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  • How To Add A Member To An LLC

by Mike Vestil 

How To Add A Member To An LLC

When adding a new partner or member to an LLC, certain steps must be taken for everything to go smoothly.

In this article, I'll review and discuss the various steps that need to be taken to successfully add a member or partner to an LLC so you can make the process as smooth and easy as possible.

How To Add A Member To An Existing LLC

Here are the steps you should follow when adding a member or partner to an LLC.

Draft An LLC Operating Agreement

The first step in adding a new member or partner to an LLC is drafting and amending the Operating Agreement. The Operating Agreement outlines the roles, responsibilities, and rights of each member of the LLC. It should be reviewed periodically to reflect any ownership or management structure changes.

Amend The Operating Agreement

Once you've drafted and reviewed the Operating Agreement for accuracy, you'll need to amend it with your state's filing requirements and include any provisions specific to your company or situation. This amendment must then be signed by all parties involved, including existing and new LLC members.

Obtain And File The Required Documents With The State

Once you've amended the Operating Agreement, you'll need to obtain and file the necessary documents with your state. Depending on your LLC's location, this could include filing a Certificate of Amendment with your state's Secretary of State office.

Issue New Member Certificates

The next step in adding new members to an LLC is issuing them their membership certificates. It's essential to keep careful records of these certificates as they will serve as proof of ownership if questions or disputes arise.

Notify The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Once all the above steps have been taken, you'll need to notify the IRS by filing Form 8832 (Entity Classification Election). This form must be completed and signed by all parties involved in the LLC.

Provide Notice To Existing Members

Once you've notified the IRS, it's important to provide notice of the new member or partner to existing members of the LLC. It's best practice to do this via certified mail so that there is proof of receipt.

Hold An Organizational Meeting

The next step in adding a new member or partner to an LLC is holding an organizational meeting for all members of the LLC. This meeting should include introductions, a review of the Operating Agreement, and any other pertinent information about how day-to-day operations will be conducted.

Create A Separate Bank Account For The New Member

The final step in adding a new member to an LLC is creating a separate bank account for them. This will allow you to keep track of their contributions and expenses and provide some financial security if there are disputes or disagreements.

Evaluating The Pros And Cons Of Adding A Partner To Your LLC 

Adding a partner to your LLC can be an excellent way to take advantage of shared resources and creativity benefits. However, before jumping into a new partnership, it is important to understand the potential drawbacks of adding a partner. 

Let's examine some advantages and disadvantages of adding a partner to your LLC.

Pros Of Adding A Partner 

The primary benefit of adding a partner to your LLC is that you gain access to more resources and creative skills. This can help you increase efficiency, expand your business reach, and improve profitability. 

Additionally, having multiple owners in an LLC helps to spread out the financial burden so that each owner does not shoulder all the responsibility for the company's success or failure.

Lastly, working with another person can be incredibly rewarding as you both strive towards common goals and build something together! 

Cons Of Adding A Partner

On the other hand, some potential drawbacks are associated with adding a partner to your LLC. One common issue is differences in opinion or management philosophy which can lead to conflicts between partners. 

Furthermore, managing complex financial arrangements such as profit sharing or compensation packages can also be challenging when multiple people are involved. 

Finally, suppose one partner leaves or cannot fulfill their duties due to illness or other reasons. In that case, this can create additional stress for remaining members who must take on extra workloads or find new partners quickly. 

What Is Required When Adding A Member To An LLC?

The processes for adding a new partner or member to an LLC vary by state, but most require at least two documents:

  • An amendment to the original operating agreement and
  • A consent form signed by each member of the LLC.

The amendment details all changes made due to the addition of a new partner or member. The amendment also must include information such as the name and address of the new partner/member and the percentage of ownership held by each individual.

In addition, any changes made due to the inclusion of this new partner/member must also be noted in this document. This includes but is not limited to changes in management structure, ownership percentages held by existing members, etc. 

The operating agreement is one of the most important documents for any business, including an LLC. It outlines all aspects of managing your business, including rights and responsibilities for each member and rules for decision-making and handling disputes.

The Importance Of Unanimous Agreement

It can be exciting to add a new member to your LLC. However, there are essential steps that must be taken. When you bring on a new member, all existing members must unanimously agree on the incoming partner's financial contribution and their share of profits and losses. This is essential for all members of the LLC to remain on equal footing with one another; it is also required by law in most states.

If you have an operating agreement, you should always amend it when bringing on a new member. This will ensure that all members, old and new, are on the same page regarding expectations, contributions, roles, and procedures for running the business. 

The operating agreement should outline how partners make decisions and disputes are handled. It should also contain information about ownership interests and voting rights—all of which needs to be amended if any changes occur within the LLC. 

Other Factors To Consider 

Here are a few other factors to consider when adding a new member to an LLC

Tax Considerations

All members of an LLC need to understand that tax considerations may change when adding a person or entity into their business structure. Depending on your location, different rules may apply when bringing a partner into your business venture—including filing requirements with federal and state agencies.

It is always wise to consult with an accountant or lawyer before making any changes related to your LLC structure so that everyone involved understands the potential implications of this decision.  

Abide By State Law 

In addition to understanding and abiding by your company's operating agreement, there may also be certain state regulations that apply when adding a new member. For example, some states require filing articles of amendment with the state's Secretary of State office or other similar entity following any changes in membership structure. Ensure you understand all applicable laws so that you don't face penalties or fines for noncompliance.

Report Changes To The IRS

It is essential that any changes in membership structure are reported accurately using Form 8832 from the IRS – even if an LLC already has multiple members prior to adding another one! 

This form helps ensure that taxes are paid correctly based on each member's percentage ownership interest and their contributions (if any) towards capital gains taxes owed by the LLC itself. Additionally, it helps determine whether an LLC has elected "disregarded entity status" or "partnership status" under federal tax law.  

When paying yourself from an LLC, it's important to understand the tax implications of adding a new member.

Update Business Records

After filing all necessary paperwork with your state and creating operating agreements between yourself and other members, it is time to update all business records related to the new member's addition. This includes updating bank accounts, tax records, and insurance policies so that everything accurately reflects the change in ownership/membership.

Additionally, ensure that any online accounts associated with your business (e.g., social media profiles) are updated accordingly. While this might incur some LLC costs, it's essential to ensure your records accurately reflect the current makeup of your LLC.  

Background Check On Prospective Member(s)

Before allowing someone else into your LLC, you must research their background and experience to ensure they fit your organization's goals without causing disruption or conflict. 

You should conduct a thorough background check that includes reviewing their credit history, criminal records, education history, and employment history. This might help determine their character, personality, and expertise.

Defining Capital Contributions

When a new member joins an existing LLC, they must make some capital contribution as part of their membership agreement. This could be anything from cash, property, or services the new member provides. 

The amount of capital contributed should be clearly outlined in the operating agreement. When it comes time for profits or losses to be distributed among members, each person's share is based on the amount of capital they initially contributed. 

Outlining Percentage Ownership Share

The percentage ownership share for each member should also be defined in the operating agreement when adding a new member to your LLC. This number ranges from zero percent (if no capital is contributed) to 100%. Members must agree on the percentage of ownership, so everyone knows where they stand when it comes time for decision-making and profit/loss distribution down the road. If necessary, percentages can always be altered later on if needed.

What Paperwork Is Needed To Add A Member To LLC?

Adding a new partner to an LLC can be exciting, but it's also essential to understand the potential changes that could occur with your LLC's income tax status. By default, multi member LLCs are considered partnerships when it comes to taxes. Hence, only if two partners initially existed there be changes in income tax status upon adding another member. This is when filing Form 8832 with the IRS is necessary.

Form 8832 is a document that needs to be filed with the IRS if you want your Limited Liability Company (LLC) to be taxed as a corporation instead of as a partnership. The IRS established this form in 2003, and since then has been used by many businesses looking to change their business structure and taxation requirements.

If your LLC already exists and has two or more members, you must file form 8832 if you add more members. The additional members will result in your LLC no longer being classified as a partnership for tax purposes. Suppose you do not file form 8832 and select corporate taxation. In that case, your LLC may be subject to double taxation – one at the entity level and another at the owner level – which can be extremely expensive for your business.

Form 8832 requires basic information about your LLC, such as its name, address, date of formation, members' names and social security numbers or tax ID numbers, type of business activity performed by the company (Sole Proprietorship/Partnership/Corporation/etc.), and type of corporation chosen (Regular C Corporation/S Corporation/Election Not To Be Treated As A Corporation).

 It also requires information on how profits are distributed among members (profits versus losses) and whether any special allocations were made among members regarding those distributions. All this information must be provided accurately for form 8832 to be accepted by the IRS.

Checking Your Business Status

It's important that you check your business status regularly following any changes made within your LLC structure. This includes verifying that all documents have been accepted or rejected by relevant agencies like the Secretary of State or IRS/state tax agencies, if applicable. 

You may want to consult with legal counsel regarding any questions or issues that may arise during this process to remain legally and fiscally compliant when it comes time for taxes at year-end.

How To Add A Member To An LLC - FAQ

Can I Add A Member To My LLC?

Yes, you can add a member to your LLC. Depending on the formation documents of your LLC, you may need to file an amended Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State in your state. 

Additionally, you should draft and execute an Operating Agreement or Amendment to the LLC's Operating Agreement that outlines how profits and losses will be allocated and other vital details about management and voting rights.

Can You Add Members To A Single-Member LLC?

Yes, you can add members to a single-member LLC. Adding members to an LLC is a relatively straightforward process. You will need to file paperwork with your state's business division or Secretary of State office. The paperwork may include the Certificate of Amendment, Articles of Organization, and other relevant documents. Additionally, you must adhere to applicable state laws when adding members to your LLC.

How Long Does It Take To Add A Member To LLC?

The amount of time it takes to add a member to an LLC can vary depending on the state in which you operate. Generally, it can take anywhere from one week to several months. Many states require that certain documents be submitted and approved before any changes can be made, so it is important to check with your state's business division or Secretary of State office for the specific timeline applicable to your organization.

Additionally, you will need to ensure all new members are adequately informed about their roles and responsibilities within the LLC before officially adding them as members.

How Can You Add Your Spouse As A Member Of An LLC?

The same process applies to adding your spouse as a member of an LLC. First, both you and your spouse must agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the operating agreement. Then, each spouse must sign the operating agreement and submit it to their respective state's agency for approval.

Is An LLC License Required To Add A Member?

No, there's no need for an LLC license to add a member. However, you will need to file paperwork with the Secretary of State in your state and adhere to any applicable state laws when adding members to your LLC.

How Do You Dissolve An LLC With Multiple Members?

If your LLC has multiple members, you must follow the procedures outlined in the LLC's operating agreement or articles of organization to dissolve the LLC properly. Generally speaking, this will require a majority vote by all members for dissolution. Once a decision has been made to dissolve, the LLC must file paperwork with their state's business division or Secretary of State office. 

This paperwork may include a Certificate of Dissolution and other documents as the state dictates. After dissolution has been approved, all remaining assets and liabilities must be properly distributed among members according to the LLC's operating agreement and applicable state law.


Adding a member to your LLC can be a beneficial move for the growth and development of your business. However, it is important to ensure that you follow all the proper procedures to remain compliant with state legal requirements and avoid potential taxation issues.

Additionally, it is important to thoroughly understand the rights and responsibilities of all new members before officially adding them as a member of your LLC. Following these steps will help ensure that the addition of a new member goes smoothly and without issue.

Further reading on MikeVestil.com: Knowing how to start an LLC  is the first step in forming a business.

From selecting a registered agent for LLC  to filing the necessary paperwork with the right agencies, knowing what is an LLC and how to get started is essential for business success.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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