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  • What Are Networking Strategies And Why Do You Need One?

by Mike Vestil 

What Are Networking Strategies And Why Do You Need One?

Networking is an essential part of any successful professional’s arsenal of skills and an important part of professional development.

Networking is a way to make stronger connections with people within and outside your professional, personal, or industry circle by: introducing yourself, revealing your skills and experience, discovering opportunities and exchanging information.

It is not only about who you know but also how you know them. In this article, we will look at networking strategies to help you make meaningful connections and boost your career.

Overview Of Networking strategies

Networking strategies are key to professional success, and understanding the many types of networking can help bridge connections between people who have shared values, interests, and goals.

Professionals, both in career and in business, rely on networking to learn from other like-minded individuals to build relationships and expand their audience.

In this section, we will discuss the essential strategies of networking, how to effectively connect with others, and the importance of cultivating relationships over time. Specifically, we will look at Section Sub-section.

Networking is an essential skill for a successful career. It involves establishing and maintaining relationships with groups and individuals in a way that will benefit all involved.

Through networking, people can access new opportunities that may be different from those that are presented through job boards and other hiring processes. Networking strategies can be broadly divided into two categories: active and passive.

Active networking, also known as “networking on purpose,” involves reaching out to people and actively building relationships. This approach often involves the use of social media, professional events, and networking gatherings.

Passive networking, on the other hand, is all about being visible and giving others the opportunity to take notice of you.

This approach can include activities such as joining professional organizations, utilizing social media, and writing articles.

No matter what approach is taken, networking strategies must be effective and well-considered to ensure successful outcomes.

Additionally, it is important that individuals remain accountable and follow up with their connections regularly. Ultimately, successful networking involves dedication, openness, and goal-setting.

What Is Networking?

Networking is an integral part of attaining success in our modern world. By establishing meaningful and beneficial relationships with other people, we can expand our resources, gain access to different perspectives and experiences, learn from our connections, and ultimately increase our success.

In this article, we will explore various types of networking, the benefits of networking, and networking strategies that can help you reach your goals.

Types Of Networking

Networking is an essential strategy for networking professionals to build their contacts and develop fruitful business relationships. Networking involves establishing connections with those in the same industry, creating mutually beneficial relationships and developing contacts for potential collaborations.

There are several types of networking, including professional networking, which can be done through job fairs, seminars, conferences, and other professional events.

Informal networking involves relationship building in social settings such as clubs, bars, and other leisure activities. Online networking takes place mostly through professional websites, such as LinkedIn, to build online relationships.

Lastly, cold-calling involves using the telephone to contact potential colleagues and customers, with the goal of creating a connection.

Each of these types of networking has different benefits and drawbacks, but overall, they all have the same goal: creating connections that will benefit both parties.

Benefits Of Networking

Networking is an integral part of many successful businesses, with numerous benefits that can be reaped. From connecting with experts in your industry, to identifying potential customers and partners, networking can expand your company’s reach and increase its exposure.

Developing relationships with other professionals and forming strategic alliances can help to build a stronger brand and establish credibility.

Networking also promotes collaboration and learning, providing access to new skills and experiences, which could lead to improved efficiency and new ideas.

Additionally, attending events, such as conferences and trade shows, can provide you with the opportunity to engage with prospective clients, discover new trends, and make valuable connections.

What Is Networking Events?

Networking Events are an effective way to meet professionals in any field of interest. Such events offer a wide range of opportunities to establish connections with new people and build beneficial relationships.

Apart from providing an opportunity to build one’s professional network, attending these events can also lead to increased exposure and better employment prospects in the future.

They also present a chance to learn about the latest trends and technologies applicable to the respective field.

Networking events usually consist of a formal gathering of professionals, community members, and entrepreneurs who come together to exchange their knowledge and experiences and create links between them.

For example, industry conferences, seminars, trade shows, exercise sessions and talks can all be part of networking events.

These events take place in many cities across the world and may even be virtual. Those interested in attending these events should aim to research the event in order to plan their participation properly and make the most out of the experience.

What Are Network Strategies?

Network strategies are crucial to achieving success in almost any endeavor. Networks have been used to open up new markets to businesses, connect people to their next employer, and even develop new relationships, both business and personal in nature.

This article will explore some key principles, strategies, and tactics for those looking to advance their networking efforts.

We will focus on networking goals, networking tactics, networking tools, and networking skills, all of which are essential in building and maintaining effective networking relationships.

What Are Networking Goals?

At its core, the goal of effective networking is to develop a mutual understanding and trust between partners. Networking strategies help individuals to optimize their connections and build long-term relationships.

Networking goals should focus on developing relationships, exchanging information, and learning from different people.

By benefiting from the experiences of others, professionals can expand their knowledgebase and gain insight into different networking strategies.

Building stronger connections also allows individuals to be more connected, stay abreast of new developments and opportunities, and create valuable learning experiences.

Additionally, networking provides the opportunity for professionals to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and broaden their networks with the addition of new contacts.

Furthermore, networking goals should focus on helping professionals craft their personal stories, build meaningful connections, identify potential partnerships, and access mentorship opportunities. Ultimately, networking goals should be tailored to the individual’s particular needs and ambitions.

What Are Networking Tactics?

Networking strategies are essential in order to build, maintain, and strengthen professional relationships. It is especially vital to develop connections in fields that are related to the career path that one is looking to follow or pursue.

One specific type of networking, known as networking tactics, involves developing relationships, connections, and gain knowledge from those who are either established in the chosen profession or are working towards the same goals.

Networking tactics are a form of proactive activity, where one utilizes specific strategies to gain access to mentors who will provide advice and tips that may be helpful for career growth.

This can involve joining networking groups, researching important people and organizations in the professional field, attending professional conferences, and speaking at events.

Networking tactics requires one to think carefully about where and how to secure the best advice from professionals in the profession.

Additionally, some networking tactics require a more personal input, such as having coffee chats, meeting in person, and writing personalized emails or letters.

By utilizing effective networking tactics and developing meaningful relationships, one can gain access to important connections, advice, and opportunities.

What Are Networking Tools?

The use of networking tools is essential for modern businesses, from providing solutions to optimize existing operations to helping employers strategically reach their goals.

Networking tools can be used to facilitate everything from customer service and marketing-related tasks to product and supply-chain management.

A few of the more popular tools for networking include social media platforms, communication apps, business analytics software, and email services.

Social media marketing helps companies to boost their visibility and market their products and services to their target audiences.

Communication apps provide the means to quickly and effectively share real-time information and reports with remote teams while developing a unified corporate culture.

Business analytics software helps to track and analyze customer patterns and trends, which can provide valuable insights into audience demand and interests.

Lastly, email services help to stay in contact with customers and support rapid communication between members of the company.

Types Of Planning

Networking is a powerful tool for professional development, helping people to form partnerships, increase visibility, and build important contacts.

When networking, it is important to plan and schedule strategies in order to maximize results. In this section, we will discuss a networking plan and schedule as effective approaches to networking strategies.

Networking Plan

Creating a networking plan is essential for success in networking. A networking plan is a strategy for reaching out to potential connections, including potential employers and industry contacts.

When creating a networking plan, it is important to consider one’s ultimate goals. Knowing what one wants to achieve from networking is the first step.

Following that, one needs to create a target list of networking contacts. This list should include decision makers and influencers in the field that one is interested in.

Moreover, a networking plan should include a way to stay in contact with the contacts, such as via email or social media.

Additionally, a plan should include objectives and activities, such as attending industry events, conferences, or even entertaining clients.

Finally, a networking plan should include a timeline and deadlines to hold oneself accountable. Developing a comprehensive networking plan can make a huge difference in the success of the networking process.

Networking Schedule

Designing an effective networking schedule is critical for success. It should include both short-term and long-term goals, concentrating on building relationships that may take time to establish.

Crafting a networking strategy requires research: researching the target market, industry, and area to best understand the competition.

A successful networking calendar includes a variety of activities, from attending industry events to networking with professionals in similar fields.

Additionally, networking with potential employers, customers, and partners presents an opportunity for increased visibility and also allows for making connections that could lead to sales, jobs, and more.

Furthermore, utilizing social media platforms, attending professional meetings, and participating in webinars are all excellent ways to expand one’s network.

Finally, when creating a networking schedule, it is important to recognize the importance of following-up with contacts and making the most of connections.


When it comes to confidently executing and expanding upon successful networking strategies, it is important to keep in mind key etiquette and follow-up practices.

In this section, we will cover networking etiquette, networking follow-up, and other considerations.

Specifically, we will discuss how to prepare, how to approach networking conversations, how to foster relationships through follow-up, and how to avoid potentially awkward situations.

Networking Etiquette

When engaging in networking, there are certain etiquette rules that should be observed to ensure maximum success.

The first step is always to introduce oneself with a professional tone and practice active listening; by doing so, one can make a better impression on the person with whom they are communicating.

Additionally, it’s important to cultivate an attitude of openness and respect; even if others are not as knowledgeable or experienced as oneself, no one is above learning something new or listening to the ideas of others.

It’s also important to avoid using derogatory or dismissive language, as this may come back to bite one later on in the relationship.

Overly boastful statements should also be avoided, as humility can go a long way in ensuring better reception of one’s ideas.

Finally, maintaining a positive attitude and offering constructive criticism can help build bridges more quickly and efficiently.

In summary, being mindful of the principles of professional networking etiquette can make the difference between achieving one’s goals or getting lost in the shuffle.

Networking Follow-up

The key to successful networking is the follow-up. After a successful business meeting, it is important to take time to follow up with potential contacts and build your relationship.

Following up with potential contacts should be done as soon as possible, within 24 hours if possible.

Utilizing email, calls, and in-person visits, business professionals can reiterate their messages and reconnect with their potential contacts.

Strategies for following up should be tailored to the relationship and should include offering assistance, updates on business, and other conversation starters.

Furthermore, organizations can also take advantage of social media platforms to stay connected with contacts and keep the conversation going.

Ultimately, successful follow-up is essential for creating a lasting impression and enhancing relationships.

Networking Strategies: FAQs

What Is A Networking Strategy?

A networking strategy is a plan of action for establishing, strengthening, and expanding relationships with others to reach professional or personal goals.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Networking Strategy?

Networking strategies can help individuals broaden their influence, stay informed of current trends and events, increase job and business opportunities, and gain new skills.

How Can I Create An Effective Networking Strategy?

An effective networking strategy requires planning, setting goals, researching contacts, attending events, and keeping in touch. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to both online and offline strategies, for example LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and in-person events.

What Networking Skills Should I Develop?

Networking skills that are helpful to develop include interpersonal skills, active listening, communication skills, empathy, problem-solving, follow-up and follow-through.

What Resources Are Available To Help Me Create A Networking Strategy?

Information on networking strategies is widely available online, including guides and step-by-step instructions. There are also many books that provide in-depth information about networking and making connections.

What Should I Do After I Have Created A Networking Strategy?

Once a networking strategy has been created, it is important to put it into action by attending relevant events, connecting online, and following up with contacts. Additionally, it is beneficial to monitor and evaluate the success of the strategy, and make changes as necessary.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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