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  • Understanding Crowdfunding Regulations: A Beginner’s Guide

by Mike Vestil 

Understanding Crowdfunding Regulations: A Beginner’s Guide

Crowdfunding, the practice of raising funds for a project or venture by soliciting small donations from a large number of people, has become an increasingly popular method of financing in recent years. This innovative approach to fundraising has opened doors for many entrepreneurs and small businesses, allowing them to secure the necessary capital to start or grow their ventures.

However, the lack of regulation in the crowdfunding space has raised concerns about investor protection and the potential for fraud. As a result, governments around the world have begun to implement crowdfunding regulations to safeguard investors and ensure the integrity of the crowdfunding industry.

In this article, we will explore the regulations governing crowdfunding and their impact on investors, entrepreneurs, and the overall crowdfunding ecosystem.

Introduction To Crowdfunding Regulations

Definition Of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a type of fundraising which involves using the internet to obtain financial support from a large number of people. It is a method of financing that has gained increasing popularity over the past decade, with millions of people using it to fund their projects.

The basic idea behind crowdfunding is that by pooling small contributions from many people, an entrepreneur or a startup can raise significant amounts of money to support their project or idea. This form of financing has become an essential tool for many businesses, entrepreneurs, and creators who may have struggled to get traditional funding.

Crowdfunding can take many forms, including donation-based, reward-based, and equity-based. In donation-based crowdfunding, individuals donate money without expecting anything in return.

In reward-based crowdfunding, individuals contribute to a project in exchange for a reward, such as early access to a product or a limited edition version of it. In equity-based crowdfunding, people invest in a business or a project in exchange for an ownership stake or shares in the venture.

History Of Crowdfunding

The concept of crowdfunding dates back to the 18th century when a subscription plan was used to finance the publication of books.

However, the modern version of crowdfunding began to emerge in the early 2000s with the rise of internet-based crowdfunding platforms. In its early days, crowdfunding was primarily used for artistic endeavors and community projects.

In 2009, Kickstarter was launched, becoming one of the first crowdfunding platforms to gain widespread attention. By 2012, crowdfunding had become a popular method for raising capital for startups and small businesses.

The success stories of companies like Oculus VR and Pebble Technology, which raised millions of dollars through crowdfunding, helped to popularize the concept further.

Despite its growing popularity, crowdfunding faced numerous regulatory challenges. In 2012, the JOBS Act was signed into law, which allowed crowdfunding for equity for the first time.

This led to the emergence of equity crowdfunding platforms like Crowdfunder and SeedInvest. However, due to the complexity of the regulatory environment, the implementation of equity crowdfunding took longer than expected.

It wasn’t until 2016 that equity crowdfunding became legal in the U.S. under Title III of the JOBS Act.

The history of crowdfunding is marked by both successes and challenges. While it has provided an innovative way for startups and small businesses to raise capital, regulators have had to navigate a complex and rapidly evolving landscape.

Nevertheless, the potential benefits of crowdfunding have continued to drive the growth of the industry, making it an increasingly important force in the world of finance.

Importance Of Crowdfunding

One of the most significant aspects of crowdfunding is its potential to democratize access to capital. Traditionally, only established businesses with proven track records were able to access funding from banks and other financial institutions.

Crowdfunding, on the other hand, allows entrepreneurs and small businesses to raise capital from a much wider pool of investors, including individuals, institutions, and even governments.

This has led to a surge in entrepreneurship, innovation, and job creation, particularly in sectors that were previously underserved by traditional funding models.

Furthermore, crowdfunding has the potential to provide a more equitable and diverse funding landscape, empowering marginalized groups and fostering greater economic and social inclusion.

Another key benefit of crowdfunding is the ability to engage with and build a community of supporters around a project, product, or idea. Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs and creators to test the market demand for their offerings, gather feedback, and build a loyal customer base even before launching.

This not only helps to validate their business ideas but also provides a sense of ownership and involvement for backers. In turn, this can lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and potential for further investment or growth.

Moreover, the rise of crowdfunding has led to a transformation in the traditional investment landscape, even outside of the crowdfunding industry.

Traditional investors have started to pay attention to crowdfunding platforms as a viable source of deal flow and have even co-invested with crowdfunding investors in various ventures. This has the potential to create new opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors alike, fostering greater collaboration and innovation.

Finally, in addition to its economic and financial benefits, crowdfunding also has the potential to create social impact. Many crowdfunding campaigns focus on issues such as sustainable development, social justice, and humanitarian causes. By leveraging the power of the crowd, these initiatives have the potential to raise awareness, spark change, and create meaningful social impact.

Crowdfunding, therefore, represents a unique intersection of business, finance, and social impact, and has the potential to transform the way we think about investing, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship.

Types Of Crowdfunding

1. Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding is a type of crowdfunding that allows small businesses and startups to raise capital in exchange for equity in their company. Prior to the JOBS Act of 2012, equity crowdfunding was only available to accredited investors.

However, the JOBS Act allowed for non-accredited investors to participate in equity crowdfunding campaigns, giving entrepreneurs a wider pool of potential investors.

To ensure that investors are protected, equity crowdfunding campaigns must be conducted through an SEC-registered crowdfunding portal. In addition, companies are subject to certain disclosure and reporting requirements.

Equity crowdfunding has proven to be a valuable source of funding for startups and small businesses, as it allows them to access capital without the high fees and strict requirements of traditional sources of capital.

However, investing in equity crowdfunding campaigns can be risky, as startups and small businesses have a higher rate of failure than established companies. In addition, equity crowdfunding is subject to certain regulatory limitations, such as restrictions on the amount investors can invest and the number of non-accredited investors that may participate in a campaign.

Despite the risks and regulatory restrictions, equity crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular fundraising option for startups and small businesses.

According to a report by Crowdfund Capital Advisors, equity crowdfunding raised $1.5 billion in 2017, up from $1.27 billion in 2016. In addition, equity crowdfunding has helped to democratize access to capital, allowing investors at all income levels to participate in early-stage investments.

Overall, equity crowdfunding represents an important development in the world of crowdfunding and early-stage investing.

By allowing startups and small businesses to access capital and investors to access early-stage investment opportunities, equity crowdfunding has the potential to revolutionize the way that we think about fundraising and investing.

2. Reward-Based Crowdfunding

Reward-based crowdfunding is a type of crowdfunding where backers donate money to a campaign in exchange for rewards.

These rewards usually come in the form of physical products or services that are related to the campaign. Reward-based crowdfunding is different from equity crowdfunding and debt crowdfunding because backers do not receive any ownership of the company or a specific return on their investment.

In reward-based crowdfunding, the campaign creator sets a funding goal and a deadline. If the funding goal is not met by the deadline, then the backers are not charged and the campaign creator does not receive any money.

However, if the funding goal is met or exceeded, then the backers are charged and the campaign creator receives the funds. This system ensures that backers are only charged if the project is successful.

Reward-based crowdfunding has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many successful campaigns raising millions of dollars.

Some examples of successful reward-based crowdfunding campaigns include Pebble, which raised over $20 million for its smartwatch, and the Veronica Mars Movie Project, which raised over $5 million to fund a movie adaptation of the popular TV show.

While reward-based crowdfunding can be a great way to fund a project or product, there are also some risks involved.

Backers may not receive their rewards if the project is not completed or if the campaign creator runs into financial difficulties. Additionally, campaigns may overpromise on the rewards they offer, leading to disappointed backers.

Crowdfunding regulations vary by country, but many countries have introduced laws to protect backers and ensure that campaigns are transparent and honest about their goals and rewards.

In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced regulations to govern reward-based crowdfunding campaigns, which are known as Regulation Crowdfunding.

This regulation requires campaign creators to provide detailed information about their company and their campaign, and it also limits the amount of money that backers can invest in a single campaign.

Overall, reward-based crowdfunding can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and inventors to fund their projects and bring their ideas to life. However, it is important for backers to be aware of the risks involved and to do their due diligence before backing a campaign.

Additionally, it is important for campaign creators to be transparent and honest about their goals and rewards, and to comply with any relevant crowdfunding regulations.

3. Debt Crowdfunding

Debt Crowdfunding is a relatively new form of crowdfunding that allows businesses to raise capital by borrowing money from a group of investors, instead of taking out loans from banks or other financial institutions.

The process involves the issuance of debt securities or bonds that are sold to a large number of investors, with the promise of regular interest payments and repayment of the principal amount at the end of the term.

Debt crowdfunding is becoming increasingly popular as it allows businesses to obtain financing quickly, and without the stringent requirements that traditional lenders often impose. In debt crowdfunding, investors are typically individuals or institutional investors who are willing to lend money to the business in exchange for some fixed return on their investment.

The attractiveness of debt crowdfunding lies in the lower risk profile compared to equity crowdfunding, where investors are betting on the success of the business and may face significant losses if the venture fails.

The regulatory framework for debt crowdfunding is still evolving, with different countries adopting various approaches to the regulation of the sector. In general, the regulations aim to protect investors, ensure transparency in the fundraising process, and help prevent fraud.

In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has established rules governing the sale of securities in private offerings, including those made through crowdfunding platforms. These rules include requirements for the disclosure of information about the business and its management, limitations on the amount that can be raised through crowdfunding, and restrictions on who can invest.

It is important for businesses considering debt crowdfunding to carefully evaluate the regulatory requirements in their respective jurisdictions, and to seek legal and financial advice to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations.

4. Donation-Based Crowdfunding

Donation-based crowdfunding is a type of crowdfunding where individuals contribute funds without expecting any monetary returns. It is considered the most basic form of crowdfunding and is typically used to raise funds for charitable and social causes.

In donation-based crowdfunding, individuals donate small or large amounts of money to support various causes including healthcare, education, disaster relief, and community development. This type of crowdfunding is often used by non-profit organizations, individuals, and charities who seek to raise funds for a specific cause.

Donors who make contributions in donation-based crowdfunding campaigns do so out of altruism and philanthropy, expecting no monetary returns or equity in the project. In recent years, donation-based crowdfunding platforms have become increasingly popular due to the simplicity of the process and the ability to quickly raise funds for important causes.

Crowdfunding Regulations In The United States

1. The JOBS Act

Crowdfunding is a relatively new way for businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals to obtain the necessary funds for their projects or ideas.

However, in the United States, such activities used to be restricted by securities laws until 2012, when the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) was passed. The JOBS Act aimed to encourage small business startups and promote job creation by easing some of the regulations put in place by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on crowdfunding activities. One of the most significant changes introduced by the JOBS Act was the creation of a new securities exemption, known as Regulation

Crowdfunding or Reg CF, allowing startups and small businesses to publicly offer securities to both accredited and non-accredited investors, subject to certain restrictions on fundraising limits and disclosure requirements.

Reg CF has since become one of the most popular crowdfunding regulations in the US, with many investors finding it as an excellent way to support small businesses and potentially earn significant returns on investment.

Other provisions of the JOBS Act include Regulation A, which allows companies to raise up to $50 million from the public in a mini-IPO, and Regulation D, which permits private companies to raise capital from a limited number of accredited investors without substantial regulatory oversight.

2. SEC Regulations

One of the most important aspects of crowdfunding is the regulatory framework within which it operates. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has played a crucial role in establishing regulatory guidelines for crowdfunding in the United States.

In 2012, the JOBS Act was passed, which directed the SEC to develop rules regarding crowdfunding. The SEC’s regulations are designed to protect investors and ensure that companies and individuals seeking funding through crowdfunding are held accountable for their actions.

One of the key SEC regulations related to crowdfunding is the requirement for companies to disclose information about their business and the offering.

This includes information about the company’s financial condition, business plan, and the risks associated with investing in the company. The SEC also requires companies to use platforms that are registered with the commission to ensure that investors are able to make informed investment decisions.

Another important SEC regulation is the limit on the amount of money that can be raised through crowdfunding. For example, under current regulations, companies can only raise up to $5 million in a 12-month period.

The SEC has also established rules regarding who can invest in crowdfunding offerings. Currently, only accredited investors are able to invest in offerings made under Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933. However, the SEC has proposed a new rule that would allow non-accredited investors to invest in crowdfunding offerings, subject to certain restrictions.

Furthermore, the SEC has implemented certain investor protection measures such as limits on the amount of money an investor can invest in any one year, and limits on who can invest in certain offerings. Overall, the SEC’s regulations related to crowdfunding have been designed to ensure that investors are protected and that companies seeking funding through crowdfunding are held accountable for their actions.

However, there are always concerns that regulations may stifle innovation in the field of crowdfunding, and it remains to be seen how the regulatory framework will evolve in the coming years.

3. State Regulations

State regulations play a crucial role in regulating crowdfunding campaigns. After the JOBS Act was signed into law, states were allowed to develop their own crowdfunding laws, which has led to a patchwork of regulations across the country.

Some states have embraced crowdfunding and have enacted laws that make it easier for small businesses to raise capital. Other states have been more cautious and have implemented stricter regulations that make it more difficult to crowdfund.

The main challenge for crowdfunding platforms and issuers is to navigate this complex regulatory landscape. One of the key areas of concern for state regulators is investor protection. This includes setting limits on how much an individual can invest in a crowdfunded campaign and ensuring that issuers disclose all pertinent information to potential investors.

In addition, some states have implemented registration requirements for crowdfunding platforms and issuers, while others have adopted a less stringent approach. It is important for crowdfunding participants to understand the regulations in their state and to consult with legal counsel before launching a campaign.

Failure to comply with state regulations can result in serious consequences, including fines and legal action.

Crowdfunding Regulations In Europe

1. EU Regulations

The European Union has implemented several regulations to ensure the protection of investors and the proper functioning of crowdfunding platforms.

One of the main regulations is the European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business Regulation (ECSPR), which defines a common legal framework for all crowdfunding platforms operating within the EU. The ECSPR establishes minimum requirements for platforms such as transparency, liability, and conflict of interest management.

Furthermore, it requires platforms to provide clear information to investors regarding the risks and costs associated with investing. The regulation also mandates the use of third-party payment service providers to safeguard investors’ funds and protect against cyberattacks.

Another important EU regulation for crowdfunding is the Prospectus Regulation, which defines the obligations of issuers to prepare a prospectus when seeking investment in the form of securities.

The regulation aims to promote transparency and standardization of information provided to investors. It also outlines the exemptions for certain types of crowdfunding, such as rewards-based crowdfunding, from the obligation to prepare a prospectus.

The EU regulation also provides investor protection measures such as the requirement for crowdfunding platforms to provide investors with a complaint-handling mechanism, and the right to a cooling-off period during which investors can withdraw their investment without penalty.

Moreover, the regulation obliges platforms to set up adequate risk management procedures to monitor and mitigate the risks associated with crowdfunding investments.

In conclusion, EU regulations have been introduced to ensure the proper functioning of crowdfunding platforms and the protection of investors.

The ECSPR aims to harmonize the regulatory framework for crowdfunding platforms, while the Prospectus Regulation standardizes information for investors. Meanwhile, investor protection measures, including the provision of a complaint-handling mechanism and the right to a cooling-off period, provide a safety net for investors. Such regulations add credibility to the crowdfunding industry and contribute towards its long-term sustainability.

2. Country-Specific Regulations

Country-specific regulations vary widely in the crowdfunding industry depending on the location of the platform and the target investors.

For instance, in the United States, crowdfunding is regulated under the JOBS act, which allows startups to solicit funds from both accredited and non-accredited investors, subject to certain restrictions. Companies can use platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or GoFundMe to raise funds from individual or institutional investors.

In contrast, in the United Kingdom, crowdfunding is governed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA has established strict rules on crowdfunding platforms, which are required to be licensed and regulated by the FCA to operate.

Crowdfunding platforms must also comply with regulatory requirements, including investor protections, disclosures, and due diligence on crowdfunding campaigns. Other European countries have also implemented regulations to oversee and monitor crowdfunding, such as France and Spain, which have adopted specific legislation for crowdfunding.

As a result, crowdfunding platforms must adapt to the regulations set forth in each country in which they operate, making it challenging for platforms to scale operations globally. Furthermore, different jurisdictions have different rules on fundraising limits, information disclosure, and investment structures, which can impact overall crowdfunding success.

Challenges And Opportunities Of Crowdfunding Regulations

1. Challenges

One of the major obstacles that crowdfunding faces is the lack of regulation. As a relatively new industry, crowdfunding has yet to be standardized in any meaningful way, and this presents many challenges for both investors and businesses.

One of the most significant challenges for businesses is that they must navigate an ever-shifting regulatory environment, which can be difficult and costly. There are many different regulatory bodies that oversee crowdfunding, including the SEC, state securities regulators, and FINRA, and each of these bodies has its own set of regulations and guidelines.

Businesses must be able to stay up-to-date on all of these regulations, which can be a daunting task. Additionally, they must ensure that they are compliant with all of the rules and regulations, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Another issue that businesses face is the limited pool of potential investors. While crowdfunding allows companies to tap into a crowd of investors, they must follow strict rules about who can invest. For example, businesses may only be able to solicit investments from accredited investors or individuals with a certain net worth.

This limits the number of people who are eligible to invest, which can make it challenging for businesses to reach their funding goals. Additionally, businesses may struggle to stand out in a crowded marketplace, as there are many different crowdfunding platforms and projects vying for investors’ attention.

Finally, there is the issue of fraud. Because crowdfunding operates online, it is difficult to regulate and monitor. This makes it a prime target for scammers and fraudsters looking to take advantage of individuals.

Crowdfunding platforms must be vigilant about monitoring all of their projects to ensure that they are legitimate and that investors are not being misled or scammed. Additionally, businesses must take steps to protect themselves from fraud, such as using secure payment systems and thoroughly vetting potential investors.

2. Opportunities

As crowdfunding continues to grow in popularity, so do the opportunities associated with it. One of the most significant opportunities is that it provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to raise capital without having to go through traditional financial institutions.

The democratization of financing has given everyone with an innovative idea a chance to explore their entrepreneurial dreams. This is particularly significant for individuals who do not have access to bank loans or other means of financing.

Crowdfunding also provides an excellent opportunity for small businesses that are looking to expand. They can use this platform to raise capital from individuals who believe in their product or service.

Crowdfunding also offers the opportunity for investors to support projects that align with their values and interests. They can invest in projects that they believe will have a positive impact on society or projects that they are passionate about.

This level of personal connection to the investment is not possible through traditional investment channels. Crowdfunding also provides investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolio. Rather than investing in a single company or asset, investors can spread their risk across multiple projects.

Another opportunity presented by crowdfunding is that it allows businesses to test the viability of their product or service before they invest significant amounts of time and money.

By putting their idea out there and gauging the level of interest, businesses can avoid costly mistakes and adjust their approach as necessary. Crowdfunding campaigns can also help businesses refine their marketing strategy and build a loyal customer base.

Finally, crowdfunding can be an excellent tool for social causes and non-profit organizations to raise funds and awareness for their cause.

Despite the many opportunities associated with crowdfunding, there are also some challenges that must be considered.

These include regulatory concerns, transparency, fraud, market saturation, and the potential for over-reliance on crowdfunding as a source of financing. Addressing these challenges is critical to ensuring that crowdfunding remains a viable and effective means of fundraising for years to come.


Summary Of Crowdfunding Regulations

Crowdfunding is a popular way for entrepreneurs to raise funds for their ventures through small contributions from a large number of people. However, the practice is regulated by several laws and regulations to protect both the investors and the businesses seeking capital.

The most significant regulations for crowdfunding are the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. The JOBS act has made it easier for new and small businesses to raise money through crowdfunding by exempting them from certain registration requirements.

On the other hand, the SEC has put in place several regulations that ensure investors are well informed of the risks and benefits of investing in crowdfunding campaigns. These regulations include the disclosure requirements, limitations on the amount an investor can contribute, and restrictions on who can participate in crowdfunding campaigns.

The JOBS Act and SEC regulations have also created different types of crowdfunding, including donation-based crowdfunding, reward-based crowdfunding, and equity crowdfunding. Donation-based crowdfunding involves raising money from people who donate to a cause or charity without any expectation of receiving anything in return.

Reward-based crowdfunding, on the other hand, involves offering donors a reward for their contribution, such as a product or service. Equity crowdfunding allows investors to receive equity in the company in exchange for their investment.

Crowdfunding regulations have also been evolving as the industry continues to grow. The SEC has proposed new regulations for equity crowdfunding to allow more investors to participate while protecting them from fraud.

These new rules would increase the amount that can be raised through crowdfunding and allow non-accredited investors to contribute more than they currently can. The proposed regulations would also provide additional protections for investors such as increased disclosure requirements and limits on the amount of money that can be invested by individuals.

In conclusion, crowdfunding regulations are vital to ensure that investors are protected from fraud and that businesses seeking capital are operating within the law.

The JOBS Act and SEC regulations have created a framework for crowdfunding that has helped the industry grow while maintaining investor protection. The future of crowdfunding regulations will continue to evolve as the industry grows and new challenges arise.

Future Of Crowdfunding Regulations

As the world becomes increasingly digital, crowdfunding has emerged as a popular method for entrepreneurs and innovators to raise funds for their projects. The future of crowdfunding regulations is an area of concern for many stakeholders in the ecosystem.

Currently, crowdfunding regulations are fragmented and inconsistent across different countries, making it difficult for businesses to navigate the regulatory landscape. However, there are several initiatives underway to standardize crowdfunding regulations and increase investor protection.

One of the major challenges in crowdfunding regulations is balancing investor protection with innovation. While regulations are crucial for protecting investors from fraudulent activities, they can also stifle innovation by creating unnecessary barriers to entry.

As a result, policymakers are increasingly focusing on creating a regulatory environment that supports innovation and growth while also ensuring investor protection.

Another key challenge in crowdfunding regulations is the lack of harmonization across different countries. While some countries have regulated crowdfunding extensively, others have yet to introduce specific regulations for this activity.

This disconnect creates regulatory arbitrage, where businesses can move to jurisdictions with more permissive regulations to circumvent restrictions in their home country. To address this issue, there have been calls for harmonization of the crowdfunding regulatory frameworks across different jurisdictions.

In the future, we can expect to see more convergence in crowdfunding regulations, especially as the industry matures and becomes more mainstream. As regulations become more standardized, crowdfunding platforms and businesses will have a clearer understanding of the rules they need to comply with, which will reduce compliance costs and regulatory uncertainty.

Additionally, as crowdfunding becomes more widely adopted, we can expect to see more experimentation with different types of crowdfunding models, such as equity crowdfunding and initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Overall, the future of crowdfunding regulations is likely to be shaped by a balance between investor protection, innovation, and harmonization across different jurisdictions.

Policymakers and industry stakeholders will need to work together to create a regulatory environment that supports the growth of the industry while also ensuring that investors are adequately protected. As crowdfunding continues to grow in popularity, it will be interesting to see how regulatory frameworks evolve to meet the changing needs of the industry.

Crowdfunding Regulations: FAQs

What Is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project, business, or cause by collecting small contributions from a large group of people, often through online platforms.

What Are Crowdfunding Regulations?

Crowdfunding regulations are laws or rules that govern how crowdfunding campaigns can be run and ensure the protection of investors and consumers.

What Are The Benefits Of Crowdfunding Regulations?

Crowdfunding regulations can provide transparency, accountability, and investor protection, which can increase investor confidence and help prevent fraud.

What Types Of Crowdfunding Regulations Exist?

Crowdfunding regulations can include requirements for disclosure of information, limits on how much can be invested, and measures to prevent fraud.

How Do Crowdfunding Regulations Vary By Country?

Crowdfunding regulations can vary by country, with some countries having stricter regulations than others. For example, the United States has different crowdfunding regulations than Canada or the United Kingdom.

What Are Some Crowdfunding Regulations In The United States?

Some crowdfunding regulations in the United States include restrictions on the amount an individual can invest in a campaign, disclosure requirements for issuers, and oversight by regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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