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  • Understanding the Different Types of Personal Loans Available

by Mike Vestil 

Understanding the Different Types of Personal Loans Available

A personal loan is a loan made to an individual, which can be used for a variety of different purposes, from consolidating debt to funding home improvement projects. Personal loans, though similar in concept to other forms of borrowing, differ in that they are not backed by any form of collateral or security and can be flexible in terms of repayment periods and amount of funds the borrower is able to access.

This article will explore the benefits and downsides of personal loans, as well as provide tips on how to make sure a potential borrower is making the best decision when considering a loan.

Personal Loans as Financial Tools

Personal loans can be important tools for individuals in need of financial assistance. They come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s important to understand the different loan options that may be available to you. In this section, we will discuss the personal loan process, from understanding the different types of loans to considering the advantages and disadvantages of taking out a loan. We will also explore the best ways to compare loan options and secure the best loan for your needs.

Personal Loans and Credit History

Personal loans are a popular way for individuals to access funds to finance large and small expenses alike. They are versatile and can be used to cover various costs, such as medical care, home repairs, or a much-needed vacation. The amount of a loan and interest rate vary depending on the lender, the borrower’s credit history, and the current market.

Those with higher credit scores are more likely to receive favorable rates and larger amounts of money. Those with lower credit scores often have to accept higher rates and smaller loans. For those without credit histories or with poor histories, lenders may require collateral and other assurances of repayment. Borrowers should also be aware of potential fees, including origination fees, late payment fees, pre-payment fees, and other associated costs.

Types of Personal Loans

Personal loans are becoming increasingly popular and easy to procure. They are financial instruments offered by banks and other lenders to individuals for various purposes. As a form of borrowing, it is important to understand the types of personal loans that are available to determine which is the most suitable for your personal needs. In this article, we will discuss the two main types of personal loans available: unsecured and secured loans.


When looking into taking out a personal loan, a borrower may decide that they want an unsecured loan. Unsecured personal loans are a form of loan that do not require any form of collateral, such as a house or car. This loan type can also be referred to as a signature loan, as the only form of security is the individual’s signature, guaranteeing that they will pay the money back.

Unsecured loans offer more flexibility than secured loans, in terms of the amount of money could be borrowed, loan periods, and the ability to receive the loan without providing any form of collateral. On the other hand, these types of loans come with higher interest rates than a secured loan.

Most unsecured loans are provided by banks and online lenders, with lenders usually offering better rates the higher the borrower’s credit score. Unsecured loan can be used for a large number of needs, such as debt consolidation, home improvement, medical bills, and much more. It is important to note that unsecured loans are not alternatives to mortgages and car loans, as these types of loans require collateral.


Secured personal loans employ some form of collateral, such as a home or car, that acts as a guarantee for loan repayment if the borrower defaults on the loan. Generally, when a higher loan amount is needed, a secured loan is optimal. Since the loan is secured, the lender will consider the borrower’s credit history when approving, but it also can provide a leveled playing field for consumers with less established credit histories.

Furthermore, secured personal loans typically come with a lower interest rate than their unsecured counterparts. Other benefits of secured personal loans include fixed repayment terms and amounts, so borrowers will know exactly how much they owe each month. However, if a borrower fails to meet the monthly installment payments, the lender could repossess the collateral.

Eligibility Criteria

When exploring personal loan options, there are a few key eligibility criteria to consider. These criteria include credit score, income, and employment status. This article will discuss these criteria, their significance, and advice for prospective borrowers.

Credit Score

Getting a personal loan is a great way to make necessary purchases or consolidate existing debt. While it is usually easier for people with good credit to secure personal loans, it is still possible for those with lower credit scores to qualify for one. In order to be eligible for a loan, applicants must typically meet certain credit score criteria.

This usually varies from lender to lender and may also depend on the size of the requested loan. Generally, potential borrowers will need to have a credit score of at least 600-650 in order to be eligible for most loans.

A higher score may be required for larger loan amounts or to secure the most favorable interest rates. Additionally, lenders may consider other factors, such as income or credit history when making eligibility decisions. Taking the steps to build up a healthy credit history and score can make a significant difference when it comes to qualifying for a personal loan.


When evaluating eligibility criteria for personal loans, income is a key factor that lenders use to assess a borrower’s ability to repay their loan. At a minimum, borrowers must typically earn a certain amount of money per month or year to qualify for a personal loan. Income is usually confirmed by collecting the borrower’s paystubs, W-2s, or tax returns.

While lenders may not set a minimum income amount for personal loans, applicants who have a steady income can often secure better terms than those who have a less stable earnings or have recently experienced income fluctuations. Although debt-to-income ratio is also taken into account when determining eligibility, income is typically the primary factor when it comes to personal loan applications.

Employment Status

Employment status is a key factor in determining an individual’s eligibility for a personal loan. Generally, employed individuals can qualify for the loan, whereas self-employed individuals may have to provide additional documentation or meet additional criteria.

Employed individuals should provide proof of their employment to the lender in the form of pay stubs or employment contracts. These documents are used to verify employment and to ensure that the borrower is able to make their payments. Additionally, lenders may also ask for recent tax returns to assess an applicant’s financial stability.

For those who are self-employed, lenders may ask for tax returns, bank statements, and other documents to verify income. Furthermore, self-employed individuals may be required to have a higher minimum credit score in order to qualify for a loan.

Interest Rates

Interest rates for personal loans can have a significant influence on the terms of the loan you receive. They can affect the amount you pay upfront, the total cost of the loan, and when you are expected to pay it back. In this article, we will discuss the different types of interest rates available, as well as the pros and cons of each one. We will look at fixed and variable interest rates, and how they can affect the overall cost of your personal loan.


Fixed interest rates for personal loans are preferred for those who plan to keep the loan for a long period. With a fixed interest rate, borrowers can remain confident that the amount of their payments will not change. This provides significant peace of mind and simplifies budgeting.

Fixed interest rates on personal loans are typically higher than variable interest rates, but this can be offset by the financial stability that comes with a fixed rate. Furthermore, fixed interest rate personal loans are usually longer term than variable rate loans and may come with additional added features or benefits. Therefore, for those seeking financial security, fixed interest rate personal loans can provide a great option for borrowing the funds they need at an interest rate they can afford.


When it comes to personal loans, interest rates are a major factor to consider. The rates can vary based on the borrower’s credit score, loan history, and the type of loan or lender. These factors can also cause the interest to be variable in nature, which can lead to potentially higher interest costs over the loan’s lifetime.

To help ensure that the interest costs do not rise substantially, borrowers should take the time to review the terms and conditions of the loan and compare multiple loan options. Borrowers may also need to adjust their repayment plan to work within the variable rate.

Lastly, those with a good credit score may qualify for reduced interest rates and should consider this when looking for a personal loan. Understanding the importance of interest rates and discovering the different types of loan can help borrowers make the best decision for their financial future.

Loan Terms

Personal loans are types of loans designed for individuals, typically for any purpose. There are a wide range of loan terms when it comes to personal loans, which can include amount, duration, and repayment schedule. In this section, we’ll discuss these loan terms and what factors need to be considered when deciding on a personal loan.


Personal loans generally have a set amount to be borrowed, which should be outlined in the loan agreement. This amount determines the loan’s minimum and maximum payment period, since interest accrues from the initial amount borrowed. It is important to note that this amount is agreed upon by the lender and the borrower.

This is usually reflective of the ability of the borrower to pay back the loan, based on their income and credit history. The repayment period may vary due to the amount borrowed and other financial circumstances, such as the interest rate. Additionally, the agreed upon amount determines what kind of fees and charges may apply for the duration of the loan.

It is important to compare different interest rates and repayment terms of multiple lenders to ensure the best deal. Knowing the amount of the loan and the fees can help to ensure an affordable monthly payment.


The duration of a personal loan typically ranges from 1-5 years and is largely dependent on the borrower’s individual needs and creditworthiness. The repayment of a loan can be structured in a variety of ways, including through regular monthly payments, a lump sum at the end, or a combination of both.

Generally, shorter duration loans have higher interest rates and thus require more frequent payments but lead to a lower overall cost and quicker repayment. Longer duration loans bring down the monthly installment and offer more time to repay the loan, however, the total interest paid by the end of the loan may be higher than with a shorter duration loan.

People with lower credit scores are more likely to get approved for a longer duration loan as lenders take the extra time to ensure the borrower’s ability to pay. Additionally, the duration of the loan may be adjusted based on the borrower’s financial situation and any changes in their creditworthiness, such as getting a raise or taking on a second job.

Repayment Schedule

Personal loans can generally be paid back with a predetermined repayment schedule. To ensure loan repayment, the amount is divided into equal installments over a set period of time. These equal payments can be made bi-weekly, weekly, monthly, or more, depending on the loan and the lender.

The repayment schedule breaks down each payment into the principal, interest, and other fees. During the loan term, the borrower will make regular installment payments, including principal, interest and sometimes other payments, such as origination fees.

The borrower is responsible for ensuring timely repayment of the loan to avoid additional costs, late fees, or even credit damage. It is important for the borrower to closely analyze the repayment schedule for accuracy and to ensure that the repayment terms fit their budget. There is no one-size-fits-all repayment schedule for personal loans. Depending on the lender, loan type, and additional factors, the repayment schedule should be tailored to the individual borrower.


Personal loans provide access to needed funds for financial needs that vary from person to person. But along with money from a loan come payment obligations, including fees. In this section, we will explore the various fees associated with personal loans, such as origination fees, prepayment fees, and late payment fees.


Personal loans can be obtained through banks, credit unions, or online lenders. They are used for a variety of reasons, including medical bills, home improvements, consolidating debt, or paying for a vacation. The origination fee for a personal loan is a fee charged by the lender for processing the loan and generally ranges from 1-8% of the total loan amount.

It is important to shop around and compare fees when choosing a lender to ensure you are getting the best rate. Some lenders may waive the origination fee, while others may offer lower interest rates in exchange for a higher origination fee. Other fees may be associated with personal loans, such as late payment fees, prepayment fees, and returned payment fees. It is important to read the loan agreement carefully to understand any additional fees the lender may charge.


Prepayment of a personal loan is typically allowed by lenders, and there are many advantages and disadvantages to doing so. Prepayments allow borrowers to retire their loan earlier, resulting in interest savings, while also avoiding any additional fees or penalties.

On the downside, some lenders impose prepayment penalties if the loan is repaid before the loan’s predetermined maturity date. Furthermore, prepaying a loan often means using readily available cash, resulting in not having access to liquid reserves to handle unanticipated problems.

It is important for potential borrowers to weigh the advantages and disadvantages associated with prepaying a loan before taking the plunge. Prepayment can be a great way to save money and interest charges, but borrowers need to carefully consider the implications of prepaying a loan in order to make the best possible decision.

Late Payment

Missing a payment on a personal loan can cause significant consequences. Late payments may come with additional fees and interest added to the balance. In some cases, the balance may even be increased on top of the accrued fees. Late payments also have an impact on a borrower’s credit score.

A payment that is 30 days past due can cause a negative mark on the history and could have long-term consequences. With a personal loan, there may be financial and legal ramification s that come with late payments. For example, if a payment is too late, the lender may opt to add late fees to the balance. In addition, the lender may exercise their right to force repayment through legal means. Before opting for a personal loan, borrowers should educate themselves on the consequences of late payments and make an informed decision.

Application Process

A personal loan is a great way to finance big expenses such as a home renovation, an educational degree, or even a dream wedding. It is a good alternative to a credit card in that it comes with a fixed repayment schedule and a clear understanding of the interest rate being charged. However, before taking out a personal loan, it is important to go through the entire application process. In this article, we will discuss the application process for personal loans, including both online and in-person options.


Applying for a personal loan online has become the standard. It is the most efficient and convenient way to quickly access funds with minimal paperwork. To apply for an online loan, applicants will first be required to complete an online form describing their financial background, income, and employment history.

After completing the form, applicants can submit it and wait for a response and potentially receive an offer. During this process, lenders will assess and review the application form, run a credit check, and confirm that the applicant’s finances fit the requirements of a loan agreement. If approved, lenders will then provide a loan contract outlining the conditions and requirements associated with the loan. Applicants must then agree to the terms and sign the contract, allowing the loan funds to be released into their accounts, usually within 72 hours.


The application process for a personal loan in-person is an important component of any loan package. Before applying, make sure you have all the necessary documents and paperwork, such as a valid government ID, proof of income, and bank statements.

During the application process, you will need to present these documents to the lender and provide your personal information such as address, employment history, and credit score. In-person applications tend to take longer than online ones, as you need to wait for the lender to process and review your documents and information.

Most lenders will manualy call you to verify your identity and perform other fraud prevention measures. If the loan is approved, the lender may require you to sign a legally binding contract and deposit collateral if applicable. It is important to read and understand the contract before signing it as it is legally binding. Once everything is finalized, the lender will transfer the money to your bank account.


Getting a personal loan can be a daunting process, especially if you’re not sure where to start looking for a loan provider. Whether it’s a bank, credit union, or online lender, each financial institution offers a unique set of services, interest rates and payment terms that could not only affect your loan but your financial future as well. In this article, we will take a look and compare lenders, including Banks, Credit Unions, and Online Lenders.


When it comes to personal loans, banks are some of the most accessible lenders. Banks offer a wide variety of personal loan products, including unsecured personal loans, secured loans, auto loans, and student loans.

Banks are able to reach a wide range of consumers, and are thus more likely to provide more competitive interest rates than some other lenders. Banks will often conduct thorough credit checks before approving a personal loan, as they take great precaution to ensure that the borrower can maintain their loan payments. Banks may also require loan assurance, such as a co-signer or a security deposit to protect the borrowed funds.

Banks are typically more flexible with loan terms and repayment plans than some other lenders, and often allow borrowers to customize their repayment amounts and schedules. Additionally, banks may offer other benefits such as complimentary credit monitoring, loan consolidation, and loyalty programs for customers.

Credit Unions

Credit unions offer a range of personal loan products, with some of the lowest interest rates available. Rates vary depending on an individual’s credit score and other factors, but can often be substantially lower than those offered by banks.

Credit union loans are often unsecured, meaning borrowers do not have to provide collateral. Credit union loans are also often offered with flexible repayment plans, allowing the borrower to structure the loan to their current financial situation. Furthermore, credit unions offer different benefits and protections that may not be available with other lenders.

Some credit unions offer relationship discounts, making loans more affordable. Eligible members may also be automatically approved for certain loan products, making the process simpler and faster. Finally, credit unions may also offer additional protection in the event of economic hardship, such as forbearance or deferment options. Overall, credit unions offer excellent options for those seeking personal loan products.

Online Lenders

Online lenders are an increasingly popular option for those needing personal loans. With online loan services, borrowers are often able to connect with lenders without having to leave their home or office. These lenders make it easier to apply for, compare, and receive loans in an efficient manner.

Thanks to the convenience of the internet, online lenders are becoming more quickly accessible and widely accepted. Additionally, these lenders are becoming more transparent about their fees and interest rates.

They are also providing customers with features such as early repayment incentives, long repayment periods, and flexible repayment options. Without the need to face a lender or use traditional banking operations, borrowers turn to online lenders to meet their personal loan needs with flexibility and ease.

Personal Loans — FAQ

What is the eligibility criteria for a personal loan?

Applicants for personal loans must be at least 18 years of age, must have a regular source of income, required to provide proof of identity and address, and depending on the size and purpose of the loan, may also be required to provide additional documents.

What are the different types of personal loans?

Common types of personal loans include secured loans, unsecured loans, and peer-to-peer loans. Secured loans require collateral, unsecured loans do not, and peer-to-peer loans are crowdfunded and involve investors or lenders.

What are the benefits of obtaining a personal loan?

The benefits of taking out a personal loan include the ability to finance major purchases or consolidate debt, receive funds quickly, favourable terms and rates, and the potential for loan approval even if the applicant has bad credit.

How can I access a personal loan?

Personal loans can be obtained from a variety of sources such as banks, credit unions, online lenders, and peer-to-peer lenders.

Are there any risks associated with taking out a personal loan?

Yes, there are some risks associated with taking out a personal loan. These include the risk of defaulting on the loan, being charged high interest rates, or being unable to pay back the loan in time.

Which type of personal loan should I choose?

The type of personal loan most suitable for you will depend on your individual needs and financial situation. You should consider factors such as the size and purpose of the loan, the repayment terms and length, and your ability to repay the loan before choosing a loan type.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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