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  • The Fundamentals Of Building A Killer Digital Marketing Strategy

by Mike Vestil 

The Fundamentals Of Building A Killer Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is the process of utilizing digital channels, such as the internet, mobile devices, and social media, to promote and sell products and services. This type of marketing helps businesses reach and engage with potential customers, allowing them to increase brand awareness, and generate more leads and sales.

With the ever-evolving technology and the widespread access to digital media, digital marketing has become a critical part of businesses’ success over the last decade. This article will explore the different aspects of digital marketing and how it can benefit businesses.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a strategy that strategically uses electronic mediums to promote business objectives. It utilizes the web, email, content, search engines, and various other digital mediums to reach customers and target audiences. Digital marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to drive results and increase customer engagement.


Digital marketing is an ever-evolving industry that encompasses a range of activities. The main purpose of digital marketing is to promote a company’s products, services and brand online by using digital technologies. This includes search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, content marketing and affiliate marketing. SEO allows a company to optimize its website so that it appears higher in the search engine rankings and gains more visibility.

PPC enables a company to pay for each individual click on an advertisement. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to promote a company’s products, services and brand. Content marketing is the creation, publication and distribution of content such as blogs, Webpages, videos and images with the goal of increasing online visibility, driving sales and improving search engine rankings.

Finally, affiliate marketing is the use of third-party websites to promote a company’s products and services. Digital marketing is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers and can have a huge impact on a company’s success.

Types Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the process of promoting a brand, product, or service to an online audience. Consolidating a set of digital tools such as online advertising, social media marketing, content creation, search engine optimization and analytics, digital marketing is a vital element for businesses to ensure growth and success. 

Online Advertising

Online advertising, a form of digital marketing, is the practice of using Internet technologies and platforms to create promotional ads for businesses and products. This form of marketing allows businesses to reach wide audiences without large upfront costs, create targeted campaigns through the use of demographic, interest and psychographic data, and measure the performance of campaigns accurately and quickly.

Online advertising includes tactics such as search engine optimization, sponsored posts, display ads, video ads, and retargeting. Companies and brands have many choices when it comes to online advertising, including Pay-Per-Click advertisements, cost-per-impression advertisements, cost-per-action advertisements, and cost-per-view advertisements.

Additionally, marketers can leverage content marketing, influencer marketing, and native advertising to create powerful campaigns. All of these different types of online advertising campaigns must follow industry regulations and ethical guidelines, to ensure consumer trust and satisfaction.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a powerful tool in the digital marketing toolkit. It enables businesses to reach out directly to potential and current customers, build relationships, and increase brand visibility. Social media marketing involves creating, scheduling, and promoting content that engages an audience, such as tweets, blog posts, images, and videos.

By leveraging the power of social media networks, brands can share their message and build relationships with their target market. Additionally, social media can be used for market research, allowing companies to gain insights about the customer’s preferences and interests. Many platforms, such as Instagram, can be used to run targeted advertising campaigns, helping businesses to reach their goals in a cost-effective way.

Social media also offers opportunities for brands to establish themselves as key players within their industry. With the right strategies, businesses can use social media to grow their brand awareness, customer base, and customer loyalty.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a subset of digital marketing strategy aimed at creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined target audience and ultimately drive profitable customer action. Content marketing is used across multiple online channels, including websites, blogs, social media, and email marketing.

Content marketing is the art of creating and curating valuable information that your potential customers will find useful in order to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Content can take various forms, from text and images, to video, podcasts, and interactive content such as quizzes and surveys.

Because content marketing is focused on creating long-lasting relationships with customers, its success is measured by organic reach and customer retention, rather than short-term revenue increases.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO), the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website on a search engine result page, is a crucial element of digital marketing. It employs a variety of tactics, including keyword research, page optimization and link building, to build a more successful website. The primary aim of SEO is to maximize traffic to a website and to improve its visibility online.

Through careful research and analysis of the content and structure of webpages and how they relate to relevant queries, businesses can improve the ranking and visibility of their website to ensure that users are able to quickly and easily discover them.

With today’s consumers relying more and more on online search to find information, companies must understand how to properly deploy SEO to maximize their online visibility and success.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most commonly used type of digital marketing. It involves sending digital messages, typically known as emails, to customers and prospects. It entails creating email campaigns that help keep customers informed, drive customer engagement, and ultimately help increase sales.

Email marketing also assists businesses in developing relationships with clients while providing valuable customer feedback. By targeting customers with personalized emails, companies can effectively segment their audiences, communicate marketing messages, and track results. Additionally, email marketing is a great way to create a sense of community among customers.

It enables businesses to develop strong customer alliances, deliver customer information effectively, and encourage customer loyalty. When used effectively, email marketing can greatly contribute to a business’ success.

Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing involves leveraging various tools to reach and engage with target audiences to promote a product, service, or brand.

We will now look more closely at the three major tools in digital marketing: analytics, automation, and platforms.

Current Analytical Tools

Digital marketing analytics revolves around collecting data, understanding it, and using its insights to make decisions. From web analytics and email analytics to analytics tools such as Google Analytics, marketers are able to track everything from how visitors interact with their websites to what products people are interested in.

Through analytics, digital marketers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, target their campaigns towards higher-value customers, optimize their content for search engines, and identify trends to improve their strategies. Analytics also help marketers measure ROI, ensure greater efficiency and success with campaigns, and take more targeted action.

Analysis of customer data can also be used to make predictions and identify potential areas of growth. With powerful tools and the right data, digital marketers can make informed decisions that help lead to success.

Marketing Automation

Digital marketing automation is an important tool for businesses looking to increase their efficiency. Automation allows for tasks to be completed at a fraction of the time and cost, as compared to performing the same operations manually. For example, automating repetitive tasks such as data collection and analysis, email marketing, lead generation, and customer segmentation can save a significant amount of time and resources.

Automation also allows businesses to scale marketing activities quickly and easily. With automation, businesses can create customized campaigns with targeted content to reach the right customers at the right time. It also allows marketers to monitor customer activity, which helps to uncover emerging trends and identify potential opportunities.

Automation provides an efficient and cost-effective way to engage customers and increase brand awareness.

Digital Advertising Platforms

Digital marketing platforms are vital tools which enable businesses to market their products and services. These platforms make use of various digital outlets such as search engines, social media networks, email, websites and video content for the purpose of reaching consumers and developing awareness about a product or service. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Advertising, Instagram Advertisements, and Twitter Ads offer different methods of targeting potential customers based on their interests.

Additionally, platforms like YouTube Ads and LinkedIn Ads can be utilized to reach out to professionals within a given field. Companies can customize their platforms based on the type of product or service they offer, as well as the demographics of their target audience.

Digital marketing platforms allow for more efficient and cost-effective campaigns than traditional methods, helping businesses reach a larger audience and increase their market share.

Strategies To Succeed

Digital marketing has become an important part of a business’ success. Its techniques and strategies can be used to engage with customers, expand its reach, and increase sales. In this section, we explore different digital marketing strategies that can be used to reach customers and how they should be implemented – targeting, personalization, and automation.

Audience Targeting

Targeting is an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy. It is the process of segmenting audiences that have been identified as potential customers. Targeting allows marketers to send the right message to the right person, improving conversions and creating a more personalized experience. By utilizing demographic data, marketers can assess the needs of an individual and create a tailored message that resonates with them.

Additionally, by using psychographic data, marketers can develop a more detailed understanding of an individual’s personality, interests, and behavior. With the right targeting strategy, businesses can effectively reach their target audience and increase the chances of engagement and conversion.

To create an effective targeting strategy, businesses must continuously monitor, track, and analyze data on their customers. Through this, they can identify untapped opportunities, adjust their strategies, and further optimize their campaigns.

The Importance Of Personalization

Digital marketing provides businesses and organizations with the ability to personalize their messages to their audiences. Digital marketers are able to analyze data from customer interactions, including website visits, emails and social media campaigns, to customize experiences for a varied audience. By using personalized approaches, marketers are able to better understand a customer’s needs and preferences, and create content and campaigns tailored to them.

With tools like personalization viewers, marketers can analyze how competitors’ campaigns perform and how customers interact with them. Additionally, through the use of analytics, marketers are able to analyze what types of content resonate with customers and predict how an audience will respond to a message. Personalization enables marketers to quickly create content that speaks to a customer’s individual interests, while ensuring that they receive relevant, engaging, and personalized messaging.

Furthermore, by tracking the customer’s journey and developing a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s needs and interests, digital marketers can create content that will be effective, engaging, and more likely to drive conversions.

Following The Trends

Digital marketing is the practice of using digital tools to reach a target market and promote products and services. As technology evolves and changes, so too does the way businesses market to their customers. In this article, we will be exploring the latest emerging trends in digital marketing: mobile, video, and AI.


Mobile marketing is a growing trend in digital marketing and has become an essential resource for marketers to target potential customers. In recent years, it has been transformed from delivering SMS messages to a complex system that combines the best of mobile web, apps and location services. Mobile marketing offers the opportunity to reach customers with personalised messages, at their fingertips.

It allows marketers to send customised content to customers in real-time, making it perfect for engaging current and prospective customers, boosting loyalty, and driving repeat purchases. Additionally, the use of geolocation boosts the effectiveness of mobile marketing, as this can be used to target customers in specific locations who are likely to respond to the message. Attentive targeting and personalisation of messages can help to create a user experience that is both meaningful and helpful.

Through the use of A/B testing and user segmentation, mobile marketers can refine campaigns so that they are tailored to different age groups, demographics and interests. Overall, mobile marketing is a valuable tool that can help digital marketers to target customers in a more meaningful way.


Video has become one of the most important components of digital marketing in recent years. Companies can use videos to promote their products, educate their customers, and create brand awareness. Videos are more engaging than traditional text-based content and can be used for a variety of objectives. For example, businesses can post informative videos that explain how their products work or stage tutorials to help customers make the most of their purchase.

Companies can also produce videos to showcase the unique features of their products, enabling customers to gain an immersive experience into what the products can do. With the rise of social media platforms, marketers can make use of various features on these platforms to create video-based content that reaches a wider audience.

Furthermore, video advertising on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo has become a popular way to reach out to potential customers.

Artifical Intelligence

AI is one of the most crucial technologies driving digital marketing trends. Increasingly, companies are taking advantage of AI tools to identify and respond to consumer behavior in real time. AI-driven chatbots are enabling companies to deliver personalized messages to customers, enhancing customer engagement.

AI can also be used for event-triggered marketing, allowing companies to react in the moment to a customer’s action, such as clicking a link, viewing a web page, or signing up for a newsletter. AI can be used to do more efficient sentiment analysis of customer feedback, giving companies better insights into customer sentiment and enabling them to respond more quickly to customer needs.

Additionally, AI is being used to better personalize content, targeting customers based on their interests and behaviour. By leveraging AI, marketers can deliver more tailored experiences to their customers, leading to improved loyalty and ROI.

Digital Marketing – FAQ

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses all marketing efforts that use digital platforms and the internet to reach and engage consumers. Digital marketing includes a range of activities, such as social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and display advertising.

How does digital marketing benefit businesses?

Digital marketing helps businesses reach a larger target audience more quickly and cost-effectively than traditional marketing. It also enables businesses to collect valuable customer data, generate leads and convert those leads into customers. Additionally, digital marketing allows businesses to interact and engage with their audience more effectively and track their success in real-time.

What are the core elements of digital marketing?

The core elements of digital marketing include content marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing and mobile marketing.

How do I measure the success of digital marketing efforts?

The success of digital marketing efforts can be measured through metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates and leads generated. Additionally, businesses can measure their success through metrics such as engagement, brand awareness and customer loyalty.

What skills are needed for a successful digital marketing strategy?

Successful digital marketing strategies require professionals with a deep understanding of digital channels, as well as strong analytical and writing skills. In addition, strategic thinking and creative problem solving skills are essential for developing, executing and measuring the success of digital marketing efforts.

How do I develop a successful digital marketing plan?

Developing a successful digital marketing plan involves identifying the target audience, determining their needs and goals, understanding the competitive landscape, and analyzing the data collected. Additionally, businesses need to create a well-defined strategy, implement tactics to reach their goals, and measure their success on an ongoing basis.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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