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  • Top 5 Books You Must Read If You Want to Make Money Online

by Mike Vestil 

Top 5 Books You Must Read If You Want to Make Money Online

I have to be honest..

I’ve cheated the game..

And if you want to become successful, then you should too.

Instead of me trying to figure out what actually works when it comes to making money online, I “cheated” by modeling what was already working for other people.

The best way to do that is by reading their books.

Find out the top 5 books you need to read if you want to make money online in today’s video.

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Here are the top 5 books YOU HAVE TO READ if you want to make money online.

Book #1: The E Myth Revisited By Michael E. Gerber

emyth revisited

The biggest takeaway I got from this book was to find a “Primary Aim” in life. Not in business.

Without a primary aim, your business will end up consuming you.

Most people that get into making money online don’t have a primary aim. That is why you see people working 12 hours a day on their businesses.

Even though they may be already successful, they still work themselves like slaves because they do not know what else to do with their time.

Screw that.

I didn’t get into creating a business just so that I could become a slave to it.

Early on, I knew exactly what my primary aim was. And that was to create something so that I can travel and collect experiences instead of things.

I didn’t care how much money I made. As long as I had a business that could fund my travel and had some extra money left over to save for my future, I would be happy.

For those who never had an audible account, you can get this FREE audiobook at mikevestil.com/emyth

Book #2: Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman


This book taught me how to separate my brand from the noise that exists online by mastering the PSYCHOLOGY OF ONLINE SELLING.

The biggest takeaway I got from it was the concept known as the Life Force 8.

The Life Force 8 are the eight basic HUMAN INSTINCTS hardwired into every person:

  1. Survival, Enjoyment of Life, Life Extension
  2. Enjoyment of Food and Beverages
  3. Freedom from Fear, Pain, and Danger
  4. Sexual Companionship
  5. Comfortable Living Conditions
  6. To Be Superior, Winning, Keeping Up with the Joneses
  7. Care and Protection of Loved Ones
  8. Social Approval

Appealing to these needs is how you separate your brand from your competitors. 

This comes in very hand when you are split testing your advertising variables.

Get the FREE audiobook at mikevestil.com/cash

Book #3: 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

4 hour workweek

This is no surprise, literally my bible when I first got inspired to make money online.

This was someone who’s not the typical preaching ‘make money online’ guru.

This book made me want to become a part of what Tim Ferriss calls the “NEW Rich” instead of the deferrers (people that defer Pleasure and Enjoyment to be experienced when they are old).

Ferriss gives you a step-by-step way to join the “NEW Rich” instead of the latter.

The new Rich are the people that are kind of like you and me that are focused more on the FREEDOM..

While the deferrers are the ones that work 9 to 5 every single day just so that they could “postpone” or “defer” enjoyment for later on in life.

Get the free audiobook at mikevestil.com/4hour.

Book #4: The Lazy Man’s Guide to Living the Good Life by Mike Vestil

Lazy Man's Guide to Living the Good Life Book

The fourth book that I recommend is by yours truly. This is my 4-hour work week story with my own little twist.

It answers the age old question of finding out one’s purpose in life. Is it to be rich in things or experiences?

At the end of the day it is the amount of balance you have between the 4 pillars of the good life: Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness that can give you the fulfilling life that you need.

Now for those who are getting into e-commerce, then this is exactly the entire story or the entire process that actually got me into my first successful business..

PLUS it goes over what I’ve learned while I was using that money and that time freedom that I started gaining back to work on my own health, wealth, love, and happiness.

It’s definitely a recommended especially if you have been a long-term subscriber.

(If you haven’t read my book… what’s wrong with you?!)

You can get it right here: mikevestil.com/mikesbook

Book #5: Dotcom Secrets by Russel Brunson

DotCom Secrets by russell brunson

One of the biggest takeaways that I got from this book was the ability to create sales funnels.

If you look at my blog, you will see that there are a lot of funnels that lead to either an affiliate sale or one of my products or services.

And if you look at my YouTube as a whole, it is just one giant sales funnel.

And it is this book that will teach you the most systematic way to get visitors that don’t know who you are that will eventually turn them into raving fans that will buy anything from you.

This book will teach you how to become like your own version of “Mike Vestil” and help you create an impact to the people around you.

Which is why I definitely recommend this book. The good news is it’s for FREE.

You just have to pay shipping and the shipping is like $9.95 which is probably a little expensive for shipping but you also get a pretty badass book.

You can get it right here: mikevestil.com/freebook

So guys hopefully that helps!

Your fellow freedom fighter

Mike V.

QUESTION: What books did I miss from the list? Comment below!

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And for more tips on how to make money online make sure you check out the following:

Want to make your first $10k/month online?

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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