
by Mike Vestil 

How to Build a Brand

Learning how to build a brand was the best thing that I have ever done.


Well most people depend on spending a lot of money on advertising in order to make more revenue. The problem with this approach is that the moment you stop spending money is the moment you are out of a business.

But then you have a business that is based by a brand.

Instead of you forcing your way in front of your customers, customers are finding you.

Find out in today’s video on exactly how to build a brand.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0UPRKtPLhE[/embedyt]

(View on YouTube)

Newbie Entrepreneur? Learn The Simple Tactic I Used To Make an Extra $1K Per Day While Traveling the World


What I’m going to discuss today was actually inspired by two people.

Find out how to build your brand in 3 easy steps.

The first one is by this crazy group of secret mastermind students that I have.

Where every now and then, for the ones that really interests me or the ones that have the most  community engagement, I go in and answer the questions.

The second person that inspired me was my friend, Aurio. He’s like one of my close friends in the entrepreneurial space.

And he was telling me a story about the power of personal branding. Which is, by the way, not just about this alone but on how this works for dropshipping stores.

So Aurio has a store where he sells SUPER high ticket items.

If some people are dropshipping around $10 to $30 dollar products…

Well, this guy is literally dropshipping $500, $600 to even $900 dollar products. He will make one sale and that one sale was like worth $1,200!

He once told me about his customer service experience where most of his own customers wouldn’t want to buy on eBay. And that they would rather buy from his store because they trust him more.

But what Aurio does is he still actually dropships it from even eBay itself.

The reason is quite simple. If you look at eBay or even Aliexpress, you’ll notice that it’s filled with low-quality stuff and it doesn’t really have cool images.

But what happens is he has his own images.

He recreates the descriptions on his online store and pretty much everything is just different on his site.

Which actually makes his site a lot more appealing to the people that are visiting his website.

That’s the reason why he’s getting $700 up to $2,000 dollar sales on his dropshipped items because he’s always a step ahead of  every single one of his competitors, even though they were all using the same damn image and descriptions.

He personalized it so that people will go to him instead to his competitors.

That is the first instance of the power of branding.

People would rather go to his store when normally anyone can just go to eBay and buy that product. And it’s the same thing with everything else guys.

Seriously everything that you buy has a place where you can get it for a cheaper price

But the reason why you buy the things you do and why girls spend so much money is because of the effectiveness of branding.

As an entrepreneur, it’s about how you position yourself in life. Just make sure if you’re gonna be worth a high value or a low value.

Which leads me to the second person that inspired me, and that is David from Spring Valley Nevada. Here’s what he said in FREE Mastermind Facebook Group:

“Hey everyone, new to the group and I’m looking to grow my  Youtube channel. Do you guys have any tips on making a good Youtube intro (music advice, length, footage ideas, psychological/marketing elements)?

I’m going to try to model off of Michael Vestil since his looks pretty epic.”

Some of you guys know that I do spend a lot of time on that intro.

And this is why I wanted to answer this question, because it ties so much to the power of personal branding or if you don’t build your brand you will literally die.

It’s because of the fact that it’s the same thing that happened with Aurio.

People are willing to go to Aurio for a $1,000 product which they could go to eBay for like a $300 product.

And it’s because he positioned himself as a person of authority.

And then this is why this was a great question because as more people are building brands…

As more people are blogging and youtubing and just actually creating a difference for themselves and just sharing the story to the world, the harder it is to separate you from everyone else.

So I’m gonna tell you how I’m gonna do it.


That’s the first step to have a branding.

You should understand that it really helps a lot to have a quality camera gear.

It was actually my friend, Taylor, who saw this question since I’m not really that good at video and that’s what I’m learning right now.

It is to focus on the braining side of things or else, I will die.

Guys, I’m gonna say it again…

If I don’t build my brand, I’ll die.

You know how many talented youtubers there are right now, and if I’m not putting my thumb on the pulse of this damn thing, my brand will fade into the shadows.

So a good intro should suffice with a quality camera.


Remember this guys, music evokes emotions.

So for this, I actually go to epidemic sounds or the royalty-free music in SoundCloud.

That’s where I find all my music.

And the next thing that you need to understand when it comes to branding is that people think in images.

Take Aurio’s website for example. .

Even though he could have a good description on his product, it doesn’t really matter unless he has a really good image.

Then same thing with video, people think in imagery so you want to have high quality video content.

But remember guys don’t let that be the reason why you can’t make youtube videos because dude I’ve been making YouTube videos for the past two years with just this damn thing.

Now when I’m almost at a hundred thousand subscribers, I upgraded it to a new one.

But until then guys, like you’re fine with the g7x. You can do wonders especially even if you do not know how to use it well.

I myself, just did auto settings.


For example in all of my intros, you’ll see that it goes to mikevestil.com/start or my Instagram so I could build up my Instagram following.

Now one of the biggest things that you need to think about especially for all the creators out there that are making YouTube videos. .

Having an intro is pretty cool because when someone doesn’t know who you are, they literally have 5 to 10 seconds to judge you.

And you could have the best content in the world but if you don’t really give a good first impression, they’re not gonna give you the time of day.

Kind of like if Aurio had a crappy website, no one would want to buy from there.

So hopefully that makes sense.

A lot of people think that they have to be great to start.

Dude, you don’t have to be great to start. Just like what an anonymous quote from someone says, “but you have to start to be great..”

So if you’re dropshipping, doing affiliate marketing, blogging or if you’re a youtuber, BRANDING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THIS 2018.

And hopefully, I was able to provide some guidance to you guys.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and even watching my video. I love every single one of you guys!

If you have a question, let me know in the comments section.

I’ll see you guys in my next blog!

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And for more tips on how to make money online make sure you check out the following:

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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