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  • Benefits of Bank Loans: Why You Should Consider Bank Loans

by Mike Vestil 

Benefits of Bank Loans: Why You Should Consider Bank Loans

In this article, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of bank loans, starting from their definition to the various types available. You will learn about the qualifying criteria for securing a bank loan and the benefits associated with them, such as financial flexibility, lower interest rates, and customized repayment plans. The article will also discuss the role of bank loans in business growth and expansion, as well as their positive impact on credit history. Lastly, you will discover the tax benefits related to bank loans, including interest deductions and strategies to maximize tax advantages.

Understanding Bank Loans

A bank loan is an agreement between a borrower and a financial institution, where the bank lends money to the borrower with the expectation that the funds will be repaid with interest. This article will discuss the definition of bank loans, the different types of bank loans available, and the process of qualifying for one.

Definition of a Bank Loan

A bank loan refers to borrowing money from a bank or financial institution with a formal agreement to repay the loan amount along with any interest or additional fees. Bank loans offer borrowers the opportunity to utilize funds for various purposes, such as personal use, supporting business operations or expansions, and even making large purchases, like a home or a vehicle.

In most cases, bank loans require collateral – an asset, such as real estate or a car, that is pledged as security for the loan. If the borrower fails to repay the debt, the lender has the right to seize the collateral to satisfy the outstanding loan balance. This process is known as repossession or foreclosure.

Bank loans can be classified into two major types: secured and unsecured loans. Secured loans require collateral, while unsecured loans do not. Each type of loan may be further subcategorized based on the specific purpose or usage of the loan.

Types of Bank Loans

There are various types of bank loans available, each designed for specific borrower needs and requirements. Some common types of bank loans include:

  1. Personal loans: These are multipurpose loans that can be used for any personal expenses, such as medical bills, home improvement, or even vacations. Personal loans can be secured or unsecured, and they usually have fixed interest rates and terms.

  2. Auto loans: These are secured loans specifically designed for financing the purchase of a vehicle. The car serves as collateral, and if the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender has the right to repossess the car.

  3. Mortgage loans: Mortgage loans are used to finance the purchase or refinance of real estate property. These loans are secured by the property, meaning the lender can foreclose upon the property in the event of non-payment.

  4. Home equity loans: A home equity loan allows homeowners to borrow against the equity they have built in their homes. This type of secured loan is commonly used for home improvements, debt consolidation, or major expenses.

  5. Business loans: Business loans are designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses finance their operations, expansions, or other expenses. These loans can be secured or unsecured and are available in various forms, such as term loans, lines of credit, and SBA loans.

  6. Student loans: These loans are specifically intended to help borrowers pay for higher education expenses, such as tuition, room and board, and books. Student loans can originate from the federal government, state governments, or private lenders.

Other specialized types of bank loans include construction loans, payday loans, and overdraft protection.

Qualifying for a Bank Loan

Qualifying for a bank loan involves fulfilling the lender’s requirements, which typically include creditworthiness, income, and collateral (in the case of a secured loan). The loan application process usually involves the following steps:

  1. Evaluating creditworthiness: Lenders will review the borrower’s credit report and score to assess their ability to repay the loan. Borrowers with higher credit scores are considered less risky and may receive more favorable loan terms, such as lower interest rates.

  2. Providing documentation: Prospective borrowers will need to provide documentation to support their loan application, such as proof of income (e.g., pay stubs or tax returns), employment history, and collateral (for secured loans).

  3. Underwriting: The underwriting process involves the lender’s evaluation of the borrower’s overall financial situation and ability to repay the loan. This may include assessing debt-to-income ratios, the value of the collateral, and the borrower’s financial history.

  4. Loan approval: If the borrower meets the lender’s requirements, they will receive a loan offer, which outlines the loan amount, interest rate, and repayment terms.

  5. Loan funding: Upon accepting the loan offer, the lender will disburse the loan amount, either directly to the borrower or to the third party involved (such as a car dealership, in the case of an auto loan).

It’s important for borrowers to carefully consider their ability to repay a bank loan before accepting the offer, as failing to make timely payments can result in negative consequences, such as damage to their credit score and the potential loss of any collateral pledged.

Financial Flexibility

Financial flexibility is the ability to adapt and respond to changes in economic conditions, both on an individual and organizational level. When a person or organization has a high degree of financial flexibility, they are better equipped to manage uncertainty, take advantage of opportunities, and minimize the impact of financial setbacks. Financial flexibility involves a few key components: enhanced cash flow, debt restructuring opportunities, and borrowing responsibly.

<h3>Enhanced Cash Flow</h3>

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any individual or organization. It is the movement of money in and out of a person’s or a company’s financial accounts. Having a strong cash flow allows you to meet your financial obligations, such as paying bills and making investments, while also providing a cushion in case of financial emergencies.

To enhance your cash flow, start by analyzing your income and expenses. Look for ways to increase your income, whether it’s seeking a higher-paying job, starting a side hustle, or investing in dividend-paying stocks or bonds. As for expenses, identify areas where you can potentially save money, such as cutting down on discretionary spending, finding cheaper alternatives for products and services, or negotiating better terms with your suppliers or service providers.

Another way to improve your cash flow is to build an emergency fund. This should generally hold 3-6 months of living expenses and can help you avoid relying on high-interest debt if an unexpected financial hardship arises. Additionally, having a set financial plan and sticking to a budget can encourage enhanced cash flow management, as it ensures that you are allocating resources efficiently.

<h3>Debt Restructuring Opportunities</h3>

Debt restructuring is the process of negotiating new terms, conditions, or amounts on existing debts. This can potentially reduce the burden of debt on an individual or organization and create more financial flexibility. Debt restructuring typically involves renegotiating interest rates, extending repayment terms, or reducing the amount owed.

If you’re facing a high level of debt, consider talking to your creditors about debt restructuring opportunities. They may be willing to work with you to develop a new payment plan, which can include lower monthly payments, reduced interest rates, or other financial concessions. It’s important to approach this negotiation process in a professional manner, and laying out a comprehensive proposal can increase the likelihood of success.

When debt restructuring is not an option, debt consolidation may offer a potential solution. This involves taking out a new loan or credit product to pay off existing debts, creating a single monthly payment with a lower interest rate. This simplification can assist in managing your financial situation and creating more flexibility for the future.

<h3>Borrowing Responsibly</h3>

Borrowing money is often necessary to support various milestones throughout one’s life, such as purchasing a home, funding education, or starting a business. However, overextending finances through excessive borrowing can create significant stress and limit financial flexibility.

Before taking on any new debt, assess your current financial situation and consider the following questions:

  • Do you have a clear purpose for taking on this debt?
  • Have you researched the different types of loans and credit products available?
  • Can you afford the monthly payments without significantly impacting your lifestyle or financial stability?
  • What is the total cost of the loan or credit product, including interest rates and fees?
  • Have you considered potential options for repaying the loan early and reducing the amount of interest paid?

It’s crucial to only borrow what you need and have a plan in place for repaying the loan or credit product. Developing healthy financial habits, such as paying off credit card balances in full each month and avoiding high-interest debt, can help maintain financial flexibility throughout your life. Making informed borrowing decisions today can positively impact your ability to navigate future opportunities and challenges.

Lower Interest Rates

Interest rates are a significant factor when considering any form of borrowing. They can greatly impact the overall cost of a loan, as well as the affordability of the monthly repayments. For this reason, many individuals and businesses seek out lower interest rates for a more cost-effective solution.

This article will explore some of the ways to find lower interest rates, compare bank loans to other financing options, discuss the differences between fixed and variable interest rates, and address the long-term savings that can come with reduced rates.

Comparing Bank Loans to Other Financing Options

When looking for a loan, it’s important to compare various financing options to determine the one that’s best suited for your needs. Traditional bank loans tend to have lower interest rates compared to other types of financing such as credit cards, payday loans, and online lenders. This is due to the established infrastructures and regulation surrounding banks, often resulting in more stringent credit requirements and lending policies.

However, not all bank loans are created equal, and the interest rate offered will depend on several factors such as your credit score, income, and the amount borrowed. Additionally, some banks offer lower interest rates for secured loans (where collateral is provided), whereas unsecured loans may carry a higher rate.

It is vital to explore alternative financing methods that may offer lower interest rates or better suited terms for your specific needs. For instance, peer-to-peer lending platforms can sometimes provide lower interest rates than banks due to their lower overheads, and flexible repayment structures, though they often come with higher risk.

Moreover, credit unions can also be an excellent option for obtaining more favorable interest rates. As member-owned financial institutions, credit unions often operate with lower overhead costs and a focus on serving their members, resulting in lower interest rates on loan products compared to traditional banks.

Fixed and Variable Interest Rates

When considering a loan, it’s important to understand the difference between fixed and variable interest rates. A fixed interest rate remains the same for the duration of the loan term, providing predictability and stability in terms of monthly repayments. On the other hand, a variable interest rate is tied to market fluctuations, meaning it can rise or fall during the loan term.

While fixed interest rates can provide peace of mind, they tend to be slightly higher than variable rates at the beginning of the loan. Variable rates, although starting lower, come with the risk that the borrower will end up paying more if market rates increase. Assessing your personal risk tolerance and financial goals will help you decide which option is best for your situation.

To find a loan with a lower interest rate, it could be beneficial to choose a loan with an adjustable or variable rate, as long as you can manage the potential of increased payments in the future.

Long-term Savings

Securing a loan with a lower interest rate can have a significant impact on the overall cost of the loan and long-term savings. Lower interest rates reduce the amount of interest paid over the life of the loan, which can equate to thousands of dollars in savings. This becomes especially notable when discussing large loans such as mortgages or student loans.

Furthermore, with a lower interest rate, your monthly repayment amount is reduced, making the loan more manageable and providing extra cash flow every month. This financial flexibility can help in managing other financial commitments, such as paying off high-interest debt or investing in assets that generate a higher return than the interest rate on the loan.

In conclusion, securing a loan with a lower interest rate can provide substantial savings, both in the short and long term. By understanding and comparing different financing options, considering fixed and variable interest rates, and assessing your personal financial situation and goals, you can make an informed decision and secure a loan that best meets your needs.

Customized Repayment Plans

Customized repayment plans refer to tailored loan repayment options provided by lenders to borrowers, based on their specific financial circumstances and preferences. These plans can help borrowers manage their debt by providing flexibility in repayment terms, options for early repayment, and the ability to defer or modify payments as needed. Customized repayment plans offer numerous benefits, including more manageable monthly payments and the potential to save on interest and fees over the life of the loan.

Flexible Repayment Terms

Flexible repayment terms are a key feature of customized repayment plans. These terms allow borrowers to choose the length of their loan repayment period, typically within a certain range set by the lender. This flexibility can make it easier for borrowers to manage their monthly payments, taking into consideration factors like their income and other financial obligations.

For example, a borrower with a higher income may prefer a shorter repayment term to minimize the overall interest paid on the loan, while a borrower with limited income may opt for a longer repayment term to reduce the monthly payment amount. Some lenders may also provide options for interest-only payments or a graduated repayment plan, where payments start lower and slowly increase over time. These options can be particularly beneficial for those expecting a future increase in income, such as recent graduates starting a new career.

Options for Early Repayment

Another key aspect of customized repayment plans is the ability to make early repayments or pay off the loan in full without incurring any penalties. This flexibility can help borrowers save on interest expenses and ultimately reduce the overall cost of their loans. By allowing early repayments, lenders give borrowers the freedom to pay off their loans faster if their financial situation improves, without having to worry about prepayment penalties or fees.

In addition to saving on interest, early repayment can also help improve a borrower’s credit score by reducing their debt-to-income ratio – an important factor considered by credit reporting agencies. It’s essential, however, for borrowers to carefully review their loan agreement to determine if there are any prepayment fees or restrictions before making additional payments or paying off the loan in full.

Payment Deferrals and Modifications

Customized repayment plans may also include options for payment deferrals or modifications in case a borrower encounters unexpected financial difficulties. These options can help borrowers avoid delinquency or default, which can negatively impact their credit score and ability to obtain future credit. Common types of payment deferrals include forbearance and deferment, which temporarily pause or reduce loan payments.

Forbearance typically involves the suspension of loan payments for a set period, after which the borrower must resume their regular payments and may have to pay additional interest or fees. Deferment is another option available, particularly for federal student loans, and allows borrowers to temporarily postpone payments without any accruing interest on their subsidized loans during the deferment period. Other loan types, however, may continue to accrue interest during this time.

Payment modifications, on the other hand, involve a permanent change in the terms of the loan agreement to make payments more manageable for the borrower. This can include reducing the interest rate, extending the repayment term, or even forgiving a portion of the principal balance. Since the terms vary depending on the lender, borrowers should discuss these options directly with their loan servicer to determine the best course of action for their situation.

In summary, customized repayment plans provide borrowers with flexible repayment terms, options for early repayment, and the ability to defer or modify payments as needed. By tailoring loan repayment options to individual financial situations and preferences, borrowers can better manage their debts and maintain good credit standing, ultimately leading to lower borrowing costs and improved financial stability in the long run.

Business Growth and Expansion

Growing and expanding a business is a primary goal for most entrepreneurs. This growth can take various forms, such as entering new markets, increasing market share, developing new product lines, and increasing the scale of operations.

To achieve these goals, businesses need to have the necessary resources, capital, and strategies in place. In this article, we will discuss key aspects to consider when planning for business growth and expansion, including capital for new projects, leasing commercial spaces, and managing inventory and supply chain needs.

Capital for New Projects

Capital is the most critical factor that a business needs to invest in new projects and expand its operations. Capital can be sourced from various avenues, such as savings, loans, grants, or equity from investors.

When considering the need for capital for new projects, businesses must first determine the scale and nature of the project. This assessment will help them estimate the amount of capital required, as well as the type of investment that will best suit their requirements.

Additionally, businesses should evaluate their existing financial position and assess their ability to repay any loans or return investments. This evaluation will help them identify the best financing option for their growth and expansion plans.

It is crucial for businesses to choose the right financing option to minimize the cost of capital and avoid unnecessary risks. Some options to consider include:

  1. Bank loans: These are typically well suited for businesses with a solid credit history, collateral to back the loan, and a sound business plan.

  2. Government grants: Many countries and regional governments offer grants to businesses for specific purposes, such as innovation, job creation, or sector development.

  3. Equity financing: This involves selling a stake in your business to investors who provide capital in return for shares or ownership percentage.

  4. Crowdfunding: This is a relatively new and innovative way of raising funds by collecting small amounts from multiple individuals through online platforms.

  5. Family and friends: This is sometimes overlooked but can be a useful source of capital for entrepreneurs who prefer a more informal approach.

Leasing Commercial Spaces

The location and type of commercial space a business leases play a critical role in growth and expansion. For instance, a retail business may need to find a prime location with high foot traffic, while a manufacturing business may require ample space for machinery and storage.

Consider the following factors when leasing commercial spaces for your growing business:

  1. Proximity to customers and clients: Establishing a business in a strategic location ensures that it is accessible to the target customers.

  2. Accessibility: Ensure that your commercial space is easily accessible through various means of transportation.

  3. Regulatory requirements: Adhere to zoning laws, building regulations, and other legal requirements to avoid potential legal issues during establishment and operation.

  4. Lease flexibility: Choose lease terms that allow for flexibility in case your business needs change in the future. This may include options to sublease or terminate the lease early.

  5. Cost-efficiency: Remember that commercial space leasing costs should be consistent with the business’s financial position, ensuring that they do not strain the company’s cash flow excessively.

Managing Inventory and Supply Chain Needs

A growing business must have efficient inventory management and supply chain systems in place to avoid stockouts, excess stock, and other potential setbacks to growth. Here are some strategies to optimize inventory and supply chain:

  1. Implement effective inventory management software: An efficient inventory management system will help businesses track their stock levels and promptly reorder products when necessary.

  2. Develop strong relationships with suppliers: A strong partnership with suppliers ensures that there are smooth communication and timely delivery of products, minimizing the risk of stockouts.

  3. Use demand forecasting: Businesses should rely on historical data, customer insights, and market trends to predict demand for their products, helping to plan the optimal inventory levels.

  4. Diversify sourcing: Relying on a single supplier can be risky. Diversify your supplier base and seek new suppliers to minimize the risk of supply chain disruptions.

  5. Optimize storage and warehousing: Allocate sufficient storage space and implement efficient warehousing systems to manage your inventory effectively.

In summary, businesses must carefully consider the above factors – capital for new projects, leasing commercial spaces, and managing inventory and supply chain needs – when planning for growth and expansion. By addressing these aspects effectively, businesses can successfully scale and achieve their long-term goals.

Building Credit History

Building credit history is essential for various reasons, including gaining access to better financial products and services, lower interest rates, and facilitating key life events such as buying a house or a car. In this section, we will explore how to establish a strong credit profile, the importance of timely loan repayments, and the benefits of a good credit score.

Establishing a Strong Credit Profile

A strong credit profile is vital for acquiring loans, rental agreements, and even some job positions. To build a solid credit foundation, follow these steps:

  1. Open a checking and savings account: These accounts showcase your financial stability and help lenders gauge your ability to repay loans.

  2. Apply for a credit card: Start with a secured credit card, which requires a refundable deposit, acting as collateral in case you default on payments. This limits your spending capacity and reduces the risks for the financial institution. Alternatively, you could apply for a regular credit card and maintain a low balance.

  3. Credit builder loan: Some financial institutions offer credit builder loans specifically designed to help individuals build credit. The loan amount is typically held in a savings account until the loan has been fully repaid.

  4. Make timely payments: Ensure to pay your bills (utilities, phone, rent, etc.) on time, as late payments can negatively impact your credit score.

  5. Diversify your credit types: Establish a mix of credit types, such as installment loans (personal, auto, or student loans) and revolving credit (credit cards). This can account for 10% of your credit score.

  6. Monitor your credit report: Regularly check your credit report for errors and inaccuracies, which can hurt your credit score. Contact the reporting bureau and the organization that provided the information to correct any issues.

  7. Keep credit utilization low: Credit utilization refers to the percentage of available credit you use. It is best to keep it below 30% to demonstrate responsible credit management.

  8. Keep accounts open: The longer your credit history, the better it is for your credit score. However, do not hesitate to close accounts if you find it challenging to manage multiple credit lines.

Importance of Timely Loan Repayments

Timely loan repayments are crucial for building and maintaining a good credit history. It demonstrates responsible financial behavior and consistency. Late payments can damage your credit score and follow your credit history for years. Most lenders report late payments to credit bureaus after 30 days, which can stay on your credit report for up to seven years.

Moreover, late payments can lead to penalty fees and increased interest rates on your loan, which could further strain your finances. As your credit score drops, the lenders will perceive you as a high-risk borrower, and you may face difficulty acquiring new lines of credit or face higher interest rates.

Benefits of a Good Credit Score

A good credit score is a gateway to various financial benefits, such as:

  1. Lower interest rates: With a high credit score, you can secure loans and credit cards at lower interest rates. This means you will save money on interest payments for the duration of the loan or credit line.

  2. Negotiation power: A good credit score gives you negotiating power with lenders to secure better loan terms or lower interest rates.

  3. Approval for higher limits: Lenders view people with high credit scores as reliable borrowers, which increases the chances of being granted higher credit limits or qualifying for bigger loans.

  4. Better insurance premiums: Some insurance companies offer better insurance premiums or discounts to individuals with good credit scores.

  5. Easier rental and employment opportunities: A solid credit score can make it easier to rent an apartment, as landlords will see you as a reliable tenant who can make timely payments. Additionally, some employers check potential employees’ credit scores during the hiring process, especially for high-responsibility roles.

In conclusion, building a healthy credit history is essential to accessing various financial products and services that can improve the quality of your life. Establishing a strong credit profile, making timely loan repayments, and reaping the benefits of a good credit score should be a priority for anyone looking to secure their financial future.

Tax Benefits

The advantage of tax deductions and credits are crucial components of any financial plan. If properly utilized, they can minimize your tax liability and help you save money. In the context of real estate investments, there are several tax benefits that you should be aware of to maximize your returns. These include interest deductions, understanding tax liabilities, and maximizing tax advantages.

Interest Deductions

One of the major tax benefits associated with real estate investing is the ability to deduct mortgage interest. Mortgage interest is the cost you pay a lender for borrowing money, and the interest charges are typically a significant portion of your monthly mortgage payment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows homeowners to deduct the mortgage interest paid on both primary and secondary residences, up to a certain limit.

For mortgages taken out after December 15, 2017, you can deduct interest on the first $750,000 of your mortgage debt. If your mortgage was taken out before this date, the limit is $1 million. Additionally, you can also deduct interest paid on home equity loans and lines of credit, as long as the funds were used to buy, build or significantly improve the property.

Investment property owners can also benefit from the mortgage interest deduction. When you own a rental property, you’re allowed to deduct the interest paid on the mortgage, as well as any additional loans used to improve the property. This can help lower your taxable income, reducing your overall tax liability. Remember that the IRS has specific rules on rental property expenses, so it’s essential to consult a tax professional to ensure you’re compliant with regulations.

Understanding Tax Liabilities

Understanding your tax liabilities is crucial in order to effectively manage your tax obligations and financial planning. Real estate investments can have numerous tax implications, and it’s essential to understand how different components, such as rental income, capital gains, and property taxes, can affect your overall tax liability.

Rental income is considered taxable income and must be reported on your tax return. However, you’re allowed to deduct certain expenses incurred while maintaining the property, such as maintenance costs, insurance premiums, property taxes, and depreciation.

In addition to rental income taxes, you should also be aware of capital gains taxes. Capital gains tax is applied to the profit made when you sell an investment property for more than what you paid for it. This tax can vary depending on how long you’ve held the property and your overall income. However, there are specific strategies that can help minimize capital gains tax, such as the “1031 exchange,” which allows you to defer capital gains tax by reinvesting the proceeds into a similar type of property.

Understanding property taxes is also essential, as they can significantly impact your overall tax liability. Property taxes are levied by local governments based on the assessed value of your property. These taxes can vary considerably by location, so it’s essential to understand your obligations to help estimate your total tax burden accurately.

Maximizing Tax Advantages

A thorough understanding of the tax benefits associated with real estate investments is critical to maximizing your returns. In addition to the interest deductions and understanding tax liabilities, there are other strategies that can provide tax advantages.

For example, you can take advantage of depreciation deductions. Depreciation is a method used to allocate the cost of a tangible asset over a specified period. The IRS allows property investors to deduct annual depreciation expenses on their tax returns, which can help offset rental income and lower your tax bill.

Another strategy is to utilize tax-deferred accounts or retirement accounts, such as a self-directed IRA or 401(k), to invest in real estate. Using these accounts enables you to defer taxes on income generated from your investments until you retire, potentially reducing your tax burden and allowing your investments to grow tax-free.

Finally, being aware of different state and local tax laws can also offer tax advantages. Certain states and localities provide various tax breaks and incentives for investors, such as property tax exemptions, reduced capital gains tax rates or even no state income tax. Understanding these opportunities and investing strategically can help save money on taxes and boost your overall return on investment.

Benefits of Bank Loans — FAQ

What are the key benefits of obtaining a bank loan?

Bank loans offer numerous advantages, including competitive interest rates, flexible repayment plans, improved credit scores upon timely repayment, availability of various loan products, and the opportunity to establish a strong relationship with a financial institution.

Can flexible repayment plans of bank loans benefit businesses?

Yes, businesses can benefit from the flexible repayment plans associated with bank loans. Such plans allow businesses to adjust repayment terms based on their financial performance, thereby achieving better control over cash flow and minimization of financial stress.

Why are the interest rates on bank loans considered competitive?

Interest rates on bank loans are typically lower than those offered by alternative lenders. The rates are highly regulated, and banks offer competitive pricing to attract and retain customers. Consequently, borrowers can save on repayment costs and achieve better financial management.

How can company expansion be facilitated through bank loans?

Bank loans can provide businesses with the necessary capital to expand operations or invest in opportunities such as the acquisition of property, equipment, or other assets. A timely loan can also enable a company to take advantage of growth opportunities while maintaining positive cash flow.

In what way do bank loans contribute to improving credit scores?

Borrowers who diligently repay their bank loans can significantly improve their credit scores. Timely loan repayments demonstrate responsible financial behavior, contributing to higher credit scores, which in turn make it easier for borrowers to acquire future loans on favorable terms.

Do bank loans require collateral? If so, why?

Bank loans often require collateral as a form of security for the lender. By providing collateral, borrowers ensure that banks have a means of recovering their investment if they fail to meet repayment obligations. This security measure translates to lower interest rates and improved loan terms for borrowers.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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