programs tailored to the specific industries they want to foster within their borders. Often, these grants focus on supporting small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs. Some examples of state grant programs include:

  1. California Competes Tax Credit: Offered by the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, this tax credit is available to businesses interested in expanding or relocating to California. The program focuses on creating jobs and promoting economic growth.

  2. Michigan Business Development Program: This grant provides businesses with financial assistance for job creation, investment, and the expansion of businesses within Michigan.

  3. New York State Small Business Grants: New York State offers multiple grant programs tailored to small businesses, including the Business Mentor NY program and the Empire State Development Regional Revolving Loan Fund.

Local Grant Programs

Local governments and economic development organizations may also offer grants and incentives to attract and retain businesses in their regions. These grants can be specific to particular industries or aimed at general economic development. To learn more about these opportunities, reach out to your local chamber of commerce or economic development agency.

How to Find Government Grants

To find the most appropriate government grants for your startup, consider the following resources:

  1. Grants.gov: The federal government’s central database for grant opportunities, where you can search and apply for thousands of grants across various industries and sectors.

  2. SBIR and STTR websites: These websites provide a comprehensive list of available funding opportunities and how to apply for them.

  3. State and local government websites: Many state and local governments maintain a list of grant opportunities on their websites or within economic development agencies.

  4. Reach out to industry associations and professional networks to gain insight into grant opportunities that may be relevant to your field.

Application Process and Timeline

The grant application process can be competitive and time-consuming, often involving extensive research, detailed proposals, and strict deadlines. Start by thoroughly reading the guidelines provided by each grant opportunity and paying close attention to eligibility requirements, submission deadlines, and application instructions.

Once you have identified relevant grant opportunities, give yourself ample time to complete the application process. It may take weeks or even months to compile a compelling grant proposal, which should outline your business concept, objectives, and the anticipated impact of the grant funds.

Finally, be prepared for a timeline that can stretch anywhere from several weeks to over a year before you receive a decision on your application. The process may include review panels, evaluations, and negotiations with the granting agency. Patience and persistence are crucial as you navigate the complex world of government grants for your startup.

Private Grants for Startups

Private grants are a viable funding option for startups looking to secure financial resources to operate or scale their businesses. These grants are non-equity funding options that provide startups with much-needed capital without diluting their ownership or control. There are several types of private grants, which come from various sources, including foundations, corporations, and nonprofits. In this article, we will delve into the different types of private grants, as well as how to find and apply for them.

Foundation Grants

Foundation grants come from philanthropic organizations whose aim is to contribute to the betterment of society. These foundations typically have a specific focus or cause, and startups whose missions align with these goals are more likely to receive funding. To be eligible for foundation grants, startups generally have to be registered as a not-for-profit organization.

Some examples of foundation grants include the Ford Foundation, The Kauffman Foundation, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The size of these grants can vary greatly, with some foundations distributing a few thousand dollars to tens of millions of dollars, depending on the scope of the project and the impact it is expected to have.

Corporate Grants

Corporations sometimes provide grants to startups to foster innovation, create new partnerships or markets, or support a cause that aligns with the company’s core values. These grants often come with unique marketing opportunities or access to valuable resources from the corporation which may include mentorship, access to networks, or use of specific technologies.

Examples of corporate grants include Google for Startups Grants, FedEx Small Business Grant, and the Visa Everywhere Initiative. It is important for startups to thoroughly research the nature, requirements, and expectations of corporate grants to determine which opportunities will be most beneficial for their business.

Nonprofit Organization Grants

Nonprofit organizations often have grant programs to support and fund startups working in specific sectors or addressing specific needs aligned with the nonprofit’s mission. Startups applying for these grants must demonstrate how their business will benefit their target community or cause, and some grants may have strict eligibility criteria to ensure the funding is used effectively.

Examples of nonprofit grants include Echoing Green Fellowship Grants, Ashoka Fellowship Grants, and the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Grant. To qualify for these grants, startups should have a strong focus on social impact and a well-defined plan for achieving their goals.

How to Find Private Grants

Finding the right private grant for your startup begins with thorough research. Resources like GrantWatch, GrantStation, and the Foundation Directory Online are useful tools in finding grant opportunities that match your startup’s mission, goals, and eligibility requirements. Additionally, websites and social media platforms commonly associated with the startup ecosystem, such as Startup Grind or AngelList, sometimes announce grant opportunities.

Another effective strategy for finding relevant private grants is to network with other startups, attend industry events, or join startup-focused organizations, which will help you get insights about opportunities and potential partnerships.

Application Process and Timeline

The application process and timeline for private grants can vary greatly depending on the grant provider. Usually, the grant application involves submitting a proposal that describes the startup’s mission, goals, impact, and plans for utilizing the grant funds. The application may also require supplementary materials such as financial statements, references, and personal statements.

Before applying, it is crucial for startups to understand the specific requirements and guidelines of each grant program, which may include submission deadlines, proposal formats, and eligibility criteria.

Once an application is submitted, the grant provider will review and evaluate the proposals based on predetermined criteria. This process can take weeks to several months, depending on the size, scope, and number of applications received by the grant provider. If a startup’s grant proposal is accepted, they will typically have to maintain communication with the grant provider, providing updates and progress reports throughout the funding period. In some cases, the grant amount may be disbursed in installments based on the achievement of specific milestones.

Overall, private grants can be a valuable funding source for startups that are seeking capital without giving away equity, while also aligning with specific missions, causes, or values. By researching and applying to appropriate grant opportunities, startups can potentially receive the financial support they need to grow and succeed.

Industry-Specific Grants

Industry-specific grants are funding opportunities specifically designed to support businesses and organizations operating within specific niches or sectors. These grants are targeted at fostering development, supporting innovation, and promoting growth within their respective industries.

They may be provided by government entities, foundations, corporations, or non-profit organizations. In this article, we will discuss five key industry-specific grant categories: technology and innovation, education and research, healthcare and life science, arts and culture, and environment and sustainability.

Technology and Innovation Grants

Technology and innovation grants are aimed at supporting research, product development, and growth in the technology sector. They typically target startups, small businesses, and academic institutions that focus on developing cutting-edge technologies or implementing innovative solutions to existing problems. Some popular technology and innovation grants include:

  1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: This government-funded program provides financial support to small businesses working on innovative research and development projects with the potential for commercialization. Grants are provided in multiple stages, allowing companies to develop and refine their products.

  2. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program: Similar to SBIR, the STTR program encourages small businesses to work with research institutions to develop and commercialize innovative technologies. It aims to bridge the gap between academic research and market-ready products.

  3. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants: NSF offers numerous funding opportunities for innovation and technology development in various fields, including engineering, computer science, and materials research.

Education and Research Grants

Education and research grants are focused on improving educational opportunities, promoting research, and supporting innovation within the education industry. These grants are available to schools, colleges, universities, educators, and researchers. Some popular education and research grants include:

  1. Innovative Education Grants: These grants support projects that improve learning outcomes, leverage technology, and encourage innovative teaching methodologies. They may be sponsored by government agencies, philanthropic organizations or private corporations.

  2. Research Grants: Research grants are designed to support scientific, social, economic, or cultural research projects. They may be awarded to individuals, research teams, or institutions, and are usually provided by foundations, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.

  3. Teacher Professional Development Grants: These grants provide funding for educators to pursue additional training, develop new skills, and acquire knowledge in their field, improving their ability to teach and support student learning.

Healthcare and Life Science Grants

Healthcare and life science grants are specifically geared toward supporting advancements in medicine, biology, pharmaceuticals, and other closely-related fields. They may be provided to hospitals, clinics, research institutions, or individuals within the industry. Some popular healthcare and life science grants include:

  1. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants: The NIH offers numerous funding opportunities to support biomedical research, aimed at improving human health and alleviating the burden of disease.

  2. Gates Foundation Grants: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provides grants to support innovative projects in global health, development, and education, with an emphasis on low-resource settings.

  3. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Grants: PCORI funds research that helps patients, caregivers, and other stakeholders make informed decisions about healthcare choices, comparing the effectiveness of various treatments and interventions.

Arts and Culture Grants

Arts and culture grants are designed to nurture creativity, promote cultural exchange, and support the development and preservation of art forms. They may be awarded to artists, arts organizations, museums, and cultural institutions. Some popular arts and culture grants include:

  1. National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants: The NEA offers funding opportunities to support artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation, as well as the cultural and economic vitality of communities.

  2. Foundation for Contemporary Arts (FCA) Grants: The FCA supports innovative artists, organizations, projects, and events, providing funding for the creation and/or presentation of new works in various creative disciplines.

  3. Local Arts Council Grants: Many municipalities and regional arts councils offer grant programs to support local artists, organizations, and cultural institutions in their communities.

Environment and Sustainability Grants

Environment and sustainability grants are focused on promoting environmental conservation, sustainable development, and the responsible use of natural resources. They may be awarded to organizations or individuals engaged in research, activism, education, or projects related to these areas. Some popular environment and sustainability grants include:

  1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Grants: The EPA offers various funding opportunities to support projects focused on protecting human health and the environment, including efforts to address climate change, water quality, and waste reduction.

  2. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Grants: NFWF provides funding for conservation projects that protect and restore native wildlife species, ecosystems, and habitats.

  3. Conservation Alliance Grants: The Conservation Alliance is a membership-based organization of outdoor companies that provides funding for projects focused on protecting wild landscapes and preserving habitats for outdoor recreation.

In each of these industry-specific grant categories, organizations and individuals can find funding opportunities to support their goals and further their industry’s development. By understanding the various grants available within their niche, applicants can target the most relevant opportunities and increase their chances of receiving funding for their projects.

Demographic-Specific Grants

Demographic-specific grants are financial aids specifically created to support different groups of entrepreneurs, such as women, minorities, veterans, young entrepreneurs, and disabled individuals. These grants cater to specific demographic groups to promote economic growth, diversity, and inclusion. The aim of demographic-specific grants is to bridge the financial gap and empower various underserved communities to launch or expand their enterprises.

Women-Owned Business Grants

Women-owned business grants are financial awards designed specifically to support women entrepreneurs in starting and growing their business ventures. These grants aim to empower women by providing them with financial assistance in a heavily male-dominated business environment. Several organizations, both public and private, offer grants to assist women entrepreneurs in accessing the necessary funding for their businesses.

Some popular women-owned business grants include:
1. Eileen Fisher Women-Owned Business Grant: This annual grant program awards $100,000 to up to 10 women-owned businesses that are committed to creating social and environmental change.
2. Amber Grant for Women: The Amber Grant Foundation offers monthly grants of $10,000 to women-owned businesses, along with an annual grant of $25,000 to one of the monthly grant recipients.
3. Tory Burch Foundation Fellows Program: This program provides women entrepreneurs with financial assistance, networking opportunities, and mentorship.

Minority-Owned Business Grants

Minority-owned business grants are specifically designed to support entrepreneurs from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These grants help minority-owned businesses gain access to financing and resources that may otherwise prove difficult to obtain. Organizations such as the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), and several private foundations provide minority entrepreneurs with grant opportunities.

Some popular minority-owned business grants include:
1. FedEx Small Business Grant Contest: This annual contest awards grants to small businesses with innovative ideas, including minority-owned businesses.
2. National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) Growth Grants: NASE offers grants to help small businesses, including minority-owned businesses, to expand or improve their enterprises.
3. First Nations Development Institute Grants: These grants support Native American entrepreneurs in launching and growing their businesses.

Veteran-Owned Business Grants

Veteran-owned business grants aim to support former service members who have started or are looking to start their own businesses. These grants help veterans overcome the financial challenges associated with transitioning from military service to entrepreneurship. Several organizations, such as the Small Business Administration (SBA), provide resources and grants to support veteran entrepreneurs.

Some popular veteran-owned business grants include:
1. StreetShares Foundation Veteran Small Business Award: This grant program provides financial awards to veteran-owned businesses that demonstrate clear goals and a solid business plan.
2. Patriot Boot Camp: This program offers veterans and their spouses mentorship, education, and access to funding opportunities for their business ventures.
3. VetFran: This grant program helps veterans start and grow their franchise businesses by providing financial aid, mentoring, and business training.

Grants for Young Entrepreneurs

Grants for young entrepreneurs are designed to assist ambitious young individuals in launching and growing their business ventures. These grants offer financial assistance and support to entrepreneurs who are typically under the age of 30. There are several organizations and programs that provide grants, workshops, and mentoring opportunities for young entrepreneurs.

Some popular grants for young entrepreneurs include:
1. Youth Business International: This global network provides young entrepreneurs with access to financial assistance, mentoring, and resources to launch successful businesses.
2. The Halstead Grant: This annual grant provides financial aid and business support to emerging jewelry artists under the age of 35.
3. Y Combinator: This incubator program offers funding, mentorship, and resources to startups led by young entrepreneurs.

Grants for Disabled Entrepreneurs

Grants for disabled entrepreneurs are designed to provide financial aid and support to business owners with disabilities. These grants help disabled entrepreneurs overcome the unique challenges that they may face in starting and growing their businesses. Various organizations, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and foundations, offer grants and resources to support disabled entrepreneurs.

Some popular grants for disabled entrepreneurs include:
1. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Grants: These government-funded grants assist disabled individuals in obtaining the skills and resources necessary to launch successful businesses.
2. Abilities Fund: This non-profit organization provides financial assistance, mentoring, and training to entrepreneurs with disabilities.
3. National Arts and Disability Center Grants: These grants support disabled artists in launching and expanding their artistic enterprises.

Tips and Best Practices for Applying for Startup Grants

Applying for startup grants can be a challenging process, but with proper preparation and guidance, entrepreneurs can boost their chances of securing necessary funding for their business ventures. Follow these tips and best practices to improve your success rate when applying for startup grants.

Research and Understand Grant Requirements

Before you begin applying for grants, it is essential to conduct thorough research to identify the funding opportunities that best align with your startup’s goals, objectives, and target market. Make a list of potential grant programs that could benefit your business and study their requirements carefully.

In addition to the general offerings, pay attention to regional, industry-specific, or demographic-focused grant programs. For instance, you may find grants tailored to women entrepreneurs, minority-owned businesses, or technology-based ventures.

Once you understand the eligibility criteria and submission guidelines, make a timeline to follow throughout the application process. Keep track of important deadlines, and give yourself enough time to gather required documents, prepare the proposal, and revise it before submission.

Write a Professional and Comprehensive Grant Proposal

A well-written, professional, and comprehensive grant proposal can significantly increase your chances of winning funding. Tailor your proposal to each grant program, addressing the specific grant requirements and mission statements. Avoid generic applications, as grant providers can recognize a lack of effort and customization.

Ensure that your grant proposal includes the following elements:
– A clear and concise summary of your startup idea and its objectives
– A detailed explanation of the problem that your startup aims to solve
– A description of your target audience and market potential
– An overview of your products, services, and innovative approaches
– Evidence of preliminary market research to validate your startup’s feasibility
– Information about your team and their qualifications
– A timeline and milestones for the project
– A detailed budget breakdown

Additionally, write your proposal with a persuasive tone, showcasing the value and impact your startup can create. Proofread your proposal multiple times to eliminate grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and inconsistencies that could detract from your professionalism.

Prepare a Solid Business Plan and Financial Projections

Many grant providers require a comprehensive business plan along with the grant proposal to assess the viability of your startup idea. A solid business plan demonstrates that you have a clear roadmap for achieving success, which can enhance your credibility in the eyes of the grant providers.

Include the following elements in your business plan:
– Executive summary
– Company description
– Market analysis
– Description of your products and services
– Marketing and sales strategies
– Organizational structure
– Funding requirements
– Financial projections

Make sure that your financial projections are realistic and supported by research. Include various financial statements, such as cash flow statements, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets, to provide a robust understanding of your startup’s financial health.

Utilize Online Grant Databases and Resources

Leverage online grant databases and resources to find, organize, and apply for multiple grant opportunities tailored to your startup. Platforms such as GrantWatch, Grants.gov, and Foundation Directory Online provide access to numerous opportunities and filterable databases to help streamline your search.

Also, consider subscribing to grant newsletters or joining online entrepreneur groups to keep informed of new grant programs and deadlines. These resources can provide valuable insights and tips for grant application success.

Seek Professional Assistance if Needed

If you lack sufficient experience or expertise in preparing grant applications, consider seeking professional assistance. Hiring a grant writer, grant consultant, or financial adviser can help you navigate the complex application requirements and increase your chances of success.

A professional grant writer can create a compelling and cohesive proposal, help you identify grant opportunities, and provide guidance on the application process. Choose a professional with a proven track record and experience specific to your industry or grant program to maximize your chances of securing funding.

In conclusion, carefully research and understand grant requirements, write a professional grant proposal, prepare a solid business plan, utilize online resources and databases, and seek professional assistance if needed. These best practices will enhance your chances of successfully obtaining startup grant funding and setting your business on the path to success.

Grants for Startups — FAQ


What are grants for startups and how can they be beneficial?

Grants for startups are financial awards provided by government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or private entities to support emerging businesses. Such funds can help cover initial operating expenses, foster innovation, and stimulate economic growth, without requiring repayment or equity dilution.


What criteria must startups meet to be eligible for grant funding?

Eligibility for grant funding varies by provider, but common criteria include having a unique business concept, demonstrating a high growth potential, and showcasing a strong management team. Additionally, some grants are industry-specific, location-based, or require applicants to illustrate a positive social or environmental impact.


What types of grant opportunities are available for startups?

Startups can access a variety of funding opportunities, including federal and state government grants, industry-focused grants, and private grants offered by corporations, foundations, or nonprofits. Each grant is typically geared towards specific industries, development stages, or social causes supporting startup growth.


How can a startup find and apply for suitable grants?

To find suitable grants, startups should conduct research on government websites, industry-specific platforms, and local business resources. Applicants can engage in networking events or consult industry professionals for additional guidance. Once identified, carefully follow the application guidelines provided by the grant administrator, ensuring all requirements are met.


What key components should be included in a startups’ grant proposal?

A compelling grant proposal should provide an executive summary, overview of the business, marketing plan, financial projections, and management team. Ensure the proposal aligns with the grant’s objectives and demonstrates how the funds will help achieve the startup’s goals, create jobs, or stimulate economic development.


Can startups rely solely on grant funding for growth and sustainability?

While grants can provide valuable financial resources for startups, relying solely on grant funding is often unsustainable. Diversifying funding sources through investments, loans, crowdfunding, and revenue generation can contribute to long-term stability and success while minimizing potential risks associated with grant-dependency.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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