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by Mike Vestil 

How to Get Rich [In 5 Minutes or Less]

How do you define what it means to live a rich life?

Money? Cars? Fame? Fortune?

The answer will surprise you. Find out in today’s video.

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Newbie Entrepreneur? Learn The Simple Tactic I Used To Make an Extra $1K Per Day While Traveling the World

Full Transcript:

What’s up my fellow freedom fighters?

Today, we’re going to go over how to get rich in the next five minutes or less.

I’m just chilling here in Thailand taking an early morning walk by the lake.

It’s a perfect time for me to contemplate about my entire life and the decisions I have made this past few months and years (especially with Thanksgiving around the corner).

It really got me thinking on the idea of WHAT IT MEANS TO BE RICH.

There’s so many people out there that define wealth and riches based on the car you drive or the house that you live in.

I used to have this kind of perspective. But ever since I moved to Southeast Asia, that entire definition of wealth has completely changed.

I bet you know a lot of rich people, and if you look at all of them…

At the end of the day, the REAL questions are.. Do they really feel rich?

Are they really happy?

Do they have rich experiences & do they have rich relationships?

Most of the time, we identify these people who focuses on hoarding material possessions as “rich”. .

But the truth is, most of them are not really rich at all.

I once heard the story of Brendon Burchard. He is a best selling author, a performance coach, and a motivational speaker. Check out Pin PreQuiz Blog.

Before he had his success, he was with his brother in South America and doing a little bit of travel. And one day, while both of them were driving really fast and just feeling the freedom of what it means to be alive and having that best day of their lives..

They were driving on a very dark highway and right when they drove past a curve, all of a sudden, they crashed and their car horribly rolled over several times.

While the car kept spinning, Brendon was thinking to himself, “Holy crap! Am gonna die now?”

And three questions flashed into his mind while the car was spinning and seeing his brother all bloodied:

  • Did I live?
  • Did I love?
  • Did I matter?

Ever since I heard that story, it got me thinking that it’s in the time of our death that we find out what’s really important to us.

So it’s not the car nor the house that’s gonna matter.

It’s the three questions where every single day, you ask yourself if you really lived, if you loved, and if you mattered.

I truly believe if you can say YES to all of those questions, then you are already rich.

Man, I didn’t know this at the time when I was only focusing on e-commerce or on the financial aspect of it.

I felt like the only way that I can allow myself to be happy or to allow myself to feel rich was when I hit the certain revenue mark!

But what I found is, every single time I hit my goals and my revenue marks and allow myself to feel happy and feel rich..

Here’s what happens… There’s always someone that was in a seminar or the e-commerce event that would come by and would just kill my numbers!

And it was at that time where I let that scene shatter my happiness to the ground.

By all means, we live in an opportunity and in an age where we can make money from the internet where 6 figures weren’t that much anymore.

Yet when you surround yourself with people that always have more than you, and you define your wealth by how much you have instead of how much you’ve answered those 3 questions..

You will never really feel rich at all because you’re on this entrepreneurial rat race of trying to be better or trying to have more than the next guy at the conference.

And that’s what I’ve realized ever since I traveled and moved to Southeast Asia.

So if you define YOU being “rich” by comparing yourself to other people. .

Remember this: You will never be rich because there’s always going to be someone out there that will have more than you.

And if you allow yourself to go through your entire life checking how your wealth compares to that of others, then surely you will live a very unfulfilling life.

Like I said, when I heard about Brendon’s near-death experience, that’s when I learned that only those three questions matter.

And this is the secret in getting rich in 5 minutes or less…

Every night before I go to bed, I ask myself these questions.

And it is because I have created my YouTube channel that I truly feel blessed to answer yes to all three!

And looking back, I want to recognize that it’s because of you guys that I feel this way.
I remember when all I was focusing on was ecom, my life was being wasted away..

But you guys gave me fulfillment, which in effect leads me to the secret of being rich.

It isn’t in monetary value. It’s in GRATITUDE.

Did I live?

Hell yeah!

I’m 23 and I live on the other side of the world and I get to freaking hang out with amazing entrepreneurs every single day here in Thailand.

I got to meet amazing people every single day and I could go on crazy adventures wherever the hell I want to.

I’m putting myself in a position where I’m helping people on the other side of the internet that are watching my videos and are reading my blogs while providing value to the world.

Did I love?

A HUGE yes!

Every single day, I wake up excited and passionate about the fact that I get to help and love you guys!

Giving you value to help you toward your journey to financial freedom.

Did I matter?

100% friggin’ YES!

When I was only focusing on e-commerce, I couldn’t really answer yes to this question because remember, all I really cared about was hitting the revenue goal.

If I didn’t hit that goal, then I wouldn’t allow myself to be happy.

But ever since I created my website and my YouTube channel, and started getting responses from people. . I’m realizing that every single time I’m making the contents and the videos and allowing Youtube to store them forever..

I knew right then and there that I’m already creating something that’s surely gonna outlive me.

And it has really inspired me. I can confidently say that my life truly mattered because I am able to impact more and more lives one YouTube video at a time.

Just like what Will Smith said..

“If you’re on this Earth without a goal of impacting and changing somebody else’s life, then you’re wasting your time.”

So if you’re worried of being rich, just understand this man…

50% of the entire world live off on $2 a day. That means if you live in a 1st world country, you are already rich.

And if you can allow that and understand that your worst financial nightmare is actually somebody else’s daily reality in Southeast Asia. .

Can you allow yourself to be grateful?

Even though you may not have hit the results and you may not even be where you want to be, understand that you are not what you used to be.

As long as you have a DREAM, a GOAL, and an INTERNET CONNECTION, then all the riches you want are right around the corner.

All you need to do right now, is in the next five minutes…

DECIDE that those riches are for you and that you deserve it!

And make a decision NOW to go out and get it.

So hopefully that helps my fellow freedom fighters!

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And for more tips on how to make money online make sure you check out the following:

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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