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  • The Impact of Product Positioning on Businesses

by Mike Vestil 

The Impact of Product Positioning on Businesses

Product positioning is the practice of differentiating your brand\’s products from those of your competitors by emphasizing unique benefits that meet the needs of your target audience. It is a strategic marketing technique that aims to influence the perception of consumers and position a product in their minds.

This process involves determining and designing the most effective competitive advantage and conveying it in a way that resonates with the customer. In this article, we will explore the importance of product positioning, the key elements that contribute to successful positioning, and some examples of effective product positioning in the industry.



Product positioning is the process of creating an image in the mind of the consumer about a particular product, brand or company. It defines how and where the product or brand is positioned in the market and how it is differentiated from the competition. Essentially, product positioning communicates the unique value proposition of the product or brand to the target audience. This process involves identifying key product attributes, target market, competition and identifying the market niche that the product will occupy.

In order to establish a successful product positioning strategy, organizations must first identify the unique characteristics of their product or brand. This means understanding the product\’s features, benefits, and value proposition, as well as its strengths and weaknesses compared to similar products in the market. Once these attributes have been identified, the organization must determine the target market for the product or brand. This involves identifying the specific demographics and psychographics of the potential customer base, as well as their needs, preferences, and behaviors.

Once the product attributes and target market have been identified, the organization must establish a unique and compelling message to communicate to the target audience. This message should clearly communicate the benefit or value of the product or brand and differentiate it from the competition. The message should appeal to the target market\’s preferences, attitudes, and values, and build a strong emotional connection with the audience.

Product positioning is crucial for companies looking to establish a competitive advantage in a crowded marketplace. By effectively communicating the unique value proposition of a product or brand to the target audience, organizations can differentiate themselves from the competition and capture market share. Product positioning is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjusting to changes in the market and consumer behavior. It is a critical element of the marketing mix and should be integrated into overall marketing strategy and tactics.


Product positioning refers to the process of creating a distinct image and identity for a product in the minds of the consumers. It is an important aspect of marketing that helps companies differentiate their products from those of their competitors. The importance of product positioning lies in its ability to attract the attention of consumers, create interest in the product, and influence their perception of the product.

When a product is well-positioned, it becomes easier for consumers to understand the unique benefits it offers and why they should choose it over other similar products. Product positioning can also help companies increase their market share and profitability by establishing themselves as leaders in a particular niche.

A well-positioned product can create a higher perceived value, leading to increased demand and ultimately, higher profit margins. Furthermore, product positioning can help companies build a loyal customer base by creating a consistent image and identity that resonates with their target audience. Ultimately, effective product positioning is essential for any business that wants to succeed in a competitive marketplace.


Product positioning is an essential aspect of marketing that involves creating a unique image and identity for a product in the minds of the target audience. The objective of product positioning is to differentiate the product from its competition and create a perception of superiority, uniqueness, or attractiveness that resonates with the customer’s needs and preferences.

One of the primary objectives of product positioning is to increase market share by reaching out to new customers while leveraging the existing customer base. This is achieved by aligning the product with the customer\’s values, beliefs, and attitudes and creating a compelling reason why the product is a better fit for the customer than its alternatives. Another important objective of product positioning is to create brand loyalty, which can be achieved by offering exceptional value and customer satisfaction.

Brand loyalty implies that customers have a positive association with the product, and will continue to purchase it even when faced with attractive alternatives. A third objective of product positioning is to sustain competitive advantage. In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies compete against each other for market share, and for a brand to survive, it must continue to innovate to stay relevant to the customer.

This requires companies to keep a keen eye on the market, customer feedback, and emerging trends to stay ahead of the curve. Lastly, product positioning aims to communicate the product’s benefits and unique selling proposition effectively. Companies must articulate a clear message to the customers that is consistent with the product\’s perceived value and the customer\’s expectations, through various marketing channels, such as advertising, public relations, and digital media.

In summary, product positioning aims to create a unique identity for a product in the minds of customers, differentiate it from its competition, increase market share, create brand loyalty, sustain a competitive advantage, and communicate the product’s benefits and USP effectively.

Factors Affecting Product Positioning

Target Market

The target market is an essential component of product positioning. It is the group of customers that a company aims to reach and serve with its products. To effectively position a product, a company must first identify its target market. This involves understanding the demographics, psychographics, and behaviors of the customers who are most likely to be interested in and purchase the product.

The target market should be defined based on factors such as age, gender, income, education level, geographic location, and lifestyle preferences. By understanding the characteristics and needs of the target market, a company can tailor its marketing messages and product features to appeal to the specific desires of these customers.

In addition to demographic and psychographic information, companies must also consider the behaviors of their target market. This includes factors such as purchasing habits, brand loyalty, and preferred channels of communication. By understanding how the target market interacts with similar products and brands, a company can identify opportunities for differentiation and positioning against competitors.

It is essential for a company to continually evaluate and refine its target market as the market and consumer preferences change over time. Failure to accurately identify and target the right market can result in poor sales, wasted resources, and a damaged brand reputation. Therefore, companies must regularly analyze customer feedback and market trends to ensure that they are effectively positioning their products for success.


The competitor analysis is a critical component of product positioning. Identifying and analyzing competitors provides invaluable insights into the market landscape and helps in developing an effective product strategy. While evaluating competitors, businesses must consider several factors, including their target market, product features, price, and distribution channels. By understanding how competitors are positioning their products in the market, businesses can differentiate themselves and identify opportunities for growth.

An effective competitor analysis requires careful research and evaluation. It is important to identify direct and indirect competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Direct competitors offer similar products or services, while indirect competitors operate in a different industry but still offer similar solutions for consumers. By analyzing both direct and indirect competitors, businesses can identify gaps in the market and capitalize on them.

The target market is crucial in evaluating competitors. It is necessary to understand the demographics and psychographics of the target market and determine how competitors are addressing their needs. By analyzing the target market, businesses can identify areas where competitors are falling short or capitalize on unmet customer needs.

Product features are another important factor in evaluating competitors. Businesses must analyze the features and benefits of their competitor\’s products and determine how they differ from their own. By identifying the unique selling points of competitors, businesses can highlight their own competitive advantages and stand out in the market.

Price plays a significant role in product positioning. Businesses must analyze their competitor\’s pricing strategy and determine how it impacts the market. By understanding the pricing strategy of competitors, businesses can identify opportunities to offer a better value proposition to customers.

Finally, analyzing the distribution channels of competitors provides insight into how they are reaching their target market. Businesses must determine how competitors are distributing their products and identify the most effective distribution channels. By analyzing the distribution channels of competitors, businesses can identify opportunities to reach their target market more effectively.

Product Features

Product features are one of the essential elements when positioning a product in the market. These attributes are the characteristics of the products that differentiate them from the competition and cater to the needs and desires of target customers. To determine the right product features from the customers\’ perspective, market research is a crucial step.

This research can take various forms, such as user feedback, surveys, focus groups, and reviews. When researching product features, it is important to keep in mind the benefits that the features offer to the customer. A feature on its own does not make a product useful; it must provide a benefit to the customer. For example, a car with powerful brakes is not useful if it cannot stop in time to avoid an accident. The benefit of powerful brakes is safety. Therefore, when positioning a car in the market, safety will be a crucial product feature.

Another factor to consider when developing product features is the product\’s target market. The product features that appeal to one market segment may not be relevant to another. A laptop designed for gamers, for example, will have different features than a laptop designed for business professionals. Therefore, identifying the target market is critical to determine which features will resonate with that market. Lastly, a product\’s features should be easy to understand and communicate.

Customers should be able to grasp the benefits of a product\’s features easily. Confusing, complex, or ambiguous product features can lead to frustration and hesitation on the part of potential customers. Therefore, when positioning a product, simplicity and clarity should be top of mind when designing and communicating its features. In conclusion, when positioning a product, its features are a critical element that will differentiate it from its competitors and appeal to its target market.

Market research, benefits to the customer, relevance to the target market, and simplicity in communication are key considerations to guide the development and communication of a product\’s features.


The price subsection is a critical element of product positioning. It refers to the value placed on a product by the target market and is a significant determinant of consumer behavior. The price of a product is influenced by various factors such as the production cost, competitor pricing, and perceived value. For instance, if the target market perceives the product as high quality, then they are likely to pay a premium price for it. On the other hand, if the product is seen as low quality, the consumers may not be willing to pay a higher price for it. Therefore, a company needs to align its pricing strategy with the needs and preferences of its target market.

In addition to the target market, a company needs to take into account the pricing strategies used by its competitors. The pricing decisions of competitors can significantly impact the pricing strategy of a company. For example, if a competitor lowers the price of its product, then a company may need to adjust its price to remain competitive. Conversely, if a competitor raises the price of its product, then it may provide an opportunity for a company to increase its market share by offering a cheaper alternative.

When determining the price of a product, a company needs to consider the product features and the level of differentiation it offers. A highly differentiated product with unique features can support a higher price point, while a product with minimal differentiation may require a lower price point to remain competitive. Additionally, a product\’s life cycle can influence its pricing strategy. For example, early in a product\’s life cycle, a higher price point may be acceptable due to the novelty of the product. As the product becomes more established, the company may need to adjust the price to remain competitive.

Distribution channels also play a vital role in pricing decisions. Each distribution channel comes with its associated costs, which can affect the final price of the product. For example, a product sold through a specialized retailer may be priced higher compared to a similar product sold in a mass retail channel.

In conclusion, the price subsection is a critical element of product positioning. It requires careful consideration of various factors to determine the optimal pricing strategy that aligns with the needs and preferences of the target market. By taking into account the market, competition, and product features, a company can establish a pricing strategy that ensures profitability and maintains a competitive edge in the market.

Distribution Channels

The distribution channels for a product refer to the various avenues through which the product moves from the producer to the end consumer. It is crucial to ensure that the chosen distribution channels are aligned with the target market and the company\’s overall marketing objectives. The distribution channels can be direct or indirect, depending on the nature of the product and the producer\’s business model.

Direct distribution channels involve the producer selling the product directly to the end consumer without any intermediaries. This approach is suitable for products that require a high level of customer engagement, such as customized products or luxury items. Direct distribution channels may involve the use of company-owned retail outlets, e-commerce websites, or personal selling by the company\’s sales representatives.

Indirect distribution channels involve the use of intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors, or retailers to move the product from the producer to the end consumer. This approach is suitable for products with high demand and a broad target market, as intermediaries can help to reach a wider audience. Indirect distribution channels may involve the use of third-party retail outlets, online marketplaces, or partnerships with other businesses.

The choice of distribution channels should be made based on the product\’s characteristics, target market, and the company\’s overall marketing objectives. Each distribution channel comes with its benefits and challenges, and producers must weigh these before making a decision. For example, direct distribution channels give the producer more control over the customer experience, but they require significant investment in marketing and infrastructure. Indirect distribution channels, on the other hand, offer lower costs and wider reach but give the producer less control over the customer experience.

Finally, it is worth noting that the choice of distribution channels is not a one-time decision. As the market and consumer preferences evolve, producers must also adapt their distribution strategies to remain competitive. It is essential to continuously monitor the performance of each distribution channel and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the product reaches the end consumer effectively and efficiently.

Brand Image

Brand image is a crucial aspect of product positioning that plays a significant role in determining the success of a product in the market. It refers to the overall perception and reputation that consumers have of a brand. A strong brand image can help companies differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain the trust of their target audience. When creating a brand image, companies need to consider several factors such as the quality of their products, their values and mission statement, and their messaging.

The first factor to consider when creating a brand image is the quality of the product. The quality of a product can significantly impact how consumers perceive a brand. If a product is of high quality, consumers are more likely to associate the brand with excellence and reliability. On the other hand, if a product is of poor quality, it can negatively impact the brand\’s reputation and image. Companies need to ensure that their products meet or exceed the expectations of their target audience to create a positive brand image.

Another factor to consider when creating a brand image is the company\’s values and mission statement. Consumers are more likely to support brands that share their values and beliefs. Companies need to communicate their values and mission statement effectively to their target audience to create a positive brand image. By aligning their messaging with their values, companies can build a loyal customer base and stand out from their competitors.

The messaging that a company uses to communicate its brand is also crucial in creating a positive brand image. The messaging needs to be clear, concise, and consistent across all channels. Companies need to understand the needs and wants of their target audience and tailor their messaging accordingly. By using language and imagery that resonates with their target audience, companies can create an emotional connection with their customers and build a strong brand image.

In conclusion, creating a strong brand image is essential for product positioning success. By considering the quality of their products, their values and mission statement, and their messaging, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain the trust of their target audience. A positive brand image can lead to increased brand visibility, loyalty, and ultimately, higher revenue.

Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix is an important tool that helps businesses to promote and sell their products effectively. It encompasses several elements that contribute to the success of a product. One of the significant aspects of the Marketing Mix is Product Positioning. Product Positioning is the way in which a product is perceived by consumers in the market relative to competing products. To position a product well, it is necessary to consider factors such as the product\’s features and benefits, the target market, and the competition.

The key elements of the Marketing Mix are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Product refers to the physical or intangible offering that meets the needs and wants of the target market. Price is the amount charged for the product. Place refers to the distribution channels used to get the product to the customer. And Promotion encompasses the activities that communicate the product\’s features and benefits to potential customers. Positioning influences all four elements of the Marketing Mix by determining how a product is to be represented to the customer.

Product Positioning is crucial because it helps businesses to differentiate their product from the competition. It enables businesses to create a unique value proposition that resonates with customers. When businesses develop a product that is perceived to be valuable and beneficial to the customer, it has a positive impact on the other elements of the Marketing Mix. For instance, if a product is priced attractively because it is unique, it can attract more customers, which in turn can increase sales.

Product Positioning is not a one-time activity. Instead, it is an ongoing process that businesses must maintain to keep up with changes in the market. Re-evaluating product positioning can help businesses identify new opportunities, and develop strategies to capitalize on them. For example, if a product is not resonating well with a certain segment of the market, a business may need to reposition it to better meet the needs of that segment.

Moreover, businesses can use Product Positioning to appeal to specific demographics, such as age or gender, to attract a certain demographic. By highlighting certain features and benefits that relate to those demographics, businesses can create a unique selling proposition that resonates with those groups. An excellent example is how beauty products are marketed to different age groups. Products that are marketed to younger age groups focus on features like acne-fighting or color pigmentation, while products marketed to older customers focus on anti-aging features and skin hydration.

In conclusion, Product Positioning is a critical aspect of the Marketing Mix. It affects how customers perceive the product, how it is marketed and promoted, and how it competes with other similar products in the market. Overall, businesses need to understand their target market, identify their unique value proposition, and develop marketing strategies that resonate with customers if they want to position their product successfully.

Steps in Product Positioning

Identify Target Market

The first step in product positioning is to identify your target market. It is crucial to know and understand your customer\’s demographic, psychographic, and buying behavior characteristics when developing your product positioning strategy. Demographics provide information about your customer\’s age, gender, income, education, and geographic location, among other things.

Psychographics provide information about their values, attitudes, and lifestyles. Buying behavior analysis helps explain why customers purchase a product and how often they buy it. By analyzing these factors, you can segment your target market, which enables you to tailor your product positioning strategy to the needs and wants of your customer base.

Analyze Competitors

Analyzing competitors is a vital step in product positioning. It involves identifying other businesses offering the same or similar products as your company and evaluating their relative strengths and weaknesses.

To conduct a thorough analysis of competitors, it is essential to determine the key attributes that customers are looking for in the product or service category. These may include factors such as price, quality, features, design, brand reputation, and customer service. It is also important to identify the target market that competitors are catering to and their unique selling proposition (USP).

One approach to competitor analysis is to create a competitive matrix that compares your product or service against those of your competitors. This matrix can be used to evaluate how your offering compares to others in terms of the key attributes that customers value most. By evaluating each competitor\’s performance against these attributes, you can gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses.

Another critical element of competitor analysis is understanding their positioning in the market. This includes identifying their target market, unique selling proposition, and marketing strategy. By analyzing their approach, you can identify potential areas where your product or service can stand out and differentiate itself from competitors.

Competitor analysis should also consider external factors, such as industry trends, governmental regulations, and economic conditions. It is essential to monitor these factors and assess how they can affect your competitors\’ performance and your business\’s positioning.

To effectively analyze competitors, it\’s essential to use a combination of primary and secondary research methods. Primary research involves gathering information directly from competitors through interviews, surveys, and focus groups. Secondary research involves analyzing publically available information about competitors from sources such as company websites, annual reports, and market research reports.

In conclusion, analyzing competitors is a vital step in developing a successful product positioning strategy. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape and insights into the key attributes that customers value most in the product or service category. By conducting a thorough analysis of competitors, you can identify opportunities to differentiate your offering, strengthen your marketing strategy, and ultimately drive sales and revenue growth.

Determine Unique Selling Proposition

Determining a unique selling proposition is a critical element in product positioning. This proposition should be based on the target market and can be defined as a statement that captures the essence of the product\’s unique value to the consumer. It should answer the question “what sets this product apart from its competitors?” Before identifying a unique selling proposition, thorough market research should be conducted.

This research should identify the target customer group, their preferences, and their unmet needs. Once the target group has been identified, research should be conducted on the competition. Understanding competitors\’ products, their unique selling propositions, their pricing strategies, and their marketing and advertising campaigns can provide valuable insight into how to differentiate the product from the competition.

Once research has been conducted on the target group and competition, the next step is to analyze the product\’s attributes, features, and benefits. This analysis should result in an understanding of how the product satisfies the needs of the target group, what unique features differentiate it from competitors, and what benefits the product offers the consumer. Based on this analysis, a unique selling proposition can be developed that highlights the product\’s unique value to the consumer.

The unique selling proposition should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should be communicated to the target group through various marketing and advertising channels, and it should be woven into the product\’s branding and messaging. The proposition should be easily recognized and associated with the product, and it should resonate with the target group. When done effectively, the unique selling proposition can create a strong emotional connection between the product and the consumer, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

In conclusion, determining a unique selling proposition is a critical component of product positioning. It requires thorough market research, understanding of the competition, and analysis of the product\’s attributes, features, and benefits. The resulting proposition should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, and it should be communicated effectively to the target market. When done correctly, a unique selling proposition can differentiate the product from the competition and create a strong emotional connection between the product and the consumer, ultimately leading to increased sales and a loyal customer base.

Develop Positioning Statement

Developing a positioning statement is a critical aspect of product positioning. A positioning statement is a concise declaration that communicates the unique value proposition of a product to the intended target market. This statement is typically composed of several key elements, including the target customer, the customer\’s needs or pain points, the product\’s key benefits, and its unique selling proposition.

To develop an effective positioning statement, it is important to conduct thorough research on the target market and analyze the competition. This will allow businesses to identify gaps in the market and position their product accordingly to fill those gaps. Additionally, it is important to consider the unique features or benefits of the product that differentiate it from existing products on the market. These might include superior quality, convenience, or affordability.

Once these factors have been carefully considered, businesses can develop a positioning statement that succinctly communicates the product\’s unique value proposition to the intended target market. It is crucial that the positioning statement accurately reflects the product\’s features and benefits and resonates with the target market. A well-crafted positioning statement can help businesses differentiate their product from the competition, establish a strong brand identity, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

To ensure the effectiveness of the positioning statement, businesses should continuously monitor market trends and consumer behavior and make adjustments accordingly. Regularly analyzing the competition and staying up-to-date on industry developments can also help businesses stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge. Through ongoing research and evaluation, businesses can refine their positioning and remain relevant in a rapidly changing market.

Implement and Monitor

Implement and Monitor is a critical aspect of product positioning since it is the phase where your plan is executed and evaluated. In this stage, you will put all your efforts into action and track the progress of your product in penetrating the market. One strategy is to test the market by conducting a soft-launch or pilot study to assess the product\’s acceptance before launching it into the mainstream.

A soft-launch can help you identify any potential issues or flaws in the product or marketing campaign and gives you the opportunity to make necessary revisions. The monitoring aspect involves keeping a close eye on sales data, customer feedback, and market trends to make adjustments as needed. It is crucial to gather regular feedback from customers and make necessary changes to the product or marketing plan to align your efforts with their needs and wants.

Monitoring your competition\’s performance can also help you fine-tune your product positioning strategies. Taking note of competitor pricing, product features, and marketing tactics can guide your decisions and help you make informed judgments.

Finally, it is essential to review your metrics regularly to determine if your product positioning is achieving the desired results. Your metrics should focus on sales data, customer feedback, and market trends to adjust your product positioning strategies if necessary. Implementing and monitoring your product positioning plan is a continuous process that needs constant review and analysis to ensure that your positioning efforts resonate with your target market and achieve the desired outcomes.

Types of Product Positioning


The Attribute-based product positioning strategy involves positioning a product based on a specific attribute or feature. This approach emphasizes the unique attributes or characteristics of a product that set it apart from the competition. These attributes may be tangible, such as the size or color of a product, or intangible, such as the reputation or quality of a brand. By highlighting these attributes, companies can establish themselves as leaders in a particular category, appealing to customers who value these attributes.

Attributes can be leveraged to create distinct positioning statements and associated messaging that resonates with target customers. A company may position a product as environmentally friendly or socially responsible, for example, to appeal to customers who prioritize sustainability or who are interested in supporting socially responsible brands. Alternatively, a company may position their product as luxurious or high-end, emphasizing the product\’s premium features and quality to appeal to customers looking for a high-end product.

Companies need to identify the attributes that are most relevant to their target market and communicate them in a clear and consistent manner. Companies must accurately define and communicate the attributes customers find most appealing to differentiate their products from competition. The effectiveness of an attribute-based strategy depends on companies\’ ability to effectively communicate the unique features and benefits of their products.

Ultimately, utilizing an attribute-based strategy can be an effective way for companies to differentiate themselves, increase brand loyalty, and appeal to specific customer segments. This strategy can be particularly effective for products where the attributes hold special significance to consumers or occupy a unique position in the market.


The Benefit-based product positioning strategy aims to communicate the product\’s benefits to the target audience. This approach focuses on highlighting the advantages and outcomes of using the product, and how it can satisfy the consumers\’ needs and wants.

The brand must demonstrate how the product can improve the customer\’s life, address their pain points, and provide a solution to their problems. The benefits should be clear, specific, and measurable to resonate with the customers. The messaging should target the emotional and rational factors that drive the purchase decision, such as security, convenience, prestige, health, or pleasure.

To implement a Benefit-based positioning, companies must first understand their customers\’ motivations, desires, and preferences. They need to identify the unique value proposition that their product can offer and how it compares to the alternatives in the market. Companies can conduct market research and gather customer feedback to identify the most relevant benefits and craft the messaging. The benefits should be tailored to the target audience and specific segments, leveraging their demographics, psychographics, and behaviors.

The Benefit-based positioning strategy requires a compelling and persuasive message that communicates the value proposition of the product. Companies can use various channels to reach the audience, such as advertising, social media, influencer marketing, content marketing, public relations, and events. Additionally, they should align the product features, packaging, and pricing with the desired benefits to reinforce the message and build trust with the customers.

Quality or Price-based

In product positioning, companies must determine which attributes or benefits of their products to emphasize to consumers. One approach is to focus on product quality or price. Quality-based positioning focuses on the superior quality of a product compared to competitors, while price-based positioning emphasizes the lower cost of a product.

When companies choose to use quality-based positioning, they may highlight features such as durability, efficiency, or precision. These attributes can help consumers justify paying a premium price for a product. Conversely, when companies use price-based positioning, they may highlight the lower cost of a product compared to competitors.

This approach often appeals to cost-conscious consumers who are looking for a bargain. However, companies that use price-based positioning risk being perceived as offering lower quality products. It is important to note that companies can also use a combination of quality- and price-based positioning, offering a mid-range product that balances quality and affordability. Ultimately, the decision whether to emphasize product quality or price should be based on the target market and the company\’s overall marketing strategy.


The competitor-based approach in product positioning involves studying the competition and identifying ways to differentiate and position the product against them. The primary goal of this approach is to gain a competitive advantage in the market by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the competitor\’s products and positioning the product accordingly. To achieve this, companies must conduct a thorough analysis of their competitors, including their products, marketing strategies, and target customers.

This analysis helps to identify the gaps in the market, which the company can leverage to position its product uniquely. One way to differentiate the product from the competition is to highlight its unique features and benefits that the competitor\’s products do not offer. Another strategy is to focus on the quality or price of the product, positioning it as superior or more affordable than the competition. A user-based approach involves analyzing the customer\’s needs and preferences and positioning the product accordingly, while a product category-based approach focuses on the product\’s category and positioning it within that category.


The user-based approach to product positioning focuses on the needs and preferences of the target audience. It requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, such as their values, aspirations, lifestyle, and attitudes. The primary goal is to create a product that resonates with the target audience and meets their needs better than the competition. To achieve this goal, companies often conduct market research, surveys, and focus groups to gather data on consumers\’ behaviors and preferences.

One key aspect of the user-based approach is segmentation, which involves dividing the target market into subgroups based on their characteristics and needs. Segmentation allows companies to tailor their product positioning strategies to specific customer groups, rather than trying to appeal to a broad audience. Additionally, companies must consider other factors such as demographics, psychographics, and behavior when crafting their positioning strategy.

Another important aspect of the user-based approach is the unique selling proposition (USP). The USP is the most distinctive and compelling feature or benefit of the product that sets it apart from the competition. Companies must communicate the USP effectively to target audiences to establish a clear and memorable product positioning. Furthermore, they can leverage branding and advertising to develop a deeper emotional connection with their target audience and build brand loyalty.

Lastly, the user-based approach requires ongoing monitoring and adjustment to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness. Companies must stay up-to-date with changes in consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends to modify their positioning strategy as necessary. The user-based approach is essential in today\’s competitive marketplace, where consumers have numerous options and demand products that meet their specific needs and preferences.

Product Category-based

Product Category-based positioning refers to positioning a product by associating it with a specific category of products. This type of positioning is often used when the brand is entering a new market or launching a new product category. The aim of this type of positioning is to create a clear identity for the product and make it easily identifiable for the target audience. This is done by emphasizing the unique attributes of the product, which differentiate it from other products in the same category.

Product Category-based positioning is especially effective when the product has unique characteristics that are not found in other products in the category. For example, a luxury chocolate brand may position itself as the premium chocolate brand by emphasizing the quality of its ingredients, the unique taste experience, and the high-end packaging.

Other examples of Product Category-based positioning include the use of a specific color or design, the endorsement from a celebrity or expert in the category, or the use of a specific tagline or slogan that emphasizes the product\’s unique features. In order to succeed with Product Category-based positioning, it is essential to conduct market research and understand the target audience\’s needs and expectations. By doing so, businesses can create a unique selling proposition that differentiates their product from others in the category and makes it stand out in the market.

Cultural Symbol-based

In Product Positioning, Cultural Symbol-based approach is based on the idea that products have a meaning or symbol in the culture. Cultural Symbol-based positioning refers to the process of creating a perception of a product in the market by associating it with a cultural symbol, which can be a person, event, or thing. This approach is particularly effective when the product\’s attributes or benefits do not lend themselves to a functional USP. As such, Cultural Symbol-based positioning is often used for luxury products, fashion, and lifestyle products that have an emotional appeal to consumers.

Cultural Symbol-based positioning is based on the understanding that people are not just buying a product or a service; they are also buying into a lifestyle, an identity, or a belief system. The culture that we live in plays a significant role in shaping our values, beliefs, and attitudes towards products. Companies, therefore, use cultural symbols to tap into this cultural mindset to create a unique positioning for their products.

The use of cultural symbols in product positioning has been famously used by luxury brands. For example, Louis Vuitton, the French luxury brand, uses the cultural symbol of the LV monogram to create a perception of exclusivity, luxury, and prestige. Similarly, Burberry, the British luxury brand, uses the iconic Burberry check pattern to create a perception of British heritage and tradition. These cultural symbols have become synonymous with luxury and exclusivity, making it hard for other brands to replicate their positioning.

Cultural Symbol-based positioning can also be seen in the use of celebrity endorsements. Once a celebrity is associated with a product, the product takes on the characteristics and values of that celebrity. For example, Michael Jordan became synonymous with Nike\’s Air Jordan sneakers, creating a perception of excellence, athleticism, and style. Similarly, Nespresso, the coffee brand, has used George Clooney\’s suave persona to create a perception of sophistication and style.

However, the use of cultural symbols comes with its risks. Cultural symbols are subject to changes in taste and fashion, which can result in the brand losing its relevance. Additionally, the cultural symbols used may not resonate with all consumers, resulting in the brand alienating a particular segment of the market. Therefore, companies must be cautious when using cultural symbols and ensure that they understand their target market\’s cultural mindset and attitudes towards the symbols.

Examples of Product Positioning


Apple is a technology company that has been synonymous with innovative products for decades. Its core philosophy is to design products that are simple to use, aesthetically appealing, and highly functional. Apple\’s extensive product line includes iPhones, iPads, Mac computers, Apple Watches, and a host of other cutting-edge gadgets.

The company\’s product positioning strategy is aimed at positioning itself as a maker of high-quality, innovative, and customer-centric products. Apple\’s products feature sleek designs, intuitive user interfaces, and seamless integration with other Apple products. This approach has helped Apple create a strong brand image that is synonymous with quality and innovation. Apple\’s marketing campaigns are also highly effective in convincing consumers of the superiority of its products, thereby reinforcing the company\’s position as a market leader.


As a major player in the sportswear industry, Nike has been successful in establishing itself as a premium brand in the market through its effective product positioning strategy. The company has been able to create a strong brand image that resonates with its target audience by focusing on innovative product design, high-quality materials, and premium pricing.

Nike\’s product design strategy has played a crucial role in positioning its products as premium offerings. The company has invested heavily in research and development to develop products that offer superior performance and comfort. By focusing on product design, Nike has been able to differentiate its offerings from other brands in the market and appeal to customers who desire high-performance sportswear.

In addition to product design, Nike\’s use of high-quality materials has helped to establish the brand as a premium offering. The company\’s products are made using advanced manufacturing processes and premium materials that ensure durability, comfort, and performance. By using high-quality materials, Nike has been able to build a reputation for offering products that are worth their premium price.

Another key aspect of Nike\’s product positioning strategy is its premium pricing strategy. The company\’s products are priced at a premium to reflect their high-quality design and materials. By pricing its products at a premium, Nike has been able to create a perception of exclusivity and luxury around its brand, which has helped it to appeal to a higher-income customer segment.

Overall, Nike\’s product positioning strategy is based on delivering high-quality, innovative products that offer superior performance, comfort, and style. By focusing on product design, high-quality materials, and premium pricing, the company has been able to establish itself as a premium brand in the sportswear industry, which has helped it to stand out from its competitors and appeal to its target audience.


Coca-Cola is a brand that has been a household name for many decades. It is a carbonated soft drink that has captured the hearts of millions of customers globally. When it comes to product positioning, Coca-Cola has done an excellent job of positioning its product as a refreshing and enjoyable drink that can be consumed at any time of the day.

The brand has managed to become an integral part of people\’s daily lives, from celebrations, family gatherings, to just a simple day out with friends. Coca-Cola uses a variety of positioning strategies, which include psychographic and demographic approaches. The brand has positioned itself as a drink that is perfect for all generations, from kids to adults. One of Coca-Cola\’s key brand positions has been creating a strong emotional connection with consumers. The brand has used effective advertising campaigns, sponsorships, and social media to create a strong emotional pull towards its products.

Coca-Cola has successfully positioned itself as a premium brand that offers high-quality products that are reliable and trustworthy. The company has maintained its reputation as a leader in the beverage industry through innovation, marketing campaigns, and customer satisfaction.

Coca-Cola\’s brand positioning resonates with its target audience, creating a positive image of the brand and a strong sense of loyalty among consumers. It has also positioned itself as a socially responsible brand through various environmental and social campaigns. This has strengthened its image as a brand that cares about its customers and the world around them.

Coca-Cola\’s brand positioning has enabled it to penetrate new markets, establish deep-rooted relationships with customers, and maintain a competitive edge. The company has always been at the forefront of product innovation, introducing new flavors and products to cater to the ever-changing consumer demands.

Its diverse product line ensures that it caters to a broad range of customers, hence increasing its sales and market share. Coca-Cola\’s iconic brand and consistent product positioning have enabled it to become one of the most recognizable and valuable brands globally. The company\’s ability to adapt to changing customer preferences and maintain product consistency are key drivers of its brand positioning strategy.

In conclusion, Coca-Cola\’s product positioning strategy has been one of the most successful in the industry, creating a strong emotional pull towards its products, establishing a premium and trustworthy image, and creating customer loyalty. Its diverse product line ensures that it meets the needs of a broad range of customers, and its ability to adapt to changing trends and demands helps it stay ahead of the competition. Coca-Cola has managed to maintain its position as a market leader, and its brand image continues to grow every day.


Product positioning is an essential aspect of brand management that requires companies to convey the distinctive attributes of their products to consumers. BMW, a luxury car brand, has positioned itself as an aspirational brand that offers driving pleasure, performance, and elegance.

The company\’s brand message, “The Ultimate Driving Machine,” aptly conveys its promise of providing exceptional driving experiences. BMW\’s product positioning is premised on the company\’s extensive use of performance-focused technologies, exquisite design, and a commitment to luxury. The brand targets consumers who value performance, elegance, and luxury in their driving experiences.

By positioning itself as a luxury brand, BMW has effectively set itself apart from its competitors, whose value propositions might be centered on other attributes such as affordability or reliability. BMW has also used product positioning to establish itself as a leader in sustainability. The company offers electric and hybrid cars that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.


McDonald\’s is a worldwide fast-food chain that is well-known for its low-cost and quick-service style of dining. The restaurant chain has gained immense popularity over the years due to its unique product positioning that caters to the needs and expectations of a wide range of customers. McDonald\’s has focused on product consistency, affordability, and convenience to maintain its dominant position in the fast-food industry.

The brand has created a strong image of providing fast, tasty, and easily accessible food for people on-the-go. With the introduction of its iconic burger, the Big Mac, McDonald\’s has expanded its product line to include breakfast items, salads, and beverages that cater to the changing dietary preferences of its customers.

Using various marketing strategies and techniques, McDonald\’s has managed to keep its customers satisfied and engaged. The fast-food chain has utilized effective product positioning by offering food products that are affordable and convenient for all their customers, regardless of their location.

The company has effectively used branding to create a strong association between McDonald\’s and fast food in the minds of consumers. Their marketing campaigns have emphasized their commitment to quality, innovation, and consistency, which have helped the chain to build a loyal customer base over the years.

Moreover, McDonald\’s has also shifted its product positioning towards healthier alternatives to cater to the changing consumer preferences. The company has introduced a wide range of products such as salads, wraps, and other healthy options that are low in calories and high in nutrition. This strategic move has helped McDonald\’s to gain customers who are health-conscious and are looking for healthier and nutritious meal options.

The company\’s recent rebranding efforts have also focused on highlighting their commitment to using fresh and quality ingredients in their food products, which has helped them to attract a wider range of customers.

Overall, McDonald\’s has created a strong product positioning through effective marketing strategies and innovative product offerings. The brand has managed to maintain its leading position in the fast-food industry by continuously adapting to the changing consumer preferences and evolving their product offerings accordingly. With its focus on consistent quality, affordability, and convenience, McDonald\’s is a prime example of successful product positioning in the fast-food industry.


Samsung is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The company develops and produces a wide range of electronic devices, appliances, and services, including smartphones, computers, televisions, home theaters, virtual reality systems, and digital assistants.

Samsung is known for its innovation, cutting-edge technology, and broad consumer appeal, and has established itself as one of the leading companies in the global electronics industry. Samsung\’s product positioning strategy is based on offering high-quality, feature-rich devices and services at competitive prices, targeting a wide range of customer segments and positioning itself as a premium brand offering superior value.



Product positioning is a critical element of any successful marketing strategy. It refers to the process of creating a distinct image and identity for a product in the mind of the consumer. A well-positioned product gives the perception of being unique, valuable, and exceeding its competitors.

Firms use this strategy to differentiate their products from others in the market, allowing them to charge premium prices, increase market share, and retain customers. When done right, product positioning can lead to a significant growth in profits, raise brand awareness, and create a loyal customer base.

However, product positioning is not a one-time activity; it requires constant monitoring and adjusting to stay relevant to the market. Companies need to be aware of the ever-changing needs of their customers, emerging trends, technological advancements, and new competitors. They need to conduct market research to identify gaps in the market and craft their messages to target the right audience.

It is essential to position products in a way that aligns with the customers\’ values and aspirations. This means understanding their needs, preferences, and personalities.

In conclusion, product positioning is a critical aspect of any marketing strategy. It allows firms to differentiate their products from competitors and create a strong brand identity. By monitoring the market, adjusting their messages, and targeting the right audience, companies can position their products for success.

Firms that fail to position their products correctly risk losing customers, market share, and profitability. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to invest time and resources to craft a compelling positioning statement that resonates with their customers and delivers value.

Future Outlook

The future outlook for product positioning is highly dependent on the dynamic nature of the market and consumer behavior. Companies that strive to stay ahead of the curve and continuously adapt to changing trends are likely to achieve a competitive advantage. The proliferation of technology has enabled companies to gather vast amounts of data on consumer behavior, enabling them to understand their needs better and align their product positioning strategies accordingly.

One of the biggest drivers of future changes in product positioning is likely to be the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape. With more people buying online, companies are forced to rethink their product placement and messaging strategies as physical stores become less relevant. Additionally, the rise of social media usage and influencer marketing has created a new channel for product positioning, where companies can leverage social media to engage with customers and build brand loyalty.

Another major factor that will determine the future of product positioning is the shift towards sustainability and ethical business practices. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their buying decisions, and companies are responding by incorporating sustainability and ethical practices into their operations. This trend is expected to accelerate in the coming years, and companies that prioritize these values in their product positioning strategies are likely to be more successful in capturing the attention and loyalty of consumers.

Finally, the future outlook for product positioning is also influenced by the growing trend of personalization. With the increasing ability of companies to collect and analyze data on individual consumers, there is a growing demand for personalized products and messaging. Companies that can effectively use this data to tailor their product positioning strategies to specific consumer segments are likely to see greater success in the future.

In conclusion, the future outlook for product positioning is complex and ever-changing. Companies that are able to stay ahead of the curve and continuously adapt to changing trends are most likely to be successful in positioning their products effectively. With the growing importance of technology, sustainability, personalization, and e-commerce, companies must be willing to invest in new strategies and technologies to remain competitive.

Product Positioning — FAQ

What is product positioning?

Product positioning is the process of creating an image or identity of a product in the mind of the consumer in relation to other competing products in the market.

Why is product positioning important?

Product positioning is important because it helps businesses differentiate their products from competitors, highlight unique characteristics, and appeal to a specific audience.

What are some common positioning strategies?

Some common positioning strategies are cost/price positioning, quality positioning, feature/benefit positioning, and customer service positioning.

What is a target audience in product positioning?

A target audience in product positioning is a specific group of people that a product or service is marketed to based on factors such as age, gender, income level, and interests.

What is the difference between product positioning and branding?

Product positioning focuses on differentiating a specific product from competitors, while branding encompasses the overall image and identity of a company or product.

How can a business measure the effectiveness of product positioning?

Businesses can measure the effectiveness of product positioning by tracking sales, conducting surveys to gather customer feedback, and analyzing market trends to see if their product is meeting the needs of their target audience.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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