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  • How To Make Money Without A Job: 30 Methods To Consider

by Mike Vestil 

How To Make Money Without A Job: 30 Methods To Consider

With the uncertainty in today's job market, many people are looking for ways to make money without a full-time job. Even if you're employed, you may be looking for ways to bring in extra income and supplement your current one.

The great news is that there are several ways to make money without a job. In this article, I'll explore a few such ways so that you can start bringing in some extra cash to help make ends meet or even start to build a side business.

Let's get right into it.

Top Ways To Make Money Without A Job

The following are some of the best ways to make money without a job.

1. Do Menial Tasks On The Internet For Cash

Many sites and apps will pay you to do simple tasks online. These tasks can be anything from watching videos, helping online survey sites by answering questions, playing games, and completing offers.

While the pay for these tasks is usually relatively low, they can be a great way to make some extra money in your spare time.

Some of the best sites and apps to make money by doing simple tasks online include:

swagbucks landing page

Doing menial tasks online will probably not make you rich, but it's a great way to earn some extra cash in your free time.

2. Participate In Market Research Studies

Another great way to make money without a job is to participate in market research studies. Companies are always looking for people to help them with their market research, and they're often willing to pay good money for it.

You can use several websites to find market research studies in your area. Some of the best include:

Participating in market research studies is a great way to earn extra money without doing strenuous work. The pay is usually quite good, and you can often do it in your spare time.

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3. Start A Blog Or Website

Starting your own website or blog can be a great way to make money without a job. If you're able to attract a large audience, you can earn money through your blog in terms of advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling products and services.

While starting a blog or website can be a great way to make money, it's important to note that building up an audience takes a lot of work. It's not something that you're going to be able to do overnight.

If you're interested in starting a blog or website, I recommend using WordPress as the platform of choice. It's free software that's easy to use, and there are plenty of resources available to help you get started.

Also, knowing your niche and understanding your target audience is crucial to success in having a blog.

4. Start A YouTube Channel

Another great way to make money without a job is to start a YouTube channel. If you're able to create videos that become popular with viewers, you can earn money through advertising and sponsorships.

To be successful on YouTube, you need to produce high-quality, exciting, and engaging videos. You also need to be active on the platform and promote your channel to get viewers.

If you're interested in starting a YouTube channel, I recommend understanding what other competitors in your niche are doing to succeed. Also, be sure to read YouTube's guidelines on making money so that you don't run into any problems down the road.

5. Sell Items Online

Another great way to make money without a job is to sell items online. You can sell just about anything on eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. If you have something that you think people would be interested in buying, chances are there's a market for it online.

etsy homepage

To start selling items online, you need to create an account on one of the above platforms and start listing your items for sale. Once you make a sale, you'll need to ship the item to the buyer and collect the payment.

Selling items online is a great way to make money if you have some stuff that you want to get rid of. It's also a great way to earn a few extra bucks if you're looking to make a bit of money on the side.

6. Test Others' Websites

Another great way to make money without a job is by testing other people's websites. Companies are always looking for people to try their websites and give feedback on the user experience.

You can sign up for website testing platforms like UserTesting and start earning money by testing websites. All you need to do is create an account and start taking tests. Each test will pay you a certain amount of money, and you can usually complete them in less than an hour.

Website testing is a great way to get paid to provide feedback on websites, which can be very helpful for the companies that own them.

7. Drive For Uber Or Lyft

If you have a car, you can sign up to drive for Uber or Lyft. Both companies will give you a sign-up bonus after completing several rides. After that, you'll earn money by picking up passengers and dropping them off at their destination.

uber homepage

8. Rent Out Your Home On Airbnb

Airbnb is a platform that allows people to find rooms to rent in other people's homes. If you have a spare room in your house or apartment, you can rent it out on Airbnb. You can set your own price and rules for your space. Airbnb is a great way to make extra money while traveling or when you have some free time.

9. Perform One-Time Deeds For People In Your Community

There are always people in need of one-time help with odd jobs. You can sign up to be a TaskRabbit and help people with grocery shopping, laundry, furniture assembly, etc. TaskRabbit allows you to make extra money while helping out your community.

10. Do Micro Freelancing Tasks

Micro Freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Mechanical Turk offer a variety of tasks that you can do for people in exchange for money. You can write articles, design graphics, or even do simple data entry tasks. These are usually quick and easy to do, and they can be a great way to make some extra money in your free time.

The more tasks you do, the better your skills will be, and the more money you can make.

11. Take Part-Time Jobs

There are always part-time jobs available, even if you don't have much experience. You can start by looking for part-time jobs on websites like Indeed and Craigslist. Once you find a few jobs you're interested in, you can apply and interview for them.

Part-time jobs are also a great way to make some extra money without committing to a full-time job if you don't want the commitment or simply can't afford the time.

12. Be A Virtual Secretary Or Assistant

If you have good organizational skills and a knowledge of office software, you can be a virtual secretary or assistant. Many companies need help with scheduling, email management, social media, and more. Virtual assistants can work from home and set their own hours.

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Image credit: https://weareeureka.com/

Being a virtual assistant is a great way to make extra money while still having a flexible schedule. It's also a great way to get experience in the administrative field.

13. Do Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is when companies hire people to pose as customers and evaluate a business's customer service. Mystery shoppers can sign up with companies like BestMark and IntelliShop. Once you're signed up, you'll be given assignments to complete. After you complete a task, you'll receive payment for your work.

Mystery shopping is another great way to make extra money while potentially getting free products and services. It's also a great way to help online business owners improve their customer service.

14. Do pet sitting

The ability to pet sit is another great way to make some extra money without having a job. You can sign up with Rover to become a pet sitter. Once you're signed up, you can choose which pets you want to watch and how much you want to charge.

Pet sitting is a great way to make extra money, especially if you love animals. It's also a great way to get some experience in animal care.

15. Wash Cars And Mow Lawns

While not the most glamorous of jobs, washing cars and mowing lawns are great ways to make extra money without a job. You can even start your own business once you know how one should do things. You'll also be outside and getting some exercise, which might be the cherry on the cake for some. In addition, if you provide an excellent service, you will always have a list of people who are willing to pay you for your assistance.

16. Deliver Meals And Goods

With the current pandemic situation and people spending more time indoors than ever, there has been an increase in the number of food delivery services. You could sign up with a company like Uber Eats or DoorDash and make money by delivering meals to people in your community.

You can also use this opportunity to make some extra money by delivering other goods like groceries or alcohol. Make sure you check with your local laws before doing this, as some places have strict regulations around alcohol delivery.

17. Do Social Media Management

When it comes to digital marketing, there are tons of ways of making money without a proper job. One of these is through becoming a social media manager. By handling another business's social media accounts, you can help them save time and grow their reach while also having your say on the company's brand message.

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Image Credit: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/

Keeping your finger on the pulse of what's popular on social media is a great way to know about current trends when you're in this position. It's also a great way to make extra money by helping the right businesses stay up-to-date on the latest social media trends.

18. Sell Stock Photos

If you're interested in photography, you could make money by selling your stock photos online. Websites like Shutterstock and iStock allow you to upload your images and earn money every time someone downloads one of your photos.

This is a great way to make extra money if you enjoy taking pictures. It's also a great way to get your work out there and build a portfolio simultaneously.

19. Build And Sell Your Online Course

You can create and sell your own courses based on your skills and expertise. This can be a great way to make money without a job because you can sell courses on topics you're passionate about.

This is also a great way to make money if you have expertise in a particular subject. To build an online marketplace, you'll need to create a website and market your courses. You can use platforms like Udemy or Teachable to create and sell your courses.

If you don't want to create your own courses, you can also become an affiliate and sell other people's courses. You'll recommend and promote other people's courses in exchange for a commission.

20. Publish A Book You Wrote

Have you ever thought about writing and publishing a book? If you haven't, now is the time to do it.

There are many ways to publish a book these days, and you don't necessarily need a traditional publisher to do it. You can self-publish your book through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Draft2Digital.

This will give you the satisfaction of seeing your work in print (or online), but it can also be a great way to make extra money without having a job by making royalties from your book sales.

21. Develop Your Writing Skills

If you want to make money selling anything online, you will need strong writing skills.

You can start by writing articles for sites like HubPages or DailyTwoCents. Once you build up a portfolio of work, you can start pitching your services to businesses and individuals who need content writers.

If you believe that you're not a strong writer, there are many courses you can take to improve your writing skills. Once you have a strong portfolio of writing samples, you'll be able to earn cash as a freelance writer.

22. Start A Crafting Business

If you're creative and enjoy making things by hand, why not start a crafting business? You can make all sorts of things, from jewelry to home decor.

You can sell your creations online through Etsy or eBay, or even at local craft fairs and markets. This is a great way to make money without a job, and you can even turn it into a full-time business if you're successful with the designs you create.

Similar to crafting, if you're creative and want to take it a step further, you could start making your own art. You can make all sorts of things, from paintings to jewelry.

23. Print And Sell Shirts

Keeping to the creative theme, if you have a knack for design, you could create artwork for t-shirts and other products and sell them online or at local markets. Keeping up with trends is essential for selling t-shirts, so make sure you're always on the lookout for new ideas.

You could also sell other products like mugs or tote bags with your designs. You can use a website like Printify to help you with this side hustle.
printify homepage

24. Generate Business Leads Through Google Ads

If you want to build a skill that businesses pay people for, focus on getting good at generating leads through Google Ads. You could create your own blog or website and use it to generate leads for businesses in your niche.

Not only is this a great way to make money without a job, but it's also a great way to build a valuable skill that will help you in your career.

25. Donate Blood Plasma

If you're looking for a way to make some quick cash, consider donating blood plasma. You can usually make around $50-$75 per donation, which only takes a few hours.

Before you donate, be sure to check with your local laws, as there are some restrictions in place in certain states. You will also need to provide proof of ID and residency.

If you're healthy and meet the eligibility requirements, donating blood plasma is a great way to make money without a job.

26. Invest In Passive Incomes

With a little bit of money to invest, you can start earning passive incomes to help you make money without a job.

There are a few different ways to do this, but some of the most popular include investing in stocks, real estate, and bonds.

robinhood homepage

Investing in stocks can be done with as little as $100 through platforms like Robinhood or Acorns. If you're willing to put in a little more money, you can also invest in real estate through Fundrise or RealtyMogul.

And finally, if you want a more conservative investment, you can consider bonds. These can be purchased through platforms like Vanguard or Fidelity.

27. Lend Your Equipment To Someone Who Needs It More

Do you have any equipment that you don't use very often? If so, why not lend it to someone who needs it more?

You can rent out your equipment on a platform like ShareGrid or KitSplit. This is a great way to make extra money without putting in much effort and using the resources you already have.

28. Use Money You've Already Got To Make More Money

Do you have any money that you're not using? If so, why not put it to work and make some more money?

One of the best ways to do this is by investing it in a high-yield savings account or a short-term certificate of deposit (CD). This way, you can earn interest on your money without much.

Another option is to invest your money in a peer-to-peer lending platform like LendingClub or Prosper. This is a great way to make money without a job, and you can even choose to invest in projects that interest you.
prosper homepage

29. Open A High-Yield Savings Account

If you're looking for a low-risk way to make money without a job, consider opening a high-yield savings account. This type of bank account offers a higher interest rate than a traditional savings account.

This means that you can earn interest on your money without doing anything. And the best part is that you can withdraw your money at any time without penalty.

Finding the right bank for your needs is crucial, so ensure you do the right research before making a final decision.

30. Cash Out Your Gift Cards For Money

Finally, if you have any gift cards lying around, consider cashing them in for money.

There are a few different ways to do this, but the best way is to use a service like Gift Card Spread. Such a platform will buy your unwanted gift cards for cash.


Having a 'real job' used to be the only possible way to make money. However, that is no longer the case in the age we're living in.

While free money still does not exist, you can make a few dollars to a few hundred dollars by finding high-demand products and services that you can offer to people who are willing to pay for them. You can also look around your house and find opportunities to make money in every corner.

While some of the above methods may require a little bit of effort, you can do many of them (or at least get started) from the comfort of your own home.

You might be surprised at how much money you can make without a traditional job. From doing online surveys on various platforms to making and selling crafts on Etsy, there are many ways to make money without a job. 

Finally, if you can, look at online reviews to ensure that the platform you're about to start using is legitimate. This will help you avoid any scams and protect your hard-earned money - both in the short and long term.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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