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  • Alaska LLC Fees: Everything You Should Know

by Mike Vestil 

Alaska LLC Fees: Everything You Should Know

Forming an Alaska Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be a thrilling step in your entrepreneurial journey. LLCs come with numerous benefits, including personal liability protection, tax incentives, and a level of flexibility other business entities lack. Unfortunately, the paperwork and numerous Alaska LLC fees can scare people away from obtaining LLC licenses from which many could benefit.

However, starting an Alaska LLC isn’t nearly as complicated or expensive as you may believe, and we’re here to show you everything fee you may encounter and when.

In this post, we’ll discuss:

  • Alaska business name reservation fees
  • Alaska LLC filing fees for articles of organization
  • Operating agreement costs
  • Registered agent fees
  • Business license fees in Alaska
  • Sales tax registration fees
  • Annual Alaska LLC fees
  • Total cost of LLC fees in Alaska
  • Additional FAQs

Are you ready to become an LLC? Let’s get started.

Alaska LLC Fees Name Reservation

Even if you’re a sole proprietor and already have a name for your organization, you need to make sure that the business name for your LLC isn’t taken. Because it’s an LLC, your organization must include “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” “L.L.C.,” “LC,” or “L.C.” in its name. Check the search corporations database to make sure your desired name is available and distinguishable from other Alaska LLCs.

Reserving your business name costs $25 and gives you exclusive rights to it for 120 days, which should be more than enough time to form your LLC. However, before you fill out the business name reservation form, here are a few things you should consider:

  • Trademarks: Look your business name up in the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database to make sure it’s also available here. If another organization is already using it, you run the risk of infringing on its trademark.
  • URL Availability: For most businesses, the majority of their customers find them online. While it’s not a requirement, check to see if your business name’s URL is available. If another organization already uses that domain name, your potential customers may have difficulty finding you online. 
  • Fictitious Name: You are required to use your legal business name for official documents, like your articles of organization and registered agent form. However, you’re not required to use it in everyday conversation. If you want to build brand recognition with a catchier, more memorable name, you can file for a “Doing Business As” (DBA) name. You can register your DBA name for $25. 

Alaska LLC Filing Fees For Your Articles Of Organization

Once you have chosen your business name, you’re ready to file your articles of organization. 

These legal documents provide the Great State of Alaska with your LLC’s basic information. To complete your articles of organization, you will need to know the following:
  • The official name and address of your organization
  • Your “Doing Business As” designation, if applicable
  • The purpose of your business
  • Your registered agent’s name and address
  • The names and contact information of your organizer and officers
  • Annual report contact information

Make sure to double-check this document before you submit it, as errors can cause problems later on.

Your articles of organization cost $250 to file.

Operating Agreement Fees

Your operating agreement is a formal document that defines your LLC's rules, regulations, and liabilities. In other words, think of it as your organization’s constitution. 

Arkansas does not explicitly require you to submit an operating agreement. However, it is highly recommended for all businesses, even single-member LLCs with no employees. 

At a minimum, your operating agreement will make you think about the answers to questions you weren’t already asking yourself—but should be! It never hurts to have a formal plan when operating your business.  

The benefits of having an operating agreement don’t stop there. If you ever end up having to resolve a legal or financial dispute, refer to your operating agreement. Without one, crucial decisions may be left up to the courts, and their rulings may not be in the best interest of your organization. 

To get you started, here are a few questions you should answer in your operating agreement:

  • What are the powers and responsibilities of members?
  • How are memberships transferred?
  • How are new members inducted?
  • What are your indemnification and liability clauses?
  • How are profits and losses divided?
  • What are the ownership percentages and voting rights?

Also, include all the information you submitted in your articles of organization, and, just in case, outline how to dissolve an LLC

Drafting an operating agreement is free. However, some websites will charge you $50 - $200 to create one. You should also consider hiring an attorney to draft or look one over. 

Registered Agent Fees

A registered agent is the person or commercial entity responsible for receiving state notices and legal documents on behalf of your LLC. Your registered agent can be anyone who has a physical address in Alaska. If you want to become your LLC’s registered agent but only have a P.O. Box address in the state, this will not be sufficient. 

Once your LLC is officially formed, its physical address becomes publicly available. If you prefer to keep your address private, you can appoint another LLC member as your registered agent or hire a commercial registered agent service. 

Being a registered agent is free. However, if you want to hire a service, you can expect to pay $100 to $300 per year. 

Business License Fees In Alaska

You’re required to get a general Alaska business license to operate in the state. Luckily, it’s a pretty straightforward process. You can apply for or renew your license on the Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing website. It costs $50 to apply for a license and an additional $50 to renew each year. 

Sales Tax Registration Fees

Alaska is unique in the sense that they don’t have a statement sales tax. However, they do let some local jurisdictions levy a sales tax. 

If your business makes:

  • $100,000 or more in sales in the current or previous calendar year, or
  • Has 200 or more sales transactions in Alaska in the current or previous calendar year

You are required to collect sales tax from customers in participating jurisdictions. You must remit that sales tax on a periodic basis, either monthly, quarterly, or annually. Check the Sales and Use Tax page to see if this applies to your LLC. 

If you have to get a sales tax permit, you must provide the following information:

  • Your organization’s name
  • Contact information, including your address, email, and phone number
  • Employer identification number (EIN)

Good news: Getting a sales tax permit is free in Alaska, and you don’t have to renew it.

Annual Alaska LLC Fees

Congratulations on getting your Alaska LLC up and running! Now that you’re officially in business, you need to remain in good standing by complying with federal, state, and local requirements. The most notable condition is filing your biennial report. This report is due by January 2nd of every other year and costs $200 to file. 

While no one wants to pay an additional $200 every other year, one of the benefits of having an Alaska LLC is that you’re only filing your report every other year. Connecticut LLC fees, Georgia LLC fees, and Delaware LLC fees, along with most other states, require you to submit this report every year. 

Total Cost Of Alaska LLC Fees

Here’s a complete list of the LLC fees we’ve covered and how often they’re due:

Fee Type



Business name reservation


One time

DBA name designation


One time

Articles of organization filing fee


One time

Operating agreement costs

$0, or $50 - $200 or more

One time

Statutory agent fees

$0, or $100 - $300


Business license fee



Sales tax registration fees



Annual fees



Best Niches For Affiliate Marketing - FAQ

Do you still have more questions about Alaska’s LLC fees or more questions about LLCs in general? We’re here to help!

Alaska LLC Fees Name Search: What Can’t You Include In Your LLC Name?

You cannot have the following in your organization’s LLC name:

  • The word “incorporated,” “corporation,” or any abbreviation. These titles are reserved for corporations.
  • Anything that implies that you’re a government unit (city, borough, etc.) or agency (FDA, FBI, etc.)
  • Inappropriate or vulgar language
  • Names that are misleading
  • Internet addresses
  • Words that identify goods and services or slogans that are associated with another organization’s trademarks or service marks.

Do You Need A Certificate Of Good Standing?

Typically, you will need to have a copy of your Certificate of Good Standing (also known as a Certificate of Compliance) to open a bank account or work with a lending institution. You can get this document on Alaska’s government website. A physical copy costs $10.

What Do You Need To Include In Your Biennial Report?

The information you need for your biennial report is very similar to what you include in your articles of organization. The form requires:

  • Your organization name, address, and contact information
  • The name and address of your registered agent
  • The names and contact information of your organizer and officers
  • Your “Doing Business As” designation, if applicable
  • The purpose of your business

Should You Become An LLC Or Sole Proprietor?

We strongly recommend forming an LLC instead of being a sole proprietor. LLCs enjoy many of the tax benefits a sole proprietor receives. However, LLCs also separate your business and personal assets. If you lack this protection, you become responsible for any of your company’s liabilities and debts. If your company experiences hardship or you get sued, your personal assets, including your home and car, could be in jeopardy.


There is no secret formula to making money with your blog. While it is not a very complicated process, it does take time to set up and get the ball rolling. However, if you are ready to put some work into it, I'm sure you can find a way for your blog to become profitable.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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