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  • A Beginner’s Guide to Competitor Analysis

by Mike Vestil 

A Beginner’s Guide to Competitor Analysis

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In this comprehensive article, readers will learn about the essentials of competitor analysis, including its definition, purpose, and importance. The article discusses various types of competitors and offers guidance on identifying them, as well as conducting a thorough market analysis.

Readers will explore the SWOT analysis framework, competitive positioning and differentiation, and gain insights into financial analysis of competitors. Additionally, the article delves into various business strategy models, such as Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain Analysis, and Blue Ocean Strategy. Finally, readers will discover how to apply competitor analysis in making strategic decisions for product development, marketing strategies, risk management, and performance measurement.

Definition of Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is the process of evaluating and analyzing your competitors’ strategies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market. It involves assessing the external environment in which your business operates, identifying your direct and indirect competitors, and establishing their advantages and disadvantages in relation to your business’s offerings.

This analysis is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the competition and create a competitive advantage in the market. By understanding what your competitors are doing well and what they can improve, you can make informed decisions to grow and strengthen your business, and ultimately, outperform the competition.

Purpose and Importance of Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is essential for business planning, marketing, and decision-making. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape and helps you identify the key factors that contribute to your competitors’ success. Here are some primary purposes and importance of competitor analysis:

  1. Uncover Competitors’ Strategies: By understanding your competitors’ strategies, you can predict their actions and develop counter-strategies to stay ahead in the market.

  2. Identify Your Competitors’ Strengths and Weaknesses: This allows you to exploit their vulnerabilities and emphasize your strengths to differentiate yourself in the market.

  3. Discover Market Opportunities: Competitor analysis can help you identify gaps in the market that your competitors are not addressing or underserving, creating potential opportunities for your business to succeed.

  4. Enhance Your Marketing Efforts: By understanding your competitors’ marketing strategies, you can create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns that cater to your audience’s preferences and needs.

  5. Benchmarking: Competitor analysis enables you to compare your business performance against industry standards and competitors. This information helps you identify areas where you need to improve and set realistic goals for your business.

  6. Reduce Business Risks: Regularly conducting competitor analysis keeps you informed of market shifts, competitor moves, and customers’ changing preferences. This information minimizes the risk associated with business decisions and helps you stay agile in a competitive environment.

Types of Competitors

There are three types of competitors: direct competitors, indirect competitors, and substitute products or services. It’s crucial to understand the difference between each type to create effective competitive strategies.

Direct Competitors

Direct competitors are businesses that offer the same products or services as your business and target the same customer base. They are the most apparent threats to your business, as customers may choose their products or services over yours. Examples of direct competitors are two pizza restaurants located in the same area or two software companies offering similar products for the same target market.

Understanding your direct competitors’ strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and customer perceptions is essential for developing a competitive advantage and protecting your market share.

Indirect Competitors

Indirect competitors are businesses that offer different products or services but cater to the same customer needs. These businesses compete for the same target audience, although their offerings may not be exactly the same as yours. For example, a movie theater and a sports event venue may indirectly compete for the same target audience – people looking for entertainment.

Identifying and analyzing indirect competitors helps you understand the broader competitive landscape and adapt your strategies to ensure you remain attractive to your target audience.

Substitute Products or Services

Substitute products or services are those that offer a different solution to the same customer needs or problems. These products or services may not be direct competitors but can satisfy the same customer demands. For example, video conferencing software and in-person business meetings are substitutes for each other, as they address the need for communication among businesses.

It’s essential to stay informed about substitute products or services in your industry, as advancements in technology, changes in consumer preferences, or shifts in the market landscape can suddenly increase the popularity of these substitutes, affecting your business’s competitiveness.

Identifying Your Competitors

Knowing who your competitors are is essential for any business. It enables you to understand your target audience, differentiate your offering, and build effective marketing campaigns. Identifying your competitors can be broken down into several steps which involve gathering the proper data, creating a comprehensive list, and categorizing them effectively.

Data Sources for Competitor Research

There are various data sources available for researching your competitors, including:

  1. Market Reports: These are published studies or analyses on a specific industry, highlighting trends, challenges, and opportunities. Market reports are typically authored by market research companies and can provide insightful information about your competitors, their market share, and their offerings. Some reputable sources for market reports include Gartner, Forrester, and IBISWorld. However, it’s important to remember that these reports may be expensive to obtain, especially for small businesses.

  2. Online Reviews and Ratings: Consumer reviews and ratings are a treasure trove of information about your competitors. Websites such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, Amazon, and Google Reviews can provide you with a wealth of information about your competitors from the perspective of their customers. Analyzing these reviews can help you understand the strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement for your rivals, enabling you to develop targeted strategies aimed at exploiting gaps in their offerings.

  3. Social Media Channels: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are crucial sources of information in today’s digital age. By monitoring your competitors’ social media channels, you can gather important information about their marketing campaigns, product launches, customer feedback, and other critical insights that help you keep a finger on the pulse of your industry.

  4. Trade Shows and Industry Events: Attending trade shows and industry events is an excellent way to meet key players in your market, observe competitors’ offerings, and gather valuable intelligence about the industry landscape. By attending conferences and networking events, you can also identify partnerships and alliances that exist between companies, potentially giving you a clearer picture of larger industry trends and movements.

List of Competitors

Once you have gathered all possible data, begin compiling a list of your competitors. This list will include both direct and indirect competitors, as well as new entrants to the market. Be thorough in this process, as failing to identify all potential competitors might leave blind spots in your competitive analysis. Some businesses tend to underestimate the relevance of indirect competitors, but it is crucial to consider them as well, as they may be eyeing similar opportunities and segments that you are.

Categorizing Competitors

After assembling your list, categorize your competitors to make the information easier to digest and analyze. Common categories include:

  1. Direct Competitors: These are businesses that offer similar products or services, targeting the same customer base. Direct competitors are the companies you are most likely to clash with in the market, and thus, should be your primary focus in competitive analysis.

  2. Indirect Competitors: Indirect competitors offer products or services that can be substituted for yours. While they may not be direct threats, they can still have an impact on your business by offering alternatives that attract your target customers.

  3. Emerging Competitors: These are new entrants in the market that may initially appear insignificant but could grow to become considerable threats. Monitoring the progress of emerging competitors is essential to staying ahead of the game and identifying trends in the industry.

By following these steps to identify your competitors, you will gain a better understanding of your own business and its position in the market. Use this information to develop an effective competitive strategy that plays to your strengths and keeps your business a step ahead.

Market Analysis

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of dividing a larger market into smaller segments based on shared characteristics. This makes it easier for businesses to target specific groups of consumers based on their unique needs and preferences. There are four main types of market segmentation:

  1. Demographic Segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income, education, and family size. For example, businesses may target the “young and single” segment with products and services suited to their lifestyle.

  2. Geographic Segmentation: This involves dividing the market by location, including variables such as country, region, city, or even neighborhood. Companies can tailor their offerings to suit the preferences of consumers in specific geographic areas.

  3. Psychographic Segmentation: This involves segmenting the market based on consumers’ lifestyles, values, attitudes, and interests. For example, a sports apparel company may target the “fitness enthusiast” segment with specialized products.

  4. Behavioral Segmentation: This involves categorizing consumers based on their behavior, such as how often they purchase, their loyalty to a brand, or their sensitivity to price. Retailers may offer loyalty programs, discounts, or other incentives to increase consumer loyalty and retention.

Market segmentation is crucial for businesses. It helps them identify their target audience and deliver tailored products and services that meet their needs. It also aids in more efficient marketing strategies and improved customer retention.

Market Growth and Trends

Analyzing market growth and trends helps businesses to understand how the industry is evolving, and it can inform decision-making, product development, and marketing strategies. Market growth rates can be forecasted using historical data, industry reports, or by analyzing trends affecting the industry.

Key market trends to consider when conducting a market analysis include:

  1. Technological Advances: New technology can have a significant impact on the industry, leading to the emergence of new products, services, or business models. It’s crucial for businesses to stay informed about these developments and adapt accordingly.

  2. Changing Consumer Preferences: As consumer needs evolve, businesses must adapt their offerings to meet new demands. This may involve developing new products or altering existing ones, as well as updating marketing strategies to target different consumer segments.

  3. Regulatory and Political Factors: Government policies, legislation, and trade agreements can influence the market, both positively and negatively. Businesses should monitor these developments and adjust their strategies accordingly.

  4. Economic Factors: Economic conditions can affect consumer purchasing power, and businesses must adjust their pricing strategies to reflect changes in the economy.

Consumer Behavior and Needs

Understanding consumer behavior and needs is essential for businesses seeking to deliver products or services that resonate with their target market. Demographic and psychographic factors play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior, as well as the core problem or desire that a product or service seeks to address.


Demographic factors, such as age, gender, income, education, and family size, can have a significant impact on consumer behavior. Analyzing demographic trends can help businesses identify their target audience and tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of different consumer groups.


Psychographic factors include consumers’ lifestyles, values, attitudes, and interests. These factors shape their purchasing decisions, brand preferences, and product usage patterns. A psychographic analysis of the target market helps businesses tailor their product offerings and marketing messages to appeal to consumers on a deeper, more personal level.

Core Problem or Desire

The most successful products or services are those that address a core problem or desire experienced by the target market. By understanding and addressing this core problem or desire, businesses can develop products or services that provide value, resonate with consumers, and encourage repeat purchases. Identifying and addressing the core problem or desire is an integral part of a comprehensive market analysis, helping businesses better serve their customers and stay ahead of the competition.

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps businesses and individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This process fosters a better understanding of internal and external factors that may impact the success of a project, product, or business. The analysis can be used to make informed decisions about investments, expansions, or changes to a business model. It can also be used for personal development purposes. In this article, we will discuss each of the components of the SWOT analysis in detail.


Strengths are the positive attributes of an organization or individual, such as resources, capabilities, or skills. These are characteristics that give an advantage over competitors or help in achieving goals. Strengths can include anything from a company’s reputation, intellectual property, or skilled workforce to an individual’s knowledge, experience, or network. Identifying these strengths can shed light on areas that should be leveraged for growth, success, or competitive advantage.

When assessing strengths, consider the following questions:

  1. What do you do well?
  2. What resources do you have at your disposal?
  3. How do you stand out from your competition?
  4. What do your customers, partners, or colleagues see as your unique selling point?


Weaknesses are the negative aspects of an individual or organization that may hinder progress or give an advantage to competitors. These can include limitations in resources, skills, or capabilities, as well as unfavorable brand perceptions or reputation. Addressing weaknesses can lead to a more robust strategic plan and improved competitive positioning.

When assessing weaknesses, consider the following questions:

  1. What do you struggle with?
  2. What are the areas that need improvement?
  3. What do your competitors do better than you?
  4. What negative perceptions or reputation issues should be addressed?


Opportunities are external factors that, if seized upon, can positively impact the success or growth of an organization or individual. They can include changes in industry trends, technological advancements, or favorable market conditions that could foster business development or career growth. Recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities can lead to increased revenues, improved processes, or strategic partnerships.

When assessing opportunities, consider the following questions:

  1. What trends or changes in the industry can be exploited?
  2. Are there any technological advancements that you can benefit from?
  3. What new markets or segments can be entered or targeted?
  4. Are there any strategic partnerships, alliances, or acquisitions that make sense for your organization or career?


Threats are external factors or situations that pose risks or challenges to an organization or individual. These can include economic downturns, increased competition or market saturation, changing regulations or laws, or even natural disasters. Identifying threats helps with crisis management planning and allows for proactive decision-making to mitigate or avoid negative effects.

When assessing threats, consider the following questions:

  1. What obstacles do you or your organization face, both immediately and in the long-term?
  2. What is the impact of current or potential competition on your business or career?
  3. How does the current economic climate affect your industry or sector?
  4. Are there any regulatory, legislative, or environmental changes that might negatively impact your organization or profession?

In summary, conducting a SWOT analysis allows for a comprehensive understanding of one’s or an organization’s competencies and challenges. By addressing and capitalizing on each of these elements, strategic decisions can be made to drive success and growth, both personally and professionally.

Competitive Positioning and Differentiation

One of the most critical aspects of business success is understanding the competitive landscape and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. By analyzing competitor’s products or services, marketing strategies, and customer service, businesses can effectively establish their competitive positioning and develop differentiating factors to elevate their brand above others.

Competitor’s Products or Services

To gain an edge in the market, companies need to understand their competitor’s products or services. This involves examining the features and benefits offered by rival firms, as well as their pricing points.

Features and Benefits

When analyzing competitor products or services, it’s crucial to consider the features that make them unique or appealing to customers. What do their products do better than other offerings in the market? What benefits do customers gain from purchasing their products or services? Are there any gaps in their lineup that a competitor could fill with a superior product?

By understanding the features and benefits of competitor products, companies can determine their own strengths and weaknesses compared to the competition. This knowledge can then be utilized to develop new product offerings, enhance existing products or services, or create marketing strategies that highlight the unique advantages of a company’s product.

Price Points

Examining the pricing structures of competitor’s products or services is crucial for businesses to understand how their offerings compare within the market. Factors such as the cost of production, perceived value by customers, and economic market conditions contribute to these pricing decisions.

By analyzing the price points of competitors’ products, companies can position themselves strategically within the market. Understanding whether a business should pursue a low-cost, value-based, or premium pricing strategy can give them a competitive advantage, allowing them to carve out a niche in the marketplace and attract the right kind of customers.

Marketing Strategies

Another critical aspect of competitive positioning and differentiation is understanding how competitors market their products or services. This involves looking at their promotional and advertising efforts, and the effectiveness of the company’s public relations and brand image.

Promotions and Advertising

To stand out in a competitive market, companies need to examine how their competitors promote and advertise their products. This includes the marketing channels they use and any special promotions or incentives they offer customers to choose their products or services.

Businesses should analyze the effectiveness of their competitors’ marketing campaigns and use this information to formulate their own promotional strategies. By learning from the successes and failures of competitors, companies can create targeted ad campaigns that resonate with their audience and ultimately drive sales.

Public Relations and Brand Image

Public relations and brand image play critical roles in shaping how consumers perceive a company and its products or services. Companies should analyze their competitors’ relationships with the media, brand influencers, and the public.

Effective public relations strategies can generate buzz around a company’s products, increase the credibility and trustworthiness of the brand, and ultimately drive consumer interest and sales. By understanding competitors’ PR and brand image, companies can establish their own identity and differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

Customer Service and Experience

For many consumers, the quality of customer service and overall experience with a company can be just as important as the product or service itself. As such, businesses must thoroughly evaluate their competitors’ customer service and support channels and strategies for customer satisfaction and retention.

Customer Support Channels

To stay ahead in a competitive market, companies need to ensure that they offer exceptional customer support, utilizing multiple channels that cater to customer preferences. By analyzing the customer support channels competitors use (such as email, phone, live chat, and social media), businesses can identify any gaps in their own support offerings and make adjustments to better serve their customers.

Customer Satisfaction and Retention

Another vital aspect of customer service is ensuring customers are satisfied with their overall experience and become loyal, long-term clients. Businesses should analyze the strategies and tactics their competitors use to boost customer satisfaction and facilitate customer retention.

Examples of such strategies include loyalty programs, customer feedback collection, personalized communication, and continually analyzing and refining customer-facing processes. By understanding the competition’s approach to customer satisfaction and retention, businesses can develop their own unique methods to achieve these results more effectively, ultimately positioning themselves as leaders in their respective markets.

Competitor Financial Analysis

Competitor financial analysis involves evaluating the financial performance of competing firms to gain insights into their financial strengths and weaknesses, understand their position in the market, and develop strategies to achieve the desired market position.

This type of analysis usually helps businesses remain competitive by identifying their rivals’ key performance indicators and how they can improve their own. The major aspects of competitor financial analysis include revenue and profitability, market share, and cost analysis and efficiency.

Revenue and Profitability

Revenue refers to the money that a company generates from selling goods or services. It acts as a key performance indicator used in comparative financial analysis. Comparing revenues of competing firms reveals the size of the firms and their scope of operations. Higher revenue signifies a firm’s success in capturing more customers and driving more business. However, it does not always mean that a company is more profitable than its competitors.

Profitability is a significant aspect of financial analysis as it measures the efficiency with which a company generates profits. There are several financial metrics to assess profitability, including gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and net profit margin. These margins help assess the percentage of profit a company makes at different levels of operation.

A comparison of profitability indicators between competitors allows businesses to assess how well their rivals are managing their expenses and generating profits. It helps companies identify efficiency gaps and find ways to optimize their costs and increase their margins. A consistent track record of high profitability can also indicate that a firm enjoys a competitive advantage such as a strong brand, superior product quality, or efficient cost management.

Market Share

Market share refers to the proportion of the total market sales generated by a single company. It measures the dominance of a company in the market, offering insights into its competitive position. A firm with a high market share typically benefits from economies of scale, more bargaining power with suppliers, and increased customer loyalty.

By analyzing market share, businesses can assess their competitive position and the performance of their growth initiatives relative to competitors. Monitoring market share trends allows companies to identify increasing or decreasing market presence and provides insights into the efficiency of their strategies compared to their competitors.

Furthermore, understanding competitors’ market share movements can assist businesses in identifying potential threats and opportunities. For instance, a rival with an increasing market share may signal a successful product launch, competitive pricing, or an effective marketing campaign, which could represent a challenge and prompt companies to respond accordingly.

Cost Analysis and Efficiency

Competitor cost analysis involves an assessment of the costs incurred by rival companies to produce and deliver their products or services. By examining competitors’ cost structures, businesses can gain insights into their areas of efficiency and identify potential areas for cost reduction.

Efficiency exists in various forms, including production, distribution, marketing, and administration. Comparing competitor performance in financial metrics such as cost of goods sold (COGS), operating expenses, and sales, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) can offer valuable insights into their cost management and relative efficiency.

Benchmarking against competitors using metrics such as inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, and asset turnover helps businesses identify areas for improvement in their financial operations. Identifying best practices among competitors and adopting them can lead to cost savings, improved processes, and ultimately increased profitability.

In conclusion, competitor financial analysis plays a crucial role in enabling businesses to make informed decisions and maintain competitiveness. Analyzing revenues, profitability, market share, and cost structures helps companies understand the strengths and weaknesses of their rivals, evaluate their positions, and develop strategies to enhance their financial performance. Companies must continually monitor and analyze their competitors’ financial performance to remain competitive in the market.

Identifying Competitor’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Understanding and analyzing competitors is crucial for developing an effective business strategy. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors will provide valuable insights that can be used to gain a competitive advantage.

Resources and Capabilities

A competitor’s resources and capabilities can provide an important advantage or disadvantage in the marketplace. Identifying these strengths and weaknesses can help a business understand their positioning and opportunities to outperform competitors.

Human Capital and Talent

A company’s human resources are essential for carrying out its operations and achieving its strategic objectives. Assessing a competitor’s workforce in terms of quantity, quality, skill sets, and experience can help to identify their strengths and weaknesses. For instance, a company that has a strong sales team or an experienced research and development department may be more likely to succeed in the marketplace than others with weaker resources.

On the other hand, companies that face high employee turnover or struggle to retain top talent may experience operational inefficiencies, diminished capabilities, or even difficulty in expanding their business.

Financial Resources

A company’s financial strength is a key determinant of its ability to compete in the marketplace. A competitor with strong financial resources has the ability to invest in product development, marketing, and other growth initiatives. This financial strength may also enable the company to withstand market downturns and increased competition better than those with weaker financial resources.

Analyzing a competitor’s financial statements can provide valuable insights into their financial health. Key financial indicators, such as profitability, liquidity, and solvency ratios, can reveal whether a company is on a stable financial footing or facing difficulties. For instance, a high debt-to-equity ratio may suggest that a company is over-leveraged and could face cash flow problems, while quickly growing revenue can indicate expanding market share.

Technological Assets

A company’s technological capabilities can also significantly impact its ability to compete. This includes intellectual property rights (such as patents and trademarks), proprietary technology, and the ability to innovate in response to market needs. A company that has a strong technological foundation can develop products and solutions that are better suited to customers’ needs, leading to a competitive advantage in the market.

Assessing a competitor’s technological capabilities involves research and analysis of their product lines, quality of their technology, and the impact of their innovations on the market. Identifying gaps in their technological portfolio or areas where your business excels can provide opportunities for growth and competitive advantage.

Operational Efficiency

Efficient operations are critical to maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Effective management of supply chains, production processes, and distribution networks can lead to reduced costs, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately, improved profitability.

Supply Chain Management

A company’s supply chain represents its network of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. Efficient management of the supply chain can result in lower costs, better product availability, and enhanced customer experiences. Analyzing a competitor’s supply chain management practices can reveal strengths and weaknesses in their ability to source raw materials, maintain inventory, and deliver products on time.

Consider factors such as the size and stability of a competitor’s supplier base, the level of vertical integration, and the degree of control they have over their supply chain. Identifying weaknesses in a competitor’s supply chain can create opportunities to differentiate your own offerings.

Production Processes

Efficient production processes help reduce costs and improve product quality. An analysis of a competitor’s production processes can reveal opportunities for improvement or identify advantages that can be leveraged. Factors to consider include automation levels, production capacity, quality control measures, and waste reduction strategies.

A company with a highly-automated, efficient production process may be able to produce goods at a lower cost, allowing them to offer competitive pricing or achieve higher profit margins. Conversely, a competitor with inefficient production processes may struggle to keep up with demand, face higher operating costs, or have a limited range of products.

In conclusion, understanding and evaluating competitor’s strengths and weaknesses in regard to resources, capabilities, and operational efficiency can provide valuable insights for developing a successful business strategy. By identifying areas of competitive advantage, as well as areas for improvement, businesses can develop strategies to outperform their competitors and achieve long-term success.

Competitive Advantage and Business Strategy

Competitive advantage refers to the set of unique features, resources, or capabilities that a business possesses or can develop, enabling it to outperform its competitors in the marketplace. Business strategy is the long-term planning and framework of actions aimed at achieving a competitive advantage and outperforming competition. To build sustainable competitive advantage, businesses must devise effective strategies that are in line with their core resources and strengths.

Porter’s Five Forces

Michael E. Porter, a renowned economist and professor, devised a powerful framework for analyzing the competitive forces in any given industry: Porter’s Five Forces Model. This model identifies the five forces that impact the level of competition in an industry and can assist businesses in determining where advantages might be established to create value for customers and shareholders. The five forces encompass:

  1. Threat of new entrants: This force represents the potential for new competitors to enter the market and challenge existing businesses. Barriers to entry, such as economies of scale, brand loyalty, access to distribution channels, and capital requirements, can either inhibit or stimulate new entrants, impacting the level of competition.

  2. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers can exert power by affecting the supply, quality, or price of raw materials or other inputs needed by businesses. Factors that influence their bargaining power include supplier concentration, differentiation of inputs, and the importance of the supplier’s product to the buyer’s business.

  3. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers can impact the market by demanding lower prices or higher quality goods and services. Factors influencing buyers’ bargaining power include buyer concentration, product differentiation, and the availability of substitutes.

  4. Threat of substitute products or services: The risk of customers switching to alternative products that perform similar functions or meet similar needs can impact the competitive landscape. The availability, pricing, and quality of substitute products will determine the level of threat they pose.

  5. Rivalry among existing competitors: The intensity of competition within an industry is influenced by factors such as the number of competitors, market growth rate, degree of product differentiation, and exit barriers.

By assessing these competitive forces, businesses can identify opportunities to strengthen their market position and devise strategies that enable them to establish a competitive advantage.

Value Chain Analysis

Value chain analysis is another framework that companies can use to create a competitive advantage. The concept, also introduced by Michael E. Porter, examines the series of activities that businesses perform to deliver valuable products or services to their customers. The value chain is divided into primary and support activities:

  1. Primary activities: These are directly involved in the production, sale, and after-sales service of a product. They include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service.

  2. Support activities: These are indirectly involved in the production process but contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the business. They include procurement, human resources management, technological development, and infrastructure.

By analyzing each activity in their value chain and identifying how each can be optimized, businesses can enhance their overall competitiveness, decrease costs, and increase the value they deliver to their customers.

Blue Ocean Strategy

In contrast to traditional competitive strategy frameworks that focus on outperforming rivals in existing market spaces, the Blue Ocean Strategy, developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, emphasizes creating uncontested market space and making the competition irrelevant. This approach encourages businesses to create new demand and break away from the competition by pursuing differentiation and low cost simultaneously.

The Blue Ocean Strategy is based on four key principles:

  1. Value innovation: Design and deliver unique, value-added products and services to create new demand and differentiate the business from competitors.

  2. Eliminate-reduce-raise-create (ERRC) framework: Identify elements that can be eliminated or reduced in the industry, elements that should be raised, and elements that can be created to differentiate from competition and add value to customers.

  3. Strategic alignment: Align organizational resources and processes with the overarching strategy to streamline execution and implementation.

  4. Overcome adoption hurdles: Address potential internal and external resistance to change by identifying and overcoming barriers to adoption.

By embracing these principles, businesses can devise innovative strategies that lead to long-term success, growth, and a sustainable competitive advantage.

Using Competitor Analysis for Strategic Decision Making

Competitor analysis is an essential practice that businesses use to gain an edge in their market. By understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of their competition, businesses can make well-informed decisions to compete more effectively.

Product and Service Development

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, businesses must continuously innovate and improve their products and services to stay relevant and competitive. When used strategically, competitor analysis can help guide product and service development by identifying gaps or areas of opportunity in the market that the competition has not yet addressed.

A thorough competitor analysis will gather information about the competition’s product lines, features, quality, and pricing, as well as customer satisfaction and feedback. This knowledge can help businesses understand what is important to customers, identify gaps and opportunities, and make decisions about product or service development to address those needs.

For example, consider a company operating in the mobile phone industry. By analyzing the products and services offered by competitors, the company can identify opportunities such as underrepresented customer segments, trends in technology that have not been utilized by competitors, or areas where customers are dissatisfied with the competition’s offerings.

Once these opportunities and gaps are identified, the company can develop a product or service that addresses these needs, setting them apart from their competitors and generating customer loyalty.

Marketing Strategies and Tactics

Competitor analysis can also provide valuable insights for developing effective marketing strategies and tactics. By understanding the competition’s marketing efforts, businesses can identify strengths and weaknesses in their own marketing approach and make appropriate adjustments to improve their competitiveness.

Targeting and Segmentation

By analyzing competitors’ marketing efforts, businesses can gain an accurate picture of their target audience and the segments they are focusing on. This information can help businesses identify underrepresented or overlooked customer segments, allowing them to develop marketing campaigns that cater to these groups.

Additionally, the insights gained from competitor analysis can inform businesses on which channels are most effective for reaching particular customer segments. This could involve discovering which social media platforms attract the most attention from their target demographic or which advertising method has the greatest impact.

Branding and Positioning

Branding and positioning play crucial roles in distinguishing a business from its competitors. By analyzing the competition’s branding strategy and positioning, businesses can identify gaps in the market where they can carve out a unique niche or brand identity, differentiating themselves from the competition.

For example, businesses may analyze their competition’s message and tone, visual elements, and overall brand perception to identify areas where they can stand out. Using this information, businesses can create a brand identity that resonates with their target audience while differentiating them from the competition.

Risk Management and Mitigation

A thorough competitor analysis can help businesses identify potential risks and challenges that could arise as a result of competitors’ actions or changes in the market. This information can be used to create proactive risk management strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of such risks.

For example, a business might foresee a competitor’s pricing strategy that threatens to undercut their own prices. This information allows the business to make informed decisions on how to counter this strategy, such as adjusting their pricing model, offering additional value through services or bundling, or finding ways to reduce operating costs to maintain competitive prices.

Performance Measurement

Finally, competitor analysis can play a critical role in evaluating a business’s performance against industry standards and their competition. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and benchmarking against competitors, businesses can identify areas in which they are excelling and those where they may be falling behind.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are quantifiable metrics that businesses use to track their performance and progress toward achieving their goals. By analyzing competitors’ KPIs and comparing them to their own, businesses can better understand their market position and identify areas for improvement.

Examples of KPIs that businesses may track and compare against their competition include revenue, customer satisfaction, market share, or social media engagement.


Benchmarking is the process of comparing a business’s performance metrics to industry best practices or the performance of competitors. This practice can help identify gaps in performance and highlight the areas in which a business can improve.

For instance, a business could use benchmarking to compare its customer service response time, product quality, or marketing spending to that of their competitors, providing valuable information about where they may need to invest resources or make changes to remain competitive.

In conclusion, a comprehensive competitor analysis can provide businesses with the insights needed to make strategic decisions in key areas, such as product and service development, marketing strategies, risk management, and performance measurement. By understanding their competition and adjusting their processes and tactics accordingly, businesses can carve out a unique position in the market, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately, achieve greater success.

Competitor Analysis — FAQ

What is Competitor Analysis, and why is it important?

Competitor Analysis refers to the process of evaluating and monitoring competitors within the business landscape, dissecting their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This valuable practice helps build effective strategies for market differentiation, enhance operations or service delivery methods, and maintain business competitiveness.

Which elements should be considered when conducting Competitor Analysis?

Key elements to consider while undertaking Competitor Analysis include competitor profile, product and services offered, target market, marketing strategies, pricing, SWOT analysis, current market share, company financials, customer satisfaction, market positioning, and technology utilization.

What are the primary steps involved in Competitor Analysis?

Competitor Analysis typically involves five steps: 1) Identifying industry key success factors; 2) Determining who the main competitors are; 3) Collecting and organizing data on direct and indirect competition; 4) Carrying out SWOT analysis to ascertain strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and 5) Utilizing insights to make informed strategy adjustments.

How can Competitive Intelligence tools assist in Competitor Analysis?

Competitive Intelligence (CI) tools assist in automating data collection and analysis in real-time, providing insights about competitors’ actions, trends, and customer preferences. These tools facilitate efficient competitor identification, enhance decision-making through data-driven insights, and improve reaction to market changes to maintain a competitive edge.

When should a company conduct Competitor Analysis?

Companies should conduct Competitor Analysis periodically, since market conditions and competition continuously evolve. Regular analysis allows businesses to stay updated on competitors’ strategies, identify potential threats or opportunities, and adapt their tactics to remain competitive and meet customer expectations.

What are the ethical considerations during Competitor Analysis?

Ethical considerations for Competitor Analysis include maintaining confidentiality of collected data, adhering to privacy guidelines, respecting copyright and intellectual property rights, and avoiding deception or misinformation when acquiring information about competitors. Responsibly conducting analysis promotes fair competition and upholds industry standards.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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