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  • Grants for Research: A Comprehensive Guide

by Mike Vestil 

Grants for Research: A Comprehensive Guide

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This comprehensive guide will provide an overview to research grants, discussing their purpose, types, and how they can be obtained. The article covers finding grant opportunities through various sources, such as online databases, organizations, and government agencies. It will also explore the eligibility criteria, the application process, managing a research grant, and strategies for success. By the end of the article, readers will have a solid understanding of research grants and how to navigate the application and management processes.

Understanding Research Grants

Research grants are financial awards provided by various organizations, including government agencies, private foundations, and academic institutions, that support the exploration and investigation of new ideas, methodologies, or knowledge in a specific field. Understanding research grants will help researchers navigate the process of securing funding for their projects.

Definition of Research Grants

A research grant can be defined as a financial award provided to researchers for the execution of a specific project. These grants are usually non-refundable and are awarded on a competitive basis to support scientific, scholarly, or creative endeavors. The funding organization may specify that the grant be used for particular research activities, such as conducting experiments, purchasing equipment, or paying for staff.

The grant application process usually involves submitting a proposal that outlines the research project’s objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and budget. This document is reviewed by a panel of experts who assess the project’s feasibility, significance, and alignment with the funding organization’s goals or priorities. Applicants are typically required to submit progress reports and may need to present their findings to the funding organization at the end of the grant period.

Purpose of Research Grants

Research grants serve several important purposes for both the researchers who receive the funding and the organizations that provide it. Some of these purposes include:

    1. Advancing knowledge: Research grants enable scientists and scholars to explore new ideas, theories, and methodologies, which ultimately contribute to the advancement of their respective fields. This knowledge improvement can lead to a better understanding of various phenomena, the development of innovative technologies, and the improvement of human lives.

    1. Fostering innovation: By providing funding for promising projects, research grants encourage researchers to take risks and test out novel ideas. This can lead to groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to revolutionize entire industries or sectors.

    1. Enhancing academic and professional development: Receiving a research grant can significantly boost a researcher’s career and reputation, giving them access to new opportunities, collaborations, and resources. Grant-funded projects can also provide valuable training and mentorship for students and early-career researchers.

    1. Addressing societal problems and challenges: Research grants can be used to fund projects that aim at solving specific issues or challenges that societies face. These may include projects that focus on health, environment, energy, education, or social development.

    1. Supporting the research community: Research grants offer financial support to research institutions and academic communities, which helps maintain a healthy ecosystem for research and development. This, in turn, ensures that there is a continuous flow of new ideas and knowledge that contributes to societal progress.

Types of Research Grants

There are several types of research grants, which can be grouped into three main categories:

    1. Government-funded grants: These grants are provided by federal, state, and local government agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States or the European Research Council (ERC) in Europe. Government-funded grants are often the largest and most competitive sources of research funding, targeting various fields, including health, environment, and social sciences.

    1. Private foundation grants: Private foundations, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or the Wellcome Trust, also provide substantial funding to researchers. These grants are typically focused on specific research areas or societal challenges that align with the foundation’s mission and priorities.

    1. Industry or corporate grants: Many companies and corporations fund research projects that are relevant to their interests and needs, such as research in pharmaceuticals, technology, or agriculture. These grants can be smaller in scale than government or foundation grants but can offer valuable industry connections and resources.

    1. Internal university or institutional grants: Many academic institutions provide their researchers with internal grants to support smaller-scale projects or pilot studies. These grants can be an important source of seed funding for researchers to develop preliminary data or ideas, which can then be used to apply for larger, external grants.

    1. Fellowships and scholarships: These are grants explicitly designed to support the academic or professional development of researchers, graduate students, or postdoctoral scholars. They usually provide funding for research activities, travel, conference attendance, or other career-enhancing opportunities.

By understanding the definition, purpose, and types of research grants, researchers can better navigate the funding landscape and identify the most appropriate sources of support for their projects. It is crucial for researchers to continually improve their grant writing and project management skills to secure and manage research grant funding effectively.

Finding research grant opportunities can be a daunting task, but there are several resources available to help you locate and secure the funding needed to conduct your research. In this article, we discuss various sources through which you can find research grant opportunities, such as online databases and resources, grant-awarding organizations and institutions, academic and professional associations, and government funding agencies.

Online Databases and Resources

Online databases and resources are valuable tools in locating research grant opportunities. Here are some popular online resources that can aid your search:

    1. Pivot (https://pivot.proquest.com): Pivot is an extensive and easily searchable database that allows users to find funding opportunities and collaborators across all disciplines. From foundations to government agencies, Pivot curates research funding relevant to your research interests and needs.

    1. GrantForward (https://www.grantforward.com): GrantForward is an advanced grant search engine that aggregates funding opportunities from various sources like federal agencies, private foundations, and organizations. Their database is updated daily to provide the most current funding opportunities.

    1. SPIN (https://infoedglobal.com/spin-search): SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) is a database that allows researchers to search for grant opportunities from both domestic and international sponsors. It provides detailed information about grant opportunities and updates regularly.

    1. Foundation Directory Online (https://fconline.foundationcenter.org): The Foundation Directory Online provides information on thousands of grantmaking organizations and their funding preferences. It is an excellent resource for researchers seeking private foundation grants.

    1. Euraxess (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu): Euraxess is a European platform that offers information and assistance to researchers moving to another European country for research purposes. They provide a database of funding opportunities available within Europe.

Grant-awarding Organizations and Institutions

Grant-awarding organizations and institutions are specifically focused on providing funds for research projects. These organizations and institutions have their own grant programs that cater to different research fields and requirements. Some examples include:

    1. The National Science Foundation (NSF): NSF is an independent federal agency that funds research and education in all fields of science and engineering in the United States.

    1. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: The foundation supports research initiatives in global health, development, education, and policy advocacy by funding grants to organizations and individuals worldwide.

    1. The Wellcome Trust: The Wellcome Trust is an independent, global charitable foundation that supports research across biomedical sciences, population health, medical innovation, humanities, and social sciences.

    1. The Ford Foundation: The Ford Foundation provides grants across various areas, including education, economic and social inequality, and scientific research.

    1. The World Bank: The World Bank Group comprises several institutions that provide financial and technical assistance to developing countries for research and innovation.

Academic and Professional Associations

Joining an academic or professional association can provide you access to their databases, newsletters, or websites with information about grant opportunities. These associations are usually discipline-specific or topic-oriented, offering different funding opportunities to their members, as well as networking and collaboration opportunities. Examples include:

    1. The American Psychological Association (APA): APA offers various grants, scholarships, and fellowships for both graduate and postdoctoral students in the psychological sciences.

    1. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): ACM provides numerous funding opportunities related to computer science and engineering, including research grants, scholarships, and fellowships.

    1. The American Political Science Association (APSA): APSA champions research in political science and offers various grants, fellowships, and funding opportunities for professional development.

Government Funding Agencies

Government agencies play a significant role in funding research projects. These agencies support a wide range of research areas and offer grant opportunities for researchers, depending on their field and project requirements. Some examples include:

    1. The National Institutes of Health (NIH): The NIH is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, offering a variety of grant opportunities for research projects in the health sciences.

    1. The Department of Energy (DOE): The DOE offers funding opportunities for research related to energy and environmental technologies.

    1. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): NASA funds research projects in the areas of earth science, space science, and human exploration.

    1. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID): USAID funds research projects related to international development, including health, food security, climate change, and economic growth.

Utilize these resources effectively and actively engage with your professional networks to maximize your chances of finding and securing a research grant to support your work.

Eligibility Criteria for Research Grants

Research grants are awarded to eligible researchers and institutions, enabling them to conduct research projects aimed at contributing to knowledge in various fields, including science, technology, engineering, and humanities. To ensure that funds are allocated to deserving candidates and projects, grant-awarding bodies usually have specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet.

This article will discuss the most common eligibility criteria for research grants, which typically include the applicant’s background and qualifications, the research topic and discipline, geographical and institutional restrictions, and the project’s duration and budget.

Applicant’s Background and Qualifications

The applicant’s background and qualifications often play a critical role in determining their eligibility for research grants. Grant-awarding organizations usually consider factors such as the applicant’s education, professional experience, publication record, and demonstrated research capabilities. Typical requirements may include:

    1. Education: The applicant must hold a minimum educational qualification in the relevant field, usually a PhD or a Master’s degree. In some cases, however, researchers with a Bachelor’s degree and extensive research experience may also be considered.

    1. Professional Experience: Grant reviewers often look for evidence of the applicant’s professional experience, such as their track record in designing and conducting research projects, as well as expertise in the research methodology they intend to use.

    1. Publication Record: A strong publication record in reputable journals can be a significant indicator of the applicant’s research capabilities, adding credibility and potential for success to their project proposal.

    1. Research Skills: Applicants must demonstrate expertise in their chosen research area, as well as proficiency in relevant research techniques and methodologies.

    1. Collaborators: In some cases, the qualifications and track record of the applicant’s collaborators may also be considered as part of the eligibility criteria.

Research Topic and Discipline

The research topic and discipline must align with the grant-awarding body’s priorities and objectives. Some organizations support research in specific areas, such as health or environmental conservation, while others may have more general priorities. When developing a research grant proposal, it is essential to ensure that the project’s goals and objectives are in line with the grant-awarding organization’s mission and strategic priorities.

Some funders also impose restrictions on the research methodologies or approaches to be used, preferring those that promote innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and tangible outcomes. Additionally, some grant programs require that research projects address specific societal issues or involve the application of certain technologies.

Geographical and Institutional Restrictions

Geographical restrictions may apply in some cases, with grants being available only to researchers or institutions located in specific geographical areas or countries. This could be due to the grant-awarding body’s strategic priorities or targeting research projects that address local or regional issues.

Institutional restrictions may also exist, with some grant programs limited to researchers affiliated with certain academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or governmental bodies. Additionally, some grants may have specific requirements regarding the applicant’s institutional status, such as being a tenure-track faculty member or employed by a research-focused organization.

Project Duration and Budget

When applying for a research grant, it is essential to provide a realistic and well-structured plan for the duration of the project and the estimated budget requirements. Grant-awarding organizations usually have constraints on the funding period, with most research grants lasting between 1-5 years. Applicants must, therefore, ensure that their project can be completed within the specified duration.

The budget requirements for the project must be clearly outlined, with appropriate justification for each budget item, including personnel, equipment, materials, and other related costs, such as travel or publication fees. The grant-awarding organization may have specific limits or guidelines on various budget categories, which applicants must adhere to in order to be considered eligible for funding.

In summary, applicants must carefully review the eligibility criteria for research grants provided by the grant-awarding organization, ensuring that their qualifications, the research topic and discipline, geographical and institutional restrictions, and project duration and budget align with the funder’s requirements. By thoroughly understanding and addressing these criteria, applicants can increase their chances of securing funding for their research projects.

How to Apply for Research Grants

Preparing a Grant Proposal

To begin the process of applying for a research grant, you must first prepare a grant proposal. A grant proposal is a comprehensive document designed to convince the funding agency that your research project is worthwhile and has the potential to advance relevant knowledge in your field. Preparing a grant proposal involves several key components, including:

Writing a Clear and Compelling Research Plan

In this section of your grant proposal, you will describe the research questions that you plan to address, the methods that you will use to answer these questions, and the overall significance of your project. To write a clear and compelling research plan:

    1. State the primary research question or hypothesis and explain its importance within your field.

    1. Provide an overview of the relevant literature to contextualize your research and establish a theoretical framework.

    1. Describe the research design, methods, and data collection strategies that you will use to address the research question.

    1. Explain why these methods are appropriate and feasible for answering the question, and provide evidence of their validity and reliability.

    1. Discuss the anticipated outcomes of your research and the potential implications for your field.

Creating a Project Budget and Timeline

To demonstrate that your project can be completed within the requested funding period and within budget, it’s important to provide a detailed breakdown of the anticipated costs and a realistic timeline for completion. When creating a project budget and timeline, you should:

    1. Estimate costs for personnel, equipment, and supplies needed for the research.

    1. Itemize travel expenses, conference fees, and other relevant costs.

    1. Calculate any indirect costs, such as overhead, administrative expenses, or other institutional fees associated with your project.

    1. Specify the funding period or the duration of time for which you are requesting support, often ranging from one to multiple years.

    1. Outline a timeline that identifies important milestones and anticipated dates of completion for each phase of the research project.

Demonstrating the Impact of your Research

Funding agencies are interested in supporting research projects that have potential for significant impact, both within academic fields and beyond. To show the impact of your research, you should:

    1. Explain how your research contributes to the current knowledge base in your field.

    1. Describe potential applications of your work in industry, policy making, or other areas.

    1. Discuss how your research will promote collaboration among researchers, institutions, or across disciplines.

    1. Highlight how your research will provide training or educational opportunities for students, early career researchers, or other professionals.

    1. Address the broader societal or environmental implications of your research project, if applicable.

Addressing Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations play an important role in the evaluation of research proposals. To address any potential ethical concerns in your research, you should:

    1. Identify any potential risks or harms to participants or other stakeholders.

    1. Describe the measures you will take to minimize these risks and ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.

    1. Explain the process for obtaining informed consent, and ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of research participants.

    1. Address any possible conflicts of interest or issues of equity and inclusion.

    1. Discuss the steps you will take to ensure the responsible management and use of research data.

Submitting the Grant Application

Once you have prepared your grant proposal, you will need to submit your application to the funding agency. This process may vary depending on the requirements of the specific organization or program, but most submissions typically involve the following steps:

Online Submission Platforms

Most funding agencies require that you submit your grant application electronically, using an online submission platform. These platforms typically require you to create an account and provide some basic personal and organizational information before uploading your proposal documents. Be sure to carefully follow the platform’s instructions and guidelines for document formatting and submission.

Deadlines and Submission Guidelines

It is crucial to be aware of and adhere to the submission deadlines and guidelines set by the funding agency. Missing a deadline or failing to comply with specific requirements can result in your application being disqualified. Pay close attention to any instructions regarding document length, format, file types, and any additional information that may be required.

Required Documents and Supplementary Materials

In addition to your grant proposal, funding agencies may require additional supporting documents and materials, such as:

    1. Letters of recommendation or support from colleagues, collaborators, or stakeholders.

    1. Information about your organization, including its mission, funding history, and tax status.

    1. Curriculum vitae or resumes for key project personnel.

    1. Copies of relevant research permits, licenses, or approvals.

Be sure to gather and prepare these materials in advance of the submission deadline.

Application Review Process

After submitting your grant application, it will undergo a review process conducted by the funding agency. This process may involve several stages, but most commonly includes:

Peer Review and Evaluation

Your application will likely be reviewed by a panel of experts in your field. These reviewers will evaluate your proposal based on established criteria, such as the quality of your research plan, the potential impact of your work, the feasibility of your methods, and the appropriateness of your budget. The reviewers will then provide feedback and recommendations to the funding agency on whether to support your project.

Response and Revisions

After receiving feedback from the reviewers, you may be invited to respond to their comments and submit a revised version of your proposal. This is your opportunity to address any concerns, clarify your project’s goals and methods, and make any necessary changes to your budget or timeline.

Notification of Results

Once the review process is complete, the funding agency will notify you of their final decision on your grant application. If your application is successful, congratulations! You will now move into the project implementation phase. However, if your application is not successful, take the opportunity to learn from the feedback provided and consider resubmitting a revised proposal during the next funding cycle.

Managing a Research Grant

Managing a research grant involves several aspects, from budget management to timely reporting and compliance with regulations. Whether a grant is funded by a government agency, foundation, or private sector entity, grant recipients must address these key areas to ensure that they both meet project objectives and command the trust of stakeholders.

Funding Disbursement and Budget Management

For a funded research grant, the first task is to ensure that funds are disbursed and managed effectively. This process starts with negotiation and contracting with the funder, during which the budget and project plan are reviewed and finalized.

Once the terms are agreed upon, funding is typically disbursed in increments, according to a schedule established during the negotiation process. The disbursement schedule may be based on specific milestones or timeframes, with expectations for progress towards project goals.

Budget management involves overseeing and controlling the use of funds to achieve the project’s objectives. The grant holder must ensure that they can track expenses and prevent unauthorized use of funds. This is done by creating and updating a budget, monitoring it for compliance and accuracy, and communicating budget allocations to relevant project members or departments.

To stay on track with budget management, the award holder should regularly reconcile finances, comparing budgeted expenses with actual costs, and report any variances to funders immediately. Involve team members responsible for individual components of the project in monitoring expenditures and updating the budget to maintain an accurate picture of the project’s financial health.

Finally, establish financial controls and processes that ensure fiscal responsibility, such as the regular review of support documentation for financial transactions, segregation of duties, and limiting access to funds.

Progress Reporting and Evaluation

Providing progress reports and evaluations is an integral part of managing a research grant. Progress reports demonstrate the project’s achievements to grant funders, helping to strengthen support and maintain funding. Regular reporting also helps to identify and address any challenges that arise during project implementation.

Most granting agencies require periodic progress reports detailing the current status of project activities, results, any challenges encountered, and any adjustments required. The reporting schedule is usually specified in the grant agreement. These reports should be written concisely and focus on the most significant accomplishments, while also addressing any setbacks or modifications to project plans.

Evaluation is the process of assessing the quality, effectiveness, and outcomes of a project. It provides an opportunity to learn from successes and failures, as well as to demonstrate the value of the project to grant funders. The analysis of data collected during the project is an essential aspect of the evaluation process, as is the assessment of the project’s impact on the target audience or system.

Compliance with Regulations and Requirements

Grant recipients must comply with a range of regulations and requirements, such as federal and state guidelines, institutional policies, and the funder’s own rules. Key areas of compliance typically include:

    • Ethical considerations: ensuring that the project adheres to standards for human subjects, animal welfare, and other ethical concerns.

    • Financial management: following financial regulations and requirements, such as reporting expenses, managing cash balances, and retaining financial records.

    • Intellectual property: protecting and managing intellectual property generated through the project, including patents, copyrights, and authorship attributions.

Carefully review your funding agency’s guidelines and your institution’s policies to ensure that you meet all applicable compliance requirements. Develop a systematic approach to managing and documenting compliance, such as creating and regularly reviewing a compliance checklist.

Acknowledging Grant Support

Acknowledging grant support is critical for maintaining positive relationships with funders and giving proper credit to the sources of research funding. The grant funder and award number should be acknowledged in all presentations, publications, and other communication materials generated by the project.

Recognizing the grant funder not only demonstrates gratitude, but also adds credibility to your research and helps you build a favorable reputation among peers and stakeholders.

In conclusion, effective management of a research grant involves balancing various responsibilities, from financial oversight to progress reporting and compliance with regulations. By addressing these essential areas, researchers can ensure that they make the best use of grant money, meet project objectives, and maintain the trust of grant funders.

Tips and Strategies for Successful Research Grant Applications

Before diving into the writing process, it is crucial to understand the essential components that make up a successful research grant application. In this article, you’ll discover helpful strategies to increase your chances of obtaining research funding.

Understanding Funder Priorities and Preferences

One of the most critical steps in writing a successful grant application is to understand the funding organization’s priorities and preferences. Research the funder’s goals and mission, and tailor your proposal to align with their objectives. Here are some tips for assessing their priorities and preferences:

    1. Review the funder’s website: The organization’s website, particularly the ‘About Us’ or ‘Mission’ statements, often give clear indications of their focus and interests.

    1. Analyze previously funded projects: Examining projects that the funder has financed in the past can offer insights into their thematic and sectoral preferences.

    1. Look for funding trends: Understanding current trends in the funding landscape, including popular research topics and areas of growing interest, can help you stay ahead of the curve and increase the chances of your proposal being funded.

    1. Talk to experts and stakeholders: Speaking to people who have previously received funding from the organization can provide valuable insights into the funder’s preferences.

Once you have a deep understanding of the funder’s priorities, your proposal will be better equipped to address their research objectives.

Developing Strong Collaborations and Partnerships

A well-connected and diverse research team can greatly increase your chances of winning a grant. Developing strong collaborations and partnerships demonstrates that your research proposal will benefit from a wide range of expertise and resources. Here are some tips to help you establish quality relationships:

    1. Leverage existing networks: Reach out to individuals and organizations with whom you have previously worked or those who share similar research interests.

    1. Build interdisciplinary teams: Funders often value research proposals that bring together a diverse group of experts from various fields and disciplines.

    1. Get involved in research conferences and events: Networking at conferences and scholarly events can introduce you to potential collaborators who share your interests.

    1. Demonstrate mutual benefits: Explain how your partnership will benefit all parties involved, emphasizing the potential impact and possible long-term collaborations that may arise.

Seeking Feedback and Mentorship

Grant writing is a rigorous process that requires the ability to articulate complex ideas and demonstrate their importance. Seeking feedback and mentorship from experienced colleagues can greatly enhance the quality of your application:

    1. Ask colleagues to review your proposal: Take advantage of peers who have successfully obtained research funding, as their expertise can provide invaluable guidance.

    1. Participate in a grant writing workshop: Many academic institutions and nonprofit organizations offer workshops that can help hone your grant writing skills.

    1. Seek professional grant writing assistance: Professional grant writers can provide constructive feedback and editing services to ensure your proposal is clear, concise, and persuasive.

Pursuing Multiple Funding Opportunities

Relying solely on one funding source is risky and can hinder the progress of your research. As such, it is advisable to diversify your funding sources by applying to multiple organizations and opportunities:

    1. Identify and prioritize potential funding sources: Make a list of agencies, foundations, and other sources of funding aligned with your research interests, and rank them based on their accessibility, relevance, and funding size.

    1. Develop a strategic funding calendar: Create a schedule that outlines the submission deadlines for each funding opportunity, giving yourself ample time to prepare and revise each application before submission.

    1. Customize your proposal for each funder: It is essential to tailor your proposal to match each funder’s specific objectives, requirements, and preferences. This may involve reworking or reframing your project goals to better align with their mission.

    1. Apply for multiple types of funding: Consider applying for small seed grants, fellowships, and larger project grants to diversify your funding portfolio.

In summary, understanding funder priorities, developing strong collaborations and partnerships, seeking feedback and mentorship, and pursuing multiple funding opportunities are essential strategies for writing winning research grant applications. It requires effort, patience, and persistence, but the rewards of securing research funding can have a profound impact on your scientific career.

Grants for Research — FAQ

1. What types of grants are available for research projects?

Various types of grants cater to research projects, including federal grants, state grants, private foundation grants, corporate grants, and university or institutional grants. Each grant type caters to specific research fields and follows distinct eligibility criteria and application processes.

2. How can I find suitable grant opportunities for my research?

To locate relevant grant opportunities, explore websites of funding agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and Grants.gov. Leverage online databases like SPIN, GrantForward, or the Foundation Directory, and consult your institution’s research office for tailored suggestions.

3. What are the tips for writing a successful research grant proposal?

When writing a research grant proposal, ensure clarity, precision, and conciseness in your objectives, methodology, and significance of the research. Provide a realistic timeline and budget, display your expertise and qualifications, and follow the specific formatting and submission guidelines provided by the funding agency.

4. What is the review process like for research grant applications?

The review process typically involves panels of experts assessing grant applications based on criteria like scientific merit, innovation, feasibility, and potential impact. Reviewers assign scores to each application following funding agency guidelines, which may be used to rank proposals and make funding decisions.

5. Can researchers collaborate on grant proposals, and how does that affect funding?

Researchers can collaborate on grant proposals, which may strengthen the application by showcasing diverse expertise and resources. Funding agencies often support collaborative research and allocate funding to the collaborating institutions. These funds are generally managed through subawards or consortium agreements.

6. How are grant funds typically disbursed and managed?

Grant funds are disbursed according to the funding agency’s policies and the agreed schedule. They are generally administered through the researcher’s institution, which oversees the financial management, reporting, and adherence to compliance regulations. Institutions also ensure that funds are used in accordance with the approved budget and objectives.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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