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  • The Beginner’s Guide to Crowdfunding Campaigns

by Mike Vestil 

The Beginner’s Guide to Crowdfunding Campaigns

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In this comprehensive article, readers will learn about the ins and outs of crowdfunding, a popular financing alternative for startups and entrepreneurs. Covering the concept, types, and importance of crowdfunding in today’s market, the guide dives into planning, launching, and managing a successful campaign.

Additionally, it explores challenges and risks, campaign closure, and case studies of both successful and failed campaigns, offering crucial insights into industry-specific strategies and the future of crowdfunding. A must-read for anyone seeking to finance their project or business through crowdfunding.

Understanding Crowdfunding Campaigns

Crowdfunding campaigns have quickly become a popular method for entrepreneurs, artists, and individuals to raise money for their projects or ventures. These campaigns have allowed for greater accessibility to funds, as well as a more streamlined process for supporters to provide financial assistance. In this article, we will delve into the following topics related to crowdfunding campaigns: the definition and concept of crowdfunding, types of crowdfunding, the role of crowdfunding in today’s market, and the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding.

Definition and Concept of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the practice of raising funds for a project or venture from a large number of people, typically through the internet. It is a method that allows entrepreneurs or project creators to solicit financial support from a wide range of people rather than relying on traditional funding models such as bank loans, venture capital, or personal savings.

The concept of crowdfunding is built on the idea of a collective effort, where multiple people come together to provide the necessary funds to bring a project to fruition. It provides a sense of community, as those who contribute to a campaign often become invested in the project’s success and follow along with its progress. Crowdfunding can serve as an alternative or supplementary funding option for creators and allow for creative and innovative projects to come to life.

Types of Crowdfunding

There are four main types of crowdfunding, each with its own unique characteristics:

  1. Donation-based crowdfunding: In this model, individuals donate money to support a project, cause, or individual. In return, they may receive a token of appreciation or be recognized for their contribution, but do not receive any financial gain in return. This type of crowdfunding is commonly used for charitable causes, disaster relief, or supporting local community projects.

  2. Rewards-based crowdfunding: This type of crowdfunding involves backers contributing to a project in exchange for a reward, which is often a product or service that the project creator intends to produce. Examples include backing a new tech gadget or an artistic project such as a film or album. This model provides contributors with a tangible incentive for their support, while creators receive the necessary funds to develop their project.

  3. Equity crowdfunding: In this funding model, people invest money in a project or company in exchange for a share of ownership, also known as equity. As shareholders, they may receive dividends and have the opportunity to potentially profit if the company does well. This type of crowdfunding is mainly used by startups and small businesses.

  4. Debt crowdfunding: Also known as peer-to-peer lending or crowdlending, this financing model allows contributors to lend money to individuals or businesses in exchange for interest payments on the loan. The borrowers receive funds without having to leverage personal assets, while the lenders can typically see higher returns compared to traditional investment methods.

Role of Crowdfunding in Today’s Market

Crowdfunding has become an essential tool for startups, individuals, and creative projects in today’s market. It offers a non-traditional funding avenue and can be more accessible to people who may otherwise struggle to secure financing. Furthermore, it enables project creators to test the viability of their ideas before investing significant resources, as the success of a campaign can help to gauge public interest and potential demand.

In addition, crowdfunding campaigns can serve as powerful marketing and promotional tools, allowing entrepreneurs to raise awareness and generate buzz about their projects. This can attract additional supporters or even spark interest from conventional funders such as angel investors or venture capitalists.

Lastly, crowdfunding has democratized the investment landscape, giving a wider range of individuals the opportunity to participate in and profit from innovative ventures, as seen through equity crowdfunding.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding offers several advantages, such as:
– Access to a broader pool of potential investors or backers.
– A platform to test the viability and public interest in a project.
– Promotion and marketing opportunities.
– Strengthened relationships between creators and backers, fostering a sense of community and investment in the project’s success.
– Allowing for more innovative and creative projects to come to life.

However, crowdfunding also has its disadvantages:
– The possibility of not meeting the funding goal, leading to the project not receiving any funds (in the case of all-or-nothing campaigns).
– The potential for backers to lose their investment if the project fails to deliver on its promises.
– The time and effort required to create and manage a successful campaign.
– The pressure to meet project deadlines and manage high expectations from backers.
– The requirement to fulfill rewards for backers, which can sometimes prove financially burdensome or logistically challenging.

In conclusion, crowdfunding campaigns have become an essential method for securing funds and support in today’s market. They have transformed the funding landscape and paved the way for innovative projects and ideas, providing numerous advantages as well as potential challenges for creators and backers alike.

Planning a Crowdfunding Campaign

A successful crowdfunding campaign requires careful planning and execution. This involves defining your campaign objectives, choosing a suitable crowdfunding platform, creating a compelling project presentation, designing a pricing strategy and perks for backers, and building your campaign identity and branding. Then, you need to develop a marketing plan to reach potential backers and ensure your campaign’s success.

Defining Campaign Objectives

The first step in planning a crowdfunding campaign is to define your objectives. What do you want to achieve with your campaign? Some common objectives include raising funds to develop and launch a product, testing market demand for an idea, or expanding an existing business.

Establish a clear monetary goal for your campaign. This should be based on the funding required to execute your project, including expenses such as manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and a buffer for contingencies. Be realistic about how much you can raise – setting an unattainable target may discourage backers and make your campaign less likely to succeed.

Additionally, determine the duration of your campaign. Keep in mind that longer campaigns don’t always translate to more funds raised. Choose a time frame that is reasonable, considering the resources required to maintain engagement with your audience throughout the duration of the campaign.

Choosing a Suitable Crowdfunding Platform

Once you have defined your campaign objectives, research and choose a suitable crowdfunding platform. There are numerous platforms available, each catering to different types of projects and offering various features and fee structures. Some popular crowdfunding platforms include Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, and Patreon.

When selecting a platform, consider factors such as the platform’s audience, success rate, fees, and project categories. Make sure the platform you choose aligns with your project’s industry, target audience, and geographical location. Additionally, read and understand the platform’s terms and conditions, as this will impact the handling and disbursement of funds.

Creating a Compelling Project Presentation

Your project presentation is a crucial factor in attracting backers and convincing them to support your campaign. Make a comprehensive and visually appealing presentation that includes a clear description of your project, its purpose, and the problems it solves. Showcase your prototype or product demo to give potential backers an idea of what the finished product will look like.

Use high-quality images and videos to illustrate your project’s features and benefits. Engaging visuals can help potential backers connect with your project and reinforce the value proposition of your campaign. Additionally, consider including testimonials, press coverage, and endorsements from credible sources to build trust and credibility.

Pricing Strategy and Perks for Backers

A strong pricing strategy and attractive perks are key components of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Offer tiered reward levels for different pledge amounts, allowing backers to choose which reward level best suits their financial circumstances and their enthusiasm for your project.

Ensure the rewards are aligned with your project theme and that they represent good value for the amount pledged. Exclusive and limited-quantity rewards can generate excitement and encourage early pledging. Consider offering early-bird pricing or special rewards for referrals to incentivize backing your project early and spreading the word among their networks.

Building Campaign Identity and Branding

Creating a strong campaign identity and branding is essential for effectively communicating your project to potential backers. Develop a consistent visual theme that reflects your project’s purpose, industry, and target audience. Choose a memorable and unique name, logo, color scheme, and typography that can be used across all marketing materials, including your crowdfunding page, social media profiles, and promotional materials.

Consistency is key when it comes to creating a strong brand identity. Make sure that all elements adhere to the same visual theme, messaging, and tone, creating a cohesive experience for potential backers.

Developing a Marketing Plan

A robust marketing plan is necessary to generate awareness and interest in your crowdfunding campaign. Start by identifying your target audience and researching their preferences, behaviors, and online habits. Create a list of marketing channels that will be most effective in reaching your target audience, such as social media, email, blogs, and influencers.

Develop a content strategy for your campaign that includes regular updates, engaging posts, and sharable multimedia materials. Keep your followers engaged by posting regular campaign updates, behind-the-scenes content, and progress reports. Utilize various promotional tactics such as social media advertising, influencer partnerships, cross-promotion with related projects or brands, and PR outreach.

Finally, create a timeline and assign responsibilities for each marketing task. Maintain a consistent marketing effort throughout the campaign duration and be prepared to monitor, analyze and adjust your strategy as needed to maximize your chances of success.

Launching a Crowdfunding Campaign

Creating a successful crowdfunding campaign involves multiple stages, from planning and pre-launch activities to managing the campaign itself and engaging with backers. This article breaks down the key steps to take and shares essential tips to help you maximize the chances of reaching your funding goals.

Pre-Launch Activities and Checklist

Being organized and prepared before launching your crowdfunding campaign is vital. The pre-launch stage typically involves the following steps:

  • Research: Explore popular crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe to identify which one best suits your project type and funding goals. Review projects similar to yours to see what works, and learn from their successes and challenges.
  • Set Goals: Clearly define your funding goal and associated costs, such as production, shipping, taxes, and fees. Create a realistic timeline for your campaign and key milestones for development and delivery.
  • Craft Your Story: Develop a compelling narrative to convey your project’s unique features and benefits. Showcase your passion and expertise, and explain why people should support and trust in your idea.
  • Create a Pre-Launch Page: Build a pre-launch page, including your logo, images, teaser video, and a brief overview of your project. Use this page to collect email addresses of potential backers and supporters.
  • Develop a Marketing Strategy: Define your target audience and start building awareness online through social media, email campaigns, blogs, forums, and influencer partnerships. Develop a content calendar to plan post frequency and messaging.
  • Create Engaging Content: Shoot a captivating promo video and produce high-quality visuals to showcase your project. These will be used on your campaign page and in promotional materials.
  • Design Reward Tiers: Outline pledge levels and associated rewards, emphasizing the value and exclusivity of each. Consider offering limited edition items, personalized touches, and unique experiences.

Managing the Campaign Launch

When your crowdfunding campaign is live, your focus should be on driving traffic, generating buzz, and ensuring all elements run smoothly. Key actions include:

  • Promote Your Launch: Actively share your campaign across social media channels, email newsletters, blogs, and other platforms to reach a wide audience. Encourage friends, family, and backers to share your campaign too.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on key metrics, like number of backers, amount raised, and social referrals. Identify trends, growth drivers, and areas for improvement to adjust your marketing strategy in real time.
  • Respond to Questions and Comments: Be available to address any inquiries and engage with backers on your campaign page and social media channels to build trust and transparency.

Engaging with Backers and Supporters

Strong communication and a community-centric approach can make or break your campaign’s success. Here’s how to meaningfully engage with your backers:

  • Personalize Communication: Address backers directly and write personalized thank you messages for each new pledge.
  • Share Progress: Post regular updates on milestones, challenges, and solutions. Keep your backers invested and informed on your journey.
  • Ask for Feedback: Ask for opinions and suggestions, demonstrating that you value their input and want to create the best product possible.
  • Offer Incentives: Create referral programs, contests, or giveaways to spur social sharing and user-generated content.

Handling Public Relations and Media Opportunities

Working with the media can generate significant exposure for your campaign. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Create a Press Kit: Compile a press kit with your logo, images, videos, fact sheets, and press releases. This will make it easy for journalists to find and publish relevant information about your project.
  • Craft a Pitch: Develop a tailored pitch to capture each journalist’s interest. Personalize the story and focus on what’s most newsworthy.
  • Reach Out to Relevant Media: Approach industry-specific publications, local news, and well-connected bloggers to maximize chances of coverage. Offer exclusive interviews, high-resolution images, and guest blog opportunities.

Maintaining Momentum Through Updates and Milestones

To keep your crowdfunding campaign moving forward and increase the likelihood of hitting your funding goal, consider the following tips:

  • Create Milestone Updates: Celebrate and share your progress when you hit campaign milestones. This cultivates a sense of excitement and accomplishment among backers.
  • Announce Stretch Goals: Set additional goals beyond your original funding target. This can encourage new backers and motivate existing backers to increase their pledge.
  • Share Behind-the-Scenes Content: Give a glimpse of the team and the work involved. Share insights, successes, and challenges to build trust and connection with your audience.
  • Cross-Promote with Other Campaigns: Partner with other crowdfunding campaigns that share a similar target audience, and promote each other’s projects to widen your reach.

By following these guidelines and focusing on preparation, communication, and engagement, you can successfully launch a crowdfunding campaign and bring your idea to life.

Managing Challenges and Risks in Crowdfunding Campaigns

Crowdfunding campaigns have emerged as an innovative and popular way for entrepreneurs, artists, and inventors to secure funding for their projects. However, running a successful crowdfunding campaign presents its own set of unique challenges and risks. In this article, we will provide an overview of the potential pitfalls and risks associated with crowdfunding and offer effective strategies for addressing these issues head on.

Addressing Common Campaign Pitfalls

There are several common pitfalls that can sink a crowdfunding campaign, such as unrealistic goals, poor project presentation, and ineffective promotion. For example, setting unrealistic funding goals can lead to failure as potential backers may be hesitant to contribute if they believe that the project is too ambitious or unattainable.

To address these pitfalls, take the following steps:

  1. Set an achievable and well-researched funding target. Look at similar projects and be realistic about what you need. This will help to instill trust in your backers and your idea.

  2. Present your project in a professional manner, with a compelling pitch that clearly states the purpose of your project, the end goal, and the benefits it will bring to backers. Quality design, clear video and audio, and professional photography can vastly improve engagement with your campaign.

  3. Invest time and resources into marketing and promotion. Utilize social media, email lists, and targeted advertising to spread awareness of your campaign. Reach out to relevant influencers, bloggers, and media outlets to amplify your message.

Dealing with Unforeseen Issues

Every crowdfunding campaign will face some unexpected challenges, such as delays in production, funding disputes, or dissatisfaction with the final product. To deal with such issues effectively:

  1. Be transparent and communicate clearly with your backers. If you encounter a problem that may affect the outcome or timeline of your project, inform your backers immediately, and provide regular updates on your progress.

  2. Be prepared for contingencies by setting aside additional funds and building extra time into your project’s schedule. This will give you a buffer to overcome unexpected issues without compromising the project’s success.

  3. Listen to feedback from your backers and take their concerns seriously. Promptly address any questions or complaints, and consider implementing relevant suggestions.

Ensuring Legal and Financial Compliance

There are numerous legal and financial considerations that must be taken into account when setting up and running a crowdfunding campaign. Some important steps to take include:

  1. Be aware of, and comply with, the rules and guidelines of your chosen crowdfunding platform.

  2. Ensure your project does not infringe upon any intellectual property rights or other legal restrictions.

  3. Properly account for and report any income generated by your campaign in accordance with local tax laws and regulations.

  4. Clearly state any terms and conditions associated with your project, such as refund policies and delivery timelines.

Troubleshooting Stalled Campaigns

If your crowdfunding campaign is not progressing as quickly as you had hoped or has stalled altogether, there are several strategies you can employ to turn things around:

  1. Reevaluate your marketing strategy: Assess which promotional channels are generating the most funding and focus your efforts accordingly. Experiment with different marketing messages and visuals to attract attention and stimulate interest.

  2. Offer new, limited-time perks or rewards to incentivize contributions.

  3. Reach out to your network of friends, family, and colleagues to solicit support and spread the word about your campaign.

  4. Engage with your current backers and encourage them to share your project with their contacts. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; your existing backers are your greatest advocates and want to see your project succeed.

Running a successful crowdfunding campaign takes careful planning, persistence, and adaptability. By addressing these common challenges and risks, you will increase your chances of raising the necessary funds to bring your project to fruition.

Closing a Crowdfunding Campaign

Closing a crowdfunding campaign can be an exciting, yet daunting task. Whether you have successfully achieved your target or faced difficulties in reaching it, the end of the campaign is an essential step to move forward with your project.

In this article, we will explore the different aspects of closing a crowdfunding campaign, including steps to take after achieving success in your campaign and dealing with possible setbacks. We will also discuss effective communication with your backers and long-term strategies for crowdfunded projects and businesses.

Post-Campaign Success: Fulfilling Perks and Delivering the Project

When a crowdfunding campaign achieves or surpasses its funding goal, it’s essential to start focusing on fulfilling the perks offered to backers and delivering the project as promised. Here are some key steps to take in the post-campaign success phase:

  1. Thank your backers: Backers play a significant role in your project’s success, so it’s important to show your gratitude by sending a personalized thank you message. You can also share your excitement and appreciation through social media.

  2. Set clear milestones: With the funding secured, organize your project’s development process by setting tangible milestones. These milestones help maintain progress and keep you accountable to your backers.

  3. Stay organized and keep track of rewards: Use project management tools to keep track of rewards and streamline the reward fulfillment process. Create a detailed project timeline, including deadlines for shipping rewards and updates on the project’s development.

  4. Update backers on the project’s progress: Regularly send updates to backers, sharing progress, challenges, and successes experienced in the project’s development. This transparency will maintain trust and engagement from backers.

  5. Manage expectations: Despite the excitement and eagerness to deliver the project, problems and setbacks may occur. Communicate any unexpected obstacles and how they are being addressed to backers, adjusting project timelines if necessary.

Communicating with Backers After the Campaign

Effectively communicating with your backers after the campaign is crucial. Here are some guidelines for maintaining an open and proactive dialogue with your supporters:

  1. Share regular updates: Keep backers informed about the project’s progress, milestones achieved, challenges encountered, and any changes in the plan.

  2. Be transparent: Share triumphs as well as setbacks. Transparency is vital in maintaining trust and gaining the support of your backers throughout the project.

  3. Address concerns and questions: Respond promptly to any questions, concerns, or suggestions from backers. Active engagement shows your commitment to their involvement and helps in fostering an emotional connection.

  4. Encourage ongoing feedback: Invite backers to provide feedback and suggestions throughout the project’s development. This input could lead to valuable ideas that enhance your final product.

Post-Campaign Failure: Refunds, Closure, and Lessons Learned

If a crowdfunding campaign does not reach its funding goal, it is essential to handle the situation with grace and professionalism. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth process following a failed campaign:

  1. Inform backers: Notify backers of the failed campaign, thanking them for their support and explaining the reasons for the project’s inability to meet its funding objective.

  2. Provide refunds: If your campaign was an all-or-nothing model, process refunds promptly and accurately.

  3. Analyze your campaign: Understand the reasons behind your campaign’s failure. Evaluate aspects such as marketing, target audience, and unique selling points to help improve future efforts.

  4. Be accountable: Own up to any mistakes made during the campaign and share the lessons learned with your backers. This transparency can help rebuild trust and potentially garner support for future endeavors.

Long-Term Strategies for Crowdfunded Projects and Businesses

To maintain success and sustainability, it is crucial to consider long-term strategies for your crowdfunded projects and businesses. Here are some essential points to consider:

  1. Develop a sustainable business model: With the backing of your crowdfunded project, focus on creating a sustainable and scalable business model to support the project’s long-term success.

  2. Engage and retain customers: Post-campaign support from backers is critical. Develop an effective strategy for engaging and retaining customers to foster loyalty and repeat business.

  3. Diversify revenue streams: Move beyond reliance on crowdfunding, exploring other channels to generate income, such as online sales, partnerships, or licensing deals.

  4. Marketing and public relations: Keep promoting your project, creating a brand presence through consistent marketing and public relations efforts.

  5. Seek support and mentorship: Tap into the knowledge and expertise of others in the crowdfunding community, seeking guidance, and support in navigating post-campaign challenges and growth opportunities.

In conclusion, closing a crowdfunding campaign involves careful attention to stakeholders, project development, communication, and long-term growth strategies. By following the guidance shared in this article, you can pave the way for your project’s success and sustainability beyond the crowdfunding campaign.

Case Studies and Best Practices in Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has emerged as an alternative method of raising capital for creative projects, businesses, and social causes. By harnessing the power of the internet and social media, crowdfunding platforms enable project creators to receive financial support from backers around the world. In this article, we will examine successful and unsuccessful crowdfunding campaigns, analyze industry-specific strategies and insights, and look at the emerging trends and future of crowdfunding.

Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Examples

  1. Pebble Time: Launched on Kickstarter in 2015, Pebble Time is a smartwatch that broke the record for the fastest-funded project, raising over $1 million in just 49 minutes. The campaign eventually raised over $20 million from more than 70,000 backers. Notable success factors include a clear product video and presentation, early engagement with the community, and frequent updates throughout the campaign.

  2. The Veronica Mars Movie Project: The cult favourite TV show Veronica Mars was revived as a feature film in 2013 with the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign. Series creator Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell led the campaign that raised $5.7 million from over 90,000 backers. The campaign leveraged fan loyalty, enticing them with exclusive rewards that included speaking roles in the movie, tickets to the premiere, and more.

  3. Exploding Kittens: This quirky card game project, created by Elan Lee and cartoonist Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal), raised over $8.7 million from 219,382 backers on Kickstarter in 2015. The secret to their success lies in the clever and humorous concept, unique rewards, and leveraging Inman’s substantial online following.

Lessons From Failed Campaigns

  1. ZANO Autonomous Drone: Despite raising over $3.5 million from more than 12,000 backers on Kickstarter, the ZANO drone project went bankrupt in 2015. A key factor in the failure was the company’s inability to deliver on its promised features and the challenges in scaling production. This highlights the importance of setting realistic goals and having a well-thought-out production and delivery plan.

  2. Skully AR-1 Helmet: This Indiegogo campaign raised over $2.4 million for a cutting-edge motorcycle helmet with augmented reality features. However, due to financial mismanagement and manufacturing delays, the company went bankrupt without delivering the helmets. The lesson here is the necessity of a strong business plan and transparent communication with backers.

Industry-Specific Strategies and Insights

  1. Film and Media: To successfully crowdfund a film or television project, creators need a strong fan base, an exciting concept, and exclusive rewards that appeal to their target audience. This could include behind-the-scenes access, unique merchandise, or even a role in the production itself.

  2. Technology: For tech and gadget campaigns, it is essential to have a working prototype, clear technical specifications, and a well-structured production and delivery plan. Additionally, offering a limited number of early bird discounts and exclusive perks can boost initial momentum.

  3. Social Causes: In crowdfunding for social or environmental causes, storytelling is key. By focusing on the impact of the project and telling personal stories of those affected, potential donors are more likely to emotionally connect and contribute.

Emerging Trends and Future of Crowdfunding

  1. Equity Crowdfunding: This allows backers to invest in a company and receive shares in return, enabling startups and small businesses to raise funds from a wider pool of investors. Platforms such as SeedInvest and CircleUp cater specifically to equity crowdfunding.

  2. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: As digital currencies become more popular, projects related to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies can benefit from the interest and expertise of early adopters in these fields. Moreover, accepting cryptocurrency payments can expand the range of potential backers.

  3. Social Impact Investing: A growing number of individuals are focusing on investing in projects that have a positive social or environmental impact. Crowdfunding platforms that cater to these kinds of projects, such as StartSomeGood and Chuffed, are gaining prominence as a result.

In conclusion, the key to a successful crowdfunding campaign lies in a combination of factors such as clear communication, strong concept or product, engaging content, and appealing rewards. As crowdfunding continues to evolve, new trends and platforms provide an exciting opportunity for project creators to tap into different sources of funding and attract diverse backers.

Crowdfunding Campaigns — FAQ

What are the key elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign?

Successful crowdfunding campaigns typically include a clear and compelling project description, attractive rewards for backers, a realistic funding goal, engaging visuals, and regular updates to maintain momentum and communicate with supporters.

How long should a crowdfunding campaign last?

The optimal duration for a crowdfunding campaign is often between 30 and 45 days. This provides sufficient time to generate interest, build momentum, and reach the funding goal, while minimizing the risk of losing backers’ attention and enthusiasm.

How can one promote a crowdfunding campaign?

Promoting a crowdfunding campaign may involve utilizing social media, reaching out to friends, family, and professional networks, contacting press and media outlets, partnering with influencers, and participating in online forums and communities aligned with the project’s goals.

What percentage of crowdfunding campaigns reach their funding goal?

The percentage of successful crowdfunding campaigns varies across platforms, industries, and project types. On average, approximately 50% of Kickstarter projects reach their funding goals, while only around 30% succeed on Indiegogo.

What are some common reasons for crowdfunding campaign failures?

Common reasons for crowdfunding campaign failures include setting unrealistic funding goals, lacking a strong marketing strategy, neglecting to engage and update backers, having an unappealing project or rewards, and underestimating the costs of producing and shipping rewards.

Are there any fees associated with launching a crowdfunding campaign?

Yes, crowdfunding platforms usually charge a percentage of the total funds raised as their platform fee, which can range from 3% to 8% or more, depending on the platform. Additionally, there may be payment processing fees and potential taxes on the funds raised.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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