
by Mike Vestil 

How to Overcome Fear

Fear slowly kills us.

It prevents us from living our life..

It prevents us from meeting amazing people..

And it kills any chance we may have at becoming successful..

The ONE question I have for you is how long are you going to allow your fear to control you?

Learn how to overcome fear with today’s video.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofKNlhQWekw[/embedyt]

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Dale Carnegie once said,

“Inaction breeds fear and doubt while action breeds courage and confidence.”

What he’s basically saying is if you want to conquer your fear, stop staying at home and just wait and think..


One of the biggest question that I wanted to make sure gets answered is for those people whose biggest concern is their own fear.

So in today’s blog, we’re gonna go over how to actually overcome this fear.

Now the best way for me to actually relay this message is through a story that happened when I was younger.

Believe it or not, my entire life was filled with fear.

I was afraid of going out or even just the thought of getting sick.

And as I got to college, my fear got even worse. I feared disappointing my parents and not winning their approval when I left college.

Those were actually one of the biggest fears in my life… Facing the fear of constant ridicule from my family and college friends.

It’s kind of like any other fear that you had as a normal person but for some reason . .

This was constricting me guys…

But then I figured out a process that helped me overcome that fear..

This should help you in whatever fear that you may have. .

It could be fear of business, talking to the person you like, or fear of getting the body that you want because you’re afraid of what people may think about you at the gym.

Now applying these three questions will literally change your life!


What Am I Really Afraid Of?

The thing about fear is that you’re not even afraid of the fear that you have. .

You’re just afraid of the unknown.

It’s the unknown that actually eludes us.

That is why the first thing that you need to do is DEFINE YOUR FEARS.

For instance, I used to be very afraid of getting judged.

And as what I realized back then, I was actually afraid of my parents and what they would think.

I feared that my college friends would think and see me as a failure.

I have lots of “WHAT IF’s”. .

What if I disappoint all the people that I care about?

What if I fail their expectations?

What if they will see me as a failure after the dental school?

So by the time that I was able to define those fears, I realized they weren’t even that bad…


What’s The Worst Thing That Could Happen?

So what I did was to playout the worst possible scenario in my brain.

Now you’re probably thinking what happened to my optimism. .

But like I said, always remember the biggest problem with fear is that it is unknown.

And for example, the reason why you’re not going out there and taking those risks that aren’t even risks in health, wealth, love or happiness…


That’s why people are so afraid of death, because they don’t know what’s gonna happen after.

So the next thing you want to do is just define the worst-case scenario.

Say I had around $1,000. I was thinking of all those different businesses I could do from affiliate marketing, to dropshipping or to YouTube. .

I planned on turning my dreams into reality..

To try and build this online business so that I could actually have freedom for myself.

I did side hustles like working for a dental office, worked as a counselor for a summer camp, and even tried doing some modeling for gigs.

All that was so I can save up the money to really get that first $1000 and to really invest in my business.

So now the worst case scenario that I played out was to ask myself what would happen if Iost the only $1,000 that I have in business.

I then thought to myself I’d go back to square one. My mom will probably think I’m a failure or all my friends back in college would do so and ridicule me for that.

Those could be the worst kick I’d get.

But guess what guys?

The minute I imagined those worst case scenario and I realized that it wasn’t all that bad, the fear just suddenly goes off!

Now that leads me to the next step of the process.


What Steps Do I Need To Take To Prevent The Worst Case Scenario?

This time, you gotta define the action plan that you need to implement when you’re facing the worst of the worst.

Odds are, the worst case scenarios ain’t gonna happen.

Once you have the strategies in place and position, you’re gonna have this confidence because you’re now prepared and certain with your approach.

So those are the three BIGGEST thing guys!

Like I said, start off by defining what it is that you’re afraid of, imagine the worst case scenario and identify the action plan.

So it doesn’t matter what is going on in your life right now.

You might be afraid of being judged at the gym, failing in business, or fearful of what your parents might think or your friends might think about what you’re currently doing right.

But that should be none of your fear!


Because you will be ready with these three questions.

Now some of you guys got curious and might be thinking that I’m living the life of freedom and abundance and just travelling around the world . .

(And like taking cool Instagram pictures with girls and waterfalls and what not. .)

People would usually ask me WHAT AM I NOW AFRAID OF.

When I first got asked this question, my biggest fear back then was death

But then looking back, my new fear is not living while I was alive.

So guys hopefully, that kind of sparked some kind of imagination or creativity in your brain.

If this content resonates with you and if you want more topics like this, subscribe to my Youtube channel and get notified.

Take it easy guys!

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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