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  • Angel Investing: A Look into the World of Startup Funding

by Mike Vestil 

Angel Investing: A Look into the World of Startup Funding

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In this comprehensive article, you will learn about angel investing, its history, and how it differs from venture capital. We will delve into the characteristics of angel investors, how to become one, and the advantages and disadvantages of this investment strategy.

The article further explores key factors for successful angel investing, legal and regulatory considerations, and presents case studies of successful angel investments. By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of what angel investing entails, providing valuable information to help you decide if it’s the right investment strategy for you.

What is Angel Investing?

Angel investing refers to the process by which an individual, known as an angel investor, provides financial support to an entrepreneur in the early stages of their business venture, usually in exchange for equity in the company. These investors are typically high-net-worth individuals with a strong background in entrepreneurship, finance, or other relevant industries.

Definition of Angel Investing

Angel investing is a form of private equity investment made by affluent individuals into early-stage start-ups, typically in exchange for a percentage of ownership. The primary goal of angel investing is to help entrepreneurs develop their companies and bring their products or services to market, while also potentially generating substantial returns for the investor if the business becomes successful.

Angel investors often provide valuable experience and resources, in addition to financial investment, by offering guidance, advice, and access to their network of contacts within the industry. This form of mentorship can be vital in helping an entrepreneur navigate the challenges of building a successful business.

History of Angel Investing

The term “angel investor” was originally used in the New York City theater industry to describe wealthy individuals who provided funding for Broadway shows. Over time, the term gained popularity and was adopted by the broader investment community to describe affluent individuals who provided critical financial support for start-ups and other early-stage ventures.

Angel investing gained significant traction during the tech boom of the 1990s, where high-net-worth individuals played instrumental roles in backing companies that would later become major successes, such as Amazon, Apple, and Google. Since then, the landscape for angel investing has evolved, and it now plays a central role in financing the global start-up ecosystem.

With the growing popularity of entrepreneurship and the rise in the number of start-ups, angel investing has become a more prevalent form of investment. In addition, technological advancements have enabled the development of online platforms that connect entrepreneurs with potential investors, further contributing to the expansion and accessibility of angel investing.

Difference Between Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists

While both angel investors and venture capitalists contribute financial resources to early-stage companies, there are notable differences between the two:

  1. Investment size: Angel investors typically invest smaller amounts of capital, ranging from a few thousand dollars to a couple of million, depending on the investor and the opportunity. In contrast, venture capital firms invest significantly larger amounts, with average deals in the millions or tens of millions of dollars.

  2. Stage of investment: Angel investors usually provide funding during the earliest stages of a company’s development, such as the seed or pre-seed stage. Venture capitalists tend to invest at later stages of a company’s growth, such as the Series A or B round.

  3. Source of funds: Angel investors use their personal funds to make investments, whereas venture capital firms pool funds from multiple sources, such as pension funds, insurance companies, and other institutions.

  4. Involvement: Angel investors often take on a more active role in the companies they invest in, providing mentorship and sharing their experiences, while venture capitalists may take a more hands-off approach due to the higher number of portfolio companies they manage.

  5. Focus: While both parties invest in high-potential start-ups, venture capitalists often have a more narrowly defined sector or industry focus, where they possess domain expertise. Angel investors tend to have broader preferences, investing in a wider variety of sectors and industries.

Despite these differences, angel investors and venture capitalists both play crucial roles in the start-up ecosystem, providing much-needed financial resources and expertise for promising companies looking to grow and succeed.

Characteristics of Angel Investors

Angel investors are individuals who invest their personal funds in start-ups and small businesses in exchange for equity ownership or convertible debt. This investment strategy allows these investors to become involved in the growth of innovative companies during their early stages. Angel investors play a crucial role in the business landscape, filling the gap between friends and family funding and venture capital investments.

Profile of an Angel Investor

Angel investors often have certain characteristics that set them apart from other types of investors. Some key attributes of an angel investor include:

  1. Successful entrepreneurs or business professionals: Most angel investors have a background in entrepreneurship, having successfully built and sold their own businesses, or have extensive experience in their respective industries as C-level executives or professionals. This wealth of knowledge and experience can add immense value to start-ups, as the angel investor can provide guidance and mentorship in addition to funding.

  2. High net worth: Angel investors must be accredited investors as defined by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, which means they must have a net worth of at least $1 million (excluding their primary residence) or an annual income of at least $200,000 ($300,000 for a married couple) for the preceding two years. This requirement ensures that angel investors have the financial resources to participate in high-risk investments like start-ups.

  3. Risk-tolerant: Investing in start-ups is inherently risky, as a significant percentage of new businesses fail within their first few years of operation. Angel investors embrace this risk and are often attracted to the potential for substantial returns on their investments if a start-up becomes successful.

  4. Passionate about innovation: Angel investors often seek out investment opportunities that align with their personal interests or professional expertise. Many angel investors focus on specific industries or sectors, such as technology, healthcare, or clean energy, where they believe they can add the most value.

Investment Criteria

Angel investors assess potential investment opportunities based on various factors, including:

  1. Market potential: A business must demonstrate the potential for significant growth and profitability within its target market. Angel investors want to see that there is a clear demand for the start-up’s product or service and that the market size is large enough to support substantial revenue generation.

  2. Scalability: The business model should be easily scalable, allowing for rapid expansion and increased revenues without significant increases in costs. Scalability plays a significant role in a start-up’s potential for exponential growth and its ability to capture market share before competitors enter the scene.

  3. Management team: A strong management team is an essential factor for many angel investors, as they believe that a great idea’s success depends on the people running the business. The management team must demonstrate a balanced mix of skills, experience, and dedication to their venture.

  4. Exit strategy: Angel investors want to see clear exit pathways with a projected timeframe to realize their returns on investment. Potential exit strategies can include a merger, acquisition, or initial public offering (IPO).

Investment Amounts and Portfolio Strategy

Angel investors typically invest smaller amounts than venture capital firms, with investments ranging from $25,000 to $250,000 or more. These smaller funding amounts allow angel investors to maintain a diversified portfolio of investments, with many investing in multiple start-ups concurrently. This diversification strategy helps to mitigate risk, as the likelihood of one successful investment can offset potential losses from other investments.

Additionally, many angel investors choose to join angel networks or syndicates, where they can pool their investment funds with other like-minded investors. This strategy allows angels to participate in larger funding rounds, access a broader range of deals, and share due diligence efforts in evaluating prospective investments.

In summary, angel investors are crucial players in the start-up ecosystem, characterized by their entrepreneurial background, high net worth, risk tolerance, and passion for innovation. They assess potential investments based on market potential, scalability, management team quality, and exit strategy while employing diverse portfolio strategies to balance risk and returns.

How to Become an Angel Investor

Becoming an angel investor can be an exciting and rewarding way to support new businesses and help drive innovation in various industries. Angel investors are individuals who provide financial support to early-stage companies in exchange for equity or debt in the company. They generally invest their own money and have a vested interest in the success of the businesses they support. This article will discuss how to identify investment opportunities, conduct due diligence, and join angel investor networks and groups to maximize your success as an angel investor.

Identifying Investment Opportunities

The first step in becoming an angel investor is identifying promising investment opportunities. There are several ways to go about this, including:

  1. Networking: One of the best ways to find investment opportunities is through your personal and professional networks. Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups to connect with entrepreneurs and other investors who may lead you to potential investments.

  2. Online Platforms: There are several platforms dedicated to connecting angel investors with startups seeking funding, such as AngelList, SeedInvest, and Gust. Registering with these platforms can help you discover new investment opportunities, and you can filter the search based on criteria such as industry, location, and funding stage.

  3. Incubators and Accelerators: These are programs that provide startups with resources, mentorship, and an opportunity to pitch to investors. By visiting or partnering with local incubators and accelerators, you can get early access to promising startups looking to raise funds in your region.

  4. University Programs: Many universities have entrepreneurship programs aimed at supporting and nurturing startup ideas. Partnering with these programs or attending their events can provide an opportunity to identify promising early-stage companies.

  5. Media and Publications: Keep up-to-date on industry news and publications, as they can provide valuable information about up-and-coming startups, potential investments, and trends in various sectors.

Conducting Due Diligence

Before making any investment, it is crucial to conduct thorough due diligence on the startup and its founders. This process will help you evaluate the potential risks and rewards associated with the investment. Some aspects to consider during due diligence include:

  1. Market Validation: Research the market to understand the demand for the product or service, potential target customers, competition, and size of the opportunity.

  2. Business Model: Evaluate the feasibility of the startup’s business model, profitability, scalability, and revenue generation potential.

  3. Financial Projections: Review the startup’s financial projections for the next few years and compare them to industry benchmarks.

  4. Intellectual Property: Determine if the startup owns any patents, trademarks, or copyrights, and whether its intellectual property is adequately protected.

  5. Team and Advisors: Assess the skills, experience, and relevant expertise of the founders and the advisory team.

  6. Legal Matters: Ensure that the startup has all necessary licenses, permits, and insurance, and that it complies with any relevant regulatory frameworks.

  7. Exit Strategy: Ensure that the startup has a clear exit strategy, as this is crucial for determining when and how you can realize returns on your investment.

Joining Angel Investor Networks and Groups

One effective way to amplify your success as an angel investor is by joining an angel investor network or group. These organizations provide:

  1. Access to Deal Flow: Being part of an investor network increases your exposure to investment opportunities, providing you with a broader selection of startups to choose from.

  2. Diligence Support: Other experienced investors in the group can help to facilitate and streamline the due diligence process, potentially leading to better investment decisions.

  3. Syndicate Investments: Joining forces with other investors can increase your negotiating power, enabling you to obtain more favorable terms on investments.

  4. Resources and Education: Many angel investor groups offer resources and educational opportunities for their members, such as workshops, seminars, and industry reports.

  5. Networking Opportunities: Joining an investor group provides opportunities for networking with like-minded individuals, leading to potential collaborations and partnerships.

To find an angel investor network or group that aligns with your interests and investment strategy, start by researching local organizations. You can also consider joining national or international networks like the Angel Capital Association, Keiretsu Forum, or Tech Coast Angels.

Becoming an angel investor involves identifying investment opportunities, conducting thorough due diligence, and leveraging the resources and support provided by angel investor networks and groups. By following these steps, you can build a diverse portfolio of startup investments and contribute to the growth of innovative businesses.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Angel Investing

Advantages of Angel Investing

One of the main advantages of angel investing is the opportunity to make a significant impact in a startup’s journey. Below, we discuss three key benefits of angel investing: risk diversification, supporting startups and entrepreneurs, and the potential for high returns.

Risk Diversification

Angel investing helps investors diversify their portfolio by providing a mix of investment asset classes. In addition to traditional investment vehicles such as stocks and bonds, angel investing adds early-stage companies to the mix. This can help investors reduce overall risk exposure, as the performance of startups may often be uncorrelated with that of publicly traded securities.

By including startups in their investment portfolios, investors can potentially benefit from the unique growth opportunities offered by these riskier investments without compromising overall stability.

Supporting Startups and Entrepreneurs

Many investors, particularly those with an entrepreneurial background, are drawn to angel investing due to the ability to support startups and entrepreneurs. This support can go beyond providing financial capital as angel investors often bring significant operational expertise, making strategic introductions, and mentoring entrepreneurs.

This can be highly rewarding, especially for investors who enjoy seeing the impact of their contributions on the growth of the companies they invest in. In many cases, angel investing provides a sense of satisfaction and achievement that cannot be achieved through investing in publicly traded securities.

Potential for High Returns

While angel investing is inherently risky, it also offers the potential for high returns. As an early-stage investor, angels can acquire equity in startups at relatively low valuations before they achieve significant growth or gain traction in the market. Startups that go on to become highly successful might offer exponential returns on the original investment, making up for the risk of potential losses.

Disadvantages of Angel Investing

On the other side of the coin, angel investing has its drawbacks, including a high risk of loss, liquidity concerns, and the time-consuming nature of the process. Each of these challenges comes with its own set of considerations.

High Risk of Loss

Angel investments are inherently high-risk propositions. According to some studies, the majority of startups fail within the first few years, leading to a complete loss of invested capital. Therefore, investors must be prepared to navigate these uncertain waters and potentially experience more losses than they might in a more traditional investment market.

Liquidity Concerns

One significant difference between angel investments and publicly traded investments is liquidity. Shares in publicly traded companies can be bought and sold quickly and easily on a stock market, providing instant liquidity. Conversely, angel investments tend to be highly illiquid as there is no secondary market for equity in privately-held companies.

A lack of liquidity means investors may have to wait several years for an exit event, such as an acquisition or an initial public offering (IPO), to see any returns on their investment.

Time-Intensive Process

Lastly, angel investing can be a time-consuming endeavor. It requires a significant amount of due diligence before investing, ongoing engagement with startups post-investment, and monitoring the progress of the companies in the portfolio. These activities can become especially demanding if investors take on a mentoring or advisory role.

Since managing a startup portfolio is a hands-on process, angel investing may not be the right fit for those who lack the time or inclination to devote to this level of engagement.

Key Factors for Successful Angel Investing

Angel investing can be an exciting and rewarding opportunity for individuals looking to invest in startup companies. However, investing in early-stage businesses can be risky, especially for inexperienced investors. To increase the likelihood of success, aspiring angel investors need to be diligent when deciding where to allocate their funds. This article will discuss five critical factors to be considered for successful angel investing.

Evaluating the Market Opportunity

One of the most critical aspects of assessing the potential of a startup is evaluating the market opportunity. An ideal investment opportunity is a business that addresses a significant problem or market pain point. These companies have the potential to grow rapidly and dominate, or at least secure a significant share of, the market. To evaluate the market opportunity, investors should consider:

  1. Market Size: The size of the market is critical to understanding the growth potential of the company. Larger markets typically provide more opportunities for growth, so angel investors should be on the lookout for startups targeting large and rapidly growing markets.

  2. Competitive Landscape: Analyzing the competition is vital to assess whether the startup can gain a competitive advantage in the industry. A startup will struggle to achieve success if the market is already crowded with well-established and well-funded competitors.

  3. Customer Needs: Understanding the needs of customers and the value the startup provides is essential to evaluating its potential success. The more evident the problem and the clearer the solution, the better the investment opportunity.

  4. Market Trends: Finally, investors should be aware of current or anticipated trends in the market that may affect the startup’s chances of success. These trends can create additional opportunities or obstacles for the business to overcome.

Assessing the Management Team

A startup’s management team is the lifeblood of its success. Angel investors must evaluate the team’s skills and experience to determine if they have the necessary background to lead the company to success. Key attributes to look for include:

  1. Industry Experience: The management team should have a deep understanding of the industry and its specific challenges. Previous experience in the sector can provide valuable insights and connections when navigating the market.

  2. Entrepreneurial Experience: Experience in launching and growing a previous startup is often considered a good indicator of management’s ability to navigate the challenges of starting a business.

  3. Adaptability: The ability to quickly adapt to evolving market conditions and pivot the business model when necessary is paramount to the success of early-stage companies.

  4. Integrity and Commitment: Trustworthy and committed management teams increase the likelihood of successful investments. Investors should look for teams that display integrity in their actions and commitment to seeing the company succeed.

Understanding Business Models and Financials

Angel investors should be able to analyze a startup’s business model and financial projections to determine if the investment opportunity is viable. Key aspects to consider include:

  1. Revenue Streams: Investors should understand how the company plans to generate revenue and if its revenue streams are sustainable.

  2. Expenses: Understanding the cost structure of a startup is crucial to evaluating a company’s eventual profitability.

  3. Financial Projections: Analysis of the startup’s financial projections helps investors decide if the growth potential justifies the financial risk.

  4. Funding Needs: Estimating how much funding a startup needs to achieve its goals is crucial to decide whether funding provided by angel investors will be sufficient to reach key milestones.

Monitoring Investments and Offering Support

Successful angel investing involves more than just injecting capital into a startup. Investors should be proactive in offering guidance, mentorship, and connections to help the company succeed. Active involvement can increase the odds of a successful outcome, as investors can leverage their experience and networks to address challenges and unlock growth opportunities.

To effectively monitor investments, investors should maintain open lines of communication with the management team and diligently review financial reports and company updates.

Managing Exit Strategies

For successful angel investing, understanding the potential exit opportunities is crucial. Exit strategies can include merging with another company, an initial public offering (IPO), or acquisition by another organization. Angel investors should discuss potential exit strategies with the management team and ensure they are aligned on the planned path to exit.

Investors must also be aware that exits may often take several years, so patience and realistic expectations are necessary to see returns from angel investments.

Following these key factors can significantly increase an angel investor’s chances of success. Taking the time to evaluate market opportunities, assess the management team, understand business models and financials, offer support and mentorship, and manage exit strategies can pave the way for profitable investments in startup companies.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Angel investing is a vital component in the startup ecosystem, providing early-stage companies with the necessary funding to grow and succeed. However, before deciding to invest in a startup, angel investors must consider various legal and regulatory aspects. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of some of the primary legal factors.

Accredited Investor Requirements

One crucial distinction in the world of angel investing is the difference between accredited and non-accredited investors. According to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an accredited investor is an individual who meets specific income, net worth, or financial knowledge qualifications. Such qualifications include:

  • Having an individual annual income that exceeds $200,000 in each of the two most recent years, or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years, and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year.
  • Having a net worth over $1 million, either individually or jointly with a spouse, excluding the value of the primary residence.

The advantage of being an accredited investor is that these individuals are allowed to participate in private securities offerings, including early-stage investments in startups. Non-accredited investors are restricted in their ability to participate in such investments due to the inherent risks and lack of regulatory oversight.

Deal Structure and Term Sheets

Before investing in a startup, an angel investor must understand the deal structure and carefully review the term sheet. Term sheets contain the essential terms of the investment, such as valuation, equity ownership, and investor rights. Some of the key elements to consider when evaluating a term sheet include:

  • Valuation: This refers to the pre-money valuation of the company, which will determine the percentage of equity ownership the investor will acquire in exchange for their investment.
  • Equity type: Angel investments can be made in the form of common stock, preferred stock, or convertible debt. Understanding the differences and potential benefits of each equity type is essential for the investor to make an informed decision.
  • Liquidation preferences: These preferences outline the order in which shareholders are paid in the event of a liquidity event, such as a merger, acquisition, or public offering. Understanding any preferences given to preferred stockholders or other investors is critical to assessing the potential return on investment.

Intellectual Property and Non-Disclosure Agreements

Protecting Intellectual Property (IP) is essential for startups, as it often represents their most valuable asset. As an angel investor, you should ensure that the startup has appropriate IP protection such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights before investing. In addition, the company should have measures in place to prevent disclosure of sensitive or proprietary information to third parties.

One common method to protect confidential information is through the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). NDAs are legally binding contracts that establish the terms and conditions under which confidential information can be shared with others. Any potential investor should be prepared to sign an NDA before engaging in discussions with startups.

Tax Implications for Angel Investors

Angel investing can have significant tax implications for individuals. In the United States, one key tax benefit available to angel investors is the Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) exclusion. QSBS applies to investors who have held an investment in a qualified small business for a minimum of five years. The QSBS rules allow investors to exclude up to 100% of their capital gains from federal taxation when they sell their stock, subject to specific limitations.

It’s also important to consider state and local tax implications, as they can differ significantly. Some states offer tax credits or deductions for angel investments, while others may impose additional taxes on capital gains.

In conclusion, angel investing can offer exciting opportunities for individuals to participate in the success of early-stage businesses. However, understanding the legal and regulatory landscape is paramount to making informed decisions and protecting one’s interests. By considering accredited investor requirements, deal structures, IP issues, and tax implications, angel investors can navigate this complex environment with confidence.

Case Studies of Successful Angel Investments

Angel investing has significantly contributed to the growth and development of many thriving companies. The following case studies of successful angel investments illustrate how angel investors can make lucrative returns, contribute to the business ecosystem, and play a vital role in the success of a startup.

Notable Angel Investors and Their Investments

  1. Chris Sacca: Sacca is one of the most well-known angel investors in the business. He is the founder of Lowercase Capital, which invested early in companies such as Instagram, Twitter, and Uber. Sacca invested $300,000 in Instagram, which turned into $2 billion when Facebook later acquired Instagram.

  2. Peter Thiel: Thiel, one of the PayPal co-founders, is also an influential angel investor. He was the first outside investor in Facebook, investing $500,000 in 2004. Thiel’s investment turned into more than $1 billion after Facebook’s IPO in 2012.

  3. Reid Hoffman: Hoffman, a LinkedIn co-founder, invested $40,000 in the seed round for Airbnb in 2009. In 2020, Airbnb went public, turning Hoffman’s initial investment into millions of dollars.

  4. Esther Dyson: Dyson, a widely recognized angel investor, invested in Flickr in 2004. The photo-sharing service was later acquired by Yahoo for an estimated $35 million in 2005. Dyson’s investment in Flickr demonstrated her strategic ability to identify and invest in innovative, successful companies.

  5. Kevin Rose: Rose, the founder of Digg and an active angel investor, has made several lucrative investments, including Twitter, Square, and Facebook. Rose invested in the early days of Twitter in 2007, which turned into a profitable return after Twitter’s IPO in 2013.

Investment Outcomes and Lessons Learned

The successful angel investments outlined above illustrate some common lessons for investors:

  1. Invest in people: Many successful angel investors emphasize the importance of investing in talented, dedicated, and innovative entrepreneurs. Backing the right team can lead to better returns and a higher likelihood of success.

  2. Diversify your investments: Portfolio diversification is crucial in angel investing, as it helps minimize risk and increase the potential for high returns. Successful angel investors often spread their capital across multiple sectors and startups.

  3. Have a long-term perspective: Successful angel investors understand that investments in startups can take years to yield returns. A long-term perspective helps in assessing potential risks and rewards, staying patient, and identifying the startups with the highest potential for success.

  4. Stay involved: Angel investors who actively support their portfolio companies by sharing their expertise, connections, and guidance can have a more profound impact on a startup’s success.

Trends and Future of Angel Investing

As the startup ecosystem continues to evolve, angel investing trends are also shifting. Some current trends and potentially impactful changes include:

  1. Crowdfunding platforms: Online crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and CircleUp allow startups to raise capital from a larger audience, which could challenge traditional angel investing.

  2. Syndicates and angel groups: Syndicates, like AngelList, and angel groups provide a platform for individual investors to pool their resources and expertise, enabling them to invest in a more structured and collaborative manner.

  3. Corporate angel investors: Well-established companies are increasingly investing in startups to fuel innovation and growth in their respective industries.

  4. Impact- and diversity-focused investing: More angel investors are prioritizing social impact and promoting diversity when making investment decisions. This trend could lead to increased financing for startups founded by underrepresented founders or those addressing social and environmental issues.

  5. Globalization: As innovation continues to spread worldwide, angel investing is expanding its geographical reach, with investors increasingly considering international startups.

By studying the success stories of prominent angel investors, understanding the lessons learned, and staying up-to-date with current trends, investors can make more informed decisions and contribute to the success of future startups.

Angel Investing — FAQ

1. What is angel investing and how does it differ from venture capital?

Angel investing refers to an individual providing financial support to early-stage start-ups in exchange for ownership equity or debt. Unlike venture capitalists, angel investors typically invest their own money into smaller-scale ventures and play an advisory role in helping entrepreneurs succeed.

2. What types of businesses do angel investors typically support?

Angel investors favor funding start-ups with an innovative product or service, a scalable business model, strong growth potential, and a passionate, determined team. These businesses typically operate in various sectors, such as technology, healthcare, and clean energy.

3. How much funding can a start-up expect from angel investors?

Start-ups can expect angel investments in the range of $25,000 to $100,000, depending on factors such as the business’s valuation, the investor’s appetite for risk, and demonstration of future growth potential. However, investments can sometimes exceed this range up to $1 million or more.

4. What is the process for obtaining angel investment?

Acquiring angel investment begins with networking, identifying potential investors interested in the start-up’s industry or region. Founders pitch their business ideas to prospective investors, sharing the business plan, financial projections, and growth strategy. Once an investor expresses interest, both parties negotiate the terms and sign a legally binding agreement.

5. How can start-ups find angel investors?

Start-ups can find angel investors through networking events in their industry, entrepreneur support organizations such as incubators and accelerators, online platforms like AngelList and Gust, and leveraging personal connections. Referrals from trusted sources typically increase the chances of obtaining investment.

6. What are the potential risks for angel investors?

Angel investors face risks, including the potential loss of the entire invested amount, lack of liquidity because start-ups need time to achieve scale, and dilution of ownership due to subsequent funding rounds. To manage these risks, investors often diversify their portfolio and conduct thorough due diligence before investing.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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