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  • Developing a Mission Statement

by Mike Vestil 

Developing a Mission Statement

A mission statement is a short and concise statement that summarizes the purpose and values of an organization. It is a vital tool in providing focus and direction to any group, whether it is a large corporation or a small nonprofit.

Developing a mission statement is a process that requires thoughtful consideration and collaboration among stakeholders. This article will explore the key steps in developing a mission statement and offer some tips and best practices to help organizations create a clear and effective mission statement.



A mission statement is a concise declaration of an organization\’s core purpose and vision. It is designed to provide focus and direction to an organization as it strives to achieve its goals. A well-crafted mission statement provides clarity and guidance for decision-making and helps to align an organization\’s efforts with its values and objectives. The definition of a mission statement should be comprehensive enough to capture the essence of what an organization stands for, yet concise enough to be easily understood and remembered.

In order to create an effective mission statement, it is important to understand the purpose that it serves. A mission statement serves as a roadmap for an organization, providing a clear direction for decision-making and goal-setting. It is also an important tool for communicating an organization\’s values and purpose to stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and investors.

An effective mission statement should be inspirational and motivational, serving to energize and engage those who are working towards the organization\’s goals. It should also be realistic and achievable, providing a framework for action and accountability.

The importance of a well-crafted mission statement cannot be overstated. It provides a clear sense of purpose and direction, helping to ensure that an organization stays focused on its goals and objectives. A mission statement also provides a basis for decision-making, helping to ensure that all decisions are grounded in the organization\’s values and purpose. In addition, an effective mission statement can help to attract and retain employees, as well as customers and investors, who share the organization\’s values and vision.

In conclusion, a mission statement is a concise declaration of an organization\’s core purpose and vision. It is an essential tool for providing focus and direction to an organization, as well as for communicating its values and purpose to stakeholders. A well-crafted mission statement is inspirational, motivational, realistic, and achievable, and serves as a roadmap for decision-making and goal-setting. It is an important element of organizational success and should be given careful consideration and attention.


Developing a mission statement is crucial for any organization, big or small. The importance of a mission statement lies in its ability to convey the company’s purpose and clarify its goals and values. A well-crafted mission statement should be able to define what the company stands for, what it aims to achieve and how it plans to do so. It can serve as a guiding principle for decision-making and provide focus and direction for all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and partners.

A clear and concise mission statement can help build brand identity and differentiate the company from its competitors, as it showcases what makes the organization unique and what it prioritizes. By allowing the organization to communicate its core values and beliefs, a mission statement can foster a sense of community amongst employees, encouraging them to work towards a shared vision.

Another benefit of developing a mission statement is that it can aid the organization in adapting to change, as it provides a stable foundation for decision-making and can serve as a reference point throughout the evolution of the business. In summary, a well-crafted mission statement can play a pivotal role in shaping an organization\’s identity, guiding its values and goals, and helping it thrive in a competitive market.


A mission statement is a concise and meaningful declaration that defines an organization\’s fundamental objective, its primary strategies, and its key values. It is a crucial component in the development of an organization\’s strategic plan, as it provides a clear sense of purpose and direction for the company. The purpose of a mission statement is to guide an organization in making decisions, setting priorities, and allocating resources by ensuring that there is a shared understanding of the company\’s goals and values among all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and partners.

Having a well-crafted mission statement is essential for any organization, big or small, as it helps communicate what the company stands for and what it hopes to achieve. It helps differentiate the organization from its competitors and gives purpose and direction to its employees. The purpose of a mission statement is to ensure that everyone in the organization is working towards a common goal, and it helps foster a sense of unity and teamwork among employees. It also serves as a guide for customers, who can understand the company\’s values and products based on the mission statement.

A well-thought-out mission statement is critical in helping an organization to stay focused and make decisions that are aligned with its goals and values. It can help the organization to identify opportunities for growth and development, and to make strategic changes that will help it achieve its objectives. The purpose of a mission statement is to create a consistent and clear message that is communicated throughout the organization, which helps cultivate a strong brand identity and builds trust with stakeholders.

Key Elements of a Mission Statement

Company Identity

Developing a mission statement is a critical part of establishing a company\’s identity. A company\’s identity reflects its personality and reputation, and it is what sets it apart from the competition. In this subsection, we will focus on the key components of company identity, including its vision, values, culture, and brand image.

The vision of a company is its ultimate goal or dream. It is what the company aspires to be in the future, and it sets the direction for the organization. The vision should be inspirational and reflect the company\’s long-term aspirations. It should be concise, clear, and realistic.

Values are the fundamental principles that guide a company\’s behavior and decision-making. They reflect what the company stands for and what it considers important. Values are essential for maintaining the validity of the brand image and establishing a good reputation. Values provide a framework for the company\’s actions and set the tone of the corporate culture.

The culture of a company refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices that define the way people work in the organization. Culture is the way things get done in a company. It involves the attitudes, behaviors, and interpersonal relationships among staff and management. Developing a positive and empowering culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, which is critical to the success of any business.

Brand image refers to the perceptions and associations that people have with a company name, logo, or product. It is the emotional connection that people establish with a company or product. A strong brand image attracts and retains customers, and it creates a sense of trust and credibility. Brand image is the sum of all the company\’s visual and verbal expressions, including the tone of voice, the images used, and the overall message conveyed.

In conclusion, developing a company\’s identity involves defining its vision, values, culture, and brand image. These components provide a framework for the company\’s actions and set it apart from the competition. A clear and compelling identity is essential for establishing a strong reputation and achieving success in the industry.

Target Audience

The Target Audience is a crucial component in developing a comprehensive mission statement for your company. Understanding your target audience will help you align your company\’s goals and objectives with the needs and wants of your ideal customer.

The first step in identifying your target audience is to conduct market research, which includes analyzing demographic data, psychographic data, and behavioral data. Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, you can use this information to craft a mission statement that speaks directly to the values, beliefs, and priorities of your customer base.

When identifying your target audience, it\’s important to consider factors such as age, gender, income, occupation, and geographic location. By understanding these demographic factors, you can create targeted messaging that resonates with your audience and helps to build a sense of connection and trust. Additionally, consider psychographic factors such as personality traits, values, attitudes, and lifestyle habits. These factors will help you better understand your target audience\’s underlying motivations and priorities, which can inform your mission statement and overall marketing strategy.

Behavioral data is another critical component of identifying your target audience. This includes analyzing consumer behavior such as purchasing patterns, brand loyalty, and browsing habits. By understanding how your target audience interacts with your products or services, you can refine your mission statement to better align with their needs and wants. Additionally, it\’s important to consider external factors such as market trends, competition, and cultural shifts that may impact your target audience\’s behavior and priorities.

Ultimately, your mission statement should speak directly to the needs and wants of your target audience while also aligning with your company\’s values and goals. By understanding your target audience, you can craft a mission statement that inspires loyalty and trust while also driving revenue and growth. Take the time to conduct thorough market research and analyze your target audience\’s demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data to ensure that your mission statement is both comprehensive and effective.


The Products/Services section of a mission statement is critical because it defines what a company offers to the target audience. When composing this section, it is essential to address the products or services that set the company apart from its competitors. The mission statement should list the unique qualities and characteristics of the products and services offered, detailing how they benefit the target audience.

The language used in the Products/Services section should be concise and to-the-point, avoiding broad, sweeping statements. To avoid ambiguity, companies should specifically state what products and services they provide and how they meet the needs and wants of their target audience. Including features, benefits, and attributes of a product/service will help potential customers fully understand what they can expect from the company.

It is important to keep in mind that the Products/Services section of the mission statement should not be too focused on specific details or in-house jargon, as these can be confusing for the target audience. Rather, the section should highlight what makes the company\’s offerings special and different.

Companies should also consider including information about how they create and deliver their products/services, providing insight into quality control measures, sourcing of materials, and the manufacturing processes. By doing so, potential customers can have a better understanding of how the company operates and what standards they uphold.

Overall, the Products/Services section of a mission statement should clearly define what the company offers and how it benefits the target audience. By doing so, the section can help strengthen the company\’s brand identity, set it apart from competitors, and attract new customers.


Values are an essential aspect of an organization\’s mission statement. They are the guiding principles that shape the company culture, decision-making processes, and overall behavior towards stakeholders. A mission statement that includes values communicates the organization\’s ethical standards and helps create a positive brand image. It also helps employees feel more engaged and motivated when they align their personal values with the company\’s values.

Companies can determine their values by evaluating what is important to their stakeholders and reflecting on their past experiences. The values should be concise, memorable, and relevant to the company\’s goals. They should align with the company\’s vision and support the achievement of its strategic objectives. It is important to regularly review and assess the values to ensure they stay relevant and are being applied in day-to-day operations.

The values can also be used as a criterion for hiring new employees and evaluating the performance of existing employees. When creating a mission statement, companies should invest time and effort in establishing clear and actionable values to ensure they contribute to the overall success of the organization.


The goals/objectives of a mission statement are essential in outlining the direction and purpose of the company. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). A well-crafted mission statement includes the long-term and short-term objectives that the company seeks to achieve. These objectives are derived from the company\’s overall strategy and vision, and they depend on the factors that influence the business environment, including its competition, market trends, and customer behavior.

Setting goals and objectives in a mission statement helps a company to focus its efforts on the areas that matter most. Clear objectives give direction and create a sense of purpose for employees and stakeholders. Goals provide a benchmark against which the company\’s success can be measured, thus helping to track progress and evaluate performance. By aligning objectives with the company\’s values and vision, a mission statement helps to ensure that all stakeholders are working towards the same common goal, creating a sense of unity and clarity.

For a mission statement to be effective, it is important that the goals and objectives are communicated clearly and concisely. The wording used in the mission statement should be precise and well thought-out to ensure that everyone understands the company\’s objectives. The wording should also be consistent with the company\’s values and culture, creating a sense of authenticity and credibility.

The process of developing goals and objectives for a mission statement involves a collective effort from all stakeholders, including employees, managers, customers, suppliers, and investors. It is important to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company\’s internal and external environment to ensure that the goals are realistic and achievable. By involving all stakeholders in the process, the company creates a sense of ownership and buy-in, ensuring that everyone is committed to achieving the same goals.

Once the goals and objectives have been established, it is important to regularly monitor and evaluate progress towards achieving them. This allows the company to make adjustments as needed and ensures that the objectives remain relevant and aligned with the company\’s overall strategy. By regularly reviewing and updating the mission statement, the company can ensure that it remains a relevant and effective tool for communicating its values, purpose, and direction.

Steps to Developing a Mission Statement

Gather Information

The first step in developing a comprehensive mission statement is to gather as much information as possible about the organization\’s history, values, goals, and culture. This is necessary to ensure that the mission statement accurately reflects the organization\’s purpose and communicates its message effectively.

This process usually involves conducting interviews with key stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, as well as reviewing the organization\’s existing materials such as marketing materials, strategic plans, and reports. External research may also be necessary to gain a broader understanding of the industry and competitive landscape.

During the information gathering process, it is important to identify the organization\’s core values, beliefs, and principles that guide its decision-making and behavior. These foundational elements are critical to developing a concise and meaningful mission statement that captures the essence of the organization\’s identity and purpose.

In addition, it is important to identify the organization\’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as any emerging trends or challenges that may impact the organization\’s future. This information will inform the development of the mission statement and ensure that it is relevant and responsive to the organization\’s needs.

The information gathering process should be structured and systematic to ensure that all relevant information is collected and analyzed. This may involve creating a questionnaire or survey to collect employee feedback or conducting focus groups to gather insights from customers or partners. It may also involve conducting market research to gain a deeper understanding of the industry and competitive landscape. Data analysis tools and techniques may be utilized to analyze quantitative data and identify patterns or trends that can help inform the development of the mission statement.

Overall, the information gathering process is a crucial step in developing a meaningful and effective mission statement. It lays the foundation for the rest of the process and ensures that the mission statement accurately reflects the organization\’s identity, purpose, and values. By gathering information from a variety of sources, analyzing it systematically, and identifying the organization\’s core values and strengths, leaders can develop a mission statement that inspires employees, engages customers, and guides the organization\’s decision-making and behavior.


The brainstorming stage is a critical component of developing a mission statement. This stage involves creating a list of all potential ideas and thoughts that could be included in the statement. Brainstorming can be done individually or as a group, and it allows for a wide range of creativity and diversity in ideas. It is important to set aside any judgments or criticisms during this stage and to focus solely on generating as many ideas as possible.

Some effective brainstorming techniques include mind mapping, freewriting, and listing. Mind mapping involves creating a visual diagram of related ideas, while freewriting involves writing down all ideas without stopping or editing. Listing involves creating a list of all possible ideas without developing them further.

During the brainstorming stage, it is important to keep the mission and core values of the organization in mind. This will help ensure that all ideas generated align with the overall purpose and goals of the organization. Additionally, it can be helpful to invite individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to participate in the brainstorming process. This can lead to more innovative and inclusive ideas.

Once a list of potential ideas has been created, it is important to evaluate each one carefully. Consider whether each idea aligns with the mission and values of the organization, and whether it is clear and concise. It is also important to avoid including jargon or technical language that may be unclear to stakeholders. Narrow down the list to the most compelling and relevant ideas, and use these to begin crafting the mission statement.

In conclusion, the brainstorming stage is a crucial component of developing a mission statement. It involves generating a wide range of ideas and thoughts, evaluating these ideas, and selecting the most compelling ones to include in the final statement. By keeping the overall mission and values of the organization in mind, and inviting diverse perspectives to the brainstorming process, organizations can create a mission statement that accurately reflects their purpose and goals.


After you\’ve amassed a relevant pool of data and brainstormed ideas for your mission statement, the next step is drafting. This stage is where you will take all of the information you\’ve collected and begin to “flesh out” the foundational elements of your statement. As you begin, it\’s important to remain open to new ideas and to review your data regularly. It\’s also essential to remember that your mission statement should be clear and concise.

When drafting, be sure to use language that is efficient and impactful. Avoid jargon or excessively wordy sentences. Additionally, you will want to ensure that your statement accurately reflects your company\’s values and vision. Consider conducting both internal and external reviews of your draft to help identify any areas where it may not be representative of your company\’s goals.

As you refine your draft, it\’s also helpful to take breaks and revisit the statement with fresh eyes to ensure you\’re satisfied with the result. Take the time to review and revise until you feel like you\’ve captured the essence of your organization and expressed it in a compelling way.


Refining a mission statement involves fine-tuning the language of the statement and making sure it is reflective of the organization\’s values, goals, and purpose. This step is crucial because a well-crafted mission statement provides direction and purpose to the organization while also attracting like-minded individuals who want to be a part of the journey. It\’s important to ensure that the language used is clear and concise, avoids buzzwords, and resonates with its intended audience.

Another important factor to consider during the refining stage is to ensure the mission statement is specific and measurable, outlining the key objectives that the organization aims to achieve. The mission statement should also reflect the unique identity and personality of the organization, setting the tone for its future activities.

During the refining stage, it\’s also important to test the mission statement with potential stakeholders, such as employees, customers, and partners, to ensure its effectiveness in communicating the essence of the organization. This enables the organization to get feedback on the mission statement from different perspectives, which can help fine-tune it further.

Moreover, the mission statement should be dynamic rather than static, where it can be revised and updated as the organization evolves and adapts to changes in the business landscape. Consistently revisiting and refining the mission statement is important in ensuring it remains relevant and impactful.

An effective mission statement serves as a yardstick for organizations, providing a basis for decision-making, and helping them stay rooted in their purpose. It should be used to guide the organization\’s strategic planning, with every decision aligning with the mission statement\’s purpose. Therefore, refining a mission statement is an important part of the process of developing one. It helps to ensure that the organization\’s values and goals are clearly articulated, and its identity reflected in the statement, promoting focus, direction, and unity within the organization.


Once you have refined your draft mission statement, you are ready to move on to the finalizing stage. In this stage, take the time to review your statement for errors and inconsistencies. Eliminate jargon or overly complex language that may confuse or alienate your target audience. Your mission statement should be clear and concise, so revise as necessary to achieve this goal.

Consider sharing your mission statement with trusted colleagues or advisors to get their feedback and suggestions. This outside perspective can help you refine your statement even further. Once you feel confident in your final draft, it\’s time to present it to the organization. You may want to hold a meeting or presentation to introduce the mission statement to employees and other stakeholders.

This can help build excitement and support for your mission, as well as ensure that everyone is on the same page moving forward. Finally, remember that a mission statement is not set in stone. As your organization and its goals evolve over time, you may need to revisit and revise your statement to ensure that it continues to accurately reflect your values and aspirations.

Examples of Mission Statements

Successful Companies

Developing a mission statement is a critical component of a company\’s success. The most successful companies have a clear and concise mission statement that guides their decision-making and sets them apart from their competition. A well-crafted mission statement helps companies define their purpose, values, and overall vision. Companies that have a strong mission statement are better equipped to attract investors, talent, and customers who align with their values and goals.

Successful companies understand that their mission statement is not just a document that sits on a shelf. It is a living, breathing statement that should guide every aspect of the organization\’s operations. Many companies have used their mission statement to drive innovation and creativity in their products, services, and marketing campaigns. By aligning their mission statement with their business strategy, successful companies have been able to achieve their goals and differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

One key characteristic of a successful company\’s mission statement is that it is focused on the customer. Companies that prioritize their customers in their mission statement are often more successful than those who do not. By focusing on the customer, companies can build trust, establish relationships, and create a loyal customer base. A well-crafted mission statement can also help companies prioritize customer needs and create products and services that truly serve their market.

Another attribute of a successful company\’s mission statement is that it is inclusive of all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, and the community. By prioritizing the needs of all stakeholders, companies can build a culture of collaboration, accountability, and social responsibility. This approach not only helps companies build a strong reputation in the marketplace but also attracts talent that aligns with their values.

Successful companies also understand the importance of refreshing their mission statement from time to time to ensure it aligns with their current business strategy and values. Companies that update their mission statement regularly are better equipped to adapt to changing market conditions and maintain their competitive edge.

In conclusion, a well-crafted mission statement is a critical component of a successful company, one that drives innovation, builds a loyal customer base, and attracts talent that aligns with their goals and values. Companies that prioritize their customers and stakeholders, build a culture of social responsibility, and refresh their mission statement regularly are better equipped to achieve their goals and maintain their competitive edge in the marketplace.

Non-Profit Organizations

A mission statement is essential for every organization as it encapsulates the main purpose or reason for its existence. This is especially true for non-profit organizations, who often have a passionate and dedicated team pursuing a specific cause. Non-profit organizations must create mission statements that are clear, concise, and impactful to help them achieve their goals.

A mission statement should describe what the organization does, why it matters, and who it helps. Non-profit organizations should also consider their target audience, as a mission statement should resonate with potential donors, volunteers, and supporters. Therefore, non-profit organizations must carefully craft their mission statements so that they can attract and retain stakeholders committed to their cause.

Non-profit organizations should use their mission statement to differentiate themselves from other organizations and clearly communicate their unique value proposition. Furthermore, the mission statement should align with the organization\’s values and vision for the future, guiding its decision-making and actions. Ultimately, a strong and focused mission statement can help non-profit organizations to achieve their goals, inspire their team, and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Small Businesses

Developing a mission statement is an essential part of any successful small business. A mission statement is a declaration of the purpose and core values of a company that guides its decision making and inspires its employees. It communicates the company\’s identity and helps to differentiate it from competitors.

Small businesses that have a well-crafted mission statement are more likely to establish a strong brand identity, attract and retain customers, and unite employees towards a common goal. When creating a mission statement, small business owners should consider their company\’s strengths, niche, and target audience. They should also take into account the current market trends and the long-term vision for their business.

A good mission statement should be clear, concise, and memorable. It should reflect the company\’s values and vision while being specific and measurable. A well-written mission statement will not only guide a small business towards success but also help it build a positive reputation and make a lasting impact on its customers and employees.



The development of a mission statement is a crucial element in any organization\’s strategic planning process. It serves as a concise and clear statement of the organization\’s purpose, guiding principles, and direction. Throughout the process of developing a mission statement, it is important to take into account the organization\’s values, goals, and objectives to create a mission that accurately reflects the essence of the organization.

The mission statement should be developed with input from all stakeholders, including management, employees, and customers, to ensure that it is comprehensive and inclusive. A well-crafted mission statement should be concise, clear, and easily understandable. It should provide a sense of purpose and direction for the organization and communicate the organization\’s values and principles.

A clearly defined mission statement can help to align the organization\’s activities with its values and goals, providing a framework for decision-making and direction. In addition, a well-crafted mission statement can help to establish the organization\’s identity and differentiate it from competitors in the marketplace.

It communicates the unique value proposition that the organization offers to its stakeholders, including customers, employees, and investors. Ultimately, a well-crafted mission statement serves as a powerful tool in the organization\’s strategic planning process, providing a clear, concise, and compelling guide for its activities and direction.

Importance of a Mission Statement

A mission statement is an important document that communicates the purpose and values of an organization. It is a concise statement that defines why an organization exists, what it does, and how it does it. A mission statement serves as a roadmap for the organization, guiding decision-making and strategies. It is a powerful tool that helps to establish trust and credibility with stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and the wider community.

The importance of a mission statement cannot be overstated. It provides direction and focus, sets expectations, and enables the organization to effectively communicate its purpose and values. In addition, a well-crafted mission statement can foster a shared sense of purpose and identity among employees, and help to attract and retain customers who share the same values as the organization. Overall, a mission statement is a critical component of any organization\’s success, and should be given careful thought and consideration.

Final Thoughts

The culmination of a great mission statement is the creation of a clear and concise document that conveys the essence of your organization to your stakeholders. The importance of developing such a statement cannot be understated, as it not only provides direction and meaning to your operations but also inspires confidence and trust in those who engage with your organization.

It is imperative that you involve all stakeholders in this process, as their insights and perspectives offer valuable feedback that can lead to the creation of a mission statement that accurately represents the shared values and vision of your organization. Through this process, you will have the opportunity to clearly define your organization\’s purpose, identify your unique value proposition, and set forth achievable goals that align with your strategic vision.

As you embark on this journey, it is important to remember that your mission statement is not merely a collection of words, but a reflection of your organization\’s aspirations and guiding principles. With this in mind, take the time to craft a mission statement that accurately captures the core essence of your organization, one that will resonate with your stakeholders and inspire them to engage with your organization, knowing that they are part of something much larger than themselves.

Developing a Mission Statement — FAQ

1. What is a mission statement and why is it important?

A mission statement is a written declaration of a company’s purpose and goals, guiding its overall strategic direction. It is important because it helps employees, customers, shareholders, and other stakeholders understand what the company stands for and why it exists.

2. How do I develop a mission statement?

To develop a mission statement, start by defining your company’s purpose, values, and goals. Think about what makes your company unique and different from others in your industry. Then, craft a clear and concise statement that reflects your company’s purpose and values.

3. Who should be involved in developing a mission statement?

It’s important to involve key stakeholders in the development of a mission statement, including management, employees, and even customers. This can help ensure that the statement accurately reflects the company’s goals and values, and that it aligns with the expectations of various stakeholders.

4. How often should a mission statement be reviewed or updated?

A mission statement should be reviewed regularly, and may need to be updated periodically to reflect changes in the company’s goals or values, or changes in the business environment. There is no set timeframe for reviewing or updating a mission statement, but it should be done at least once a year.

5. Can a mission statement be too long or too short?

Yes, a mission statement can be too long or too short. It should be clear and concise, but also provide sufficient information about the company’s purpose and goals. Generally, a mission statement should be no longer than one or two sentences, but it should still effectively capture the essence of the company.

6. How does a mission statement differ from a vision statement?

A mission statement and a vision statement are similar, but they serve slightly different purposes. A mission statement outlines a company’s purpose and goals, while a vision statement describes a company’s aspirations and future direction. The two statements can work together to guide a company’s overall strategic direction.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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