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  • #1 Way to Make $100 PER DAY as a Broke Individual

by Mike Vestil 

#1 Way to Make $100 PER DAY as a Broke Individual

So a couple weeks back I wanted to do a little test.

I wanted to put myself in the shoes of a broke individual and see what was the best way to make $100 online the fastest that was also newbie friendly.

The results?

Nearly $3000 in profit after only 5 minutes of “real” work.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B8Ry1waXl0[/embedyt]

(View on YouTube)

Newbie Entrepreneur? Learn The Simple Tactic I Used To Make an Extra $1K Per Day While Traveling the World


One of the most common questions that I always get asked when people look at my YouTube videos is how they can get from ZERO to actually making several hundred dollars a day.

Find out how to make $100 per day as a broke individual.

Here’s how my fellow freedom fighters..


Once you’ve done that, they will give you a commission for recommending their product.

Just as you can see in my video above. . If you go over to clickbank, you will see that there are multiple products that you could sell.

Take for example the ones under the Health and Fitness section such diet and weight loss.

You’ve got to understand that there are already products out there that you can sell that people are already looking for. Now if you recommend this product to them, then you’d get a commission in the process.

What I do every now and then when I want to test new products out is I reach out to my marketplace and discover what it is that they desire.

And as you can see in my video, one of the biggest things that people want to learn is about what’s trending in Kindle publishing.

So if you go over that and type in Kindle, you’ll actually see what other youtubers look for. Now based on the results, “Kindle Money Mastery” turned up.

Then all you gotta do is promote it. Once you go over the process, you could basically sell their product to a particular landing page.

Now that’s the beauty about this entire method…

Because this product is already made, which means we don’t have to create it.

All we gotta do is FIND THE AUDIENCE that’s already looking for this product. Like as for me, since I already have the audience, all I did was to send three simple emails.

I’m telling you guys. . Anyone can do this as long as you’re good at telling stories. It doesn’t have to be like the business mumbo-jumbo.

And that’s how I exactly did it. And the craziest thing is for some reason, I was able to relate it to this Kindle course that I mentioned above.

So the moment I sent that email to my list, people started reading it and they ended up going to my affiliate link.

So here’s how it goes:

  • Once you’re all set to sending your email to your list, it goes directly to a landing page. (See video here to check out my coolest drawing).
  • That landing page now becomes your sales page.
  • Now once they’re on the sales page and someone decides to buy, they will immediately get to an upsell on your offers.

So what happens when you send targeted traffic which is your email list to these offers, you could get a percentage of each one of these.

So even though you didn’t create this product, as you recommend products to this offer, you’re getting a cut out of each one because YOU ARE CONNECTING PEOPLE TO THE PRODUCTS THAT THEY DESIRE.

And that, in essence, is business 101.

It’s about finding a problem in the marketing space and being the person that goes out there who either creates the solution.. or dares to become the solution.

And the biggest thing about this is you can do this in any single niche.

From dating, to weight loss, to beauty, to health supplements and more.

The secret with that is making sure that you FOCUS ON BUILDING YOUR EMAIL LIST which you could actually do with 100% free traffic.

You can do this through YouTube, which is by far the easiest. Or if you want to start paying, you can use Facebook Ads.

That way people gets directed by your email list for a bribe. From that point on, you could start selling them offers.

Remember this guys, you do not need to have the craziest bribe to get people on your mail list.

For the newbies…

Guys, never get intimidated and think that you don’t have what it takes.

Take note that as you start, you do not need a product to sell, not even a background information nor the tech savviness.

You don’t even have to have a big YouTube channel like I do.

Now here’s the biggest thing guys!

For those who wanna get started immediately, all you gotta do is go to any one of my videos right in that link.

And if you’re really serious about this, check out my Passive Income Course where I will actually show you exactly how to do this just for $17.

Guys, that’s the price of two burrito bowls at Chipotle’s.

And that’s a five-week course on how I actually go over how I built this entire thing and how it created that amount of income in literally less than five minutes of work.

The problem with most people is they tell themselves they can’t do that. Some would think it only works for this guy or the smart ones.

Probably you’re saying you don’t have the “step-by-step blueprint” to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be.

And the reason for these is because you’re not positioning yourself in a way where you are learning from the people that actually have the results like yours truly..

(84K subs on YouTube, a very popular blog, and a bunch of mentors that personally mentor me.)

Always remember guys, ANYONE CAN DO THIS!

So hopefully that helps, for everyone else that want more and more FREE content, I’ll  see you on my youtube channel and on my next blog.

Take it easy guys!

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And for more tips on how to make money online make sure you check out the following:

Want to make your first $10k/month online?

I've tried everything Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, Social Media Marketing. I made the most money consistently with the Remote Sales Business, generating sales for small businesses by reading simple scripts and working closely with awesome mentors. Click below to find out more.

About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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