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  • The Beginner’s Guide To Social Media Strategies: What You Need To Know

by Mike Vestil 

The Beginner’s Guide To Social Media Strategies: What You Need To Know

Social media strategies are techniques and tactics companies use to increase their presence on different forms of social media platforms.

Companies use social media to engage with customers and build relationships in order to grow their brand and increase sales.

Different strategies exist to achieve a variety of goals such as increasing the reach of a post, improving customer engagement, or creating a sense of community among customers. This article will explore various strategies companies can use in order to effectively leverage social media platforms.

Top 5 Social Media Platforms

Social media has become an essential part of modern life, and businesses of all sizes are utilizing it to engage with their target audience.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of social media strategies, including an analysis of the most popular social media platforms.

We will explore the impact of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube on business trends, and offer insight into how to use them to build relationships with customers.


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, connecting billions of people worldwide. This platform emphasizes the power of relationships and helps businesses build relationships with customers.

With its user-friendly interface and a variety of features, businesses can create pages, share content, and gain exposure through organic and paid advertising campaigns.

Additionally, businesses can take advantage of insights generated by the platform, such as demographic data, to shape their strategies and target their desired audience.

With Facebook, companies can create and nurture meaningful connections with its customers, encouraging them to become long-term, loyal followers.

Companies utilizing the platform may also benefit from its Messenger feature, which provides a more personal and immediate experience for customers engaging with the company.

All of these features together provide companies with powerful tools for developing great social media strategies.


Twitter is a powerful and versatile social media platform. It offers a variety of features to engage customers including live streaming, creating polls, creating hashtags, quick replies to messages, and more.

Twitter is an excellent medium for disseminating short messages and links, as it is one of the most popular and widely used platforms in the world.

It also allows users to create and share links, photos, and videos, and helps establish and improve brand presence. Marketers can also use Twitter to track customer sentiment in real-time and identify customer pain points, which can be addressed through targeted campaigns.

Twitter aids in increasing customer loyalty by providing timely updates and responding quickly to customer inquiries. Twitter Ads are also a great way to generate leads and grow organic traffic, as well as boost brand recognition and reach.


Instagram is a popular social media platform, particularly among young adults, with over one billion monthly active users.

It offers a range of features that enable companies to engage with and grow their audience, such as hashtags, geofilters, and captivating visuals, as well as the ability to monitor competitor activity and measure campaign performance.

To maximize the use of Instagram, businesses can create captivating visuals, offer special deals for followers, and regularly post content to keep their followers engaged.

Additionally, strategizing and optimizing content so it appears on people’s feeds is key to success. Creating ads, interacting with followers, utilizing influencers, and joining conversations are all important ways to improve a brand’s visibility on Instagram.


LinkedIn is an important social media platform for businesses trying to reach potential customers, build connections and establish a presence online.

This platform offers users the ability to create professional profiles and connect with other professionals who have similar interests and backgrounds.

With LinkedIn, businesses have access to a wide range of other professionals who may be interested in the product or services their companies offer, making it a powerful tool for marketing and customer outreach.

Additionally, businesses are able to use the platform to publish content and participate in discussions with industry professionals and potential new customers.

With a plethora of features designed to help companies reach and engage with their target audience, LinkedIn provides a valuable service to businesses looking to maximize their social media reach.


YouTube continues to be the most popular platform for content creators and digital marketers. With over two billion monthly active users, the opportunities for content creation, engagement, and reach are endless.

YouTube is a powerful platform to build an audience, drive awareness, and elevate an online presence. Its video streaming format and user engagement capabilities offer endless possibilities for experimentation, creative expression, and reaching an unlimited audience.

Together with its extensive library of free tools and analytics, YouTube allows businesses to create an organic, scalable presence that boosts brand visibility and increases conversions.

For businesses, the right YouTube strategy needs to combine innovative content, clever marketing tactics, and an enthusiastic audience.

With an effective combination of creativity and technology, businesses can harness YouTube’s power to unlock growth opportunities and build a successful online presence.

Understanding Different Content Types

Social media is an increasingly popular avenue for businesses to reach out to their customers and engage in conversations.

As such, understanding different content types, such as text, images, videos, and links, is integral for businesses to strategize and maximize the reach of their content.

In this section, we will explore the various content types and discuss how they can be used to build up social media strategies.


ContentTypes is a critical component of social media strategy. Text content such as blog posts, articles, and whitepapers help users further understand topics related to a company and their products or services.

Such content provides in-depth knowledge that is helpful to customers, provides more information to search engines, and gives a website an authoritative presence.

Text content should be succinct, well-written, include relevant keywords and phrases, and be unique. Additionally, text should be separated by headers, subheaders, and visuals that clearly differentiate between the different topics included in a content post.

Moreover, text should include outbound linking to other trusted websites and content to further substantiate the topics discussed. Utilizing proper text content on a website helps build trust, rank higher on SERPs, and engage with a wider audience.


Images are a highly effective way of conveying messages on social media. An image can be a powerful way to attract people to your posts, engage with your content and understand complex ideas.

When crafting images for your social media strategy, keep in mind that images should be compelling, visually appealing, and convey a powerful message.

Additionally, you should consider the format of the image and how it will look on the various social media platforms.

Keeping the size, resolution and orientation of the image up-to-date with accepted standards will ensure that your content looks sharp and professional.

Utilizing the latest trends in design aesthetic such as minimalism and modern typography can help your content stand out from the noise and maximize your reach.

Additionally, when creating images for your posts, make sure to include relevant call-to-actions that draw the reader towards the next step.

This could be a link to your website or a sign-up for a newsletter, whatever is necessary for your particular strategy.

Lastly, images should be tailored to the OG tags of the post. OG tags are open graph tags that display an image, title and brief description when a link from that post is shared. This ensures a smooth and steady transition of your content across multiple platforms.


Videos are one of the most powerful forms of content when leveraging social media strategies. With the rise of platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitch, videos are becoming increasingly popular amongst target audiences.

Videos give brands and businesses the opportunity to tell creative stories that engage and captivate their audiences. Themes such as behind-the-scenes peeks, tutorials, product demonstrations, and customer stories create an emotional connection between a company and their viewers.

Social media channels like Facebook and Twitter also allow for quick and easy sharing of video content, further expanding a company’s reach.

Moreover, video content can be optimized with certain keywords so that they appear in search engine rankings, potentially bringing in more organic traffic.

Investing in high-quality videos with well-defined objectives is essential for success when utilizing video content in social media strategies.


Links are one of the most powerful social media marketing tools available. Creating and sharing links to your website or landing page can be a great way to increase your visibility and get more people to visit your content.

An attractive link will pique the user’s interest, and make them want to learn more. Connecting with influencers who have authority in the space and content your audience appreciates is also a great way to
use links to drive people to your website.

Additionally, utilizing link trackers through services like Bitly can help you better understand how people are reaching your pages and gauge their response to your content.

With these strategies, you can gain a better understanding of your audience, create meaningful and valuable content, and better optimize your links to drive maximum traffic.

3 Basic Elements Of Content Strategies

Social media strategies encompass the ways businesses use social media platforms to boost their presence, reach, and brand.

Content strategies are essential in creating engaging and effective social media campaigns. In this section, we will discuss scheduling, repurposing, and automation – the three elements of a successful content strategy for social media.


Scheduling content for social media platforms is an important process for any business. Planning the appropriate timing, frequency, and types of content are essential to developing effective social media strategies.

Timely content allows businesses to capitalize on trending topics, create conversation, and drive engagement among their target audience.

It also increases visibility of the brand, which can help direct traffic to the business’s website. With the right scheduling strategies, businesses can ensure their content reaches the majority of their followers.

Automation software allows users to plan content up to several months in advance, preserving the relevance of the posts while maximising the potential reach of the content.

Furthermore, utilizing analytics and insights can help businesses tailor their content to the times and days their audience is most active and engaged.


Repurposing content is an essential strategy to get the maximum value from social media platforms. Repurposing content means taking a piece of content that already exists, such as a blog post, video, or podcast, and transforming it into different social media visuals, podcasts, and stories.

Repurposing content is a great way to increase the reach of a post as well as engage with a larger audience. It also allows businesses to create different variations of the same content to highlight different aspects or appeal to different audiences.

Repurposing content also allows for social media marketing to be more budget-friendly, as there is no need to create new content from scratch.

Repurposing content helps optimize social-media strategies by reducing churn and saving time and resources to create new content.

Additionally, repurposed content gives businesses more freedom to create creative and engaging content that resonates with their specific target audience. Repurposing content also makes it easier to monitor the performance of posts and make strategic adjustments to optimize future campaigns.


The use of automation has become an increasingly popular tool in social media strategies. Automation is a process that enables businesses to automate tasks and actions that would otherwise be performed manually.

Automation can be used to create content, schedule posts, and govern interactions with followers. Automation can also be used to provide insights into the performance of a business’s digital assets, such as their social media accounts, websites, and search engine rankings.

Automation can be used to monitor and analyze how customers engage with a company’s brand, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights into their customers and the success of their campaigns.

Automation offers businesses a variety of benefits, including better targeting, reduced workload, and increased efficiency. Automation can be used to optimize the amount of time needed to run a successful social media campaign and to increase the reach of a brand’s message.

Audience Engagement Through Social Media

Audience engagement through social media is integral for the success of any business. Interacting, listening and responding to customers via social media platforms can help businesses build relationships and gain insights.

In this section, we will discuss how to effectively engage with customers through listening, responding, and interacting via social media.


Listening is an essential part of any successful social media strategy. By listening, businesses can gain valuable insights about their audiences and use this information to inform their marketing and outreach efforts.

Through active listening, businesses can learn about what audiences are interested in, what topics are resonating with them, and more.

Companies can also use listening to better understand their competitors’ strategies and tactics. Listen strategically to gain insights on how to stand out from competitors and create more effective marketing campaigns.

Additionally, it’s important to monitor how customers talk about the business and respond proactively to build positive relationships with customers. Audience engagement through listening can help businesses build loyalty and trust, ultimately resulting in increased sales.


Social media strategies often involve responding to feedback from an audience. Developing a successful strategy begins with understanding the most commonly used channels among an online audience.

Companies often use these channels to engage customers and respond to customer service complaints, feedback, or ideas.

This requires the ability to identify areas of opportunity and think quickly to respond appropriately. Furthermore, successful organizations use analytics tools to understand how their audience is interacting with their strategy.

Establishing baselines for engagement data, such as the average number of interactions a post receives, helps marketers track success and make necessary changes to tailor their strategies.

Additionally, it is important to understand the overall benefits of responding to comments, such as increasing customer loyalty, understanding customer sentiment, and increasing brand awareness and promotion.


Interacting with an audience on social media can be a powerful way to build relationships with customers and foster loyalty. Strategic interaction can be an effective method towards achieving customer engagement.

Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook offer a suite of engagement tools to send out messages, interact with comments, and create polls and surveys to engage audiences.

Through targeted engagement, teams can monitor comments and conversations, reply to comments on posts, host conversations with customers, and get data about customer sentiment in real-time.

It is also possible to use analytics to measure engagement levels with posts and track influential conversations. Interacting with customers allows businesses to establish an active presence on social media and become part of the community they are engaging with.

With well-thought-out engagement strategies, teams can quickly respond to customer queries and create meaningful conversations to build relationships with their target audience.


Social media is one of the most powerful tools in modern digital marketing. When used correctly, it can be a great way to reach and engage with target audiences, as well as to drive conversions. In this section, we will discuss analytics and how to track reach, engagement, and conversion with social media strategies.


Analyzing your reach is an integral part of your social media strategy. Reach is how far the message spreads through your target audience and is a measure of the potential reach of your content.

Knowing how far your message is spreading gives you an indication of how effective it is. With insights into reach, you can identify which content is performing well and use that insight to craft more successful social media campaigns in the future.

It is also important to understand that reach is not just about the number of people you reach, but also about understanding which networks are most effective for engagement with your content.

By analyzing reach insights, you can determine the best medium for your content and better target your audience.

Additionally, focus on how your reach is affected by the timing of your message as well as the type of content you create.

By understanding these elements of your outreach, you can develop more advanced strategies to engage your target audience.


Analytics is a critical element of any successful social media strategy. By leveraging data related to user engagement, marketers gain an understanding of what’s working and what’s not.

Engagement metrics measure audience interactions on social networks, like how much and how often people like, comment, click, and share content.

They also quantify the reach and impact of campaigns and posts by tracking elements like quote and re-tweet rates.

Companies can use this meaningful data to inform and optimize future content efforts and improve their ROI.

Understanding the level of engagement and how content resonates with audiences can also help identify target personas and audience segments.


Social media analytics provide different insight into the effectiveness of strategies on social media platforms. Among them, a key insight is conversion, which is a measure of how successful a given campaign was at achieving its goal.

Conversion focuses on how a visitor moves through multiple stages of a user journey and how likely a user is to take a specific action such as filling out a form or buying a product.

Conversion can be further divided into two categories of evaluation – success conversion and failure conversion.

Success conversion measures the percentage of successful visitors, while failure conversion measures the percentage of visitors who took a desired action but did not complete it.

To maximize the performance of any social media strategy, it is important to measure conversion rate not only on the surface level, but at a deeper level where the underlying reasons behind any given result can be understood and addressed in order to maximize future success.

Social Media Strategies: FAQ

What Is Social Media Strategy?

A social media strategy is a plan of action that outlines the purpose, goals, and tactics used to effectively engage current and potential customers through various social media platforms. It takes thorough market research and careful planning to ensure messages reach the right audience, embracing the target market’s means of communication.

How Can A Social Media Strategy Help My Business?

A social media strategy helps businesses to focus their efforts on achieving specific goals and objectives. It can help you reach new audiences, increase brand awareness, build relationships, and drive more traffic to your website. Utilizing a well-defined strategy can be an incredibly powerful way to interact with customers and future prospects.

Should I Use Automation In My Social Media Strategy?

Automation can be a valuable tool in a social media strategy, however, it should not be the only component in your efforts. Automation can be used to schedule posts and manage social media accounts, but nothing can replace the value of active engagement with customers and prospects.

What Are Some Important Considerations For A Social Media Strategy?

The key considerations for formulating an effective social media strategy involve targeting the correct audience, creating compelling content, maintaining accurate brand consistency, taking advantage of analytics to track success, and engaging with followers on a regular basis.

Are Paid Social Media Campaigns Worth Investing In?

Paid social media campaigns can be a worthy investment as they can produce effective outcomes with minimal effort. Ads on social media platforms allow you to filter your audience by age, interests, location and more, ensuring you reach the right people at the right time. Furthermore, you can test different content and measure results to optimize engagement and conversions.

How Often Should I Post On Social Media?

The frequency and timing of posts will depend on the type of content and platform being used. Posting too often may overwhelm users, whilst posting too little may lead to fewer interactions.

It is important to strike a balance and research the best times for publishing content for each platform. Regularly monitoring engagement will also bring valuable insight into when to post and how often.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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