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Management – Human Resource is a field that is concerned with managing the employees of an organization. It involves recruiting, hiring, training, developing, and managing personnel for achieving the goals of the organization. In simpler terms, human resource management (HRM) is the process of managing human talent for achieving organizational goals. It is a vital function that ensures the best use of human capital and creates a supportive and inclusive work environment that aligns with an organization’s objectives and values. In this article, we will explore the importance of HRM and its key components.



Management involves coordinating and overseeing the activities of people and resources within an organization to achieve specific goals. It involves planning, organizing, leading, and controlling various aspects of the organization’s operations. Human resource management, on the other hand, is a specific type of management focused on managing the people within the organization.

It involves recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating, and retaining employees to ensure they are aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. Effective human resource management is crucial in ensuring the success and sustainability of any organization. Both management and human resource management are essential components in achieving organizational goals, and they must be implemented effectively to maximize success and minimize operational costs.


The importance of management and human resource management (HRM) in organizations cannot be overstated. Effective management and HRM practices are critical for ensuring that an organization is able to achieve its goals and objectives. At its core, management is concerned with the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources within an organization to achieve its objectives. HRM, on the other hand, is the process of managing an organization’s human resources to achieve its objectives. Effective HRM involves selecting, training, motivating, and retaining employees.

One of the key reasons why management and HRM are important in organizations is because they play a critical role in achieving organizational goals. By setting objectives and developing strategies, management is able to establish clear expectations for staff and cultivate a sense of purpose and direction within the organization. HRM is critical for ensuring that the right people are in place to execute on these objectives. This involves not only recruiting and hiring staff who have the necessary skills and experience, but also providing training and support to help them develop their talents and abilities.

Another important reason why management and HRM are important in organizations is because they help to create a positive workplace culture and employee engagement. By providing opportunities for employee development and engagement, management and HRM are able to improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover. This, in turn, can lead to improved morale, lower levels of stress and burnout, and a more productive and efficient workforce.

Finally, effective management and HRM practices are critical for ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. This includes everything from ensuring that the organization is complying with labor laws and regulations, to ensuring that employees are being treated fairly and equitably. By having effective management and HRM practices in place, organizations can safeguard against potential legal liabilities and minimize the risk of costly litigation.


Understanding the history of management and human resource management is essential for developing a comprehensive understanding of how these fields have evolved and how they are relevant in modern organizations. Management can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where it was practiced to organize labor for building projects such as the pyramids. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Industrial Revolution brought about a significant shift in the nature of management, as it became necessary to coordinate a large and complex workforce efficiently.

The scientific management approach developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the early twentieth century emphasized the rationalization of work processes and the standardization of job duties to maximize efficiency. However, this approach was criticized for neglecting the human element of work. The human relations movement, which emerged in the 1920s, focused on improving the well-being of workers and creating a more positive workplace culture.

The 1950s saw the rise of the behavioral science approach, which focused on using principles of psychology and sociology to improve organizational effectiveness. In the 1980s and 1990s, a new paradigm emerged with the rise of the knowledge-based economy, which centered on the strategic management of intellectual capital.

Human resource management has its origins in the early twentieth century, when personnel management emerged as a field concerned with managing employee recruitment, selection, and training. Human resource management, as it is known today, emerged in the 1980s from the recognition that employees are a valuable asset to an organization and must be managed strategically to achieve organizational goals. The field has evolved to encompass employee retention, performance management, diversity and inclusion, and talent development.

Functions of Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection

The process of hiring and selecting employees, also known as Recruitment and Selection, is a critical aspect of Human Resource Management. Recruitment and Selection is a continuous process that involves attracting, selecting, and onboarding the best candidates for a job. It requires organizations to identify their staffing needs, develop job descriptions, post job vacancies, and screen and assess potential candidates.

The recruitment process aims to attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates while selecting the best fit for the organization’s culture and values. Recruitment and Selection can be divided into two main categories: internal and external recruitment. Internal recruitment involves hiring from within the organization, while external recruitment involves hiring candidates from outside the organization. The selection process involves screening the candidates’ qualifications, conducting interviews, and possibly administering pre-employment tests.

The selection process’s ultimate goal is to ensure that the organization hires the best candidate for the job in terms of both qualifications and fit with the organization’s culture and values. Effective Recruitment and Selection practices are crucial to an organization’s success as it enables the organization to attract and retain talented employees while maximizing employee productivity, job satisfaction, and commitment to the organization.

Training and Development

Training and development is an essential aspect of human resource management that aims to enhance employee skills and knowledge, improve job performance, and promote overall company growth and success. Training involves the process of imparting specific skills and knowledge to employees to enable them to perform their jobs effectively, while development entails a broader focus on personal and career growth. Effective training and development programs can yield numerous benefits for both employees and organizations, including increased productivity, job satisfaction, and retention rates, as well as higher levels of customer satisfaction and profitability.

Performance Management

Performance management is an essential component of managing human resources in organizations. This process involves setting goals, providing feedback, and measuring progress towards objectives. A successful performance management system enables organizations to align employee goals with business objectives, foster open communication, and provide avenues for employee growth and development.

It also involves providing regular feedback on performance, recognizing and rewarding successes and addressing areas of improvement. The process of performance management includes regular performance reviews, coaching, and training. Performance management systems are critical to ensuring that the employees remain engaged and motivated, resulting in improved employee productivity and job satisfaction.

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits are integral to the success of any organization. These are the rewards given to employees for their hard work, dedication, and contribution towards the growth and success of a company. Compensation includes salary, bonuses, and other monetary incentives, while benefits include health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave. Implementing a well-thought-out compensation and benefits plan can attract and retain top talent in the organization.

This process must be approached with great care to ensure that it is fair, competitive, and aligns with the organization’s strategic objectives. Employees who feel valued and appreciated tend to be more motivated, satisfied, and committed to their job, resulting in higher productivity, better quality of work, and a more positive work environment. However, compensation and benefits can also become a source of conflict if not managed properly.

It is important to establish clear policies, processes, and procedures to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in the compensation and benefits program. Communication is also key to managing compensation and benefits effectively. Employers must be transparent about their compensation and benefits practices and policies to prevent misunderstandings and promote trust between the employer and employees. All in all, compensation and benefits are an integral part of the organization’s success and must be managed with great care and attention to detail.

Employee Relations

Managing employee relations and resolving conflicts is an essential aspect of human resource management. Employee relations refer to the way relationships are built and maintained between employees and management within an organization. Good employee relations are important for creating a positive and productive work environment, which is crucial for the success of any organization.

An effective employee relations program can have several benefits for the organization and its employees, such as improved morale, increased productivity, reduced turnover, and better communication. The human resource department plays a vital role in managing employee relations by creating policies and procedures that promote fairness, transparency, and respect. The department must also provide a platform for employees to voice their concerns and grievances and ensure that these are dealt with in a timely and effective manner.

Challenges in Human Resource Management

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion have become critical topics in the modern workplace. With a diverse workforce comes the challenge of attracting, retaining and managing employees from different backgrounds. This challenge has become even more important with the increasing focus on promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

A comprehensive approach to diversity and inclusion in human resource management requires an understanding of the unique needs of each individual, including their cultural background, gender, age, and other factors that shape their perspective and experience. Effective management of diversity and inclusion involves developing policies and practices that promote equality and go beyond merely avoiding discrimination.

This approach requires not only training but also ongoing communication, engagement, and sensitivity to the needs of all employees. Furthermore, a focus on diversity and inclusion can also lead to innovation and creativity, as different perspectives and approaches can lead to new ideas and ways of solving problems. Overall, managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace is crucial to creating a positive and productive work environment that benefits both employees and the organization as a whole.


The constant evolution of technology presents a significant challenge for managing human resources in the workplace. Technology can remove barriers to communication and improve efficiency, but it can also create new challenges to inclusivity. For example, virtual communication tools may inadvertently exclude employees with disabilities who struggle to access remote communication platforms. Additionally, the improper use of technology can result in the invasion of employee privacy.

Employers must be vigilant about protecting sensitive information and avoiding discrimination based on protected characteristics such as gender, race, and religion. Furthermore, the use of robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) can create complexity in the workplace, requiring HR managers to redefine their roles and ensure that employees are adequately trained to work with these technologies.

It is essential to maintain inclusivity and ethical principles in a technologically advanced workplace. HR managers must stay updated on ever-evolving technological advancements and continuously reassess their policies to ensure that they remain compliant with ethical and legal standards while promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment.


The rise of globalization has brought about new challenges for human resource management. The global workforce offers a unique set of complexities for HR managers to navigate. One of the biggest challenges is managing cultural differences, including language barriers, social norms, and customs. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflict if not addressed properly. HR professionals must be equipped to deal with cross-cultural communication and understanding to ensure effective teamwork and collaboration.

Another challenge presented by the global workforce is managing employee mobility. With advancements in technology and ease of travel, employees today are more likely to move across countries and continents for work opportunities. HR managers must be adept at managing talent mobility, ensuring compliance with immigration regulations, and providing support for employees and their families as they transition to new locations.

Managing a global workforce also means dealing with different legal and regulatory frameworks across different countries. HR managers must be aware of the different labor laws and regulations specific to the countries they operate in, including compliance with local laws, tax regulations, and benefits requirements. Organizations must also establish policies and procedures that comply with international labor standards and human rights requirements.

Lastly, managing a global workforce requires a strong understanding of global business trends and competitive forces. HR managers must be knowledgeable about global market trends and the competitive landscape to ensure that their organizations remain competitive and attract top talent.

In summary, managing a global workforce presents unique challenges for human resource management. HR managers must be equipped to manage cultural differences, employee mobility, compliance with different legal frameworks, and global market trends. By addressing these challenges effectively, organizations can leverage a diverse and globally mobile workforce to compete in the global marketplace.

Legal and Ethical Issues

Legal and ethical issues are critical challenges that human resource managers face as they endeavor to maintain healthy and productive workplaces. In HR management, every decision made must be ethical and comply with the acceptable legal standards. This is where HR managers have to execute their duties within the ethical and legal expectations of their organizations. They must ensure that they do not discriminate against employees based on race, gender, or religion, and must have policies and procedures in place to prevent such discrimination.

HR managers must also ensure that they adhere to the local and federal labor laws when hiring, training, compensating, and terminating employees. Failure to comply could lead to legal consequences, such as financial penalties and lawsuits that could result in damage to the organization’s reputation. Furthermore, HR managers must manage conflicts of interest, maintain confidentiality, and ensure that all employees’ privacy is well-protected.

Employers must respect their employees’ privacy rights, and HR personnel should supervise and manage access to confidential personnel information carefully. They must also have procedures in place for data protection. In sum, HR managers must continuously evaluate their policies, practices, and procedures to ensure they are compliant with local and federal laws and ethical standards.

Leadership and Management

Leadership Styles

The leadership style utilized within an organization is a critical factor that determines the success of human resource management. Leaders can use different styles depending on the organizational culture and circumstances. The most common leadership styles include autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership.

Autocratic leadership style involves making decisions by a single person without input from other team members. Democratic leadership, on the other hand, involves engaging team members in decision-making processes to drive results. Laissez-faire leadership involves delegating tasks and allowing team members to work independently.

The impact of leadership styles on human resource management is far-reaching. Autocratic leadership can lead to low employee morale, high turnover rates, and a lack of creativity. However, in some situations such as a crisis, autocratic leadership may be necessary.

Democratic leadership, which involves having equal participation, fosters a positive organizational culture whereby team members feel valued, and their contributions are recognized. It builds a strong sense of teamwork and increases employee satisfaction. Laissez-faire leadership can encourage creativity and innovation; nonetheless, it may result in uncoordinated efforts, missed deadlines, and low accountability.

It is vital for leaders to understand the impact of their leadership style on their workforce. The leadership style should match the organizational culture and objectives. One leadership style cannot fit all organizations, and the leader should have the flexibility to adjust to different situations. Therefore, leaders should have awareness of different leadership styles and their effects on organizational culture to achieve the best results in human resource management.


One of the most crucial aspects of human resource management is the role of motivation. Motivation is the driving force that inspires employees to perform their best work and achieve their goals. It is the responsibility of the leadership team to create an environment that cultivates a sense of motivation among employees.

Different leadership styles can have a significant impact on motivation levels in the workplace. Leaders that adopt an authoritarian management style tend to create a more fear-based environment where employees are motivated by the threat of punishment, while leaders who adopt a more participative management style tend to encourage collaboration and creativity, promoting a sense of intrinsic motivation.

Additionally, management can take steps to foster a culture of motivation by providing employees with opportunities for growth and development, offering incentives, and recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance. Effective communication is also essential to promoting motivation in the workplace. Leaders should establish open lines of communication, provide regular feedback, and address any concerns or issues promptly and transparently.

By prioritizing motivation in human resource management, organizations can create a positive and productive work environment that benefits both employees and the company as a whole.


The ability to communicate effectively is critical for any manager in human resource management. Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and thoughts. Effective communication requires active listening, clear verbal and written skills, and the ability to articulate ideas concisely. Good communication skills are vital for building and maintaining relationships between employees, management, and stakeholders.

Managers must communicate clearly their expectations, provide instructions, and give feedback to employees. Communication can take different forms, including formal and informal communication, written communication, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and digital communication. Managers must choose the appropriate communication method and style depending on their audience, context, and purpose.

Effective communication can improve employee productivity, job satisfaction, and commitment. On the other hand, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and lack of trust among employees and management. Therefore, managers must ensure effective communication is established in the workplace, whether through regular meetings, newsletters, workshops, or one-on-one conversations.

Team Building

Team building is an essential component of human resource management that involves fostering cooperation, cohesion, and collaboration among employees. It is imperative for creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued, respected, and appreciated for their contribution towards achieving organizational goals. Effective team building can result in increased employee engagement, improved productivity, and reduced turnover rates.

A well-designed team building program can help in developing strong relationships among team members, promoting open communication, and enhancing problem-solving skills. Furthermore, team building activities help in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of individual team members, enabling managers to assign tasks and responsibilities that align with their abilities.



The paramount importance of effective management and human resource practices cannot be understated in today’s modern work environment. The interplay between these two fields can determine the success or failure of an organization. Management is the art of guiding the organization towards the achievement of its goals by utilizing available resources in an efficient and effective way. In order to accomplish this, an effective human resource management system is necessary.

Human resource management is the strategic planning and coordination of people in an organization to maximize their performance in achieving the organization’s goals. By implementing best practices in management and human resource management, organizations can increase employee satisfaction, reduce turnover rates, and increase profitability. Such practices include fair compensation, benefits programs, performance management, and employee development.

The study of management and human resource management is an ever-evolving topic, with new theories and research emerging regularly. The future of management and human resource management is likely to bring about significant technological advancements, leading to greater efficiency and productivity in organizations. With the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning, many repetitive tasks will be automated, freeing up employees to focus on more high-level tasks.

The rise of remote work has also been a trend that is likely to continue, with the potential to expand the talent pool for organizations. In addition, the focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion is expected to increase, as more organizations recognize the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Overall, effective management and human resource practices are necessary for organizations to succeed in today’s competitive market. By prioritizing employee satisfaction, organizations can ensure a loyal and motivated staff, leading to increased productivity and profitability. It is expected that the future of management and human resource management will bring about significant advancements in technology, remote work, and diversity and inclusion. Organizations that are proactive in adapting to these changes will be well-positioned for success.

Future Outlook

The future of management and human resource management is likely to be shaped by technological advancements. The use of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and machine learning (ML) is expected to increase the efficiency of HR processes and organizational management. AI can automate repetitive tasks such as screening resumes and scheduling interviews, making the recruitment process more efficient. Moreover, big data analytics can help address issues such as diversity and inclusion by identifying patterns and biases in the recruiting process. This can lead to fairer and more diverse hiring processes.

Advanced analytics can also be applied to employee engagement. Companies can use ML to monitor employee behaviour, such as attendance patterns and productivity, and identify areas of opportunity for improvement. This can help improve employee engagement and reduce employee turnover.

Another key trend is the shift towards a more flexible workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work, and many businesses are now exploring hybrid models of work. This has important implications for HR management, especially in terms of how to manage a distributed workforce. Companies will need to ensure that remote workers are equipped with the technology and resources they need to be productive, and that they are provided with opportunities for skill development and career advancement.

In conclusion, the future of management and human resource management will be influenced by technological advancements, with AI and big data analytics playing a key role in streamlining HR processes and improving efficiency. At the same time, the shift towards a more flexible workforce will require companies to adopt new management models and explore innovative ways of engaging and developing talent.

Human Resource — FAQ

1. What is the role of a Human Resources department?

Answer: The Human Resources department is responsible for managing employee benefits, hiring and firing, employee retention, and training and development programs.

2. How does a company determine employee compensation?

Answer: Companies determine employee compensation by evaluating the job description, conducting wage surveys, and analyzing the employee’s education, experience, and performance.

3. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

Answer: A manager focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling resources, while a leader inspires and motivates employees toward a common goal.

4. What are some effective hiring practices?

Answer: Some effective hiring practices include conducting thorough background checks, offering competitive salaries and benefits, and creating a positive candidate experience.

5. How can a manager encourage employee engagement?

Answer: A manager can encourage employee engagement by promoting open communication, providing opportunities for growth and development, recognizing employee achievements, and creating a positive work environment.

6. How important is employee training and development?

Answer: Employee training and development are critical to the success of a company as it improves employee skills, enhances job satisfaction, and increases productivity.
