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  • Facebook Ads For Lawyers. Some Tips For Successful Advertising

by Mike Vestil 

Facebook Ads For Lawyers. Some Tips For Successful Advertising

Today, Facebook has a huge number of active visitors around the world—2.9 billion of them.

It’s a formidable, popular social media platform.

Therefore, it is more than appropriate to use this platform to promote your legal services to potential clients who use the social network.

In this article, we will analyze some nuances of setting up Facebook ads for law firms that can help take your business to the next level.

Why Use Facebook Ads To Promote Your Legal Practice

We've collected some solid reasons explaining why you should use Facebook advertising to generate leads and sales for your practice.

Reach Clients Where They Are

The major reason law firms should include Facebook advertising in their marketing stack is the massive number of active Facebook users. From the large pool of users, you will most likely find many potential customers with the help of advertising, no matter who you are targeting.

Consider these numbers from Statista:
  • Facebook has 2.91 billion users around the globe.
  • Up to a staggering 1.93 billion use Facebook per day.
  • The number of Facebook users in the US alone is 297 million.

By 2026, we expect the number of Facebook users in the United States to reach 324.76 million.


With such mouth-watering figures, Facebook is every marketer’s paradise. Many law firms are already using this platform for generating leads and promoting their services. They are enjoying fantastic results by using Facebook ads for lawyers to grow their law firms.

It’s More Cost-Effective

Online advertising is cheaper compared to TV advertising and other types of paid digital tactics. Here is a table comparison of average cost per lead by channel.


As you can see, social media marketing is way cheaper than offline strategies. If you drill further into the cost of social media Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising you will discover Facebook is the cheapest, barring Twitter. Law firms can market their services on Facebook for only $0.97 per click. You can get started for as little as $10 for a Facebook ad campaign. While Twitter costs a mere $0.38 a click, it doesn’t have the highly targeted features and wide reach Facebook has.

The platform has flexible cost control via a daily or lifetime budget.

Target Specific Audiences

Another advantage of Facebook advertising is targeting a specific audience.

You can customize targeting by:

  • Location: use your Facebook page to reach potential clients according to where they live.
  • Age: target potential clients of a specific age range.
  • Gender: target a specific gender that suits the target audience of your law firm.
  • Behavior: get more clients by targeting people with similar behavior patterns.
  • Interests: use a Facebook ad to get new clients based on their different interests.

Accordingly, there is an opportunity to show your Facebook ad only to users of interest to you. This way you improve the chances of them engaging with your advert. 

Plus, you don't waste money on users who aren't interested in your message.

Accelerate Your Lead Generation Efforts

Write that with the help of targeted advertising on Facebook, you will get new leads and customers for your business. To get those new clients, you must get the settings right in the Facebook Ads Manager.

In Facebook Leads, law firms have a tool tailor-made for generating new leads. 

Here are some of the Facebook lead ads highlights:

  • Pre-populated and mobile-optimized forms for people to fill with ease, even on small mobile screens.
  • Merge lead ads with the audience selection feature and other Facebook optimization products to find the audience that matters to your law firm.
  • Customizable lead forms that allow you to ask the right questions and get higher-quality leads for your law firm.
  • Integrates with popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Aweber, Get Response, and SendInBlue. It passes newly generated leads straight to your CRM for your law firm sales team to take up.

Here’s a lead ad form example law firms can use for lead generation.


The form emerges after potential clients click on a lead ad on a mobile device.

Build a Solid Brand

In addition to growing your customer base, Facebook advertising can bring you significant brand development and awareness.

Increasing brand awareness takes the firm to a whole new level of interaction with customers, and can also contribute to significant business success.

Here’s a divorce lawyer spreading the word about the law firm’s services.


In Facebook’s Ad Manager, create ads whose sole goal is to let people know who you are and what you do. After people get exposed to many of them, they will remember your brand whenever they need help connected to the problems you solve.

Tips To Use Facebook Ads For Lawyers

We will now look at the technical part of running ads on Facebook. If you don't master the tech bit, you won't be able to create effective ads. But don't worry, it's not so difficult, but only the right setting can give us a positive effect.

Below are some tips to help you run your Facebook ads to maximize your gains and minimize your losses right from the start.

1. Create An Optimized Facebook Page That Includes Rich Media

Before you start setting up an advertising campaign, you need to create a business Facebook page.

Without your law firm’s Facebook page, you can't launch any advertising for your business. Having a page isn't enough. Make sure you maintain it. Post only high-quality content on the page. Plus, add fresh content frequently. 

Whenever users comment on your content, jump in and interact with them. 

For a case study of an optimized legal services company, consider the one below from the Virga Law Firm.


The law firm’s Facebook page ticks most of the optimization boxes:

  • Telling prospects exactly what they do “family law attorneys”.
  • Including social proof of “80 years of combined experience”.
  • Linking to their website so users can click to find out more.

2. Add A Profitable Offer To Your Ad

Nobody can pass up on a good deal. So adding a superb deal to your ad can explode a potential client's chances of reaching out to you.

An example of a lucrative offer would be a "free consultation" added to the ad text. Because a free consultation is risk-free for potential customers, they are more likely to take you up on it. 

Importantly, it allows you to showcase your knowledge as a service provider and build your authority.

You can come up with another helpful offer that gives you an advantage over your competitors.

3. Identify Your Advertising Goals

Setting goals is the first and one of the most important parts of launching an advertising campaign.

The whole ad setup depends on what you want to get from it. Goals inform the images you use, the ad copy, and how you communicate your message.

Goal examples include:

  • Get more leads.
  • Get more customers.
  • Increase brand awareness.
  • Drive traffic to landing pages or blog posts.

We can divide all goals into separate ad campaigns on Facebook. You can specify these goals in the "Choose a campaign objective" section. Here’s what it looks like in ads manager.


Choosing an objective that matches your strategy will help you get the results you want. It will also help you better organize your creatives later when you run multiple ads.

4. Build A Laser-Focused Audience To Target

What makes Facebook special is that the platform allows you to create a target audience for your ads.

Not just a target audience, but a tailored one that suits your practice down to the tee and helps you find the exact clients you are after.

We especially recommend narrowing the audience at the initial stages of the advertising campaign launch. It is important to set up advertising in such a way that it finds its potential client.

And the more precisely you configure it, the more likely it is to bring new customers to your business. A generalized audience doesn't produce exceptional results because it doesn't appeal to users' interests.

Here are some parameters you can use to target your audience on Facebook.

  • Location.
  • Age.
  • Gender.
  • Detailed targeting.
  • Language.

Here’s the audience section in the ads manager.


Detailed targeting is a targeting option in the Audience section of ad set creation. You can use it to define the target people you want to show your ads to in greater detail. It includes subsections like:

  • Demographics.
  • Interests.
  • Behaviors.

These targeting options may include things like:

  • Pages they engaged with.
  • Ads they clicked.
  • Where they are located.
  • Their mobile device type and usage
  • The speed of their mobile connection.

An important option is the ability to save the created audience and use it in the future. That's convenient because you don't have to start from scratch next time you run a new campaign to a similar audience.

5. Create Multiple Ad Sets To Optimize Your Cost

An ad set is a group of ads targeting a similar audience. At the ad set level, you can limit the budget for a set of announcements.

This option is useful in several cases, such as when you want to:

  • Target different audiences with different sets of ads
  • Limit the budget for some specific groups of ads.
  • Allocate more budget to a more successful group of ads.

6. Don’t Compromise On Your Ad Creative

The success of advertising depends on the quality of the ad creative.

When choosing or creating an image, you need to find one that will hook the user. Come up with something a user would want to click on.

The ad should convey the essence of your brand and stand out from the competition.

Below are 4 conditions that an effective advertisement must meet:

  • Stands out in the newsfeed from the endless stream of content that jams Facebook streams
  • Attracts the ideal audience you are after.
  • Resonates with your audience so they engage with the ad.
  • Suitable for your business purpose.

It is also worth considering the text, which should attract the user's attention, convey the essence, contain a unique offer and a call to action.

Some Examples Of The Creative Ad For A Law Firm

Here are some examples of successful legal creative advertising.

First is this one from Provost Umphrey Law Firm.


Retargeting Facebook ads work excellently.

By pursuing people who visited their landing page or website but didn’t convert, they boost the chances of landing the client because they’ve already shown an interest in their services. They sweeten the deal by offering a free no-risk case evaluation.

Plus, they build trust by telling prospects they have been in business for 50 years. 

Next is a superb top-of-funnel law firm marketing ad.


The Facebook marketing ad answers every key question prospects have about the company:

  • Who are you?: Royster & Royster and Wolper Law Firm.
  • What do you do?: Private equity Ponzi scheme loss recovery.
  • How can I reach you?: Call or send a message. 

The third example is a video ad.


The ad works well because:

  • It has a clear target audience: fathers who are unmarried or going through a divorce.
  • It also includes the law firm’s phone number so prospects can reach out for more info.
  • It uses video to present the company's services persuasively.

7. Test Different Ad Creatives To See What Works

No doubt. Facebook ads work. But you can make them better.

Facebook has the possibility of A/B testing.

A/B or split testing is comparing two or more variations of a page or element of an advert to determine which one performs best. Below is a graphic that shows the split test feature.


It's an integral part of Facebook advertising as it helps you to see what's working and what isn't.

You can test images, ad sets, audiences, and more.

8. Design Mobile-First Ads

Today most users (98%) go on Facebook using mobile devices.

For an ad to work effectively, you must adapt it to mobile devices.

Facebook recommends 1080 x 1080 pixels image sizes that display well on mobile devices.

A few more tips to help optimize media for mobile

  • Use shorter videos because it's hard for users to watch for long on mobile.
  • Ensure that the text on your design is readable on smaller screens.
  • Use vertical orientation for your designs/images/photos and videos, which fill the screen and look nicer.

The best part? 

Facebook allows you to see what your ad will look like in the preview pane. You will then polish it until it sparkles and only publish it when you are happy with its appearance.

9. Throw Video Ads Into The Mix

Video ads are the most popular and viewed format.

They are entertaining and drive action.

Studies show that approximately 50% of users watch Facebook video ads.

A few tips on how to make video ads:

  • Use captivating storytelling in your videos for them to go viral and stand out from the crowd.
  • Adapt video for mobile devices by including high-quality audio.
  • Video ads should be short (5-15 seconds).
  • Use subtitles to display ads without sound.

If several creative images that resonate with your audience, take things up a notch. How?  Combine them into a video and make a fascinating slide show by selecting this format for media files.

Example Of A Video Ad For Lawyers


The ad text introduces the law firm. The video explains what they do in detail. Many law firms include video in their Facebook ads for lawyers’ campaigns because it’s engaging and authentic.

10. Target All Stages Of Your Sales Cycle

The great thing about Facebook ads is that they are versatile. You can use them at any stage of the sales funnel.

Here's what it means:

  • Awareness Stage (Top-of-the-Funnel) - Prospects at the top of the funnel know nothing about your law firm and what it does. For your Facebook ad to hook them, offer something of value (like a guide that helps employees understand their rights) that relates to their pain points.
  • Consideration (Middle-of-the-Funnel) - In the middle of the funnel, people know about your law firm and what it does, but don’t trust you enough to use your services. In your ad campaign at this stage, use social proof to make your audience consider your firm for legal help. Stats and testimonials can go a long way here.
  • Conversion (Bottom-of-the-Funnel) - Leads at the bottom of the funnel know what your practice is capable of. They are just moments away from pulling out their credit cards to hire you. Create ads that drive your audience to contact you for help. For instance, it could offer legal representation for a popular case.

Here’s a sample of conversion advertising for a law firm


This advert targets high-intent accident victims and guns for a client booking straightaway.

Injured in an automobile accident?

Contact us so we help you file damage claims today!

That’s it.

11. Experiment With Different Ad Formats

Facebook advertising isn't one-dimensional. There are various advertising options available on Facebook, such as:

  • Advertising with an image - Sharing about your legal firm using a still image, e.g. you can share pics of your office. Here’s an example of a law firm promoting a blog post to its target audience using an image ad.
  • Video Ads - By adding movement and sound, you can make images riveting. Use video ads to tell prospects about your firm's mission and how you serve your clients as the company below did.

Most law firms love video because it allows them to share testimonials and success stories from their best clients.

  • Carousel advertisement - A carousel combines two or more images and/or videos in a single ad, each with its own headline, description, link, and call to action. It's ideal for showcasing a list of your core services.
  • Advertising with Instant Experience - Instant Experience is a full-screen eye-grabbing experience that opens after someone taps your ad on a mobile device. You can create an Instant Experience ad to visually highlight your legal practices' services memorably on mobile devices.
  • Collection ads - A collection ad in Facebook News Feed includes a major cover image or video, followed by 3 supportive product images. When someone taps on a collection ad, they see a full-screen landing page that drives engagement and nurtures interest and intent. It's perfect for unpacking the details of each of your services.

The point?

Experiment with different ad formats. See which ones bring results and focus on them.

12. Use “Exclusion” Targeting

Facebook allows you to exclude people from advertising for several parameters.

Among those that you should exclude are those who:

  • Already converted on your website - There's no need to keep chasing people who have taken the desired action on your lawyer’s website.
  • Engaged with a previous post - Users who have commented, liked, or shared your page have done what you've asked of them.

Excluding certain groups of people from a campaign ensures that you only show adverts to unique users who haven't converted or connected with your company yet. 

You can specify exclusion variables when selecting an audience at the ad set level.


This advert targets high-intent accident victims and guns for a client booking straightaway.

Injured in an automobile accident?

Contact us so we help you file damage claims today!

That’s it.

13. Use Data To Consistently Optimize Your Ads

For you to optimize a Facebook ad campaign, you must track and analyze data. 

Without data, you will shoot in the dark. But with it, you will make informed data-based decisions to make your ads more effective.

Such data should include:

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost per click tells you how much on average, each link clicked by Facebook users on your law firm ad costs you. We use CPC in online marketing and law firm marketing to standardize the efficiency and performance of your Facebook ad. As a marketer, you want to generate leads at a low CPC to maximize earnings.


Impressions are a common measurement in Facebook marketing and content marketing circles. Impressions gauge how often your ads were on screen for your target audience.

This metric is important because it tells you how many people your Facebook ad can reach. More impressions mean more people might see your Facebook ads. However, note that impression counts the number of times your advert appears on devices, even if Facebook users didn’t engage with it.


Engagement is the total number of actions people take on your Facebook page and posts because of your Facebook ad. 

If people engage with your page and posts, it shows your ads are relevant and they resonate with the audience.

Video Views

This metric measures the number of people who watched a video, duration metrics, and milestone metrics.

Milestone metrics tell you how long people engaged with your video, while milestone metrics show what parts of the video people got to. Are there a few people watching your video? Maybe your ad isn’t compelling enough? Do people only watch for a second or two? Perhaps the video itself isn’t interesting.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The click-through rate is the percentage who saw your ad and clicked on it. It's an important metric that measures the conversion rates of your ad. The average CTR for Facebook ads is 1% so aim for that and more.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchases made from your Facebook ads. The higher the ROAS, the happier you should be, because you are profiting handsomely from your ads.

Facebook Ads For Lawyers: The Key To Your Law Firm’s Growth

Properly configured Facebook marketing can bring many clients to your legal business.

But to generate business from Facebook, you need to study the process of setting up advertising, as well as do subsequent work on it. The good thing about Facebook advertising is that it works well with other marketing channels. You can combine Facebook advertising with SEO, Google ads, and offline strategies to speed up results..

While this guide gave you some Facebook optimization tips, it’s only the beginning. Keep learning and growing because there is always something to strive for.

Do that continuously and you will be well on your way to getting an endless stream of high-paying clients from Facebook.

Keep reading on MikeVestil.com: Want to get to know other uses of these types of ads? Here's how nonprofits can run Facebook ads to increase donations and reach out to more supporters.

In addition, here's how wedding photographs can use Facebook ads to grow their business and how beginner musicians can get started with Facebook advertising.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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