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  • Crowdfunding Basics: What You Need to Know

by Mike Vestil 

Crowdfunding Basics: What You Need to Know

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In this comprehensive guide, readers will learn about the world of crowdfunding, including its history, types, and various platforms available. The article will also provide information on how to choose the right crowdfunding platform based on fees, funding policies, and community engagement.

Additionally, it will offer insights on preparing for a crowdfunding campaign by setting objectives, identifying target audiences, and creating a marketing strategy. Readers will also gain practical tips on designing a campaign, managing and promoting it, and post-campaign steps, such as fulfilling rewards and learning from the experience for future growth opportunities.

Understanding Crowdfunding

Definition and Overview

Crowdfunding refers to the practice of funding a project, business venture, or a social cause by pooling small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically through the Internet. It provides an alternative way for entrepreneurs, artists, startups, and social change makers to access financing from a diverse group of individuals, who may be motivated by financial returns, social impact, tangible rewards, or self-fulfillment.

Crowdfunding involves the use of an online platform on which project creators can post their project details, share their goals, plans, rewards, or other compensation to attract funding from backers. People can then browse through different projects and contribute money based on their personal interests, preferences, and beliefs. This form of raising capital has grown in popularity in recent years as it democratizes investing and provides access to funding for projects that may not be suitable for traditional financing options.

History and Evolution

Although crowdfunding in its current form is a relatively new phenomenon, the concept of pooling resources to achieve a common goal dates back to ancient times. For example, in the 1700s, the Irish Loan Fund provided micro-loans to poor families, and during the 19th century, war bonds were used to fund various military efforts.

The modern form of crowdfunding can be traced back to the late 1990s and early 2000s with the advent of the Internet, which offered a platform to reach a large audience and made it easier for people to collaborate and contribute funds. Notable early crowdfunding examples include ArtistShare in 2000, which allowed fans to invest in musical projects, and donation-based crowdfunding platforms such as Global Giving and DonorsChoose.org, which served charitable causes.

The term “crowdfunding” was reportedly first used by Michael Sullivan in 2006. Since then, the use of this method to fund projects has grown exponentially, with platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe becoming household names. In recent years, new crowdfunding models like equity crowdfunding and crowdfunded lending (peer-to-peer lending) have emerged, broadening the scope and application of this fundraising method.

Types of Crowdfunding


Donation-based crowdfunding is usually associated with charitable or social causes, where contributors donate money without expecting any monetary return. In this model, backers might contribute funds to support disaster relief efforts, medical treatments, or non-profit organizations. An example of a donation-based crowdfunding platform is GoFundMe, which allows individuals to create fundraising campaigns for purposes such as covering medical expenses or supporting community projects.


Reward-based crowdfunding is a popular model for funding creative projects or startups. Backers contribute money to projects in exchange for perks, rewards, or products that vary depending on the amount of money contributed. For example, someone might back a new gadget project on Kickstarter and receive a limited-edition version of the product once it is successfully created. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two well-known reward-based crowdfunding platforms that support various industries, including technology, art, film, and gaming.


Equity-based crowdfunding offers contributors a share of ownership in a company, start-up, or venture in exchange for their investment. This model allows supporters to potentially benefit from the success of the company they back. It also provides a way for businesses to raise funds by offering equity stake rather than incurring debt. Equity-based crowdfunding is subject to financial regulations, and platforms like CircleUp, SeedInvest, and Crowdcube are some of the popular platforms offering these services.


Debt-based crowdfunding, also known as crowdfunded lending or peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, involves individuals lending money to businesses or other individuals, expecting repayment with interest. This model allows borrowers to potentially secure loans at lower interest rates compared to traditional financial institutions, and it helps lenders to diversify their investments and earn interest on their funds. Platforms like LendingClub, Funding Circle, and Prosper are known for offering crowdfunded lending services.

Choosing the Right Crowdfunding Platform

Crowdfunding has become a popular way to raise funds for various projects, from business ventures and charitable causes to creative endeavors and personal needs. With numerous crowdfunding platforms available, it can be challenging to select the right one for your specific project. This guide aims to help you make an informed decision by considering factors such as platform popularity, fees and funding policies, platform-specific requirements, and community presence.

Popular Crowdfunding Platforms

There are many crowdfunding platforms to choose from, each with its own unique features, benefits, and drawbacks. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Kickstarter: Focusing primarily on creative projects, Kickstarter is a popular choice for artists, musicians, filmmakers, and designers looking to raise funds for their projects. The platform operates on an all-or-nothing funding model, meaning if the project does not reach its funding goal, no funds are distributed to the creator.

  2. Indiegogo: With a broader focus on various projects, Indiegogo caters to technology, design, community projects, and more, making it a versatile choice. Indiegogo offers both flexible and fixed funding options, allowing creators to keep the funds raised even if their goals are not met (flexible model), or where the money is returned to the backers if the target is not reached (fixed model).

  3. GoFundMe: GoFundMe is suitable for personal causes, emergencies, and charitable endeavors. The platform allows individuals to keep all the funds they raise, regardless of whether the goal is met. People often use GoFundMe for medical expenses, memorials, or other life events.

  4. SeedInvest: Designed for startups looking for angel investors and venture capital, SeedInvest enables companies to sell equity to accredited investors while raising funds. This platform has strict requirements, making it more suitable for established ventures with a track record.

  5. Patreon: Primarily used by content creators, Patreon allows supporters to become regular donors, typically on a monthly basis. This platform is ideal for those looking to establish a consistent income for their creative work.

Fees and Funding Policies

Different crowdfunding platforms have distinct fee structures and policies. Some platforms charge a flat percentage of the total amount raised, while others have processing fees for payments. It’s essential to review the fee structure before committing to a platform to ensure it aligns with your funding needs and goals.

Additionally, platforms may follow different models such as all-or-nothing or flexible funding. Consider which model is better suited for your project and its chances of success. Be prepared to factor in any potential fees and consequences should your project not reach its funding goal.

Platform-Specific Requirements

Some platforms have specific eligibility and project requirements. For example, Kickstarter mandates that the projects have a creative aspect with tangible goals, while SeedInvest targets established businesses. Be sure to thoroughly review each platform’s requirements and guidelines to ensure your project is a good fit.

It’s also crucial to research and understand any legal requirements or regulations that might apply to your project, including tax implications and financial reporting obligations.

Community Presence and Engagement

Many crowdfunding platforms also serve as a community where like-minded individuals can connect, offer support, and exchange ideas. Platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon have a strong community presence that can provide valuable resources, feedback, and networking opportunities for creators.

Consider the level of community presence and the demographics of the users on the platforms you’re considering. Think about whether those users match your target audience and would be receptive to your project.

In conclusion, choosing the right crowdfunding platform involves careful consideration of platform popularity, fees and funding policies, project requirements, and user demographics. By comparing multiple options, you can better align your project with the right platform and maximize your chances of success while minimizing risks and unwelcome surprises.

Preparing for a Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding is a popular method of raising funds for various types of projects, ranging from startups, product development, to creative endeavors. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Defining Your Objectives and Goals

The first step in preparing for a crowdfunding campaign is to clearly define your objectives and goals. This means identifying what you want to achieve with the campaign, such as raising funds for product development, market research, or simply getting your idea off the ground. Be specific about what you want to accomplish – this will help you to create a more compelling campaign and will enable potential backers to better understand your project.

Some objectives can include:

  • Developing a working prototype of your product
  • Securing patents/licenses
  • Manufacturing and distributing your product
  • Conducting market research
  • Growing your existing business

Identifying Your Target Audience

Another crucial element in preparing for a crowdfunding campaign is identifying your target audience. You need to understand who would be interested in your project, and hence, who are likely to be your potential backers. This will enable you to tailor your marketing messages and promotional materials to these people, increasing your chances of a successful campaign.

Consider factors such as:

  • Age group
  • Gender
  • Geographic location
  • Interests
  • Needs and preferences

By defining your target audience, you’re able to create a more focused and effective campaign, ensuring that your promotional efforts are reaching the right people.

Creating a Unique and Compelling Story

An essential aspect of a successful crowdfunding campaign is telling a unique and compelling story. Your story is what will set your project apart from others and convince potential backers to support your campaign.

Start by outlining the key points of your story:

  • Explain your background, expertise, and motivation behind the project
  • Describe the problem you’re trying to solve or the gap in the market you’re addressing
  • Detail how your project will impact the lives of your target audience
  • Include any progress you’ve made so far

Adding a personal touch to your story can also help to create a connection with potential backers, so consider including some anecdotes or life experiences that inspired your project.

Developing a Marketing and Promotion Strategy

Promoting your crowdfunding campaign is essential for generating awareness and attracting potential backers. A well-planned marketing and promotion strategy can significantly boost your chances of success.

Begin by considering the platforms and channels you can use to promote your campaign:

  • Social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest
  • Content marketing: Blog posts, articles, videos
  • Email marketing: Newsletters, email campaigns
  • Networking: Industry events, meetups, conferences
  • Press and media coverage

Identify which channels your target audience is most active on, and focus your promotional efforts on those platforms. Ensure that your marketing messages are tailored to your target audience, and clearly communicate your project’s value and unique selling points.

Setting Realistic Funding Goals

Determining an appropriate funding goal is another vital step in preparing for a crowdfunding campaign. Set your goal too high, and you may be unable to reach it; set it too low, and you may not have enough funds to fulfill your objectives.

Begin by setting a minimum funding goal, which is the absolute minimum amount required for you to execute your project. Then, consider creating stretch goals – additional levels of funding that would allow you to expand your project or add extra features. These stretch goals offer an incentive for backers to continue supporting your project after the minimum funding target has been reached.

Ensure that your funding goals are realistic, well-researched, and achievable within the time frame of your campaign.

Deciding on Campaign Duration and Timing

The duration of your crowdfunding campaign is an important factor to consider. Most campaigns last between 30 and 60 days, with longer durations often decreasing the sense of urgency among potential backers.

Research the best time to launch your campaign, taking into consideration factors such as holidays, major events, and the timing of similar campaigns. Choose a start and end date that gives you enough time to promote your campaign and reach your funding goals.

Remember, preparation is the key to a successful crowdfunding campaign. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be ready to launch your project and attract the support it needs to succeed.

Designing Your Crowdfunding Project

Crowdfunding has become a popular method for entrepreneurs, artists, and organizations to fundraise their projects, products, and ideas. Designing a successful crowdfunding project requires detailed planning, effective marketing, and the ability to engage potential backers.

In this article, we will discuss how to design a successful crowdfunding project by focusing on: creating an attractive campaign page, developing enticing rewards or perks, producing an engaging video pitch, providing a detailed timeline and budget, and establishing trust with potential backers.

Creating an Attractive Campaign Page

An appealing campaign page is essential for successfully conveying your project idea and attracting backers. Design your campaign page to be visually engaging, with a clean layout and a clear, concise description of your project. Use high-quality images and graphics, and consider utilizing infographics to quickly convey important information. Additionally, ensure that your campaign page is easily shareable on social media platforms as this can help increase its visibility.

It’s crucial to have a strong headline and project summary that catch the attention of potential backers as they browse through crowdfunding platforms. Craft a compelling and concise pitch that explains your project and its unique features or benefits, without overwhelming visitors with too much information. Be sure to emphasize the impact your project will have, why it is needed or innovative, and how backers can be part of making it a reality.

Developing Enticing Rewards or Perks

Rewards or perks are incentives offered to backers in exchange for their financial support. These can include physical products, experiences, recognition, or access to exclusive content. It’s essential to create a variety of rewards at different price points to accommodate various levels of support and encourage more significant contributions.

When designing rewards, consider the cost of production and fulfillment for each item, as well as any potential shipping fees or taxes that may apply. Focus on offering unique, valuable rewards that reflect the spirit of your project and demonstrate your appreciation for backers’ support.

It’s crucial to have a realistic estimate of delivery dates for each reward, as delays can damage the confidence of your backers. Be transparent about production timelines and communicate any updates on reward fulfillment with your backers promptly.

Producing an Engaging Video Pitch

A well-produced video pitch can significantly increase the success of a crowdfunding campaign. It provides a way for potential backers to connect with the project creator and understand the project on a deeper level. When creating your video pitch, focus on telling a compelling story that highlights your project’s purpose, its unique features or benefits, and your passion for bringing it to life.

Keep your video concise—generally between two and four minutes—and include clear visuals that showcase your project. Consider using testimonials from team members, experts, or prototype users to build credibility and demonstrate the potential impact of your project.

Ensure that your video has a strong call-to-action, encouraging viewers to contribute and share your campaign with their network. Investing in high-quality video production can pay dividends for attracting backers and bringing your crowdfunding campaign to life.

Providing a Detailed Timeline and Budget

A clear timeline and budget are critical to establish trust with potential backers and show that you have a well-planned project. Provide a detailed timeline that outlines each stage of your project, from initial design and prototype development to manufacturing, distribution, and beyond. Be realistic with your schedule and factor in potential setbacks that may arise.

It’s equally essential to present a thorough and transparent budget that demonstrates how you plan to allocate the funds raised through your campaign. Breakdown costs by category, such as production costs, marketing efforts, and shipping, to show potential backers that you have meticulously planned your project and that your funding goal is justified.

Establishing Trust with Potential Backers

Trust is a crucial element in any crowdfunding campaign. Potential backers need to believe in your ability to bring your project to fruition, as well as your commitment to ethical practices and financial responsibility. Establishing trust is achieved through consistent and honest communication with backers, as well as demonstrating professionalism and reliability.

Make use of the updates feature on crowdfunding platforms to keep your backers in the loop about project progress, any challenges or setbacks, and noteworthy milestones. Transparent communication helps build trust and shows backers that you are accountable and committed to delivering on your promises.

Additionally, consider providing relevant background information about yourself and your team to demonstrate your project’s credibility. Highlight your experience, expertise, or previous accomplishments related to your project or industry to reassure backers that they are investing in a capable and trustworthy team.

By implementing these strategies for designing your crowdfunding project, you increase the likelihood of raising the necessary funds, creating a community around your idea, and bringing your project to life.

Managing and Promoting Your Campaign

Launching a campaign is just the start; managing and promoting it effectively is the key to success. In this article, we’ll explore various strategies and techniques that will help you get the most out of your campaign. We’ll discuss the importance of utilizing social media and online communities, engaging with backers, monitoring campaign metrics, reaching out to media and influencers, and adjusting strategies based on performance.

Utilizing Social Media and Online Communities

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are essential in promoting your campaign. They provide a way to reach a large audience quickly and engage with potential backers. Focus on creating captivating and share-worthy content related to your campaign, using eye-catching visuals, and including a clear call-to-action (CTA) to encourage people to visit your campaign page and contribute.

Facebook groups and niche online communities, such as Reddit or forums related to your industry or target market, are excellent places to engage with people who share an interest in your project. These communities allow you to build relationships, provide updates, gather feedback, and answer questions. However, keep in mind that you should not spam or over-promote your campaign. Ensure you are genuinely contributing to the conversation and offering value to the community.

Engaging with Backers and Providing Updates

Successful campaign management heavily relies on the engagement and management of backers. Respond promptly to messages, comments, and emails from backers, as this will demonstrate that you are committed to your project’s success and care about your backers’ opinions. Providing regular updates on campaign progress, milestones achieved, or addressing questions and concerns are crucial. These updates can take many forms, including written posts, videos, or live streams.

Backer communication is not limited to your campaign page only; use your social media channels to post updates, stories, or live streams. This will keep your backers informed and excited about the project, increasing the likelihood of continued financial support and increasing their chances of sharing it with their networks.

Monitoring and Analyzing Campaign Metrics

To optimize your campaign’s performance, monitor key metrics frequently. These metrics typically include the number of backers, funds raised, traffic sources, and conversion rates. By analyzing this data, you can observe emerging trends, pinpoint what is working, and identify areas that need improvement.

Most crowdfunding platforms offer built-in analytic tools to help you monitor these metrics. You can also use third-party tools like Google Analytics for more advanced tracking capabilities. Consistently analyzing campaign data allows you to adjust and optimize your promotional efforts accordingly.

Reaching out to Media and Influencers

Partnering with media outlets and influencers can significantly increase your campaign’s visibility. Identify journalists or bloggers who cover topics relevant to your industry or campaign and pitch your story to them. Demonstrating your project’s uniqueness and impact will increase your chances of being featured.

Similarly, collaborate with influencers in your niche who have a large following on social media platforms. Ask them to review or promote your campaign in exchange for a sample product, service, or cross-promotion on your channels. Be selective and carefully choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market.

Adjusting Strategy Based on Performance

Campaign success is directly tied to your ability to adapt and evolve your promotional strategy based on its performance. Continuously monitor and analyze your metrics to make data-driven decisions. For example, if your Instagram engagement is soaring but your Facebook post reach is stagnating, allocate more resources to Instagram and adjust Facebook strategies to boost performance.

Additionally, be ready to experiment with new approaches or content formats. If one strategy isn’t working, don’t be afraid to pivot and try something else. Gather feedback from your backers, test different CTAs, and continually refine your messaging.

In summary, managing and promoting your campaign requires a proactive approach, utilizing various tools and methods to maximize visibility, engagement, and funding. Make effective use of social media, keep your backers informed and engaged, monitor your progress, and adapt your strategy when necessary to drive your campaign towards success.

After the Campaign: Fulfillment and Next Steps

Running a successful crowdfunding campaign is just the first step in a longer journey. Once your campaign is over, it is essential to maintain your momentum and work towards fulfilling your promises to backers.

This stage of the process is critical to building long-term relationships with supporters and establishing a reputation for delivering on your commitments. In this section, we’ll outline the post-campaign steps you need to take, from communication with backers to handling challenges, documenting your experiences, and planning for the future.

Communicating with Backers Post-Campaign

Effective communication is a key aspect of any crowdfunding campaign. After your campaign has ended, it’s important to maintain regular updates with your backers, keeping them informed of progress and discussing any unforeseen issues or delays that may arise.

Here are a few tips for communicating with backers after the campaign:

  1. Express Gratitude: Start by thanking your backers for their support and let them know how much you appreciate their help in making your project a reality.

  2. Be Proactive: Don’t wait for backers to ask questions or express concerns about your project. Provide regular updates on your progress, sharing details about your plans and addressing any potential issues.

  3. Be Transparent: It’s important to be honest with your backers, especially when it comes to discussing challenges or delays. By being open and proactive, you’ll develop a trusting relationship with your supporters, which can lead to further support in the future.

Delivering Rewards or Perks

One of the main reasons people back your crowdfunding campaign is to receive the rewards or perks associated with their pledge. As the campaign creator, it’s up to you to ensure that these rewards are delivered in a timely fashion and meet backers’ expectations. Some ways to guarantee smooth delivery include:

  1. Plan your fulfillment strategy in advance: Before your campaign ends, make sure that you have a clear plan in place for producing and delivering your rewards to backers.

  2. Set realistic expectations about delivery timeframes: Be transparent with your backers about when they can expect to receive their rewards. It’s better to allow for extra time in case of unforeseen delays, rather than promising an unrealistic delivery date.

  3. Keep backers informed about progress: Communicate regularly with your backers about the status of their rewards. Let them know if there are any delays or other issues that may impact their delivery.

  4. Choose a reliable fulfillment partner: If you’re outsourcing the production or delivery of your rewards, make sure you work with a reliable partner who has proven experience and a good track record.

Handling Challenges and Delays

It’s not uncommon for crowdfunded projects to encounter challenges or experience delays. To effectively manage these situations, make sure to:

  1. Assess the situation: When a challenge arises, take stock of the issue and determine its impact on your project timeline and budget.

  2. Communicate openly and honestly: Keep your backers informed about any issues that you may be facing and let them know how you plan to address the situation.

  3. Stay solution-focused: Don’t let setbacks derail your project. Instead, focus on finding ways to overcome challenges and stay on track towards your goals.

Documenting and Learning from Your Experience

Crowdfunding campaigns can be valuable learning experiences, both for yourself and future projects. It’s essential to document your journey and reflect on the lessons you’ve learned along the way. This can help you identify ways to improve your future campaigns, as well as provide valuable insights for other creators looking to launch their crowdfunding projects.

Future Opportunities and Growth

With your crowdfunding campaign complete, it’s crucial to build on your success and take advantage of future opportunities for growth. This could involve launching additional crowdfunding campaigns, expanding your product offering, or exploring other funding or business development opportunities.

Remember, the success of your crowdfunding campaign isn’t determined solely by the funds raised but also by the relationships and reputation you cultivate along the way. By fulfilling your promises, communicating effectively with your backers, and remaining adaptable in the face of challenges, you can position yourself for long-term success well beyond the conclusion of your initial campaign.

Crowdfunding Basics — FAQ

What is crowdfunding and how does it work?

Crowdfunding refers to the process of raising funds from a large number of individuals, primarily through online platforms. Project creators present their ideas, set a funding goal, and offer rewards or equity in exchange for investments or contributions.

What are the different types of crowdfunding?

There are four main types of crowdfunding: donation-based, reward-based, equity-based, and debt-based. Donation-based crowdfunding involves charitable causes, while reward-based offers incentives or products for contributions. Equity-based exchanges shares for capital, and debt-based entails loan repayments with interest.

How can I choose the right crowdfunding platform?

To choose the right platform, consider factors like platform fees, project categories, success rates, target audience, and the option for a flexible or fixed fundraising model. Research popular platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe to determine the best fit.

What are the necessary elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign?

For a successful campaign, focus on a clear project idea, realistic funding goal, engaging storytelling, well-prepared rewards or incentives, effective marketing strategies, and regular communication with backers. Showcasing credibility and project feasibility is essential.

What happens if a crowdfunding campaign fails to meet its funding goal?

If a campaign fails to reach its funding goal, most platforms apply an all-or-nothing policy, where collected funds are returned to the contributors. However, some platforms offer flexible funding options, allowing project creators to keep the funds raised, typically in exchange for higher fees.

Are there any regulatory or legal issues associated with crowdfunding?

Yes, crowdfunding may have regulatory and legal implications depending on the type and location. Equity-based crowdfunding faces more stringent regulations, while reward-based crowdfunding falls under consumer protection regulations. Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations before launching a campaign.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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