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by Mike Vestil 

credit history

This article deals with the general concept of the term credit history. For detailed information about the same topic in the United States, see Credit score in the United States. A credit history is a record of a borrower’s responsible repayment of debts. A credit report is a record of the borrower’s credit history from a number of sources, including banks, credit card companies, collection agencies, and governments. In the United States, such reports are maintained by the three national credit reporting bureaus. A borrower’s credit score is the result of a mathematical algorithm applied to a credit report and other sources of information to predict future delinquency. In many countries, when a customer fills out an application for credit from a bank, store or credit card company, their information is forwarded to a credit bureau. The credit bureau matches the name, address and other identifying information on the credit applicant with information retained by the bureau in its files. That is why it is very important for creditors, lenders and others to provide accurate data to credit bureaus. This information is used by lenders such as credit card companies to determine an individual’s credit worthiness; that is, determining an individual’s ability and track record of repaying a debt. The willingness to repay a debt is indicated by how timely past payments have been made to other lenders. Lenders like to see consumer debt obligations paid regularly and on time, and therefore focus particularly on missed payments and may not, for example, consider an overpayment as an offset for a missed payment. There has been much discussion over the accuracy of the data in consumer reports. In general, industry participants maintain that the data in credit reports is very accurate. The credit bureaus point to their own study of 52 million credit reports to highlight that the data in reports is very accurate. The Consumer Data Industry Association testified before the United States Congress that less than two percent of those reports that resulted in a consumer dispute had data deleted because it was in error. Nonetheless, there is widespread concern that information in credit reports is prone to error. Thus Congress has enacted a series of laws aimed to resolve both the errors and the perception of errors. If a US consumer disputes some information in a credit report, the credit bureau has 30 days to verify the data. Over 70 percent of these consumer disputes are resolved within 14 days and then the consumer is notified of the resolution. The Federal Trade Commission states that one large credit bureau notes 95 percent of those who dispute an item seem satisfied with the outcome. The other factor in determining whether a lender will provide a consumer credit or a loan is dependent on income. The higher the income, all other things being equal, the more credit the consumer can access. However, lenders make credit granting decisions based on both ability to repay a debt (income) and willingness (the credit report) as indicated by a history of regular, unmissed payments. These factors help lenders determine whether to extend credit, and on what terms. With the adoption of risk-based pricing on almost all lending in the financial services industry, this report has become even more important since it is usually the sole element used to choose the annual percentage rate (APR), grace period and other contractual obligations of the credit card or loan


Revolving credit is a type of borrowing which allows an individual or business to access funds up to a certain limit, with the flexibility to borrow and repay multiple times without having to apply for new loans. The amount of money available in a revolving facility is determined by the lender, usually based on the applicant’s creditworthiness, income and other factors. It can be secured by collateral or unsecured depending on the nature of the agreement.


The term ‘revolving credit’ derives from its main feature – that it can be used multiple times, as opposed to traditional borrowing which requires a one-off repayment. The terms ‘revolving’ and ‘reloadable’ are often used interchangeably to describe this type of borrowing arrangement.

Unlike other forms of credit such as personal loans, where interest is charged at a fixed rate on the full loan amount each month; with revolving credit, interest is charged only on the amount drawn down from the allocated facility. This provides more flexibility for individuals or businesses who may have varying cash flow requirements over time.

In addition, revolving credit facilities often provide greater access to additional funds when needed compared to conventional loans; making them ideal for covering unforeseen expenses or providing short-term capital for investment opportunities. Furthermore, many lenders offer enticing rewards programmes that reward customers for their loyalty and usage of the product – such as travel points or cash back offers – making them attractive to some customers.

On the downside however, revolving credit facilities typically carry higher interest rates than conventional loans; meaning if an individual or business carries debt over a long period they may end up paying significantly more in interest charges than with other forms of lending products. In addition, failure to make regular payments can result in costly penalties being applied which could further add to overall finance costs incurred.


Credit history and beliefs have a long and intertwined history. Beliefs are often seen as the foundation of creditworthiness, influencing how credit is granted, managed, and repaid. This article will explore the interplay between credit history and beliefs, from their earliest inception to today’s modern applications.

The concept of credit has been around for centuries, with its roots in ancient societies where people exchanged goods or services on trust. Over time, merchants developed tools to formalize these exchanges by extending credit based upon the belief that payment would eventually be made. As such, early forms of credit hinged upon one’s character and reputation—aspects that could only be judged subjectively at the time.

In more recent times, beliefs have evolved into more concrete criteria used to determine one’s eligibility for obtaining various kinds of loans. Credit scores incorporate many aspects of a person’s financial profile such as income levels, debt-to-income ratios, account balances, and repayment histories to generate a numerical score that reflects an individual’s reliability as a borrower. The higher the score, the more likely someone is to be approved for credit or qualify for better terms on loans.

Beliefs also play an important role when it comes to managing existing debts responsibly. It is important for individuals to always remain mindful of their obligations so they can make timely payments without accruing any late fees or penalties which could damage their overall credit score over time. If an individual does find themselves falling behind on payments due to unforeseen circumstances like job loss or medical bills then it is essential for them to contact creditors promptly in order to negotiate reasonable payment plans so they can get back on track with their finances.

Overall understanding one’s own beliefs towards money management is key when it comes to establishing good credit practices throughout life. Responsible borrowing requires discipline and diligence when it comes to understanding loan terms in order to ensure obligations are met appropriately without overextending oneself financially or getting into unmanageable amounts of debt over time. Having strong financial habits built upon sound beliefs can help individuals stay healthy financially while building up a reliable record of responsible borrowing which can open doors for further opportunities down the line when seeking new forms of loan products or even employment opportunities that may require access to personal financial information like tax returns and bank statements in order to be considered as valid candidates.

In summary, there has been a long relationship between credit history and beliefs throughout human history—from relying solely on subjective characteristics like character references centuries ago all the way through today’s objective numerical representations found within modern-day credit scores. Ultimately beliefs underpin much of how we think about money management—from how we borrow money responsibly all the way through repaying our debts—and as such it is essential for individuals understand their own personal values surrounding money so they can create an environment conducive towards building up a solid record of dependable borrowing behavior over time which can open doors well beyond just accessing different loan products but also other aspects of life like employment prospects or starting up businesses down the line if required by employers during application processes


Credit history, also known as a credit report, is an important financial record that outlines the creditworthiness of an individual. It is used by banks and other creditors to determine if the borrower is likely to be able to make payments on time and in full. Credit history shows the borrower’s ability to manage debt, take out loans or mortgages, and generally use credit responsibly over time.

A credit report is compiled by a number of companies known as credit bureaus. These companies collect information from lenders such as banks, credit card companies, retailers, utility companies and more. This data is used to create a detailed financial profile of the individual. In many cases this documentation will show a person’s past and present debts, payment histories on those debts, current balances owed per creditor, bankruptcies if applicable and more.

It’s important for individuals to understand their own credit history before taking out any type of loan or applying for any kind of financial product. A good understanding of one’s own credit record can help them better manage their finances and make smart decisions about future borrowing activities.

Good Practices

It’s important for individuals to practice good habits when it comes to managing their finances. Here are some tips for maintaining good credit:

– Make all payments in full and on time – this helps build up your payment history which can reflect positively on your report

– Keep revolving debt low – try not to exceed 30% of the available limit on your lines of credit

– Check your report regularly – look for errors or discrepancies that could negatively impact your score

– Don’t open too many accounts at once – this could lower your average account age which typically affects your score negatively

Bad Practices

In addition to practicing good habits with regards to managing finances, it’s also important for individuals to avoid negative practices that may damage their score:

– Don’t be late with payments – missed payments can result in hefty late fees as well as cause damage to your score

– Avoid collection agencies – if you do find yourself dealing with collections agencies it usually signifies severe damage has already been done so it’s best avoided at all times

– Pay off high interest debt first – try not to accumulate too much debt since accumulating high interest debt can become troublesome quickly

By remaining aware of both positive and negative practices when it comes to managing one’s own personal finances, individuals can ensure that their credit ratings remain healthy for years down the line. Doing so will enable them access better rates when applying for mortgages or other loans over time.


Credit history and Books are both important elements to consider when trying to establish financial well-being. Credit history is a record of a person’s ability to borrow money and make payments on time, while books provide an opportunity for learning that can help people make wise financial decisions.

Having a good credit history is essential when attempting to obtain loan approvals, lower interest rates, and qualify for better rewards programs associated with certain credit cards. Establishing good credit usually involves making timely payments on loans, having available lines of credit, and avoiding overextending oneself financially. A person’s credit score is determined by their payment histories, the amount of outstanding debt they have, and the length of their credit histories. It’s important for individuals to check their personal credit reports regularly in order to ensure accuracy in the information that it contains.

Books provide valuable insight into sound financial management practices that can help people increase their savings and develop sensible spending habits. Reading books about personal finance topics like budgeting and investing can give readers useful knowledge that they may not have had access to before. While many books focus on specific topics such as retirement planning or investing in stocks, there are also some more general volumes that offer advice on overall financial health. Additionally, seeking out broader reading materials such as magazines or online articles can give readers additional perspectives on various financial matters.

Overall, having good credit history and frequently reading books related to finance are two key factors in developing better money management skills. Taking control of one’s finances will not only protect them from getting into debt trouble but will also prepare them for long-term security by helping them build a stronger financial foundation for themselves and their families. Therefore, taking steps to improve one’s understanding of budgeting and other personal finance topics through reading books combined with maintaining a responsible attitude towards managing debts should be priorities for those wishing to achieve financial stability.


Credit history and demography are two interrelated aspects of how people manage their financial lives. Credit history refers to the track record of an individual’s credit worthiness, which is established through a credit report and used by lenders while assessing potential borrowers. Demography, on the other hand, is the study of population characteristics such as age, sex, race, income level, and location. Both credit history and demography can be used to shape economic trends and define access to finance for different populations.

Credit history is an important factor in borrowing decisions since it helps lenders determine how likely a borrower will be able to repay the loan. Credit reports provide a comprehensive overview of someone’s past financial behavior, including information about current debts, loan applications, payment histories, bankruptcies and other relevant data from lenders. Having poor credit history or a lack of credit can lead to higher interest rates or even denial of loans; thus it is vital for individuals to understand their credit reports and keep them updated regularly.

Demography is also an important factor when assessing risk associated with potential borrowers as certain demographic groups may present higher risks than others due to factors such age or income level. For instance, young adults often have little or no established credit history yet they tend to represent more risky loans than older individuals who are more likely to have paid off previous debt obligations successfully. Similarly, individuals living in low-income neighborhoods may present greater risks than those with higher incomes due to limited access excellent access to financial resources.

Ultimately both credit history and demographics play a role in determining whether a person can borrow money from financial institutions or not; consequently it is essential for individuals understand their own personal profile so that they can make informed decisions about borrowing money. People should strive for good credit scores through responsible borrowing practices while also taking into consideration demographic factors when applying for loans or seeking out financial services in general.

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

Credit history is the record of an individual’s or entity’s past borrowing and repayment activity. It is a critical factor in obtaining future credit and can influence a person’s or business’s ability to access important financial products, such as loans, mortgages, and lines of credit. Credit history typically consists of five categories: businesses/structures/denominations, payment history, types of credit used, outstanding debt, and recent inquiries.

Businesses/Structures/Denominations refers to the type of entities with which an individual or entity has previously interacted for the purposes of borrowing money or obtaining goods on credit. These entities include banks, finance companies, retail stores, personal loan providers, mortgage lenders and other institutions that offer financial services. Such organizations will report personal information such as full name, address and Social Security number to credit bureaus each month in order to update credit reports.

Payment history describes how well an individual or entity has satisfied repayment obligations in the past by paying off loans on time and in full every month without taking too long to pay off debt. Payment history makes up 35% of a person’s FICO score calculation. Generally speaking, individuals with longer histories of timely payments will have higher scores than those with shorter histories or with late payments appearing on their reports.

Types of credit used refers to the different types of lenders with whom an individual or entity has interacted financially over time. This includes both installment loans (such as mortgages) and revolving accounts (such as lines of credit). An individual’s utilization ratio—the ratio between their total available credit limit and their current amount owed—also falls under this category. A high utilization rate (when more than 30% of available balance is used) can negatively affect a person’s score since this may suggest a greater risk that overdue payments could occur in the future due to limited funds available for repaying debt.

Outstanding debt is recorded when a creditor checks a borrower’s credit report from one of the three major reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. It includes all unpaid debts such as medical bills, student loans or home equity lines regardless if they have been recently paid down or not yet due for repayment. The higher the amount owed relative to income level (debt-to-income ratio), the more it can drag down an individual’s score since lenders like to see potential borrowers that are able to manage their debt responsibly instead those who appear overleveraged relative to their income level(s).

Recent inquiries refer to requests made by potential creditors when they check an individual’s credit report before approving them for some type of loan product ranging from mortgages to car loans; even inquiries made by employers may be included here depending upon what kind were requested on behalf of said applicant/employee. Generally speaking fewer points are deducted for inquires made within certain periods depending upon what type they are i.e., all inquires within 14 days (for automobile financing) being treated as just one inquiry instead separate ones making it look like multiple inquires have been made over a short period which can negatively affect one’s overall score since it may indicate greater risk for default on payment obligations compared to someone without multiple inquires showing up on their report(s).

In conclusion, understanding one’s own credit history is essential in ensuring access to good rates on financial products now and into the future due its influence

Cultural Inflience on how much interest must be paid back stemming from successfully acquiring different types loan products such as mortgages versus car loans etc., plus how much must be repaid overall given factors such as length(term) taken towards payback

Write a well-written and well structured article for a wikipedia style page on ‘credit history’ + ‘Cultural Inflience’ period amongst others contingent upon each situation at hand particularly if considering taking action based upon own judgement involving personal finances so doing research beforehand helps tremendously thereby avoiding any potential pitfalls downroad especially if trying obtain something needing good rating regarding said sole purpose itself being tied directly related thereto in entirety!

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Credit History: Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

Credit history is the record of a person’s borrowing and repayment activity over time. It is used by lenders to decide whether to grant an individual a loan, as well as the terms of the loan. Credit bureaus compile individuals’ credit information into credit reports, which are then used by creditors for decision-making.

However, not everyone views credit history in a positive light. In fact, many individuals have been subjected to criticism, persecution and apologetics for their credit histories. This article looks at these issues in more detail.

Criticism of Credit History

Critics contend that credit history is an inaccurate measure of a person’s ability to repay debt and thus should not be used as a basis for determining loan eligibility or terms. They point out that factors such as income level, job stability, and overall financial health play a much larger role in the ability to repay debt than does credit history alone. Furthermore, they argue that basing loan decisions on outdated histories ignores current circumstances in which a person may have changed their financial habits but still be denied access to needed capital due to past mistakes.

Persecution of Credit History

In some countries, individuals with bad or limited credit histories can suffer persecution due to their inability to borrow money from traditional banks or finance companies. In these cases, predatory lenders may take advantage of those with poor credit by offering them high-interest loans; this type of lending often leads borrowers into further financial distress rather than helping them achieve greater financial security. Furthermore, employers sometimes use credit history when considering applicants for jobs; it should be noted that this practice has been deemed illegal in some countries and states due to its potential for discrimination against disadvantaged populations who may have had limited access to resources in the past.

Apologetics for Credit History

Despite its shortcomings, proponents argue that there are benefits associated with having good credit history records; these include lower interest rates on loans and better chances of being accepted for loans or mortgages in general. Moreover, some argue that having good records encourages responsible borrowing behavior; people who know they will be held accountable for their debts are more likely to make timely payments and keep their balances low than those who do not have records kept against them. Finally, having good records allows consumers access to discounts offered by banks and other businesses based on their payment track record if they meet certain criteria; this can lead to significant savings over time even if the initial rate of interest charged is higher than what might otherwise be available without the record keeping mechanism in place.

In conclusion, although there are valid arguments both for and against using one’s credit history as part of the loan decision-making process, it remains an important factor when lenders assess an individual’s risk profile before granting loans or mortgages – regardless of whether it is believed accurate or fair by all parties involved.


Credit history is a record of an individual’s past borrowing and repayment activity. It provides lenders with information about a borrower’s likelihood to repay debts, and is used as a tool for making lending decisions. Credit history can be divided into two categories: positive and negative.

Positive credit history includes activities such as timely payments on loans or other obligations, installment plans that are paid in full, or any other responsible financial behavior that demonstrates the individual has a good track record of managing money. Positive credit histories can help borrowers take out larger loans due to the increased trustworthiness they signify.

Conversely, negative credit history indicates patterns of irresponsible spending or repayment habits. This might include missed payments, late payments, charge offs, bankruptcies, high utilization rates of loaned debt, or any other form of irresponsibility regarding money management. Negative credit histories can significantly reduce access to loan offers or increase interest rates on them.

Credit reports are often used by lenders to analyze potential borrowers’ financial histories before making a decision about whether to lend them money. Reports normally contain detailed information regarding previous accounts held by the borrower, including payment history and account balances as well as types of accounts (e.g., mortgage/home equity loans), open lines of credit (e.g., credit cards), closed accounts (e.g., bankruptcies) and public records (e.g., court judgments).

The two most common types of credit are revolving and installment debt:

* Revolving debt involves ongoing borrowing from creditors who issue revolving lines of credit like credit cards or HELOCs (home equity lines of credit). Borrowers have flexibility in how much they borrow but must pay interest charges based on the amount borrowed each month;

* Installment debt involves borrowing a fixed amount from creditors who issue installment loans such as car loans or student loans with predetermined monthly payment amounts over a set term length; borrowers pay both principal plus interest each month until the loan is fully paid off at maturity date.

In addition to these two basic forms of consumer debt there are other types such as business loans, mortgages and home equity loans which involve more complex terms and conditions depending on the type of lender involved.

Finally it’s important to note that certain types of bad behavior such as fraud may have severe consequences for one’s personal credit score; this could include identity theft or intentional misrepresentation when applying for a loan or line of credit. Such indiscretions can stay on an individual’s report for up to 10 years and should be avoided at all costs in order to maintain a healthy financial profile over time.


Credit history and languages are two topics that are closely intertwined. Credit history is a person’s record of how they have managed their finances and credit, including any debt repayment or missed payments. This record can be used to determine whether or not an individual will be deemed creditworthy by lenders.

At the same time, language is a critical factor when it comes to credit history. Many loan applications require applicants to provide information in their own language, allowing them to understand the terms of the agreement and make informed decisions about taking out a loan. In addition, lenders often require evidence from non-native speakers that they meet the criteria for obtaining a loan, so being able to demonstrate proficiency in the language of the country where the borrower resides is key to passing such scrutiny.

In many cases, language barriers can prevent individuals from accessing financial services due to an inability to understand what is required from them in order for successful completion of an application form, or lack of familiarity with local financial terminology and regulations. Thus, having knowledge of multiple languages may provide an advantage when applying for credit.

Further research has found that certain phrases and words on loan applications may trigger different reactions among different cultural backgrounds and ethnicities (for example, “loan” vs “credit card”). Therefore knowing how one’s particular culture refers to financial products can help one better track their spending habits as well as facilitate communication between lender/borrower pairings more effectively.

Ultimately, language proficiency and literacy are increasingly influential when it comes to credit history and access to financial services globally. A strong understanding of various languages can not only open up opportunities within the realm of finance but also aid in international travel and business ventures. With greater understanding come greater chances at achieving success; therefore it pays off both figuratively and literally for those who invest time into learning multiple languages!


Credit history is a record of an individual’s or a business’ past borrowing and repaying activity. It can often be used to determine the ability of an individual or a business to obtain credit, such as loans or lines of credit. This type of information is collected by credit agencies and reported to creditors upon request. Credit histories are typically categorized by region, allowing lenders to easily identify potential borrowers in their local area.

Regions are geographic areas that are divided for administrative purposes. Depending on the region’s size, it can be divided into states, provinces, counties, districts, or townships. In many countries, regions are identified by numerical codes that correspond with the location’s official name and geographic coordinates.

When it comes to credit history, regional divisions can provide important data points on how people in different parts of the world handle their finances. Data from different regions can help lenders assess whether or not an individual or business is suitable for a loan based on past performance in similar regions. For instance, if individuals in one region traditionally have higher debt-to-income ratios than those in another region, lenders may be more reluctant to approve loans in the former region than they would be for applicants from the latter one.

Regional data also helps lenders understand if certain types of economic activities tend to lead to defaulting on payments more often than others. For example, those who work in agriculture may have different repayment patterns than those who work in the finance industry. Regional data can also indicate differences between rural and urban locations when it comes to defaults on payments and overall financial health.

In addition to aiding lending decisions, regional credit history data can also provide insight into how businesses fare across different areas of the country or world. This information can help businesses make better decisions about expanding operations into new markets as well as developing strategies for managing their current portfolios efficiently across multiple regions. Such insights may include which populations should be targeted with financial education initiatives and other services that could improve their overall financial health – both for companies offering them and for customers looking for additional support during difficult times financially speaking.

Overall, understanding credit history at a regional level can provide powerful insights that enable lenders and businesses alike to make sound decisions when it comes time to extend loans or other forms of credit – all while helping foster healthier economic development both at home and abroad!


Credit history is a record of an individual’s borrowing activity over time. It often includes information such as the type and amount of credit extended, payment history, total outstanding balance, and other relevant information. The term “credit history” is sometimes used interchangeably with “credit report”.

The concept of credit history dates back centuries to early forms of lending and debt tracking. However, it wasn’t until the advent of modern banking that true credit histories were established. In the United States, the first full-fledged attempt to collect and analyze individual credit data began with the Founder Corporation in 1889.

Founder was a company founded by Lewis Tappan that focused on collecting financial information about individuals so it could be used for risk assessment purposes. Its mission was to: “help protect merchants from losses due to default or dishonesty” by providing complete biographical profiles and detailed credit histories on its clients.

They would send agents out to gather information on potential customers which included details like age, occupation, income and financial background. This data was then used by lenders to assess whether an applicant was reliable enough with money management to be given a loan or line of credit.

When Founder began their operations in New York City in 1841, they quickly gained recognition from banks and other organizations as one of the most reliable sources for assessing a person’s trustworthiness. Eventually their system spread across America and became widely accepted as a standard practice for assessing someone’s worthiness as a borrower.

As technology advanced throughout the years, so did Founder’s ability to collect better data about its customers which allowed them to further refine their risk assessments even more accurately than before. By 1989, Founder had become one of the largest companies specializing in consumer credit reporting in America with hundreds of thousands of subscribers across the country relying on them for accurate financial data.

Today, Founder is still remembered as one of the pioneers in establishing modern methods for measuring an individual’s credit score and financial risk level- setting off decades worth of industry standards that are still used today around the world when determining if someone is eligible for loans or lines of credit.

History / Origin

Credit history is the record of a borrower’s past borrowing and repayment activity. It tells lenders how likely it is for you to repay a loan on time or at all. The better your credit history, the easier it is to get loans, mortgages, and other forms of credit.

The concept of credit history has been around since the early 1900s. In 1914, in response to increased credit fraud, banks began collecting information about an individual’s payment history and making it available as a public record. Initially known as “credit bureaus”, this information was used by creditors to assess an individual’s suitability for being extended credit.

In 1971, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed, granting consumers access to their own personal records. This meant that instead of having no idea what their records said about them, individuals could request copies of their own files and see exactly what information was held about them by creditors and lenders.

Since then, the importance of having a good credit score has grown significantly — not only does having a good score make obtaining credit easier but many employers also use it as part of the selection process for potential employees. As such, there are now several companies that work within this sector including Experian, Equifax and TransUnion which provide both individuals and businesses with detailed reports on an individual’s creditworthiness. These companies also offer services such as dispute resolution if errors are found in their databases or if identity theft is suspected.

In terms of understanding how scores are calculated, FICO scores — one of the most widely-used scoring models — range from 300 to 850 with 850 being considered “excellent” and 300 being considered “poor”. A good FICO score would typically be considered anything over 700; however this can vary depending on factors such as whether you have existing debts or have missed payments in the past year or two years prior to applying for new credit lines.

In summary, while credit history has been around since 1914 it wasn’t until much more recently – with the introduction of legislation such as FCRA – that citizens had access to their own data held by banks and lenders so that they could start taking control over their financial future by boosting their score where possible. Times have changed significantly since then – with many employers using an individual’s score when appraising job candidates – meaning it’s important than ever before for people to understand how their score affects them now and into the future.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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