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  • The Complete Guide To Choosing Your Business Structure

by Mike Vestil 

The Complete Guide To Choosing Your Business Structure

Business structure is the way in which a business is organized and managed. It involves decisions related to the types of ownership, taxation, management, and other important matters affecting the day-to-day operations of a business.

Understanding the different types of business structures and their implications can help entrepreneurs make informed decisions in creating and running their businesses. This article will explore the various business structures available to entrepreneurs, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and provide tips for selecting the best structure for a business.

What Is Business Entity?

Business entity is a term used to describe the type of legal structure that businesses adopt, ranging from sole proprietorships to corporations. Business structure determines a company’s legal liability, financial potential, and taxation.

It is important for a business owner to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the respective entity types. This section will discuss the benefits of establishing a business structure, specifically taxation.

Operations, Taxes, and Legal Responsibilities

Business structure is an important concept to understand when running or starting a business. Different businesses need to determine the correct structure to optimize their operations, taxes, and legal responsibilities.

A business structure can be set up as a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), S-Corporation, or C-Corporation. A Sole Proprietorship is a business owned and operated by one individual, and all profits and liabilities are the same.

A Partnership includes two or more individuals who agree to share both profits and liability, with one partner typically taking on the role of a manager. An LLC is a flexible business structure that offers limited liability to owners, while still providing them the freedom to manage the business.

An S-Corporation is a hybrid business structure that offers the benefits of a corporation with the flexibility and benefits of an LLC. Finally, a C-Corporation is a business structure most often chosen by larger companies. With a C-Corporation, profits are taxed separately from the owners, and the business has an unlimited number of shareholders and directors.

No matter what type of structure chosen, each business must make sure the structure will provide the most positive outcome for its owners and the business itself.

|Types of Business Structures

When entrepreneurs start a business, they must decide which type of business structure they will choose in order to conduct their operations. The available options can vary depending on a number of different factors, such as the size and scope of the business. This article will explore the most common types of businesses structures, including sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, and cooperative.

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a type of business entity that is established and owned by a single individual. This type of business structure offers great flexibility and simplicity as it involves minimal paperwork and is easy to set up and manage.

The sole proprietor is responsible for all profits and losses, as well as all of the liabilities associated with the business. With sole proprietorship, the owner has complete control over decisions and operations since he/she is the only owner. The owner also has unlimited liability, meaning that all debts and liabilities are the responsibility of the sole proprietor.

It is important to note that the personal and business finances are not separated, and that any losses the business generates affects the owner’s personal finances directly.

One of the main advantages of this type of business is that the owner can control the business activities without the need for additional assistance. Furthermore, the owner can easily terminate the business at any time without extensive paperwork. Additionally, the owner can also keep a larger portion of the profits due to not having to divide profits among partners.


A partnership is a business structure where two or more people come together to form a company. These parties are each referred to as “partners” and they share in the profits and losses of the business. Partnerships can be structured in any number of ways, such as a general partnership, limited liability partnership, or a limited partnership.

A general partnership involves full liability on the part of all partners, meaning they are all held responsible for any losses incurred. Limited liability partnerships (LLPs) offer some degree of protection for each partner, although their liabilities can still be partially limited.

A limited partnership tends to have only one or two active partners, with other partners having limited involvement and thus limited personal liability. All partners have some degree of personal liability, but the degree depends on the organization of the partnership.


A corporation is a type of business structure that has separate and distinct legal identities from its owners. It provides businesses with tax benefits, access to capital, and limited liability protection for its shareholders. Since shareholders are not personally liable for corporate debts, corporations can borrow large sums of money and finance long-term growth.

To form a corporation, businesses must register with their local government and pay applicable taxes. Corporations may employ professionals, enter business contracts, initiate litigation, and offer stock to raise capital. They are also subject to greater regulations and reporting requirements than other entities.

Corporations are often used to launch startups, as the business entity is well established, making it easier to find investors, raise capital, and scale quickly. Additionally, corporations may have multiple shareholders, although they require more formal compliance and financial reporting. As a result, corporations are a popular, yet complex, business structure popular among entrepreneurs.

Limited Liability Company

A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business structure that offers advantages over other forms of joint ownership. It offers limited personal financial liability for members in the event of bankruptcy or debts. An LLC combines the corporate advantages of limited liability protection and the pass-through taxation of a partnership.

Depending on the state, an LLC may have certain requirements that must be met before forming an LLC, such as filing articles of organization and drafting an operating agreement. Furthermore, an LLC structure allows for flexibility in management, as it can be managed by its members, or outside managers can be employed to handle the day-to-day operations. As such, an LLC is often preferred by owners of small-to-midsize businesses due to its protection for individual members and the ability to manage the business in the desired way.


Cooperatives are businesses owned and democratically controlled by their members, who have an equal say in the decision-making process. Cooperatives can provide many advantages to both the members and the surrounding community.

Cooperatives promote economic self-determination, democratic education and development of members, and broader social objectives. Cooperatives offer their members access to employment opportunities, collective bargaining power, a greater ability to provide quality goods and services at an affordable price, and a more secure local economy.

Cooperatives also benefit the community by creating jobs, providing benefits for employees, and reinvesting in the local economy. Cooperatives should operate in an ethical and equitable manner, providing greater economic and financial stability for members, as well as a more stable environmental footprint.

Cooperatives provide greater efficiency and provide a higher level of customer service. Members also share the profits from cooperative businesses, thus redistributing wealth and promoting a more equal economic structure.


When it comes to business structure, one of the most popular options is franchising. Under a franchising arrangement, a company grants permission to another company or individual to use its business name, logo, and trademark in exchange for a franchise fee and an ongoing royalty payment.

This type of agreement allows the franchisor to tap into new markets while maintaining control of its branding. Franchisees, on the other hand, benefit from the reputation and infrastructure of an established company while limiting their own risk.

To become a franchisee, the company or individual must go through a due diligence process, whereby the franchisor vets their capacity to market and manage the franchise. Additionally, the franchisee must meet certain criteria stipulated by the franchisor, such as financing the establishment of the new franchise, owning a specifically approved network of marketing channels, and paying the royalty fees as stipulated in the franchise agreement.

Advantages and Disadvantages

A business structure refers to the legal framework that governs the functioning of a business. There are a variety of business structure types, each with their own advantages and drawbacks. In this article, we will discuss the main types and their respective pros and cons in detail.

Sole Proprietorship

Sole proprietorship is a popular business structure due to its easy setup and manageable operations. It is the simplest form of business, where one owner manages all business operations and receives all of the business profits. It is favored due to its straightforward tax filing and administrative requirements.

Sole proprietors benefit from the freedom to make their own decisions, choose their marketing strategies and investments, and structure their business as they wish. Moreover, there are few formal compliance requirements for sole proprietors, so operational costs can be low. On the other hand, the owner has unlimited liability.

If the business fails, the owner is legally responsible for satisfying any debts or losses incurred. Furthermore, since the owner is the most important asset of the business, the business ceases to exist as soon as the owner retires or incapacitates. Lastly, the ability to raise capital can be limited since one cannot sell stocks or offer debt financing.


A partnership is a business structure in which two or more people team up to carry out business activities. Partnerships offer several advantages, including shared capital, input, and expertise. Moreover, partners provide a safety net in which potential losses or liabilities are jointly shared.

Partnerships also benefit from the cooperation of the group and individual strengths, allowing for a diverse pool of resources and high levels of creativity. However, partnerships can pose serious disadvantages, including disputes among partners, time and effort spent on paperwork, and potential personal liability.

Partners may also have difficulty coming to a consensus on important decisions or have difficulty managing their responsibilities. Additionally, when one partner wants out of the partnership, it can be difficult to secure a suitable replacement. It is therefore important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a partnership when deciding whether or not it is the right business structure for you.


The formation of a corporation is one of the most common ways to structure a business. One of the primary advantages of forming a corporation is the limited liability that corporations offer their shareholders. In a corporation, the shareholders are only responsible for their initial investment and cannot be held liable for the debts of the corporation.

Furthermore, corporations are separate entities from their owners, which allows them to own property, enter into contracts and sue or be sued. This separation of liabilities makes corporations attractive investments since investors can put in money without worrying about the potential risks of the business. Another advantage of forming a corporation is the ability to attract more capital.

Because of the limited liability, corporations may be able to access more capital from investors who are interested in taking a risk but are not willing to take on full responsibility for any losses incurred by the business. Lastly, corporations can remain in existence even if the shareholders change, and the ownership can be transferred without any changes to the business.

Limited Liability Company

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a popular business structure commonly used in the United States. It centes on the separation of an individual’s personal assets from the business assets.

A primary advantage of LLCs is the limited liability protection they offer owners and members. Unlike partnerships and sole proprietorships, where owners are personally liable for business debts and obligations, LLC members are only liable up to the amount of their investment. Furthermore, the LLC structure allows for flexibility in distributing profits to members.

Members are not subject to self-employment taxes on their earnings, which helps to make the LLC one of the most tax-advantaged entity forms. Additionally, LLCs are relatively easy to form, as they only require minimal paperwork to be formally established.

Disadvantages of LLCs mostly revolve around difficulty in accessing capital and the costs associated with formation. Banks and investors often view LLCs as riskier investments and require significant paperwork to approve the funding.

Lastly, LLCs often require ongoing fees to maintain the legally-required documents such as annual reports and filing fees. It is important for business owners to consider the pros and cons of LLCs in determining the best legal structure for their business.


A cooperative is a business structure of association where individuals collaborate and pool resources in order to achieve a common goal. The organization structure of a cooperative is often owned and managed through a democratically elected board of directors and managed collaboratively.

Cooperatives can be either for-profit or not-for-profit, depending on the cooperatives’ goal. Not-for-profit cooperatives are usually established to benefit the members that support the organization, while for profit cooperatives are usually created to generate a financial profit for all shareholders.

Cooperatives offer many advantages compared to other business structures, such as stronger organizational support, an equitable distribution of profits, increased capital resources, and increased customer loyalty.

On the other hand, one disadvantage to the cooperative model is the reduced autonomy the members have in regards to the decision making process, as all members must mutually agree in order to make major changes. Additionally, cooperatives are often less able to quickly heighten visibility and expand services due to the complexities that come with consensus-style agreement.


Franchising is a popular method of business structure that provides advantages and disadvantages. A franchise is a business relationship in which a business, the franchisor, grants a license to another business, typically a third party, the franchisee, to use the franchisor’s business model, branding, and intellectual property.

The franchisee pays the franchisor a sum of money in exchange for the right to operate the business under the franchisor’s terms. Franchising offers numerous benefits, such as established systems, brand recognition, access to support and resources, and the ability to leverage existing customer relationships and name recognition.

On the downside, there are also drawbacks to franchising including a lack of autonomy, costly initial investments, and limited control of location and facility design. Additionally, franchisees may feel burdened by restrictive rules and regulations, as well as to pay high royalty fees and marketing costs.

Tax Implications

Tax implications are integral components of business structure. It is important for business owners to understand the taxation foreign and domestic for each type of business structure – such as sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation and Limited Liability Company (LLC). This paper will discuss the taxation and legal components of each business structure and explore their implications on ownership and taxation.

Sole Proprietorship

A Sole Proprietorship is an individual business structure that involves just one person. The business owner, referred to as a sole proprietor or independent contractor, has complete management and financial control of the business.

The major advantage of this business structure is that it has minimal start-up cost, and has low setup and compliance costs. Additionally, a sole proprietorship allows the owner to keep all profits, while also having flexible hours that are only limited by their own time and resources. However, one major disadvantage of this type of business structure is that the sole proprietor of the business is legally and financially responsible for any business liabilities and debts.

This means that the owner has unlimited personal liability, which puts the business owner at greater risk. In terms of taxation, a sole proprietorship files an individual federal tax return, using form 1040 and Schedule C.

The business income, losses and deductions are transferred to the owner’s personal tax return, and the resulting tax is then paid. Furthermore, the owner must always pay self-employment tax and may need to pay estimated taxes to the IRS.


A partnership is a business structure that is often used when two or more individuals decide to join forces and open a business together. It is defined as a relationship between two or more members, who work together to generate profits by sharing the risks and rewards of the business venture. When it comes to tax implications, partnerships are different from many other business structures.

Partners are each personally liable for their share of any business debts, which means that an individual partner may be held responsible for the tax liabilities of the other partners. Moreover, the profits generated by the partnership are subject to ‘pass-through’ taxation; meaning that each partner pays taxes on their allocated portion of profits, as if they had earned them directly.

Partners may also be subject to self-employment taxes, as well as other applicable taxes, depending on the state in which they operate. It is important to note that, partnership profits or losses generally pass directly through to the individual partners, thus the overall income of the partnership is usually not subject to corporate income taxes.


Forming a business corporation involves various tax implications. Corporations are unique in that they are seen as separate legal entities and thus can be taxed separately from the owners of the business. In comparison to other business structures, corporations have different methods of taxation, such as the corporate income tax, social security taxes, and local taxes.

In some cases, the profits that are generated by the corporation are taxed more heavily than other business structures. Furthermore, the owners of the corporation are taxed separately depending on their individual income levels and the details of their equity in the company. The taxation of corporations is complex and it is important to seek the advice of a specialist or the government to understand the exact implications.

Limited Liability Company

A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. LLCs can be owned by individuals, corporations, other LLCs, and foreign citizens, and may have one or more members.

It is important for LLCs to consider the tax implications of their business structure, since taxes can have a significant impact on their profitability. LLCs are subject to both federal and state taxation, in which LLC members are allowed to pass-through profits and losses to their personal taxes, rather than being subject to corporate income taxes.

Depending on the number of members and how they choose to be taxed, they may have to file a separate return or use Form 1065 to file jointly. An LLC also has the option to be taxed as an S corporation or C corporation. Each of these options has different implications in terms of the tax liabilities owed, so it is important to discuss your choices with an accountant in order to determine the best course of action for your business.


Cooperatives, or “co-ops,” are organizations owned and operated jointly by their members, who share in the profits or benefits generated. Many cooperatives are organized to provide a service or merchandise. A key difference between a cooperative and other entities is that the members own it and have voting control.

Cooperatives have unique Tax Implications, including after-tax income. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) recognizes jointly organized cooperatives to receive favored tax treatment. Co-ops, in most cases, are taxed on a pass-through basis, meaning that taxes are paid at the member level. Members who actively participate in the daily activities of the cooperative are free from self-employment tax, but all other members must pay it.

All of the income generated by the cooperative must be reported, and there are several deductions and credits that co-ops can take advantage of. Finally, cooperatives are generally exempt from certain state taxes and fees, although there are also restrictions on the amount of debt they can have.


Franchises offer an alternative to running a business from the ground up. Though the cost of buying into a franchise can be high, once established, the system provides a great deal of support for owners who are able to leverage the parent company’s brand and expertise. With any business entity, there are tax implications that require careful consideration when entering into the franchise structure.

Depending on the structure of the business, it could be considered a sole proprietorship, a partnership, S-corp, C-corp, or even hybrid combination. Franchise owners must always be aware of the tax implications of whichever entity is chosen, and be proactive in setting up the company’s financial records to ensure that all tax liabilities are met. Furthermore, it is essential to understand the various business expenses and deductions associated with franchising in order to maximize tax savings and promotion of the business.

Legal Requirements

We will now discuss the legal requirements of business structures. Every type of business formation is subject to the laws of its respective jurisdiction, and these regulations vary from state to state. We will cover topics such as Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), S-Corporation, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), and Non-Profit or charitable organizations.

Each type of business structure has its own set of rules, regulations, and legal requirements that must be met. We will review the key points of each in the upcoming section.

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is an individual-run business entity where the single owner is responsible for all aspects of the business, including profits and losses. This type of business structure has minimal legal requirements and is the simplest to set up as there is minimal paperwork and few restrictions.

The owner is generally taxed as a self-employed person, and any income generated is considered taxable as personal income rather than corporate income. The owner is solely liable for the debts and obligations and there are no limitations on ownership and decision making.

There are no limits on the transfer of business ownership and the owner retains full control of the business. The sole proprietorship has the advantage of being easy to set up without the need for costly accounting and legal services. However, this business structure carries the highest level of personal risk and offers limited protection from legal liability. Additionally, a sole proprietorship does not offer protection from bankruptcy and creditors can seize personal assets to satisfy legal obligations.


A partnership is a business structure whereby two or more individuals share ownership and operate a business together. Forming a partnership requires that the business partners share both profits and losses.

Depending on the jurisdiction, partners may enjoy a certain level of personal protection from legal liability, as partnerships are separate legal entities. In order to operate as a partnership, the business must file with the relevant local or state tax or other agency.

Generally, a partnership agreement must be formally outlined to identify the rights and responsibilities of each partner, and to ensure that profits and losses are allocated according to the contributions each partner has made to the business.

The partnership agreement must also clearly define the decision-making process and outline the roles and responsibilities of each partner. It is important for established partners to understand their rights, responsibilities and obligations in order to protect the interests of all involved.


Forming a corporation is a complex and detailed process that requires knowledge of legal requirements and regulations. Corporations are separate legal entities that provide many advantages and benefits to their owners while implementing tighter control and organization.

Incorporation involves creating a charter and registering the corporation with the appropriate government agency, often the Secretary of State. A corporation must acquire a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) to open a bank account, enter into contracts, and employ personnel. Depending on the jurisdiction, a corporation may also have to register with the various taxation agencies and develop a corporate seal.

The articles of incorporation, alongside the corporate bylaws, must be filed to gain status as a legal corporation and must be in accordance with the corporations code or state’s regulations. In addition, managing a corporation usually requires filing reports, maintaining accounting records, and filing an annual income tax return.

Limited Liability Company

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is an attractive business structure because it offers personal and business tax savings and allows for limited liability protection. LLCs combine the flexibility of an unincorporated business structure with certain characteristics of a corporation, like limited liability and an easy way to obtain capital.

LLCs are regulated by state laws, which usually require them to have one or more members and a set of operating rules laid out in an agreement. LLCs also have the ability to customize their agreement to meet unique business and industry needs. The owners of an LLC have the right to allocate profits and losses, and some states allow LLC owners to elect to have their LLC taxed like a corporation.

As with most business structures, LLCs may be subject to certain legal compliance requirements, such as filing taxes, registering with the state, and maintaining adequate records.


A cooperative business is a structure governed by a group of people with a common goal of mutual benefit. It is distinguished from other business models by its shared ownership and decision-making abilities.

The legal requirements of a cooperative business, such as the cooperative’s registration and financial reporting, vary between countries. Cooperatives must outline policies regarding the formation of directorates, define the rights of the members, and assign voting or representation privileges.

Members must also agree to obligations such as the payment of fees or capital contributions, and may need to comply with regulations such as capital sufficiency criteria. In some cases, the cooperative may be required to maintain a physical establishment, register with the local authority, and obtain a business license, depending on the activities and regulations of the area.

Once the cooperative’s structure has been established, the members are expected to actively and equally engage in the business itself and its management.


Opening a franchise is an excellent opportunity for business owners, however, there are certain legal requirements that must be satisfied in order for it to become successful.

The prospective business owner must be aware of the statutes, regulations, and case law that pertain to the particular franchise in order to remain compliant with the law. Additionally, franchises must have a valid operating agreement that outlines the responsibilities and authority of the franchisor and franchisee.

Furthermore, a franchise agreement should include a detailed description of the business structure and responsibilities, as well as necessary information related to transfers of ownership. Franchisees must also keep up with all current and upcoming laws, so the franchisor should include advice on legal changes in the agreement and advise franchisees on the best ways to remain compliant.

Prospective franchisees should be aware of the required licensing, taxation and legal protection in their area when establishing the franchise structure. By understanding the legal requirements and obligations, potential franchisees can be prepared to set up a successful and compliant franchise business.

Formation Process

Understanding the business structure is essential to successfully launch any type of commercial enterprise. In this article, we will discuss the various formation processes associated with each business structure, including sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited liability company.

By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each formation process, businesses will be well-equipped to launch their venture in the most effective way.

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common form of starting a business. It is a business owned, operated, and controlled by one individual without formally organizing as a corporation or other legal entity. As a result, the sole proprietor is both in control of and personally liable for the business’s debts, contracts, and other legal obligations.

To form a sole proprietorship, the individual must first obtain business licenses, complete any relevant paperwork, and meet any applicable regulations. Additionally, the purposes and goals of the business should be specified. Furthermore, unlike a corporation, where the owners have limited liability, the sole proprietor’s personal assets, like personal bank accounts may be at risk.

Consequently, it is important for the sole proprietor to consider forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in order to protect their personal assets. Sole Proprietorship’s are advantageous due to their low cost of setting up and unfettered access to business decisions.

This business formation also provides the sole owner full control over operations and profits without involving any business partners. In addition, taxes do not require separate filing, as the owner’s individual income tax return can also include business income and expenses.

Despite the many advantages, a sole proprietor may find it difficult to access larger sources of capital or meet the debt obligations. Therefore, this business structure may be most suitable for small to mid-sized businesses with manageable risks.


Creating a Partnership is a process of forming a business with more than one individual. In its most basic form, a Partnership is an agreement between two or more people to pool their capital, assets and business skills to manage and operate a particular business enterprise.

Partnerships are formed in several ways, ranging from a simple verbal agreement to a comprehensive, written Partnership Agreement. Generally, the Partnership will select a name for the business and draft a list of the roles and responsibilities of all partners, as well as details on operating, funding, decision-making, and allocating profits and losses.

Partners, depending upon their Agreement, may also share liability for debts incurred through the business. To protect their interests, every partner should enter into a Partnership Agreement that will control the scope and structure of a Partnership and provide clear guidance on how to deal with health, financial, and other common disputes and obligations of all Partners under the Agreement.

Depending upon the size and scope of the Partnership, additional services and documentation may be required, such as licensing, permits, and tax identification numbers. Lastly, Partners may benefit from registering the Partnership with their state government. By taking these steps and entering into a Partnership Agreement, business owners can ensure the long-term peaceful operation of the business and lay the foundation for its continued success.

§§ 1052


Forming a corporation can be a complex process. It involves registering the chosen corporate name with the local jurisdictional authority and filing Articles of Incorporation. This paperwork outlines the company’s objectives, ownership structures, issued shares, and directors.

A corporate bylaw then outlines the details of internal governance, including procedures for assembling shareholder and board meetings, voting, and the assignment of various duties. Additionally, a corporation must acquire an Employer Identification Number, register with the Internal Revenue Service, and designate a Registered Agent.

Such formalities may be weighed differently between different countries and state jurisdictions, but must generally be followed in order to become a lawfully operating corporation. An understanding of applicable laws is essential for any entity wishing to become recognized as a corporation as beneficial legislation for corporations can differ between countries and regions.

Limited Liability Company

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a popular business structure amongst small business owners. It offers limited personal liability for the decisions of the business and enables multiple owners, or members, to contribute capital. LLC formation involves a few key steps.

Firstly, potential members must choose a name for the company that is different from any other company name in the state. Next, the Articles of Organization, which specify the information about the LLC, must be filed with the designated secretary of state in the state of formation. Afterwards, potential members must follow the regulations of the state by submitting documents, operating agreements, and other rules and regulations, as mandated.

In regards to taxation, an LLC can be taxed as a partnership or a sole proprietorship, or it can elect to be taxed as a corporation. Lastly, the LLC must be compliant with the state’s rules by obtaining all necessary licenses, permits and registrations, providing applicable taxes, and filing annual reports. Forming an LLC typically requires the assistance of an experienced attorney or professional business service.


Forming a cooperative business structure is often seen as an alternative to traditional corporate structures. The first step of the formation process is to decide on the cooperative’s purpose(s). This entails identifying the goals and objectives of the organization and determining the types of services it will provide.

Each state has its own set of laws and regulations that cooperatives must comply with in order to gain legal recognition. Subsequently, the organizers must draft a formal agreement that outlines the cooperative’s structure, operations, and governance.

This agreement should define the degree of decision-making autonomy between members, such as whether voting is individual or collective. Furthermore, the agreement should designate whether profits are divided equally among the members or are dispersed based on participation. Lastly, the cooperative must register with the state, acquire a federal tax identification number, and create a financial structure.


Creating a franchise business structure is a complex process that requires adherence to legal and regulatory parameters. In order to become a legitimate franchisee, the business owner must first conduct research and develop a comprehensive business plan.

This plan should include an in-depth description of the services or products the business will offer, the territory the business will operate in, the target market, supplier selection and related business costs. After crafting the plan and adhering to any applicable local laws, the business must contact the relevant franchising authority to receive the necessary permissions and licenses.

After that, the owner needs to select the right franchise agreement, taking into account the operating costs, royalty requirements, advertising fees and other considerations. Furthermore, franchisees need to receive comprehensive training in branded products, marketing and customer relations to maximize the chances of success and to ensure consistent quality standards.

Lastly, franchisees must understand and adhere to any restrictions on the scope of operations and territory coverage, to protect both the franchisor and the franchisee.

Ongoing Maintenance

In business, ongoing maintenance is essential for achieving success. Different business structures have unique advantages that require specific tasks in order to maintain them. This section will discuss the different maintenance needs for a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation and other business structures.

Sole Proprietorship

Sole proprietorship is a popular business entity choice for those wishing to start small businesses. It is an uncomplicated structure, requiring little start-up capital and ongoing maintenance.

A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned and operated by a single individual. Owners of sole proprietorships are relinquished from double taxation, since business income is reported on the owner’s personal tax return. However, the owner of the business is solely liable for all debts and obligations, which could be financially harmful.

Obtaining necessary licenses and permits, entering into contracts with suppliers, and strategic banking are all important components of a sole proprietorship. Depending on the industry, insurance may be wise to purchase to safeguard the business and its owner.

Additionally, the individual needs to manage accounting needs properly to ensure they can make informed decisions on expansion and other strategies. Lastly, regular check-ins with a financial advisor can help keep the business growing and making the right decisions.


Business partnerships are a popular structure for companies that are smaller and need external help in order to grow. Partnerships allow companies to combine their resources and skills in order to generate profits together.

A partnership is an agreement between two or more individuals to carry on a business and share its profits or losses. In order to form a partnership, each partner must agree to the terms and conditions of the pact, including the extent of their involvement, the division of profits and losses, voting rights and dispute resolution.

The ongoing maintenance of a partnership includes the sharing of profits and losses, as well as compliance with existing laws and regulations. Each partner should stay informed about their legal rights and responsibilities in order to maintain the stability and reputation of the business.

In addition, all partners should assign tasks, provide guidance and support where needed and adhere to the partnership agreement to ensure its effectiveness and profitability. Furthermore, partners should be open and honest about the goals of their business and maintain strong communication and working relationships.


A Corporation is a popular and separate legal business structure. It is owned by shareholders, and the shareholders are not liable for any of the business’s debts or liabilities. The corporate form of doing business offers several benefits, including potential tax savings and limited liability protection for shareholders.

Owners of a corporation also typically have limited control over the company’s operations and assets. Corporations must adhere to complex legal requirements, and business owners must file paperwork with the state on an ongoing basis. For these reasons, corporations often engage the services of professionals to assist with ongoing maintenance.

Companies must also abide by numerous laws, regulations, and industry best practices in order to protect shareholders, the corporation, and its stakeholders.

To remain compliant, corporations should have procedures and policies in place to ensure all laws, regulations, and best practices are met. Additionally, corporations should have clear lines of authority between managers, shareholders, and other stakeholders such as investors and suppliers. Regular internal reviews and assessments of company policies can help protect the corporation during times of uncertainty or turbulence.

Limited Liability Company

Forming a limited liability company (LLC) requires careful preparation and ongoing maintenance to ensure legal compliance and tax optimization. An LLC offers the benefits of both a corporation and a partnership while protecting owners from personal liability.

LLCs bestow the owners with the flexibility to choose how the organization will be managed and taxed. Moreover, LLCs have few formal compliance requirements such as corporate minutes, regular meetings or corporate officers. Therefore, it is important to adhere to all state regulations to protect the members’ limited liability as well as comply with local, state, and federal tax requirements.

Additionally, LLC members must document any ownership and management changes, such as shifting ownership or adding new members. By doing so, LLCs can ensure the company’s separate-entity status and ongoing integrity.


Cooperatives are a form of businesses that involve individuals collaborating and pooling resources together in order to achieve common goals. They are formed when individuals come together to share decision-making and assets, while they remain as independent owners without any external investors or shareholders.

Cooperatives typically share ownership interests, profits, and losses. To ensure the cooperative’s longevity, they must be proactive in ongoing maintenance, which includes updating their business model to reflect the changing business environment.

This includes organizing discussions aimed at understanding what each member brings to the firm and how to use those resources more effectively. Additionally, they must evaluate their leadership structure to ensure it reflects their current mission, assess the risk of current investments, and monitor changing laws and regulations that affect their operations.

Moreover, cooperatives must use their network of members to access other needed resources, such as financing and expertise. By appointing workers as representatives, cooperatives also create an environment of trust and mutual understanding. On-going maintenance for cooperatives advances their operational success, thus ensuring economic profitability for their members.


When it comes to running a business, having a supportive and established structure is key. Franchising is a popular choice among entrepreneurs as it allows for a lower upfront cost, streamlined maintenance and marketing, and a sense of brand recognition.

Franchisees purchase the legal right to use the franchisor’s trademark and system, often paying a fee and a share of income. The franchisor is not only responsible for offering the franchisee a trademark and business techniques, but they also need to provide ongoing maintenance and support to the franchisee while they are in business. This includes providing technical and operational advice, as well as overseeing the implementation of new procedures and marketing strategies.

As such, a franchisor must be dedicated to creating an efficient and dependable business structure for their franchisees. This can be achieved through regular maintenance, training and support, and proactive communication with franchisees. By creating a foundation of trust and accountability, franchisees can ensure the sustainability of their business and long-term success.

Business Structures — FAQ

What is the difference between a Sole Proprietorship and Partnership?

A sole proprietorship is a business owned and operated by one person, who is the sole decision-maker and is solely responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. A partnership is a business structure involving two or more individuals who are responsible for the business and jointly share the profits and losses of the company.

What is the advantage of having a Corporation?

The advantage of incorporating a business as a corporation is that it is a distinct legal entity with its own rights and responsibilities. This means that the corporation itself is responsible for its debts and liabilities, and not its owners or shareholders. Additionally, it allows for the transfer of ownership in a more efficient manner and can provide certain tax advantages for its owners.

What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)?

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a form of business structure that combines the limited liability protection of a corporation with the flexibility and tax advantages of a partnership. This includes protection from personal liability for business debts, and allows for the profit and loss to pass through to the members, who are taxed individually on their share of the profits.

Do I need to register my business?

Yes, it is often necessary to register your business in order to legally operate. Depending on the type of business being operated, the state or jurisdiction may require different applications and registrations. In addition to registering your business, it is important to become familiar with local regulations and requirements related to the specific type of business you are looking to operate.

How do I determine the best business structure for my company?

When choosing the best business structure for your company, it is important to consider factors such as the size and scope of the business, the type of business activity you want to engage in, and the taxation and legal implications associated with each structure. Additionally, it is beneficial to consult with an experienced business attorney or accountant before making a decision.

What are the financial implications of forming a business?

Forming a business requires investing funds and resources, as well as potential legal fees associated with registration and permits. After the formation of the business, running it involves costs for supplies, staff and other expenses necessary to operate. Additionally, depending on the structure, there are taxes, fees, and other obligations that must be met by the business.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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