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  • Creating a Mission Statement that Represents Your Company

by Mike Vestil 

Creating a Mission Statement that Represents Your Company

A mission statement is a vital aspect of any organization. It is a short declaration of the organization\’s core purpose, and it helps to guide decision-making, define objectives, and communicate the organization\’s identity to stakeholders.

A well-crafted mission statement can inspire employees, attract new customers, and differentiate an organization from its competitors. Creating a mission statement requires careful thought and consideration, as it can have a significant impact on the success and direction of an organization. In this article, we will explore the benefits of a mission statement and provide guidance on how to create one.


Definition of a Mission Statement

A mission statement is a fundamental tool used by organizations to define their purpose and core values. It is a concise statement that summarizes the organization\’s reason for existence and what it aims to accomplish. A mission statement serves as a roadmap that guides the organization\’s strategic decision-making and daily operations. It embodies the organization\’s philosophy and principles and provides a framework for creating goals and objectives. In essence, a mission statement is the foundation upon which an organization is built.

Creating a mission statement involves a collaborative effort that includes input from stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and shareholders. The process of developing a mission statement is not a one-time event; it requires ongoing review and revision to ensure that it reflects the organization\’s current priorities and objectives. A well-crafted mission statement clearly communicates the organization\’s values and purpose. It is succinct and easy to remember, and it resonates with all stakeholders.

A mission statement is vital for any organization, regardless of its size or type. It enables an organization to differentiate itself from others by clearly communicating what it stands for and what value it provides to its stakeholders. It also helps to align employees, customers, and suppliers with the organization\’s vision, goals, and objectives.

A well-crafted mission statement fosters a sense of identity and belonging among employees, inspiring them to work towards a common goal. It also helps to attract and retain customers who share the organization\’s values and purpose.

In conclusion, a mission statement is more than just a statement of purpose. It serves as a touchstone for an organization, guiding its strategic decision-making and daily operations. It is a tool for differentiation, alignment, and inspiration, and is essential for any organization seeking long-term success.

Importance of a Mission Statement

A Mission Statement is a document that articulates the purpose of an organization, its goals, values and how it differentiates itself from its competitors. It is a declaration of an organization\’s raison d\’être that sets the course for all its activities. In today\’s business world, having a well-defined mission statement is critical to the success of an organization.

A mission statement serves as a compass for decision-making, an inspirational tool for employees and a communication tool for stakeholders. It helps to align the goals and objectives of an organization with its culture, values, and business strategy.

A mission statement helps to establish a sense of direction, focus and clarity of purpose. It serves as a guide for an organization to stay on track in achieving its vision and goals. A strong mission statement can help an organization stand out in a crowded market by establishing its unique value proposition. It can influence the behavior of employees, stakeholders, and customers by providing a shared understanding of the organization\’s core values and purpose.

A well-crafted mission statement can inspire the commitment and dedication of employees by providing them with a sense of purpose and meaning. It can also help to attract and retain customers who share the same values and beliefs. In summary, a mission statement is a vital tool for organizations to establish a clear purpose, align their goals, values and strategy, and communicate their unique value proposition to stakeholders.

Key Elements of a Mission Statement


A mission statement is the foundation of any organization or business, as it sets the overarching purpose and direction for the company. It serves as a guiding principle that influences every aspect of the company, including decision-making and day-to-day operations. The purpose of a mission statement is to define what the company does, who it serves, and what value it provides to its customers, employees, and stakeholders. It is a statement of the company\’s raison d\’être, outlining the fundamental reason for its existence and the impact it wants to make in the world.

A well-crafted mission statement is clear, concise, and specific. It should be easily understandable by all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and partners. A good mission statement should answer the basic question, “Why does this organization exist?” and should be built upon the company\’s core values and vision. By establishing a clear purpose through its mission statement, a company is better positioned to attract and retain customers, motivate employees, and achieve its long-term strategic objectives.

In developing a mission statement, it is important to involve key stakeholders and ensure their input is reflected in the final product. This can include conducting surveys, focus groups, and other forms of stakeholder engagement. The mission statement should reflect the company\’s unique identity, values, and aspirations, and should be updated periodically to reflect changes in the business environment.

In summary, the purpose of a mission statement is to provide a clear and concise statement of the company\’s purpose and direction, and to serve as a guiding principle for all stakeholders. It is a critical component of any organization\’s strategic planning process and should be developed in consultation with key stakeholders. A well-crafted mission statement helps a company to differentiate itself from competitors and to achieve its long-term strategic goals.


Values are the principles and beliefs that guide an organization. It is essential to have a clear set of values that reflects the company\’s culture and its commitment to its stakeholders. Developing a set of values requires thoughtful consideration of what the company stands for and what it hopes to achieve. The values statement should be concise and clear, reflecting the company\’s core beliefs, and it should be easy for all employees to understand and embrace.

When creating a values statement, it is essential to determine what values are most important to the organization. It is helpful to involve employees in this process to ensure that everyone buys into the values and understands their importance. It is also essential to ensure that the values align with the company\’s overall mission and vision.

Some examples of values that organizations may choose to incorporate into their values statement include honesty, integrity, respect, teamwork, innovation, customer service, and social responsibility. However, it is important to note that each organization is unique, and the values should reflect what is essential to that particular company.

Once the values have been established, it is essential to incorporate them into the company\’s culture by incorporating them into employee training programs, communication channels, and daily operations. In this way, employees will be more likely to embrace the values and reflect them in their work.

A company\’s values are vital components of its overall success. They help to define the culture, guide decision-making, and shape the company\’s reputation. By taking the time to develop a strong values statement, companies can ensure that all employees are working towards a common goal and that the company\’s actions reflect its core beliefs.


The vision statement is a crucial component in creating an effective mission statement for any organization. Vision is defined as the ability to think about or plan for the future with imagination and wisdom. In the context of an organization, vision refers to the long-term aspirations of the company.

The vision statement should convey the organization\’s dreams and aspirations, and it should inspire and motivate its employees and stakeholders. The vision statement should also align with the organization\’s value system and should be concise and clear so that it\’s easy to understand and easy to communicate.

An organization\’s vision statement can set the tone for its future growth and development. It should be used as a guidepost to steer the organization towards its ultimate goal. A compelling vision statement can help the organization to attract and retain talented employees, investors, and customers. It can also help the organization to differentiate itself from its competitors and create a unique identity in the marketplace.

When crafting a vision statement, it\’s essential to take the organization\’s values and purpose into consideration. Vision should be aligned with the organization\’s values, and it should paint a realistic yet compelling picture of where the organization is headed. It\’s essential to involve key stakeholders in the process of crafting the vision statement so that their inputs are taken into account.

A strong vision statement should be timeless, and it should be revisited periodically to ensure that it is still relevant and reflective of the organization\’s goals and values. It should not be overly ambitious, but it should push the organization to innovate and grow. A well-crafted vision statement can be a powerful tool to help the organization achieve its goals and fulfill its purpose.


The goals section of a mission statement is arguably the most important part of the document. In this section, the goals the organization sets for itself are stated clearly and succinctly. Goals are what the organization aspires to achieve; they are the end game for which the organization is striving. When formulating goals, organizations should try to make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Specific goals help to focus the organization\’s efforts and resources in one direction. Measurable goals provide a means by which the organization can gauge its progress toward its objectives. Achievable goals are within the organization\’s capacity to achieve given the resources and personnel available. Relevant goals are those that directly align with the organization\’s overall mission and purpose.

Time-bound goals have deadlines by which the desired outcomes should be accomplished. The goals section of a mission statement should not only list the objectives for the organization but also explain why these goals are important for the organization and its stakeholders. It should also indicate how the organization plans to achieve these goals and what resources will be necessary.

Steps to Creating a Mission Statement

Gather Input

For a mission statement to be effective, it is essential to gather input from different sources. Before drafting a mission statement, it\’s crucial to recognize that it has to be reflective of the values, vision, and principles of the individuals involved in the process.

To begin the process of gathering input, it\’s pertinent to conduct a thorough evaluation of the company\’s current values and principles. Doing so enables stakeholders to identify ideals that drive the company and formulate an effective mission statement that aligns with these principles. Including employees, customers, suppliers, investors, and other stakeholders in the drafting process can bring different perspectives to the development of an organization\’s mission statement.

One critical aspect of gathering input is identifying and analyzing the organization\’s external environment. The analysis includes an assessment of customers, competitors, and market trends, as it helps to identify critical success factors, align resources, and identify target customers.

Conducting a stakeholder analysis is an essential part of gathering input as it allows the organization to identify key players, understand their needs, and develop a mission statement that aligns with these needs. Involving employees in the process is also crucial since they are the ones who drive the organization\’s operations and are most familiar with the company\’s internal environment.

Another important aspect of gathering input is seeking feedback from customers, suppliers, and vendors. This helps to ensure that the mission statement is reflective of the expectation of customers, and other stakeholders and it demonstrates that the organization values their opinion. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to identify gaps in the company\’s operations that might create discontent among customers.

Overall, input from different sources plays a crucial role in developing an effective mission statement. It helps to ensure that the values, vision, and principles of the organization align with the stakeholders\’ expectations, and it provides an opportunity to identify gaps in the organization\’s current operations. As such, gathering input should be a collaborative process involving various stakeholders, and the information gathered should be analyzed carefully to create an effective mission statement.

Draft the Statement

The next step in creating a mission statement is to draft the statement itself. The mission statement should comprise a concise summary of the purpose and principles of an organization. It should include what the organization does, for whom it does it, and how it does it. When drafting the statement, it is important to keep in mind the input gathered during the previous phase. This input can be in the form of feedback from stakeholders, data analysis, or other sources.

The mission statement should reflect the values and goals of the organization, while also being easily understood by employees, customers, and other stakeholders. To achieve this, the statement should be clear, concise, and jargon-free. The mission statement should also be written in an active, rather than a passive voice, to give it a sense of urgency and action. In addition, the statement should be aligned with the vision and goals of the organization.

It should be reviewed regularly to ensure that it still reflects the organization\’s purpose and principles. As such, it is important to involve all stakeholders in the drafting of the statement to foster a sense of ownership and commitment. Once the statement is drafted, it should be shared with all employees, customers, and other stakeholders to ensure clarity and buy-in.

Refine the Statement

After gathering input and drafting a mission statement, the next step is to refine the statement. Refining a mission statement involves reviewing it to ensure that it is succinct, clear, and inspiring. One important thing to consider when refining a mission statement is to ensure that it aligns with the company\’s values and long-term goals. It should also be easily remembered by stakeholders and employees. Additionally, the refined mission statement should reflect the company\’s uniqueness and competitive advantage.

During the refining process, it is essential to review every single word of the statement. Consider rephrasing or removing words that are ambiguous or extraneous. Avoid using jargon, complex terms, or technical language that may exclude some stakeholders or make the statement difficult to understand.

Refining also helps ensure that the statement is concise and memorable. It is crucial to eliminate any repetition or unnecessary words and stick to the most critical points. The refined mission statement should be no longer than two or three sentences, clearly articulating the organization\’s purpose and values.

Another aspect to consider is the tone of the statement. Refining the mission statement ensures that it is inspiring and motivating to employees and stakeholders. It should convey a sense of purpose and evoke emotions that align with the company\’s values. The statement should be positive, forward-looking, and aspirational, making it a rallying cry for the organization.

Lastly, refining the mission statement involves seeking input from various stakeholders, such as employees, leaders, investors, customers, and partners. Each of these groups may have unique perspectives and insights that can help refine the statement further. Ensure that the statement resonates with each stakeholder group and reflects their expectations and aspirations from the company.

Finalize the Statement

After refining your mission statement, the next step is to finalize the statement. This is where you need to ensure that the statement clearly communicates your organization\’s core purpose and the values that guide your business. Firstly, refine the statement to a single sentence that is concise, comprehensive, and easy to remember. Keep in mind that the purpose of the statement is to inspire and guide your employees, customers, investors, and stakeholders.

Secondly, ensure that the statement has a clear objective that reflects the organization\’s mission, vision, and values. The objective should capture the essence of your organization\’s purpose and the impact it has on the world. It should communicate the benefits of your organization\’s products or services and your target audience. You can include your target audience in the statement, but ensure that the statement is broad enough to appeal to everyone who interacts with your organization.

Thirdly, use specific language that is simple, direct, and impactful. Avoid using industry jargon or overly technical terms that might not be familiar to your audience. Use language that is inclusive to convey that your organization is welcoming to everyone. Emphasize your organization\’s strengths, such as your experience, expertise, and reputation, and avoid making vague or exaggerated claims.

Fourthly, test the statement with your team or focus group. This is important to ensure that the statement resonates with your employees and customers. Ensure that the statement is motivating, inspiring, and meaningful, and that it captures the essence of your organization. Use feedback from the team to make final tweaks to the statement.

Fifthly, ensure that the statement is aligned with your organization\’s goals and objectives. Ensure that the statement is realistic and achievable, and that it guides your business decisions and actions. Ensure that the statement is consistent with your brand identity, and that it reflects your organization\’s culture and personality.

Finally, review the statement periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and meaningful. The mission statement should be a living document that reflects the changes and evolution of your organization over time. It should inspire and guide your employees, customers, investors, and stakeholders, and be a constant reminder of your organization\’s purpose, values, and impact on the world.

Examples of Mission Statements

Corporate Mission Statements

Corporate mission statements are concise statements that define the purpose and goals of a company, including its values and beliefs. The mission statement serves as a guide for decision-making and strategy development, helping a company to remain focused on its core principles and objectives.

A well-crafted mission statement communicates the company\’s vision and message to stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and investors. It defines a company\’s identity and helps to differentiate it from its competitors in the marketplace.

A corporate mission statement typically includes several components, such as the company\’s products or services, target market, competitive advantages, values, and overall vision. Companies often spend significant time and resources to craft a mission statement that is clear, concise, and meaningful. The process of developing a corporate mission statement requires a deep understanding of the business and its goals, as well as the market and competitive landscape. The statement should reflect the company\’s unique identity and values, and should be grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the diverse needs and perspectives of its stakeholders.

Effective corporate mission statements are critical for a company\’s success. They help to align the internal organization with the external environment, and guide decision-making and strategy development. A well-crafted mission statement can also enhance a company\’s reputation and brand identity, by communicating a clear message about its values and goals. Additionally, a strong mission statement can attract and retain customers and employees who share the company\’s vision and values.

Overall, corporate mission statements are essential tools for shaping the identity, focus, and culture of a company. They communicate a clear message about the company\’s purpose, values, and goals, and help to guide decision-making and strategy development. By crafting a meaningful and comprehensive mission statement, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a clear and compelling message that resonates with stakeholders.

Non-Profit Mission Statements

Non-profit organizations have a unique set of challenges when it comes to creating a mission statement. While these entities typically do not operate with the aim of earning a profit, they still require a clear and concise declaration of their purpose in order to attract donors, volunteers, and the public at large. The mission statement of a non-profit should clearly state what it hopes to achieve, who it is trying to help, and how it plans to go about doing so. It should also differentiate the organization from other similar nonprofits, highlighting its unique approach or special niche.

When crafting a mission statement for a non-profit, it is important to keep in mind its intended audience. Unlike a corporate mission statement, which may be geared towards investors or shareholders, a non-profit\’s statement should speak to its supporters, those who share the organization\’s values and want to see it succeed. This may include potential volunteers, donors, or the broader community. As such, a non-profit\’s mission statement should be emotive and inspiring, conveying the sense that the organization is making a real difference in the world and is worth supporting.

A well-crafted non-profit mission statement can serve a number of purposes. It can act as a rallying cry for volunteers and staff, reminding them of the organization\’s core purpose and inspiring them to work towards its goals. It can also help to attract potential donors, who will be more likely to contribute if they are moved by the organization\’s mission. In addition, a clear and concise mission statement can help to differentiate the nonprofit from others in its space, making it more likely to stand out and receive attention from the media, policymakers, and other key stakeholders.

Ultimately, a non-profit mission statement should serve as a guiding force for the organization, informing its activities and shaping its overall strategy. It should be revisited on a regular basis, especially in times of change or growth, to ensure that it still reflects the non-profit\’s values, goals, and purpose. By creating a strong and effective mission statement, non-profits can ensure that they remain focused on their core mission and that they continue to attract the support and resources they need to make a real difference in the world.

Personal Mission Statements

Personal mission statements are a powerful tool for individuals looking to clarify their purpose and goals in life. Crafting a personal mission statement involves taking the time to reflect on one\’s values, beliefs, and priorities, and distilling them into a clear and concise statement that serves as a guide for decision-making and goal-setting.

Personal mission statements can help individuals stay focused on what truly matters, and ensure that their actions align with their long-term objectives. Additionally, a well-crafted personal mission statement can help individuals communicate their values and interests to others, and can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation during difficult times.



A mission statement is a concise and clear statement that captures an organization\’s purpose and objectives. It is a critical document that serves as a guide for decision-making, communication, and measurement of success.

This article has explored the process of creating a mission statement by examining the significance of starting with a clear understanding of the organization\’s purpose, values, and stakeholders. We have also discussed the importance of achieving brevity, clarity, and homogeneity in crafting the statement.

A good mission statement that satisfies the most critical search intent should reflect the organization\’s uniqueness and focus on its customers, employees, and societal impact. Additionally, we have highlighted the benefits of having a well-defined mission statement, including increased employee engagement, brand differentiation, and improved decision-making processes. In conclusion, creating a mission statement is the first and critical step towards defining an organization\’s purpose and strategy, and it should align with the organization\’s vision and goals.

Call to Action

Creating a mission statement for your organization is a vital step towards defining its purpose and direction. A well-written mission statement guides your decisions, inspires your employees, and communicates your values to stakeholders. The importance of crafting an impactful mission statement cannot be overstated. In order to ensure that your mission statement resonates with your target audience, it is important to keep in mind the following when crafting your call to action.

Firstly, make sure your call to action reflects the purpose of your mission statement. A clear, concise, and actionable statement will inspire your employees and encourage them to work toward your organization\’s goals.

Furthermore, potential stakeholders will be more likely to support your organization if they understand what it stands for and how they can get involved. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your call to action is specific, measurable, and aligned with the values that underpin your mission statement. For example, if your mission statement aims to improve access to healthcare, your call to action could be to donate to your organization or volunteer your time to help those in need.

Secondly, make sure your call to action is compelling. A powerful and impactful message will inspire your audience to take action. Use language that speaks directly to your audience and emphasizes the benefits of supporting your organization. Highlight what sets your organization apart from others and be sure to convey why your mission is important.

Additionally, consider including testimonials from individuals or groups who have been positively impacted by your organization’s work. This is a great way to demonstrate the value of your organization and to encourage more people to get involved.

Finally, make sure your call to action is easily accessible. Be sure to provide clear instructions on how potential stakeholders can get involved or donate to your organization. Make it easy for them to take action with clear links and buttons on your website or social media pages. Additionally, ensure that your call to action is visible and prominent on all of your marketing materials. The more visible your call to action, the more likely people are to engage with your organization and support your mission.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling call to action is essential to ensuring your mission statement resonates with your target audience. Keep your call to action specific, measurable, and aligned with your mission statement. Use powerful language that speaks directly to your audience and highlight why your mission is important.

Finally, make it easy for potential stakeholders to get involved with clear and accessible instructions. With these tips in mind, you can create a mission statement that inspires and motivates your stakeholders to join you in achieving your organization’s goals.

Creating a Mission Statement — FAQ

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement is a brief, concise statement expressing the purpose, goals, and values of an organization or individual. It provides direction and shapes decision-making.

Why is a mission statement important?

A mission statement provides a clear understanding of the organization’s purpose to employees, customers, and other stakeholders. It helps ensure everyone is aligned and working towards a common goal.

How do you create a mission statement?

To create an effective mission statement, identify the organization’s purpose and values, conduct research, involve stakeholders, and draft and refine the statement until it accurately reflects the organization’s mission.

What should be included in a mission statement?

A mission statement should include the organization’s purpose, goals, values, and the intended audience. It should be concise, inspiring, and easy to understand.

How often should a mission statement be reviewed?

A mission statement should be reviewed regularly to ensure it still accurately reflects the organization’s purpose and goals. A review should be conducted any time there are significant changes in the organization.

Can a mission statement be too vague or too specific?

Yes, a mission statement can be too vague or too specific, resulting in ambiguity or tunnel vision. A balance must be struck, ensuring the statement provides direction and focus while remaining flexible and adaptable.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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