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  • Understanding the Basics of Business Succession Planning

by Mike Vestil 

Understanding the Basics of Business Succession Planning

Business succession planning is the process of preparing for the transfer of a company’s ownership and management to a new generation of leaders. It involves identifying key employees and developing strategies to ensure a smooth transition of power when the current leaders retire or depart.

Business succession planning is crucial to the long-term success of any organization, as it provides stability and continuity during times of change. In this article, we will explore the importance of business succession planning and provide tips for creating a successful plan.



A business succession plan is a written document that outlines the steps to be taken when managing a business transition. This plan is essential for a smooth transfer of power or ownership and helps preserve the continuity of business operations. In simple terms, business succession planning can be defined as the process of identifying and preparing suitable people to take over the management or ownership of a firm when key individuals depart from the company.

This can happen due to retirement, illness, or death. It is important to note that business succession planning is not an event but rather an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, review, and revision.

Business succession planning is an essential aspect of business management, but it is often overlooked or not given the attention it deserves. This can result in the failure of the business or the loss of assets that had been built up over time. A well-executed business succession plan helps ensure that the business continues to operate smoothly after the current leader departs. It also helps minimize the risks and uncertainties associated with a leadership transition.

A successful business succession plan identifies potential successors and provides a clear roadmap for the transfer of power, allowing for a seamless transition of leadership without any disruption to the business operations.

One of the biggest challenges facing business owners is planning for a smooth and successful transition of ownership or leadership. According to research, an estimated 70% of family-owned businesses fail to transfer ownership to a second generation, and 90% of them fail to transition to the third generation. This failure can be attributed to a lack of proper planning and preparation.

Business succession planning is a complex process that requires careful consideration, analysis, and preparation. It involves identifying potential successors, assessing their capabilities, and providing them with the training and resources they need to take over the business. It also entails developing contingency plans in the event of unexpected circumstances and ensuring that the transition process is seamless for all parties involved.


Business succession planning is an important topic that many business owners neglect to focus on. Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the event of a change in leadership.

It is no secret that leadership is essential to the success of any business, but what happens when the current leader steps down or dies? Failure to plan properly for this transition can result in business failure, loss of jobs, and financial devastation. Therefore, the importance of business succession planning cannot be overstated.

An effective succession plan ensures that a company can survive a leadership transition with minimal disruption, and it provides business owners with peace of mind knowing that their family’s legacy will remain intact. One of the most significant reasons to implement a succession plan is to ensure that the right people are in place to continue running the business.

Poor leadership can halt growth, damage the reputation of the company, and even cause it to fail. A well-designed succession plan identifies potential leaders and provides them with the training and development necessary to take over when the time comes.

Another benefit of succession planning is that it helps mitigate the risk of family conflict. Businesses that are family-owned or operated are particularly vulnerable to conflict. If a succession plan is not in place, multiple family members may try to claim leadership, leading to conflict and potentially damaging the business.

Alternatively, family members may fight over who gets to inherit the business, leading to costly lawsuits and family members being pitted against each other. An effective succession plan can eliminate or minimize these risks, ensuring that the business continues to function without disruption or dispute.

Additionally, having a well thought-out succession plan can help attract and retain top talent, as candidates are more likely to consider joining an organization that has a clear path for growth and continuity.

Moreover, banks and other financial institutions may view businesses with succession plans more favorably, as it demonstrates long-term strategic planning and management stability. Overall, the importance of business succession planning cannot be understated, and it is essential for every organization to have a plan in place to ensure the continuity and success of the business for years to come.


Business Succession Planning is a complex process that involves considerable challenges for any organization. One of the most significant challenges is identifying the right person to take over the business. The successor needs to have the requisite skills and knowledge to manage the business effectively.

Moreover, the successor needs to have a good understanding of the company’s culture and values. Additionally, there is the challenge of ensuring that the business continues to run smoothly during the transition period. The outgoing leader needs to ensure that they provide sufficient time and resources to enable a seamless transition.

Another challenge is determining the financial implications of succession planning. The cost of training and hiring a successor, as well as the potential loss of revenue during the transition period, can be significant. It is also vital for the organization to determine the most tax-efficient way to transfer ownership. This can be a highly complex process that requires careful planning and expert advice.

Finally, the organization needs to ensure that they have a robust legal framework in place to facilitate succession planning. This may involve drafting legal agreements such as buy-sell agreements, employment contracts, and transfer agreements to ensure that the transfer of ownership is legally binding and enforceable.

In conclusion, business succession planning is fraught with challenges that require careful consideration and planning. Organizations that are proactive in addressing these challenges are more likely to experience a smooth transition and achieve long-term success.

Types of Business Succession Planning

Internal Succession

Internal succession refers to the process of transferring ownership and leadership of a business to individuals who are already part of the organization. This approach is often favored by family-owned businesses or companies with long-serving employees who have proven their capabilities to lead.

In many cases, internal succession can be less disruptive than external options as the new leader is already familiar with the company’s culture, history, and operations. However, it is critical to have a well-designed and documented succession plan that outlines the criteria for selecting candidates, their roles and responsibilities, and the timeline for the transition.

Such guidelines can help minimize conflicts and ensure a smooth transfer of power. Successful internal succession also requires the development of a pool of potential leaders and the cultivation of their skills through training, mentorship, and exposure to different aspects of the business. Companies should also ensure that they have adequate financial resources to support the transition and provide incentives to retain key employees who may feel valued by being considered for leadership positions.

In conclusion, internal succession can be an effective and efficient way to ensure continuity and sustainability of a business, but it requires a comprehensive plan and a commitment to grooming and empowering the next generation of leaders.

External Succession

External succession planning is a vital aspect of ensuring the continuity of a business. This type of succession plan involves identifying an external candidate to take over leadership of the company in the event of the owner’s retirement, death, or incapacity.

One key benefit of external succession is that it provides the business with fresh ideas and perspectives that may lead to greater success. However, it also presents unique challenges, such as the need to find a candidate with the necessary skills and experience to lead the organization. The search for an external successor can be a long and complex process that requires careful consideration of the company’s needs, values, and strategic objectives.

It is important to identify potential candidates early on and begin building relationships with them to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. Another challenge of external succession planning is the potential loss of company culture and values if the successor comes from outside the organization.

Business owners must implement strategies to ensure that the company’s culture and values are maintained, and the new leader is aligned with the organization’s mission and vision. Overall, external succession planning should be a key consideration for any business owner who wishes to ensure the ongoing success and longevity of their organization.

Hybrid Succession

Hybrid Succession is a method of business succession that combines both internal and external succession methods. This approach seeks to maximize the advantages of both methods while minimizing their respective disadvantages.

Hybrid Succession policies ensure that the company’s culture, values, and mission remain intact while also taking advantage of the fresh ideas and different perspectives that an outside successor may bring to the table. Business owners who are interested in this succession approach often use a selection process that combines reviews of internal staff and external candidates.

One of the key advantages of this approach is that it provides a flexible approach to business succession planning, allowing businesses to adapt to changes in the market and their organization while also providing continuity. Hybrid Succession represents a creative and effective way to approach succession planning and has become increasingly popular in the modern business world. However, it is essential to ensure that your business has a detailed and well-defined succession plan to reap the benefits of this approach.

Steps in Business Succession Planning

Assessing the Business

The first step in developing a successful business succession plan is assessing the business. This involves taking a critical look at the business and its current state, identifying potential areas of weakness, and developing strategies to address these weaknesses. It is important to conduct a thorough assessment of the business, including its financial position, market position, operations, and overall management structure. This will help to identify potential risks and ensure that the business is well-positioned for the future.

One of the key factors to consider when assessing the business is its financial position. This involves reviewing its financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, to gain a clear understanding of the company’s financial health. It is also important to review the business’s debt and equity structure, as well as its liquidity position, to ensure that it can continue to operate in the event of a change in ownership.

Another important factor to consider when assessing the business is its market position. This involves analyzing the competitive landscape in which the business operates, including its competitors, customers, and suppliers. It is important to identify potential threats and opportunities, and to develop strategies to address these factors. This could include expanding into new markets, developing new products or services, or improving existing ones.

Operations are also a critical component of any assessment of the business. This involves reviewing the company’s production processes, supply chain, and other operational functions to identify areas of weakness and opportunities for improvement. It is important to develop strategies to address any issues that are identified, such as improving efficiency or implementing new technologies.

Finally, assessing the overall management structure of the business is critical to its long-term success. This involves evaluating the skills and abilities of key personnel, including the senior management team, to ensure that the business has the right leadership in place. It is also important to develop a succession plan for key positions, to ensure that the business can continue to operate in the event of an unexpected departure.

In summary, assessing the business is a critical first step in developing a successful business succession plan. It involves reviewing the company’s financial position, market position, operations, and overall management structure, to identify potential areas of weakness and opportunities for improvement. By taking a systematic and thorough approach to this process, businesses can ensure that they are well-prepared for the future.

Identifying Potential Successors

The process of identifying potential successors for a business is a critical aspect of succession planning. It is important to identify individuals who have the potential to lead the business successfully, both in the short term and the long term. A good starting point is to assess the skills and qualifications of current employees. It is also important to consider the values and culture of the business, as potential successors should align with those values in order to maintain continuity.

Another key consideration is whether family members or non-family members will be considered for leadership roles. If family members will be considered, it is important to assess their qualifications and suitability for the position objectively, rather than solely based on nepotism. Non-family members should be evaluated based on their experience, qualifications, and alignment with the business’s values.

Developing a Succession Plan

Developing a Succession Plan is a critical phase in any business’ succession process. This step involves laying out the groundwork for the actual transfer of leadership and ownership of the business. Developing a plan can take several months, and it is important to start the process as early as possible to ensure its effectiveness.

A well-crafted succession plan should outline the specific steps and timeline for transitions, including the transfer of roles, responsibilities, and assets. While creating a succession plan, it is crucial to have an objective assessment of the business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to identify the critical areas that need attention or improvement.

A comprehensive succession plan must consider every aspect, including the legal and financial implications of ownership transfer, tax implications, and contingency plans if the chosen successor is unable or unwilling to take on the role. Identifying potential successors and assessing their readiness, skills, and qualifications is a crucial aspect of developing a succession plan. It is vital to prepare potential successors fully, including training or professional development opportunities to become capable and effective leaders.

Developing a plan to address potential challenges that may arise, such as disagreements between family members, disputes over inheritance, or legal issues that may affect the smooth transfer of ownership, is critical. Overall, a well-crafted succession plan ensures that a business continues to thrive even after the departure of its current leaders, protecting its legacy and providing a clear path for future leadership.

Implementing the Plan

After developing a succession plan, the next critical step is implementing it. Implementation should be guided by the developed plan and tailored to suit the business’s specific needs. The first step in the implementation phase is to communicate the plan to all relevant parties. Communication is key to ensure everyone is on the same page and understands their roles in the plan’s execution.

A comprehensive training program should be developed and given to the identified successors. The training program should cover all aspects of the business, including operational details, financials, customer relations strategies, and best business practices. The identified successors should also be given the opportunity to shadow current leaders, attend industry conferences and meetings, and receive mentorship programs.

Another crucial aspect of implementing the succession plan is to establish a clear timeline for the transition. The timeline should include the responsibilities and expectations of both current leaders and identified successors. The timeline should be realistic and give enough time for the identified successors to learn, grow, and take on more responsibilities.

The identified successors should be continuously monitored and given constructive feedback to help them improve their skills and efficiency. This monitoring process should be formalized and should include periodic check-ins, performance evaluation, and regular feedback sessions.

Furthermore, it is essential to have a contingency plan in place if any unforeseen circumstances occur. For instance, if an identified successor decides to leave the business or is unable to take up their position, the contingency plan should outline secondary options.

Another critical factor is the transfer of ownership, where succession planning becomes relevant. In the succession planning process, ownership structure is determined, and this affects the transition process. Legal professionals are often brought in to oversee the transfer of ownership process, ensuring that it is transparent and follows regulations.

In conclusion, implementing a succession plan is a critical component of business continuity planning. The implementation phase should focus on clear communication, developing comprehensive training programs, establishing timelines, monitoring successors’ performance, and having a contingency plan in place. The overall goal is to ensure a smooth and successful transition of leadership, maintain business operations, and preserve the business’s value.

Monitoring and Updating the Plan

Once a business succession plan is established, it is crucial to monitor and update the plan regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. The business environment is constantly changing, and the plan must adapt to these changes to ensure that the business continues to run smoothly in the future.

The first step in monitoring the plan is to review it regularly, at least once a year, to ensure that it still meets the business’s needs and goals. This review can be done internally or with the assistance of a professional. Some factors that may require a plan update include changes in the business’s financial situation, changes in the market or industry, and changes in the owner’s personal or family situation.

Another important aspect of monitoring the plan is to ensure that the potential successors identified are still suitable and willing to take over the business. Successors may change their minds about taking over the business, or their skills and qualifications may no longer meet the business’s needs.

To address this issue, it is important to maintain open communication with potential successors to ensure that they are still interested and committed to the business. Additionally, the plan should be updated to reflect any changes in the successor’s qualifications or training.

Finally, the plan should also be updated to reflect any changes in the legal and tax environment. Laws and regulations governing business succession can change over time, and it is important to ensure that the plan remains compliant with current laws and regulations. This may involve consulting with a legal or tax professional to ensure that the plan is up to date and legally sound.

Monitoring and updating the business succession plan is an ongoing process that requires careful attention and regular review. By keeping the plan up to date, business owners can ensure that their business will continue to thrive even after they have retired or passed away.

Key Considerations in Business Succession Planning


Timing is a crucial element when it comes to business succession planning. The timing of the plan can impact the overall success of the transition. Business owners need to consider their personal timeline, the market conditions, and the company’s financial stability when determining the optimal time to begin the planning process.

It is essential to initiate the process of succession planning sooner rather than later, as unforeseen events can occur. The long-term viability of the business should also be considered as the transition may take several years to complete.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that timing can also impact the legal and tax implications that arise during the succession planning process. Business owners need to ensure that they have sufficient time to execute the plan properly without causing unintended tax consequences. The earlier the planning process starts, the higher the chances of mitigating any potential tax implications. This is particularly important for businesses with complex ownership structures or substantial assets.

Financial considerations need to be taken into account when determining the timing of business succession planning. Business owners need to gauge how much liquidity they have available and the impact on the company’s future financial position. Waiting too long to start the planning process can impact the business’s cash flow, especially if a sudden unexpected event happens. Conversely, starting the planning process too early can have a negative impact on the company’s current financials.

Effective communication is critical to the timing of business succession planning. Business owners need to communicate with their stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, customers, and successors, about the timeline and expectations of the transition. By communicating early and frequently, business owners can ensure that everyone is on the same page, and there are no surprises during the transition.

Finally, it is crucial to invest in training and development programs for the future leadership team during the planning process. This ensures that the successors are well-equipped to handle the future responsibilities and challenges of running the business. Starting the training and development process early will help ensure that successors are well-prepared when the time comes for the transition.

Legal and Tax Implications

The legal and tax implications of business succession planning are crucial and can be complex. There are several legal considerations that must be taken into account during the planning process. First, it is important to determine the legal structure of the business, which can affect the tax implications of the succession plan. For example, a sole proprietorship has different tax implications than a corporation.

A legal professional can help business owners navigate the legal intricacies of the succession planning process and ensure all agreements and documents are in compliance with state and federal laws.

Tax implications are also an important consideration when it comes to business succession planning. Depending on the structure of the business and the nature of the succession plan, there may be significant tax implications that need to be addressed. Tax planning is a critical component of the succession process, and it’s important to work with a tax professional who can help guide you through the process and ensure that you’re taking advantage of all available tax benefits.

One important legal consideration to note is that any written agreements related to succession planning, such as a buy-sell agreement, should be reviewed and updated regularly. This can help ensure that the agreements reflect any changes in the business or the owners’ personal situations. It is also important to consider the potential tax implications of any changes to these agreements.

In addition to ensuring compliance with legal and tax requirements, business owners must also take steps to protect their personal and business assets from liability. This may include structuring the business in a way that separates personal and business assets, such as forming a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation. It may also involve purchasing insurance policies to protect against potential liabilities.

Finally, business owners should consider any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the succession planning process. These conflicts may be related to family dynamics, conflicting goals among owners, or differing opinions about the future direction of the business. It’s important to address these conflicts head-on and work toward solutions that benefit both the business and the owners.

Financial Planning

The financial planning aspect of business succession planning is crucial in ensuring a smooth and successful transition. It involves assessing the current financial situation of the business and incorporating it into the overall succession plan. One important step is determining the value of the business, which can be done through various methods, such as market analysis or asset valuation. This information can help in selecting the best strategies for transferring ownership and allocating assets.

Another important consideration is tax planning. Succession planning can trigger various taxes, such as capital gains tax and estate tax, which can reduce the value of the business and create financial burdens for the new owners. Effective tax planning involves identifying potential tax liabilities and structuring the transfer of ownership in a way that minimizes them. This requires knowledge of tax laws and regulations and may require the assistance of a tax professional.

Another critical aspect of financial planning in business succession is ensuring adequate funding. This includes identifying potential sources of funding for the transfer of ownership and allocation of assets, such as loans or insurance policies. Adequate funding can help prevent financial strain on the new owners and ensure the continuity of the business.

Communication with all parties involved in the succession plan is also vital in the financial planning process. This includes communicating with family members, employees, and other stakeholders who may be affected by the transition. Effective communication can help manage expectations and prevent misunderstandings that can lead to financial and legal issues down the line.

Finally, it is essential to periodically review and update the financial plan, particularly as the business and economic landscapes change. This can help ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective and can minimize the risk of unexpected financial impacts in the future.


Effective communication is critical for any successful business succession planning process. Open and transparent communication with all stakeholders helps to build trust, clarify expectations, and minimize misunderstandings. Family dynamics and emotions can often make communication difficult, so it is essential to establish clear lines of communication from the beginning.

Hold family meetings and engage in regularly scheduled communication to keep everyone informed and updated on the status of the succession plan. Communicate goals and objectives, timelines, and any potential changes in the plan, including any legal and tax implications. It is also vital to communicate with key stakeholders outside of the family, such as employees, customers, and vendors, to ensure a smooth transition that minimizes disruptions to operations.

Transparency and inclusiveness during the communication process can help to foster trust and help stakeholders understand the role they can play in the process. Effective communication can also help to identify and address any issues or concerns early on in the planning process, allowing for adjustments to be made if necessary. Furthermore, implementing ongoing training and development programs can ensure that all stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities throughout the succession planning process.

Training and Development

The Training and Development subsection of a business succession plan is important for ensuring that the new leader of the company is well-prepared for their new role. Training and development activities should begin as early as possible and continue throughout the transition period. This subsection should cover a variety of topics, including leadership development, technical skills, organizational culture, and company history.

One key aspect of this subsection is identifying current employees who could potentially take on leadership roles in the future and providing them with the necessary training and development opportunities to prepare for these positions. This can include mentorship programs, leadership training, and opportunities to work on projects that give them exposure to different aspects of the company.

Another important part of the Training and Development plan is identifying any gaps in the skillset of the new leader and creating a plan to address them. This could include training courses, workshops, or coaching sessions. It is also critical to ensure that the new leader understands the values and mission of the company and is able to align their decisions with these principles. This could involve sharing stories of the company’s history and culture or ensuring that the new leader has opportunities to interact with employees at all levels of the organization.

The Training and Development plan should also incorporate strategies for ensuring a smooth transition of knowledge and expertise from the current leader to the new leader. This could include shadowing opportunities, one-on-one meetings, or specific assignments that allow the new leader to gradually take on more responsibility.

Establishing a clear timeline and goals for this transition period can help to ensure that both the current and new leader are on the same page and that the company can continue to function smoothly during the transition period.

Overall, a well-designed Training and Development plan is critical for ensuring the long-term success of a business succession plan. By investing in leadership development, skills training, and knowledge transfer, companies can help to ensure a smooth and successful transition of leadership and continue to thrive in the years ahead.

Contingency Planning

Contingency planning is a crucial element of business succession planning that enables organizations to mitigate potential risks and maximize the chances of a successful handover. This subsection involves developing strategies that can be deployed in unanticipated circumstances, such as an unexpected departure of a key employee or an economic crisis that could affect the succession plans.

One of the primary goals of contingency planning is to ensure business continuity in the event of such unforeseeable events. The first step in this process is identifying potential risks that could disrupt the succession plans, then putting structures in place to proactively address them. This includes developing a comprehensive emergency plan that outlines the steps to be taken in case of unexpected events. Such preparations help to minimize the impact of these events while ensuring that the organization remains operational.

Another vital aspect of contingency planning is ensuring that there is flexibility in the succession plan, as this enables the organization to adapt to changing circumstances. Additionally, having a contingency plan also ensures that there is a clear chain of command, and roles and responsibilities are well-defined in the event of an emergency. This enhances transparency and facilitates a smooth business transition.

Furthermore, having a well-defined contingency plan instills confidence in stakeholders that the organization can weather unexpected events and that their interests are protected regardless of what happens. Overall, contingency planning is an essential component of business succession planning, and it should be given adequate attention as part of the transition process.



Business succession planning is a critical process that refers to the development of strategies that enable a business to continue operating in the event of a change in ownership or management. This planning is vital for the smooth transition of leadership and ownership, which is necessary for the survival and growth of the business.

It is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors such as legal issues, estate planning, taxation, and family dynamics. The success of business succession planning depends on effective communication, transparency, and collaboration between all stakeholders involved in the process. It is essential to have a clear succession plan in place well before the anticipated transition to ensure that the business can move forward with minimal disruption.

Future Outlook

As businesses continue to navigate the evolving landscape of the global economy, the importance of effective business succession planning cannot be overstated. The future outlook for businesses that prioritize succession planning is bright, as these companies are well-positioned to weather any challenges that may arise. By developing a comprehensive succession plan, businesses can ensure that they have the right people in place to fill key leadership roles, even in the event of unexpected departures or retirements.

One important aspect of future success is the ability to attract and retain top talent. A well-designed succession plan can help businesses do just that by fostering a culture of mentorship and growth. Younger employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their professional development, and a succession plan that provides clear pathways for advancement can be a powerful tool in this regard. This, in turn, allows businesses to build a deep bench of talented individuals who are prepared to step up and take on new responsibilities when called upon.

Another key benefit of succession planning is increased resiliency in the face of change. By developing a robust plan that includes contingency measures, businesses can reduce the impact of unexpected events that might otherwise cause major disruptions. For example, if a top executive were to suddenly depart the company, having a succession plan in place that identifies potential replacements can help ensure a smooth transition and minimize any negative effects on the business.

Finally, a well-implemented succession plan can be a powerful tool in ensuring the long-term viability of a business. By identifying and grooming future leaders, businesses can ensure continuity in leadership and maintain a clear sense of direction for years to come. This, in turn, can help build investor confidence and increase the likelihood of sustained growth and profitability over the long term.

In conclusion, the future outlook for businesses that prioritize succession planning is bright. By investing in professional development, fostering a culture of growth and mentorship, and developing a comprehensive plan that includes contingencies for unexpected events, these businesses can ensure that they are well-positioned to weather any challenges that come their way. This, in turn, can lead to increased resiliency, long-term viability, and sustained growth and profitability over time.

Business Succession Planning — FAQ

1. What is business succession planning?

Business succession planning is the process of identifying and preparing potential successors to take over the ownership and management of a business when the current owner retires, becomes incapacitated, or passes away.

2. Why is business succession planning important?

Business succession planning is important because it ensures the long-term survival of a business by providing a clear roadmap for its future leadership and direction, minimizing disruptions during transitions, and preserving the value of the business for the current owner and their heirs.

3. How does business succession planning work?

Business succession planning typically involves identifying potential successors from within the organization, developing their skills, knowledge, and experience through training and mentorship programs, and implementing a succession plan that outlines the transfer of ownership and leadership to the chosen successors.

4. What are some common succession planning strategies?

Some common business succession planning strategies include family transfers, management buyouts, employee stock ownership plans, sale to third parties, and mergers and acquisitions.

5. What are the benefits of business succession planning?

The benefits of business succession planning include minimizing disruptions during transitions, ensuring a smooth transfer of ownership and leadership, preserving the value of the business, providing financial security for the current owner and their heirs, and creating opportunities for employee advancement and retention.

6. When should business succession planning be initiated?

Business succession planning should be initiated as soon as possible, ideally several years before the current owner plans to retire or exit the business. This allows for ample time to identify and train potential successors, assess their readiness, and implement a comprehensive succession plan.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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