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by Mike Vestil 

Writing a Mission Statement

A mission statement is a written document that outlines an organization\’s purpose and goals. It defines what the organization does, who it serves, and how it serves them. A well-crafted mission statement can serve as a guide for everything from company culture to marketing strategy. It can be the foundation upon which an organization builds its brand and reputation.

Writing a mission statement is an essential step for any organization to clarify its purpose, values, and direction. This article will explore why mission statements are crucial, how to write an effective one, and examples of successful mission statements.



A mission statement is a concise statement that outlines the core purpose and values that an organization holds dear. It essentially serves as a roadmap that guides the decision-making process of an organization.

A well-crafted mission statement concisely captures the company\’s purpose and communicates it to both internal and external stakeholders. Moreover, it provides a sense of direction and helps to focus the organization\’s resources toward achieving its goals. In essence, a mission statement serves as a critical tool for effective organizational management and serves as the foundation for the organization\’s strategic planning process.


Writing a mission statement is an essential part of establishing and maintaining a business. A mission statement outlines a company\’s purpose, values, and goals and serves as a guiding force that helps align the company\’s actions with its objectives.

The importance of crafting a well-thought-out mission statement cannot be overstated. A company\’s mission statement is often the first point of contact that potential customers, investors, and employees have with the business. It not only reflects the company\’s core values but also provides an insight into its vision for the future. A well-crafted mission statement can inspire and motivate employees to work towards a common goal and provide a sense of direction to the company\’s decision-making process.

Without a mission statement, a business can easily lose sight of its purpose, and it may become challenging to achieve long-term success. A mission statement also helps customers and investors understand what the company stands for and what they can expect from it. It can differentiate the company from its competitors and create a unique brand identity that resonates with its target audience.

Moreover, a well-crafted mission statement can also help in attracting the right talent to the company. In today\’s competitive job market, top talent is often drawn to companies that have a clear and compelling mission statement. A mission statement that aligns with an individual\’s values and ethics can be a significant factor in their decision to join a particular company.

In conclusion, a mission statement is an essential tool that helps a business navigate its journey towards success. It sets the tone for the company\’s culture, aligns the team\’s actions with its goals, differentiates it from competitors, and attracts customers, investors, and the right talent. Writing a clear, concise, and inspiring mission statement takes time and effort, but the benefits it provides are immeasurable.


A mission statement is a short, clear summary of an organization\’s purpose, meaning, and goals. It serves as a prominent communication tool used to inform stakeholders and employees about the company\’s principles and objectives.

The purpose of a mission statement is to provide direction and focus, aligning a company’s workforce towards a single goal. This single goal will enable the organization to make informed and effective decisions while working collaboratively towards a common objective. In short, a mission statement is an essential tool for any business or organization that wants to clearly define its values, establish its goals, and orient its employees and customers towards a common purpose.

Crafting a mission statement is, therefore, an essential part of any organization\’s strategic planning and helps to guide the decisions and actions of its leaders.

Key Elements of a Mission Statement

Company Identity

Company identity is the foundation of any successful business. It encompasses the unique aspects of a company that set it apart from its competitors, including its mission, values, brand, and culture. A company\’s identity guides its decision-making processes, and it communicates the company\’s purpose and goals to its stakeholders.

In order to establish a strong company identity, it is essential to first identify the company\’s purpose and values. This includes defining what the company wants to accomplish, and how it plans to achieve those goals. This information should be made clear through the company\’s mission statement, which acts as a guiding force and sets the tone for the entire organization.

Additionally, a company\’s brand is an important aspect of its identity. This includes factors such as its logo, tagline, and visual identity. A company\’s brand should be easily recognizable and communicate its values and purpose to potential customers. It is often the first impression that people have of a company, so it is crucial that it accurately represents the company\’s identity.

Culture is another important aspect of a company\’s identity. This encompasses the values, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that are shared among employees. A positive company culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, as well as for creating a productive and enjoyable work environment.

Ultimately, a strong company identity is essential for success in today\’s competitive market. By clearly communicating its purpose, values, brand, and culture, a company can attract and retain loyal customers and employees, and achieve its goals and objectives.

Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is a crucial step in creating a compelling mission statement for your company. Your target audience is the group of people or organizations that your company aims to serve and satisfy through its products or services.

Understanding your target audience allows you to tailor your mission statement to their needs and preferences, making it more impactful and relevant. When defining your target audience, consider factors such as age, gender, income level, education level, and geographic location. You should also consider your target audience\’s interests, values, and pain points to craft a message that resonates with them.

For instance, if your company sells organic food products, your target audience might be health-conscious individuals, environmentally conscious consumers and parents raising young children. Knowing your target audience helps you to empathize more effectively with them through your mission statement.


The Products/Services subsection is an essential element of a company\’s mission statement. It outlines what the company offers to its customers or clients. In this section, the company must provide a clear and concise description of its products or services. The description should be written in a way that is easy for the target audience to understand.

The aim is to highlight how the products or services benefit the audience or help them meet their needs. The company should provide a comprehensive list of its products or services, including any special features or unique selling points that differentiate them from competitors. Additionally, the section should emphasize the quality of the company\’s offerings and how they align with the overall mission of the organization.

A well-crafted Products/Services section can help a company achieve long-term success. It establishes the foundation of the organization and provides a clear understanding of what the company does. This section is critical for clearly communicating the company\’s value proposition and helping the target audience understand the benefits of the company\’s products or services.

A strong Products/Services section can also differentiate a company from its competitors and help establish the company\’s brand identity. A well-defined brand identity can lead to increased customer loyalty and revenue.

When crafting the Products/Services section of the mission statement, it is essential to consider the target audience. Understanding the needs and desires of the target audience allows the company to tailor its products or services to meet the audience\’s expectations.

Additionally, when the target audience can easily understand the company\’s offerings, they are more likely to choose the company over competitors. Therefore, the description of products or services must be written in simple, clear language, without technical jargon or complex terminology.

Another essential aspect of the Products/Services section is its alignment with the company\’s overall mission and values. The company must ensure that its products or services embody its mission and values. The alignment ensures that the company\’s offerings are consistent with its broader goals and objectives. The section should emphasize the quality and efficiency of the products or services and how they help the company move closer to its goals.

In conclusion, the Products/Services section of a company\’s mission statement is a vital component of company identity. This section communicates what the company offers and how it benefits the target audience. It is essential to focus on providing a clear and concise description of the products or services, while also highlighting their unique selling points.

Furthermore, the Products/Services section should align with the company\’s overall mission and values, which helps establish the identity of the company and its brand. Overall, a well-executed Products/Services section can help a company achieve long-term success, increased customer loyalty, and revenue.


The values of a company are the fundamental beliefs that guide the behavior of the organization and its employees. A mission statement should reflect these values and communicate them to the target audience.

Values convey the company\’s culture and identity to stakeholders and provide a framework for decision-making. The values should be specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound. The values of a company should not only reflect its internal culture but also its external interactions with customers, partners, and society.

When creating the values section of a mission statement, it\’s important to involve all stakeholders in the process. This collaborative effort ensures that the values accurately reflect the beliefs of the entire organization and not just a few individuals. Values should be chosen based on the company\’s purpose and align with its goals and objectives. A company should emphasize values that set it apart from competitors and highlight its unique characteristics.

The values in a mission statement should be concrete and not vague concepts. For example, instead of saying “respect,” a company should define specific behaviors that demonstrate respect, such as “listen actively to opinions and ideas of others.” Additionally, values should be regularly reviewed, updated, and reinforced to ensure they are still relevant to the company\’s mission and goals.

Finally, a company should ensure that its values are reflected in its actions and practices. The values should be evident in the company\’s day-to-day operations, decision-making processes, and interactions with clients, partners, and society. This alignment between values and actions is essential to build trust, loyalty, and a positive reputation for the company.


Goals/Objectives is a crucial subsection of a company\’s mission statement. It defines what the company plans on achieving in the short and long term. In this section, a company typically lays out specific goals, targets, and objectives that it aims to achieve. The goals should be clear, measurable, and achievable in a specific timeframe.

When crafting goals and objectives, a company should consider what it wants to accomplish and how it plans on achieving it. The goals should align with the company\’s overall mission and vision. They should also be challenging yet realistic, as attainable goals help motivate employees, while unrealistic goals might discourage them.

To set achievable goals, a company should analyze its current situation, identify areas of improvement, and develop a plan of action to achieve those improvements. The company should also consider external factors, like competition, market trends, and technological advancements that may impact its operations.

Goals/Objectives in a mission statement should be considered a work in progress. As a company develops and moves forward, its goals may change, and new objectives may arise. Therefore, it\’s crucial to continually evaluate performance and adjust goals and objectives accordingly.

Overall, the Goals/Objectives section is critical in a mission statement as it outlines the company\’s aspirations and provides direction for employees. When creating this section, it\’s essential to be concise, specific, and realistic in setting and achieving goals while keeping in line with the company\’s values and vision.

Steps to Writing a Mission Statement


The research phase is an essential part of writing a mission statement. This is the stage where writers gather information that will inform the content and direction of their mission statement. In order to conduct thorough research, it\’s important to identify the organization\’s values, goals, and audience.

One important aspect of research is analyzing the competition in the market to ensure that the organization\’s mission statement is unique and stands out from others. Research can also include studying successful organizations that have similar values or objectives as the one in question in order to gain inspiration and guidance.

Another crucial element of research is gathering feedback from stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors. This feedback can provide valuable insight into how the organization is perceived and what improvements need to be made.

It\’s also important to explore potential obstacles that may interfere with the organization\’s ability to achieve its goals and objectives. By conducting thorough research, writers can create a mission statement that is well-informed, authentic, and relevant to the organization\’s values and purpose.


Brainstorming is a critical step in creating a mission statement as it helps to generate ideas and identify the core values and purpose of an organization. Before engaging in brainstorming, it is important to have a clear understanding of the organization\’s history, goals, and vision. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for developing ideas and concepts that align with the organization\’s values and beliefs.

During the brainstorming process, it is essential to encourage free-thinking and creative exploration. All ideas should be recorded, no matter how unconventional they may seem, as they may later serve as inspiration for the final mission statement. It is important to involve all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, in the brainstorming process to ensure that the mission statement captures the perspectives and values of all involved.

One effective way to brainstorm for a mission statement is to use mind mapping. Mind mapping involves creating a visual representation of ideas, using diagrams and keywords to make connections and explore various ideas. Mind mapping can be done individually or in a group, allowing for the cultivation of multiple perspectives and insights.

Another useful approach to brainstorming is to analyze the mission statements of similar organizations in the industry. This can provide inspiration and insight into what core values and beliefs are common among successful organizations. It is important, however, to avoid simply copying another organization\’s mission statement, as this can undermine the authenticity and individuality of the statement.

Finally, it is critical to keep the audience in mind when brainstorming a mission statement. The language and tone used should reflect the values and beliefs of the organization while also resonating with the intended audience. It is important to consider the various stakeholders and their expectations and desires when crafting a mission statement that reflects the organization\’s commitment to its stakeholders.


In the drafting stage, a mission statement writer should work on creating a concise and clear statement that effectively communicates the purpose of the organization. This includes identifying the organization\’s core values, primary stakeholders, and their needs.

It is also important to consider the tone of the statement and ensure it aligns with the organization\’s culture and brand image. To begin this process, the writer should start with a rough draft that captures the essence of the organization\’s mission. It is important to review this initial draft and refine it until it adequately represents the organization\’s goals and values.

To ensure that the mission statement effectively communicates the organization\’s purpose, it is essential to keep the statement concise and straightforward. We recommend aiming for a statement that is no more than two or three sentences. The statement should be free of technical jargon and complex language that may be difficult for the target audience to understand. Instead, focus on using simple, clear, and precise language that effectively communicates the mission\’s objectives.

Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the statement is authentically representative of the organization\’s values and goals. To achieve this, the writer must engage with the primary stakeholders and leaders to gain insight into the organization\’s culture, vision, and goals. This will help the writer to gain a better understanding of the organization and create a statement that aligns with its values and purpose.

During the drafting stage, it is also important to consider the statement\’s tone, ensuring that it is appropriate for the organization\’s culture and target audience. Using the appropriate voice and tone can help the organization convey the intended message effectively. A conversational tone can help create a sense of approachability, while a professional tone can create a sense of authority and expertise.

Finally, it is crucial to revise the drafted statement continually. This ensures that the statement remains relevant and truly reflects the organization\’s purpose and values. By incorporating feedback from stakeholders and team members and keeping the statement up-to-date as the organization evolves, the final mission statement will be an essential document that can guide the organization to achieve its goals effectively.


Refining the mission statement is crucial to ensure that it reflects the values, goals, and purpose of the organization in a clear and concise manner. This phase involves reviewing the drafted mission statement and making revisions, adding or deleting elements to make it more impactful and relevant. One important aspect of refining is to ensure that the statement communicates the desired message to the target audience – stakeholders, customers, and employees.

During the refining phase, it is essential to analyze the wording of the statement and ensure that it is grammatically correct, without any errors or ambiguities. The use of simple, direct, and powerful language is crucial to make the statement more memorable and impactful. The statement should also be specific and focused, avoiding vague or generic terms that can dilute its message.

Another critical element of refining the mission statement is to ensure that it aligns with the organization\’s vision, goals, and values. The statement should accurately depict the organization\’s purpose, its unique selling proposition, and what it aims to achieve in the long run. This alignment can be achieved by brainstorming, discussions, and feedback from stakeholders to refine the statement to ensure that it resonates with the core values of the organization.

Further, refining the mission statement can also involve revising it to adapt to changes in the organization\’s goals, strategies, or target audience. A mission statement must be flexible enough to accommodate transformation while still mirroring the organization\’s core values and beliefs. Revising a mission statement during this phase may include rewording the statement to improve its clarity or to make it align better with the organization\’s core values.

In conclusion, refining the mission statement is a crucial step in the process of developing a compelling and effective mission statement. It ensures that the final statement is specific, concise, and aligned with the organization\’s vision, goals, and values. By refining the statement, an organization can communicate its purpose and value proposition more effectively, attract like-minded stakeholders, and empower its employees to work towards a common goal.


Once you have completed the refining stage, it is time to finalize your mission statement. First, take a break from your statement and come back to it later with fresh eyes. This will help you spot any errors or areas that need further improvement. Next, review your mission statement against the criteria you established during the drafting stage.

Ensure that your mission statement is concise, clear, and impactful. Consider the primary message your statement conveys and whether it aligns with your organization\’s values and goals. If necessary, run your mission statement past colleagues, friends, or trusted advisors for feedback.

Make any final tweaks necessary to ensure your statement accurately represents your organization\’s purpose and identity. Lastly, take the time to properly format and publish your mission statement. A well-crafted mission statement can help guide your organization towards success, but it is important to frequently revisit and revise it to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Examples of Mission Statements

Successful Companies

Successful companies understand the importance of having a well-crafted mission statement. A clear and concise mission statement helps guide the company\’s decisions and actions, and it also communicates the company\’s values and goals to its stakeholders. One example of a successful company that has a strong mission statement is Google. Google\’s mission statement is “to organize the world\’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” This mission statement has helped Google maintain its focus on innovation and user experience while expanding its reach into various industries.

Another successful company that prioritizes its mission statement is Patagonia. Patagonia\’s mission statement is “to build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.” This mission statement has helped Patagonia become a leader in sustainable and ethical fashion, and it has also helped the company attract and retain customers who prioritize sustainability.

Apple is another example of a company that has a strong mission statement. Apple\’s mission statement is “to design the best products and technologies, and to make them accessible to everyone.” This mission statement has helped Apple create groundbreaking products that have revolutionized the tech industry while maintaining a focus on accessibility and inclusivity.

Overall, successful companies understand that a clear mission statement is essential for guiding their decisions and actions, communicating their values and goals to stakeholders, and maintaining their focus on their core mission. By crafting a meaningful mission statement, companies can differentiate themselves in the market, attract and retain customers, and maintain their competitive edge.

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations play a critical role in society by addressing social, cultural, and environmental issues that often go unaddressed by governments and corporations. These organizations operate on the principle of serving a public good rather than generating profit and typically rely on donations and grants to fund their operations.

As such, developing a clear and concise mission statement is essential for non-profits to effectively communicate their purpose and values to potential donors, volunteers, and the broader public. A well-crafted mission statement can serve as a guide for decision-making, inspire stakeholders to action, and ultimately contribute to the success and sustainability of the organization.

Some key considerations when crafting a mission statement for a non-profit include identifying the core values and priorities of the organization, articulating the target audience and beneficiaries of the organization\’s work, and acknowledging any challenges or limitations in achieving the organization\’s goals.

Additionally, non-profits should strive to make their mission statement easily understandable and relatable to their target audience, while also incorporating language that reflects the organization\’s unique perspective and approach to addressing social issues.

Small Businesses

Small businesses may have the most to gain from creating a mission statement. Not only does a mission statement provide guidance for the company\’s decision-making process, but it also helps communicate the company\’s values and goals to employees, customers, and stakeholders.

Small businesses can use their mission statement to differentiate themselves from competitors by emphasizing their unique value proposition. In crafting a mission statement, small businesses should consider their target market, their core competencies, and their long-term goals. It is important to ensure that the mission statement is specific, concise, and memorable.

Additionally, the mission statement should be revisited periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and aligned with the company\’s objectives. By investing time and effort into crafting a thoughtful mission statement, small businesses can create a solid foundation for long-term success.



Writing a mission statement may seem like a daunting task, but it can be a valuable exercise that clarifies the purpose and direction of your organization. A mission statement is a concise statement of your company\’s reason for being, its values, and its goals.

It should capture the essence of your organization and inspire both employees and customers alike. In order to write an effective mission statement, it\’s important to first identify your organization\’s core values and beliefs. This involves introspection and reflection on what your company stands for and the impact it wants to have on the world.

Next, you must consider your company\’s unique strengths and goals. Your mission statement should be authentic and reflect what sets your organization apart from others. It should communicate a clear sense of purpose and motivate employees to work together towards a common goal. An effective mission statement can help align the efforts of your team and create a shared understanding of what your organization stands for and hopes to achieve.

When crafting your mission statement, it\’s important to keep it concise and easily understandable. A mission statement that is too long or too complex risks being ignored or misunderstood. Use simple, clear language to convey your message and avoid jargon or buzzwords that may be less accessible to employees and customers.

To ensure your mission statement is effective, it\’s important to involve your team in the process. Consider holding brainstorming sessions or focus groups to gather input and feedback from employees at all levels of the organization. This can help ensure buy-in and commitment to the mission statement, and create a sense of shared ownership and responsibility for its success.

In conclusion, writing a mission statement is a valuable exercise that can help clarify the purpose and direction of your organization. It ensures that your company\’s values, beliefs, and goals are clearly communicated to both employees and customers. By involving your team in the process and keeping it concise and understandable, you can create a mission statement that inspires and motivates your team and sets your organization apart from others.

Final Thoughts

Writing a mission statement is an essential step in providing direction and focus for a company or organization. It acts as a guide for decision-making, shapes the strategies used, and communicates the purpose and values of the organization to stakeholders. A well-crafted mission statement should be concise, clear, and memorable. It should capture the essence of the organization\’s reason for existence and resonate with its target audience.

The process of writing a mission statement requires careful consideration of the organization\’s identity, purpose, and goals. The first step is to define the organization\’s purpose, vision, and values. This involves asking questions such as, “What do we do?” and “What do we stand for?” Next, the organization should evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. From there, it can identify its unique selling proposition and develop a differentiation strategy.

Once the groundwork has been laid, the organization can begin crafting its mission statement. The statement should be brief and to the point, but also compelling and memorable. It should include the organization\’s purpose, its unique value proposition, and its intended audience. The language used should be clear and accessible, avoiding jargon or overly complex terminology. The mission statement should also be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the organization\’s goals and objectives over time.

However, the creation of a mission statement is just the first step. The organization must also ensure that the statement is effectively communicated to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and partners. This involves incorporating the mission statement into all aspects of the organization, from marketing materials to employee onboarding and training. The statement should serve as a rallying cry for the organization\’s employees and a beacon for its customers and partners.

In conclusion, writing a mission statement is an essential part of establishing a clear direction and purpose for a company or organization. It requires careful consideration of the organization\’s identity, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The resulting statement should be concise, clear, and compelling, and effectively communicated to all stakeholders. The mission statement should serve as a guide for decision-making and strategy development, and a rallying cry for the organization\’s employees and a beacon for its customers and partners.

Writing a Mission Statement — FAQ

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement is a brief, clear statement articulating the purpose, goals, values, and priorities of an organization or individual.

Why are mission statements important?

Mission statements help organizations and individuals focus on what’s most important, make decisions more effectively, and communicate their purpose and priorities to stakeholders.

How do you write a strong mission statement?

To write a strong mission statement, start by defining your purpose, values, and priorities. Then, craft a clear, concise statement that captures the essence of your purpose and values.

What should be included in a mission statement?

A mission statement should include the organization’s purpose, values, and priorities. It should also be clear, concise, and memorable.

How often should a mission statement be reviewed and updated?

Mission statements should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that they remain relevant and reflective of the organization’s purpose and values. A good rule of thumb is to review and update the statement every 1-3 years.

Can personal mission statements be helpful?

Yes, personal mission statements can be incredibly helpful in providing direction and focus for one’s individual goals and priorities. They can also help in making difficult decisions and communicating your values to others.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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